Deconstructed Special: The Noam Chomsky Interview
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Workplace Democracy
Views: 10,521
Rating: 4.8728604 out of 5
Keywords: Chomsky, Trump, Noam Chomsky, Politics, Foreign policy, impeachment, Syria, climate change, Republican party, Neoliberalism
Id: KSSzGW8vk7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 6sec (2226 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Have you guys considered that if or when the top soil decides they want to survive, the toil of human suffering will be even greater? They will toss anything in the fire so they can escape, doesn't matter if it works
Everyone who isn't a billionaire is going to get depopulated. Volunteering to suck dick isn't even going to save you.
The few richest are betting on going to the space and let the slaves on earth provide for them.
I think it will work for them.
To the extent that that proves true, the complacency of the majority of people especially in the US and Canada as well as the lack of real ethics or principals in European governments dealings with the rest of the world is are in part to blame, less so then the actions of the biggest companies and the billionaire class as a whole.
The only thing we can do is strike. Their bottom line is all that matter to them. I call to the labour gods: organize fellow workers. Demand what is rightfully yours. Disrupt the cycle.
does anyone have the link to the document he's referring to