December Astrology 2021 - The most intense month so far...... Important Message

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okay hello everybody greetings from greece i think that we're live not a hundred percent because there's been that many funny mishaps today nothing has gone according to plan so i did say that with uranus and taurus you have to learn to be flexible i didn't realize they meant this blooming flexible but i think that we're all right i'm just checking yes you're all saying hello hello welcome and thank you for your patience we've had the water cut off today we've had a electricity check changes um i've had somebody drilling in the window it's just been lots of things so maybe you too in one way or another with all this intense energy have also been experiencing all kinds of um unexpected happenings shall we say so a very warm welcome to you first thing i want to do really is because december is such a hot month let's put it that way it's hot is to remember to smile and you don't need to feel it to just smile you know i really feel as though let's imagine that we're in a big room together and i'm just smiling away at you and you're smiling away so put your get your laughing tackle moving and smile let's just start with that so that we can calamina which means happy month in greek is what we say in the first of the month so calamina and carloste welcome but apparently a smile changes the geometry of your face and also changes your frequency and look how infectious it is so that's where i'm starting and don't you feel just a little bit better when you smile i'm reminded of that great quote by the comedian wc fields who said start every start off every day with a smile and get it over with i laugh every time i read that actually it's really a good good way of getting it going so just to uh so that we can feel as though every member of our soul family is smiling together just right here right now no matter what problems you've got because goodness gracious we've all got various problems in varying degrees but it's pretty damned intense out there isn't it it really is like um a raging inferno in many ways because of the unexpectedness of it all so i want to thank lucy for keeping everybody happy thank you lucy and thank you april look i'm wearing your lovely scarf that you gave me thank you i love the starry scarf hope you enjoy this too that came from april so what are we dealing with this month i'm going to go through the important dates i've done a lot of preparation a lot of meditating on all of this so that i could present it in a way that opens up possibilities in your mind in your heart in your thinking and you don't feel overwhelmed because there is a lot of you know it's like there's a lot going on so i'm just going to sort of break it into pieces for you so that you can eat the meal in bite-sized pieces rather than trying to eat the whole dinner because it's a lot so the themes of this month if i had to talk about and this is going to carry on into next year so we're dealing with a very strongly plutonic energy yes um and pluto whilst it rules power it also rules fear deep seated fears and it rules transformation it rules death and dying and rebirth so you've got all that sort of going on but one of the primary sort of negative energies if you like of of pluto is fear so it's got this energy of [Music] yeah it's like you are what's next type of energy so you can use that in a sense of being anticipatory it's like oh yeah you can you can get into the drama of it and as long as you see it as drama which a lot of it is drama as we say in greek then that too takes some of the stress away from it so i just have to see if this is loose it's not um and then the other theme that we've got and of course this pluto return of the united states next year starting in february so pluto is going through its last degree of capricorn and it will destroy structures that no longer work if something's really not working we had right at the beginning pluto went into capricorn in 2008 right when we had the global financial crisis and as i've said many times i thought that would have been when the system collapsed but no so we've torturously gone through all this period with crypto currencies with manipulation of markets and all sorts going on and money printing by the trillion and here we're coming to the end degrees of pluto in capricorn so it's like this is the end game time it's the end so for many of us it's the end of things in our own lives that no longer work so what is it for you that needs to end so what i can see in my life is i've had to end the strong desire to run away when things start to get tough and difficult i think well there must be somewhere else i can go to where it might be a little bit easier and invariably it's nice for a little while and then it's not and certainly with our situation here now globally that really isn't going to work because in one way or another it's all it's all part of the soup and the other predominant energy that is with us now especially at the end of this month when jupiter goes into pisces but for all of next year is a strong neptune energy so we're dealing with the pluto energy which i've covered and the neptune energy so what's neptune neptune the highest expression of neptune is love so we've got pluto extreme fear neptune the most highest possible form of love compassion unity oneness spirituality caring kindness and love of course is very empowering fear is very disempowering so we're going to be possibly dealing with these two elements and as you release the fear and as the fear releases from you you are able to open your heart more and love more so i think that's what we're dealing with on the wider collective because when we've got two big outer planets very active it means this is what we're sort of all dealing with and the neptune energy so in um in greek neptune is possible poseidon poseidon the god of the seas of the oceans the water so the other side of neptune is disillusion betrayal illusion dreams lies pulling the wool over situations so these are all different energies so you've got that plutonic energy which is [Music] and i'm sure you know what i mean by that and then you've got this just this absolutely flowing energy of neptune sorry i've got no pedal here because i'm i'm on the floor so i'll do the best [Music] yes you've got that sort