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[Music] why this microphone so close to my face it's like I'm sniffing it [Music] ow he everyone welcome back to today's video One Moment sorry about that you didn't see that U so we're back here in my milk carton alley I mean you guys see me here pretty much all the time whenever I do like random videos and whatnot this is probably one of my main plots that I'm always at and I haven't done anything here like decorating wise or building wise in a long time so I thought for today's video we would decorate an apartment building you know okay I consider this like a set design but it's kind of like my mini personal neighborhood I don't have any plans to like do crazy things here I just whenever I want to I will build things here finally going to do something with this building this is the only I think empty building so far I think every building is pretty much filled up yeah I have like an apartment here um actually two apartments if you think about it my house here there's a house across the street and then I guess I'll make another one here just kind of practice some like decor in and stuff and then I kind of have like a random cafe right here which is now signless I need to make a new sign for it I feel like this would be the perfect time to also use more of the new materials that we got from you know the update like 3 weeks ago pretty much I still haven't used every single material um so yeah this would be a good one probably use more of the maybe I can use the paint brick wall wait that would be pretty nice you know part of me wants to like change this a lot actually I kind of want to mess with this quite a bit why would you be not enough space Oh there's a light switch did I just waste money on a autod door sensor I think I just spent money on a sensor are you kidding are you joking apartment decorating mood maybe I should build like a whole new like apartment series or something I have no idea that'd be kind of fun the dream Apartments I think I've done something like that a long time ago but we got to redo it feel like this building is just so wide is it just me maybe I'll do like two textures so maybe oh wait that'd be kind of fun so maybe on the bottom floor we do like this polished wood material and then the second level could be like the stone kind of just have a mixture we just have to make sure it Blends well make sure it looks decent I'm going to stick with it I'm going to stick with it we can make it work all right a lot of things are changing they are why do I not like this this is one of the items I don't like I don't know why is it just me or is it too is it supposed to be that low I can't think about it like I wish you could like rescale it and make it a little bit higher but is it just me or is this too low I don't know I guess it's supposed to be that low I don't know I never use this cuz I just don't like how low it is I like it needs to be a tad bit higher just a little bit anyways moving on um you know it would be a good carpet for them to add in fure update like a half circle carpet I guess you could like make that yourself let's go and do the layout of this house my gosh look at my pillars all right so I'm going to make this a little foyer ooh wait hold on a second got to adjust this a bit okay this is our foyer and then we're going to have a bathroom like right here and then let's get our staircase I'm just going to steal the one from my house let's see what would be a good good spots for the stairs kind of don't want it to be the same as mine I'm going to probably instead move the stairs here and we'll just copy the railing put on this side okay stairs are going to be here I hope they get more versions of these doors this is like a really nice door I love this type of door they just need like one without a window I hope they definitely add one very soon cuz I'm so I don't know I'm obsessed with that door and this will be a bedroom with a bathroom it's going to be pretty unless it's a onep person bedroom yeah yeah we can make this a onep person bedroom another bathroom here and then like a closet or something I don't know maybe we don't okay I guess that's it for the floor the floor plan all right well this is our house for now if I want to make some changes or add stuff I will okay I'm just going to steal this I'm going to steal this flooring no problem that's still fine right is that concussion proof I got to test it I got to test it one moment hello oh yeah it's per it's perfectly fine no worries maybe the second floor could be like the whole living room stuff I think that'd be interesting though just to have whole kitchen and dining all in one spot here and then this could be the living room yeah okay we'll do that let's get some lights in here too we'll get some like ceiling lights maybe I'll use the how will that look can dim it we want and boom okay nice hopefully it's not too bright okay not too bad then we're going to steal some light switches I just realized there's no roof for this no wonder it's so bright here how would this look what in the world that is so weird ain't that kind of cool though that's kind of cool how um unique is that you know what I kind of like it I kind of like it guys I don't know what I'm making I just felt like in a decorating mood and I somehow made this okay you know what it doesn't look the worst it's definitely on the modernish side it's pretty fairly modern it's contemporary maybe I'm making something contemporary all right okay we're just going to go back to Furnishing this house okay let's get ourselves a nice fridge and I'm supposed to be renovating my like pre-built that I have in the house catalog but not going to lie the motivation for that it's kind of low right now so I'm just kind of like slowly building my motivation colors of these counters but I'm not going to do blue I'll do like something maybe yellow you know let's do like a nice yellow kitchen if I did this it looks like Play-Doh that looks like the Play-Doh colors for real I don't make like a farmhouse sink I don't think I make these quote unquote Farmhouse Sinks very well but it's close enough I really wish we had a farmhouse sink to just place down please and thank you bloxburg devs I'm going to steal the islands you know I just I just can't help it I need the island you love me an island seating and then we'll do like a small rounded dining table or something over here I'm stealing these stools too I'm a thief Ste My Own Furniture look that save me some time to decorating I literally just stole my my other kitchen stuff I mean I might as well just steal this thing too a yellow ooh I love it I like it a lot is