Decorate With Me - Valentine's Day 2024 /Living Room /Trees /Tablescape

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hey guys welcome or welcome back if you have been here before my name is Christian and I love to do all things decorating and cleaning and just making my house fun and festive for each season this is my Valentine's Day number two decorate with me video in the first one I decorated a little bit outside and then I came into the entryway and then I started decorating in my living room and today we are going to finish decorating in the living room we're going to decorate our two trees in the entryway and living room and then we're going to head into the kitchen and get a little bit of a tablescape decorated so if you enjoy those types of things I hope that you'll Stick Around And subscribe and like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] video okay it is now the second day I think I showed you this where I left off yesterday I finished my um oh my gosh what are they called shelves I finished my shelves and today we were almost done but it was getting late so today we still have to decorate our trees which is this white one over here and I have this pink one right here which I'm happy to say that I put the lights in here after I guess last Valentine's I think I Ed it for Easter so I put the lights in here after Easter so that's good cuz I thought I was going to have to go digging for them but we are going to be decorating our trees rearranging the living room doing this table finishing up in here and then we're going to come in here and do a quick little tablescape I don't have a whole lot but we're going to see how it's going to turn out so that is the plan for today so the first thing that I'll always do is get a lot of candy that I don't absolutely need to buy at all but it makes me happy to have seasonal candies around my house so for Valentine's I love the sweethearts or the um conversation Hearts but this year I just get ended up getting the sweetheart version which they're a little harder I don't love them so I don't I'm going to try to remember to not get those again next year but nonetheless I really do love those candies and I look forward to my different seasonal ones that I can't get all year round so that's one of my favorite things to do when I know that the season's coming [Music] up in my living room I had wanted to rearrange my furniture and I didn't do it the day before because I wasn't exactly sure what I was planning on doing but I decided that I wanted to move my pink tree over to this corner and I wanted to break that couch down and just make one chair over here that was kind of going to be for some decorative pillows and stuffed animals my husband doesn't love my love for pillows which I understand because I know that they are impractical but I think it's really a cute way to dress up the living room so I always try to have a chair that I know no one's going to use with all the cute pillows in it just to kind of look at so that's what I'm going to do here I'm going to put in some stuffed animals and some decorative pillows and um thinking about I was going to move the table off to the side of it and then just put in some decorative things over there as well cuz we don't really use all the furniture that we have which I know is a blessing and I'm so thankful for that but since we don't use it I try to decorate with it a little bit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] more okay so the first thing that I did is pull out this pink tree and fluff it out I am looking back at this um footage and I'm singing along I wish I could remember I think it was the back St boys or something but I enjoy um just having a good time and listening to music and just it's my me time when I decorate so if if you don't have a hobby that you like I encourage you to find something just to put your time into when you need a break from your job or something that's stressing you out or whatever and for me that's decorating even though you can also see that I'm getting a little frustrated with these lights in this strand because I'd much prefer them to be pre-lit but it is what it is so yeah I just wanted to remind youall to find something that you enjoy don't let your hobbies become something that you hate doing make it a time where you can just um look forward to it and be thankful that you do have the time to do it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey babies do you like the tree okay don't mess with him do you like the tree buddy what's you doing baby baby what about you guys okay here we are again baby what you doing um okay I feel like this is becoming more of a vlog than actually decorating but I just thought like had have got into the garage and dig out um like I had this in my Easter stuff and then I had these little white I might use them I don't know and here's some pink ones well they're more like rose gold I don't know if I'm going to use them yet but I had to go out in the garage and dig these out because I was thinking I would use some of these on both of my trees I've got the white one ready and I've got the pink one ready to decorate so um I'm just kind of separating out like all the things I have that I was going to use for Decor on it and then this is like the white tree pink tree I don't know I was just sitting here deciding and I thought well maybe I'll just record it because I don't know if that's something that a lot of YouTubers do they just decorate but I kind of plan it out according to what I'm going to do and where I want to put it in my head then um see what I've got to work with and hopefully it turns out the way I'm thinking but uh yeah just thought I'd share that I just kind of always have to stare at it before I start doing [Music] it I find that it's usually easiest to start decorating from the top down when I'm putting stuff on my trees I usually start with the bigger items or like the ribbon and um Garland and stuff like that and then I usually put in the Toppers and ornaments and just kind of build from biggest to [Music] [Music] smallest most of these things are from from the Dollar Tree or Amazon I believe the balloons I know I've had for several years and they have not deflated and those hearts I think I had mentioned in my previous video they were just from a pack of paper hearts that I got from the Dollar Tree and I've also reused them for a couple of years the ribbon is from like the $3 section so it's a little bit longer but it still didn't make it all the way down the tree but I worked with it and then these signs are also from the Dollar Tree I think that Garland is from it's either Target or Amazon and the ornaments I've collected over the years I want to say most of them are probably from Amazon but I'm not sure but most of the things on this tree are fairly cheap um I try to I try to not have nicer things cuz I do have cats and I know that they're probably going to knock something over at some point like I try to stay away from the most expensive ones cuz I'm afraid that they're going to fall off and break if my cats