of flowing beautiful but it's also quite hypnotic there's a hypnotic energy to neptune there's also an energy of just all going into the same soup and not being distinguishable one from the other so these are the edges okay so that's the um the kinds of frequencies we're working with so now let me take you through the month so we're starting out i'm doing everything differently so i'm not used to what i'm what i'm doing here so forgive me for a little bit fingers and thumbs um we are learning to be more patient with one another aren't we so on the first of the month the month starts out with this neptune flavor neptune has been retrograde um since june the 25th and goes direct on the first of december today or yesterday if you're in new zealand so this gives us an opportunity now to see things more clearly the rose tinted glasses coming off what's real what's not mysteries being revealed yes things really just oh the veil is lifted now i can see what's going on so it's very creative it means that creative projects that maybe haven't been moving forward can move forward more easily now with the forward momentum of neptune your intuitive abilities may get stronger now at this time maybe you've been working with them but now you really use them and it's like wow yeah i feel i felt that that really feels right for me um it's a wonderful time for anything that stimulates your creative flow anything gets you into that zone so what gets you into that creative zone but yes certainly lies being revealed and lies coming up and people really beginning to trust their intuition yes something's a little fishy here let me see if i can go a little deeper so that's that neptune stationing direct on the first and it's interesting that the the month starts out with a neptune energy of piscean energy and finishes up with a pisces energy so what this is encouraging you to do is to deeply listen to the inner voice and to trust the messages and the information you're getting good people are getting downloads thank you so now we move on to the solar eclipse in sagittarius third fourth of um december and sagittarius is all about truth what's the truth here and this eclipse is all square to neptune sun moon and mercury are widely square to neptune so this is going to show up a lot of discrepancies in the media because um sagittarius would rule the media neptune rules videos and film so really what are you watching and notice the kind of hypnotic effect that it might be having on you and really make sure you use your critical thinking skills so that you're not sort of sucked into something that might not be real so just think about that a little so what do you want to learn is a good question to ask yourself for this eclipse where would you like to travel i would include off-planet places as well i would very much like to be beamed up to the pleiades cliadis definitely from time to time at least but i guess if you got beamed up you might not want to come back for a while and i know that my place is here at this point and i'm grateful for it so we're dealing with on the eclipse and we're building up to this now is the square between jupiter ruler of sagittarius square to mars in scorpio well this is not giving way two very stubborn forces one thinking they're right and the other thinking they're right what we have to watch here is that this does not resort to violence yeah there's anger i mean i noticed myself it's like i was swearing at my phone i mean what a silly thing to do swear at the phone and also not a very nice thing to do because everything has got an energy and the way you treat your physical things affects the way they respond to you everything's got a frequency so think about that and nobody likes to be sworn up it's horrible to be sworn up so there's a certain righteousness about this energy so i think we will see this played out i wouldn't be surprised if we see more demonstrations more potential violence which i hope not i hope the neptune energy will stop that that the prayers and the meditations and the good intentions that many are setting into place i know many of you are doing that are helping to diffuse a lot of what potentially are negative effects of this mars square to jupiter frequency you see jupiter magnifies whatever it touches and mars wants its own way so if it's not getting its own way then jupiter will magnify the frustration that comes with that so i suppose that uh the music that i hear would be something like [Music] yes let's hear the the sound of truth clarity people are going to be looking for clarity and one minute you might be clear you might say oh yeah okay and the next one it's like god or this there's conflicting information you read one thing and then you look again it's something different so just be aware that that might happen we've got pluto and this and so we start off the month with the neptune energy then we have the eclipse as i said this is fiddle this month the wonderful thing about this is it gives you an opportunity to take a great leap in your self-realization yeah it you can take a real leap in your power feeling more sure of yourself your thoughts your ideas and sticking up for yourself yes laurie ran into the door and swore at the door and laughed yeah i know i ran into the table and i swore at the table i figured poor table what did it do so yeah um yes thank you i'm i'm not going to say very much about the subject which is the elephant in the room um but i will uh indirectly refer to it okay because i know there are questions here and yes uh mandates coming and all that stuff but i i'll cover it obliquely and i hope you understand why so we've got then a lot happening that between the 11th and the 13th pluto and venus come together just before venus goes retrograde so pluto and venus together in capricorn this is an intense mix to me this has something to do with financial systems i'm not sure if that won't mean some kind of a something coming out a deep secret about something financial being revealed i mean it could be something like i'm just thinking of this off the wall it probably won't be but apparently the inventor of bitcoin we don't really know who it is or who was behind it but somebody who's been invisible may suddenly come out or something coming out to do with money and finance something coming out maybe to do with a corporation and integrity and ethics around that to