that weird okay that's a little strange but we'll just do it anyways that is such a crime is it not the fridge like this oh it's kind of separated if you think about it okay we'll do [Music] that there should be some soap in the kitchen section too that's good enough honestly get all of the things that we need for our front entrance so we get like a hat stand go in umbrella umbrella stand as well maybe a calendar going on the other wall then maybe some paintings that we can gra no problems all right okay let's go to the bathroom next toilets we'll get ourselves a shower how to do this how to do this way around shower here toilet can go here I don't know why you would need two sinks in here maybe you just do one sink and then have like a bunch of space for definitely need curtains in this room oh my gosh wait this is such a curse it would look very interesting I will say okay let's get some curtains for this bathroom stuff let's go ahead and decorate this I'm going to put like toothbrush down here I don't know why there's toothbrush like get ready area down here I just put it above the toilet yep steal this put this in here slightly different colored I guess all right you know what our first floor is done oh forgot this is a pantry food pantry so I'm just going to put like bookcases in here that is going to be rough to open okay let's move on to the next floor now which will be like the living room no armchair we'll just do a few here get a nice carpet I'm not going to put like a crazy amount of effort in here because I guess I should everything is so blue okay how about the couches be red I wouldn't mind some red couches this is interesting this is a very interesting setup I will say ooh that could be like a nice little office area hold on I have an idea I'm going to switch over here really quickly I think this would be a perfect spot for like that be perfect for an office setup right here right here okay and then for chairs I like to use like this this designer chair I love this chair it's perfect bug spray at your desk you never [Music] know that's good enough yeah love that oh that's cute that's real cute oh you know what I need we need the sock we need the sock random sock on the floor adds to the environment all right all right so this is our living room and like office area cute now we do the final bedroom and bathroom okay we single person room so we'll just do like a single bed how about I just put in the center center of the room is that strange probably let's get a dresser that goes I don't like this one either then we just kind of Steal textures you know like it just it's it is what it is I don't know I feel like I could lay out this room a lot better instead of having it like this I think this is fine it's not bad F you're probably questioning my layout choices here I am questioning them myself you're not the only one I have another TV yay another where are you okay where are you let's go on with this bathroom finally I think I'm just going to steal the layout from downstairs sorry not so sorry but kind of you know kind of sorry actually don't know how this no maybe the okay the layout's going to be like kind of different but the furniture is going to be the same all right we're good with that all right now let's put in like okay last but not least we'll just decorate the balcony a little bit um I don't know what is it called I guess we'll just put like a deck chair out here there's only one spot for a chair here it's really like skinny like it's very narrow up here so we'll do that all right that's it that's our house guys I actually don't even know what kind of style I went for was it contemporary contemporary house contemporary modern modern contemporary The Roof Is Not So the modern I think it's yeah it's got a traditional roof but yeah I kind of like it all right all right let's go and tore it now shall we let's take a look let's take a look so here is our house um obviously this is like in a neighborhood I don't I don't know about Landscaping too much but I mean this is the house it's it's all right different style I guess kind of this part is but here it is okay not not much to see from the other point povs I like the back is so simple um this side's okay all right let's go in toret so when you walk on in got your voice area very simple lots of stuff you'd expect in here yeah and then you walk over here this is the kitchen and dining area pretty much they're so cool I love it here is a bathroom and I think this was recently decorated as well not bad oh okay anyways anyways um this is a food pantry closet it's really tough to get in here but I mean if you walk on in you can walking up the stairs walking up the stairs this is where the living room is because you're probably like Peta where's the living room downstairs no it's actually up here there's actually a lot of space within this like Loft like setting kind of for the living room and I really like this a lot the blues and reds yeah cute and then you also have like a little office desk area here to work on some stuff play some video games if You' like and then this is my bedroom main bedroom here pretty nice and then the onsuite bathroom for this bedroom I stole everything from the first floor you guys Witness missed it but I like it it's cute and then this room has its own balcony yeah you get a nice view of the neighborhood like I should put like you know what I should do I should put like a wash um washing machines out here you know the laundry machines and stuff cuz if this is cuz this neighborhood is pretty much like a Japanese inspired like sort of neighborhood so maybe I could have put like my washer and dryer or something I don't know maybe just the washer out here and that is my um building next door finally something new from my milk C alley I don't know if you haven't noticed I'm a bit burnt out on bloxburg building wise um trying to find some things to do that isn't just building yeah on that note that will be it for today's video thank you guys for watching and I will see you all in the next video bye [Music] oh
Channel: PeetahBread
Views: 23,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Friendly, Kid Friendly, Funny, Silly, Comedy, Happy, PG, Roleplay, Family Friendly, Kids, ROBLOX, Roblox Roleplay, Welcome to Bloxburg, Welcome, To, Bloxburg, Roblox PG, Roblox Family Friendly, build, bloxburg build, new, update, bloxburg new update, peetahbread bloxburg new update, bloxburg apartment, bloxburg apartment build, bloxburg apartment decorating, peetahbread bloxburg apartment, Life Simulation
Id: nQxU65x1-Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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