don't knock him over first so I I tend to not want to spend my money on those types of things plus I'm not sure if I'm going to want to use it the next year because my style might change or what I'm wanting to do in a certain area of the house might change and I might not want to use them the next year so I try not to spend too much money on my Decor which is kind of funny in a way cuz I love to decorate but I like to be able to change it up [Music] too [Music] so now I'm making my way into this entry way for my white tree that I keep up all while year round this pink Garland I actually pulled out of a box from my Easter Decor which I'll be reusing it for Easter but I think I may have used it last Valentine's as well cuz it makes sense to put on this tree and since the other tree was pink I tried to put more red on it so in my mind I'm thinking I'm going to try to make this one a more lighter pink color or like a lighter area cuz I also put that white table runner on the table next to it so U that was my plan for this tree most of this stuff is also from the Dollar Tree I got those hearts from the Dollar Tree and I just taped them together and stuck them in the tree and then you'll see those Paper Hearts again and I have that felt pink heart that I made a topper and that beautiful rose heart that I stuck in the center is from teu and it is pretty good quality for what I paid for it it's not nice I would say but I think it looks great for my purposes and then I've had that treat skirt for a while I decided to use it on the white tree instead of the pink tree because I wanted the pink tree to have more red and I am lining up my stuffed animals most of these have some kind of sentimental importance to me and that's why I put them out just so I can enjoy them every year you'll see that little red bear with the tin foil on him he's a gift that my husband actually gave to me many many years ago when we were dating because I made some comment about um wanting a night and shining armor but instead I got a dork in aluminum foil and then he gave me this little bear a couple of weeks ago and I think it may be the same aluminum foil from like 15 years ago I may have replaced some of it but I love the little guy and I put him out every year [Music] somewhere and then you'll also see that I put some stuffed animals out in the living room where I am not going to be sitting on that one little chair and I kept out my girl and boy deer from Christmas because I thought that was the cutest thing to have out for [Music] Valentine's I hope you guys are enjoying this video I had wanted to get it out sooner um closer to the first video that I think I put out a couple of days ago but I got super busy at work I do work full-time so this is a hobby for me and I just didn't feel up to editing last week after work because I had started a new audit and we were in the process of getting some last minute things from the previous one and I was just tired and I really didn't want to sit in front of my computer any longer after 5:00 or so but I am going to try to maybe start uploading things if I'm going to have a video that week I'm going to think about uploading on Thursday nights and I'm hoping to maybe do at least two videos a month that's my plan we'll see how that turns out but if you're interested in decor and all these things definitely subscribe because I do enjoy this and I hope to keep on doing things for every season plus a little bit of cleaning and organizing and things like that around the house when we don't have a holiday coming [Music] up [Music] so most of these little things that you see on the tablescape I made I made that fake cake and the milkshakes and the cupcakes I used candles for the milkshakes and then spackle and a straw that I actually think was from Chick-fil-A because it's red it's the perfect tone of red and then those cupcakes I got all those supplies from the Dollar Tree actually the candle wax was from the Dollar Tree too and so were those Cubs so yeah I think actually most of everything there for those fake desserts are from the Dollar Tree and I think I may have gotten a big tub of spackle at Walmart but it was really fun to make I will warn you though it's a little messy so prepare for that but I had fun with it and I did throw away some of it too so don't think that this was my first try but if you're looking for something that is cheap and it might be fun maybe with some older kids or if you're just interested in doing things with your hands I would definitely give it a shot there's plenty of videos out there on how to make desserts with spackle I'm not really sure if I'm going to do one but I might show you guys one day I don't know yet okay so the last thing I wanted to do on this day was to rearrange my living room I've pretty much got most of my decorating done but I did want to redo my layout of my couches and get rid of that Lounge that I had kind of put in the corner which was originally just because I wanted something in that space because that's where the Christmas tree was and it felt really bare but I didn't like sitting in it over there kind of caty cornered so I just decided I was going to join it with the other couch um like next to my husband with the cup holder and everything and then I was going to bring that piece that I took apart over by the pink tree and then make a small little couch off to the side and then I was going to rearrange all my pillows and make that all cute and everything and um not able to use one of the couches because I have too many pillows but um yeah I think it ended up looking really nice the layout that I had planned for Valentine so let me know what you think [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay guys that is going to be it for my 2024 Valentine's decorating um I hope that you did enjoy this and that maybe you got some inspiration if you're wanting something to do to your living room or entryway or your kitchen or something like that that but I wanted to give you a brief overview of how everything turned out I am planning on doing a home tour video for my Valentine's Decor so if you're interested in that definitely subscribe because that'll be coming up probably after the 1st of February I kind of like to show off on my Decor in one little video like the final product of how it all turned out and I'm actually really looking forward to making that video more so than the decorating which is kind of funny but I I like looking at everything after I have it done to see how it came [Music] together [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so I hope that you enjoyed this video and you got a little bit of inspiration for Valentines maybe it will make you want to go decorate it's not too late you can still do it but um yeah I hope that you liked this and I will see you in my next video and I hope that youall have a wonderful end of January [Music] bye
Channel: Christian Kimbrough
Views: 4,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mZ8ezVi4lCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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