something to do with money maybe money laundering i don't know but these are all possibilities um it also is going to intensify relationships things that are happening in relationships there's going to be an intensification of some of those dynamics um then we're going to move on to the 18th 19th where we're getting a full moon in gemini at 27 degrees opposite the galactic center so this is this is another strong energy this can be about mastery ascension higher frequencies connection with the et's um because yeah they are around um there's no question about that and i don't would be wonderful if they would show up would be it really might stop some of the escalation of some of the crazy things that are unfolding around us wouldn't it be wonderful if they you know if just a few ships just landed that would really uh stop us in our tracks for a little while anyway but uh so this this full moon actually has got a wonderful aspect going on jupiter ruler of the sun is trying to this moon so this is sort of things in your life gathering momentum things building up speeding up um gemini is very much about thinking for yourself not allowing yourself to go with the herd if you feel differently stick up for it don't be pulled along pushed along it's a time for bigger thinking it's a time to ask yourself what must i learn what do i need to learn from this situation really important um you might find it a little difficult to focus to bring your energy together there's going to be energies of almost like a parallel reality and maybe you already feel that do you feel that as though you're sort of living in a parallel world some of the time so bringing things to the center the greek word for to focus is so sin is to bring together the center frog to pull things to the center so pull things to your center if you can then usually there's maybe one big aspect a month but this is just like oh yeah we are we are going on the 19th the day of this full moon in gemini on the galactic center venus goes retrograde in capricorn so venus retrograde until um march and venus asks you in retrograde to look at your values and to look at where you might need to make some adjustments as to where your priorities are i've had to pull myself up i mean this apartment's um is quite old it's lovely it's viewed the location is fantastic but it's cold and near the sea it's very humid and so it's very costly to run the heating and of course you know prices are going up um so up until recently i've sort of just heated half of the apartment and frozen every time i've gone to the bathroom or you know ridiculous so now i've just decided that's a silly value if i don't keep warm and keep myself well then i can't work and i can't do that also do the things that i enjoy my work is my joy so now i've got that heating running and i'm lovely nice and toasty warm so where might you need to um re-examine your values re-examine what's important it's a very good time for creating a financial plan but it is not a good time for any big major financial transactions i would avoid that during a venus retrograde it's going to be retro until the end of january because things often go backwards so we might see a fall in cryptocurrencies they'll probably go back up again afterwards then maybe there's usually a change in direction of markets when venus goes retrograde so whatever's been going up tends to reverse and vice versa um so it's not a good time to buy things not that many of us can go out and buy things so easily now anyway but i remember i brought that pink cardigan from marks spencer's during a retrograde and when the and you know i should walk my talk but when it went direct i really thought i don't think i'm going to wear that cardigan so i took it back marks and spencer's usually marvelous and they said all it's been we're very sorry madam madam um i hate that um but um it's 31 days and we only allow 30 days for refunds or returns i said it's one day well i stood there i was fuming filming i was for 25 euros honestly pathetic but they wouldn't they just it was like a no that's so typical of you know you buy something during a venus retro but you know what's happened as i approach this venus retro it's a cardigan that i've worn just about more than any other piece of clothing so actually it's come in handy um but i would not spend on big ticket items at this time um what's really important with with venus retrograde is to recognize your worth to value you and so often we don't do that or we don't even appreciate one another enough dead easy to be critical and say oh you know you could have done this and might have done that but look for the things that somebody's done well and helped you with look for it search for it because wherever you put your attention that's where your power goes so put your attention into that direction so what could you do that would make you feel more worthwhile more valuable for me it's turning the heating up i know it sounds really pathetic but you don't observe these things and during a retrograde you get to observe and you get to correct so venus rules your your value but particularly your value for yourself so what maybe do you need to do for your health your well-being that is valuable so really think about this word of appreciation appreciating yourself and the efforts you make and the things that you're really doing your best with that are difficult for you but you're going you're going and i want to cheer you on i feel as though you know i want to just stand here with mature bells i love that you do that in america you know the cheer girls i love that it's such a lovely thing isn't it and i think that we should have these bon bons or whatever they call pom-poms and really cheer one another along it's such a a lovely uplifting thing to do so that's the kind of energy that's going on then the big big big thing because then we've got the uh the solstice which is filled with huge energies and portal energies and all sorts of things to come in so we've got all this going on and on the 24th just before christmas day saturn squares uranus exactly now what's interesting about this is that saturn is direct and uranus is retrograde until mid-january so saturn is the authorities the authorities the mandates the boundaries the restrictions the things you can't do the things you can do so uranus is your freedom breaking out saying i must have this so we're seeing this square which of course is lots of tensions going on i think we're building up to a crescendo but also look at this personally yeah what's the fight within you if you can find out where that is in your chart that would be very helpful uh we're looking at the middle degrees of uh aquarius and taurus see which two houses are affected in your chart if you know your child that would be helpful yep i will talk about a little numerology yes the numerology thank you ed good timing the numerology of the solstice 21st 12th 2021 all those ones and twos and it adds up to an 11 a master number of power number now i'm not an expert on the numerology but the way i see 11 is two people standing strong in their own right but working together somehow but standing strong so where do you need to stand strong and really be direct with it that was direct and we all have different places here right we all have different areas but for me um i've had to be really strong with boundaries really strong i have somebody who really loves to come and hug me and i love him to bits but just after he's done a big workout and he's all sweaty he wants to come and hug me now in the past because i love him so much i've just you know i've gone along with it but yesterday as he was coming towards me i you know i said hi and i stopped him in his tracks and it was fine it was fine it was all in my head about what was all right and what was not all right so i know that that's a little example but where in your life maybe you'd like to share do you need to set a clearer boundary boundaries can be set very kindly very gently don't have to upset anyone they don't have to be violent they just need to be clear so if you're clear inside of you first then it's going to go more easily but we are of course going to see more of this fighting energy so what are you fighting inside yourself what are your duties your responsibilities the things you know you must do what are the things you just want to be free to experience to do truth seeker your grandma keeps calling you to whinge okay how are you going to deal with that yeah thank you i love the way everyone's contributing thank you for contributing this really makes this a co-creative endeavor so satin square uranus and then on the 28th of the month jupiter goes into pisces so we start the month with this piscean energy neptune direct and jupiter into pisces uh where it will go until may the 10th of next year and then again october 28th until december the 20th of next year so we've got a lot of jupiter in pisces so this is how do you deal with a flood of information could be floods water floods physical floods but it's also dealing with a flood of data a flood of input a flood of sensory feelings we've also in april got the um conjunction of jupiter and neptune coming together which potentially is very powerful for uh a spiritual awakening and seeds for something wonderful to happen in our communities and um working with water working with the sea working with the oceans this looks as though this is important with the neptune energy i think we are looking at mass psychosis yeah we have to look at the fear that's going on now of speaking out a lot of fear let's make sure that we come from the neptunian place of the piscean place of including everybody yeah neptune you know it's the ocean you can't split the ocean in two unless maybe your moses and you're you know you're walking on the water i don't know but generally it's all together so just to keep that in mind and not alienate other people if we can not do that this time around that's going to be to everybody's benefit nobody wants to feel alienated nobody wants to feel an outsider things may go a little crazier things may go really absurd as i said neptune rules lies a lie something attributed to goebbels the head nazi propaganda man who apparently said if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it people will eventually come to believe it if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it people will eventually come to believe it so that's just something to sort of keep aware keep oh aware of your intuition neptune has everything to do with your intuition and einstein said the intuitive mind is a sacred gift the rational mind is a faithful servant we have created society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift so this is time to trust your intuition to trust what that voice is saying to you to trust the messages that you're hearing again and again something that is not letting you rest yeah something that just doesn't let you sit peacefully with it trust it all right eva rebecca is saying she's on sick leave and feels as though your body wants you to be safe and at home right now in your cave so i started out with the smile i'd like to end with this quote about a smile today give a stranger one of your smiles it might be the only sunshine he or she sees all day see if you can give away a few smiles it's night time here so i'll smile at antoni my cat because he'll want another supper treat he's always hungry um and uh and and the piscean energy is very um uh it's very sorry i'm looking for the piece on the keyboard that will bring this piece is where it's just this sort of flowing energy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] thank you lucy thank you april thank you to so many of you have contributed today thank you to my beautiful patreon members to all of you who send beautiful emails i'm cheering you on i've got my pom-poms remember that what you feel really matters value you smile whether you feel like it or not and thank you much much love
Channel: Bracha Goldsmith
Views: 91,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #solareclipsesagittarius, #sagittariuseclipse, #vaccinepassports, #astrology, astrology 2021, eclipse season, collective message, galactic message, galactic energies, barbara goldsmith, bracha astrologer, saggs, metaphysical forces, quantum field, communities 2022, energies, sagittarius energy, healers, higher frequency, spirituality, sag, #covid19, Spiritual guidance meditation, solar eclipse, tribes, channeled message, freedoms, braca goldsmith, december astrology, dec astrology, eclipse
Id: o4QFrVeg71Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 45sec (2685 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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