Debunking Dragon Age: Dreadwolf Leak | Solas Hates This Fake Leak!

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a hey folks Jacko here as the New Year unfolds the dragon ede scene seems rather calm and quiet with not much to discuss except for a recent quote leak that popped up online in the past few days now given my knack for completely debunking fake leaks in the past and aiming to uncover the genuine details about the game let's break down into the latest Dragon Age dreadwolf leak is it's a journey to dissect chuckle at and challenge the claimed Revelations if nothing else something to talk about in the middle of January 2024 whether you dismissed list League completely outright have some suspicions about certain key elements of it or are completely clueless about it I'm going to guide you through it and together we can fully discuss and dissect this leak as per usual it kicked off on Twitter with the account PC Focus known for their gaming news dropping the initial bombshell of this leak asserting that bwe is currently crafting a Dragon Age Origins remaster alongside new details about Dragon Age dreadwolf and the next installment of the Mass Effect series the leak's origin of course foran so brace yourself as we sift through this information hoping not to sacrifice too many brain cells in the process and so the narrative unfolds with an anonymous poster on some info on BioWare games claiming to be an alpha tester for Dragon Age as a b BioWare Ambassador a title that in my opinion and to my knowledge pertains more to the BioWare gear store Ambassador that's ailia influencer marketing role unrelated to the ongoing Dragon Age project I digress this alleged Alpha play tester of Dragon Edge dread wolf delved into the details and so I'm going to go through them all one by one immediately giving you my Impressions and thoughts on them piece by piece first up the alpha tester says that dread wolf is currently scheduled to release in Q2 2025 which would basically be anytime after summer halfway into the year it is in its very Advanced stages of production but there is still a lot of stuff missing mostly textures BioWare needs the game to sell dozens of millions and impress gaming audiences which is why it's taking so long okay so given that bow confirmation that Dragon Ed dread wolf is in its Alpha stages which was confirmed in like late 2022 a quarter 2 2025 release date is certainly quite plausible that is nothing new and leaks and Insider information have already indicated that a mid 2025 release window is certainly expected at this point and like I've just said bye I've already confirmed the game is in Alpha so stuff like textures and V is currently missing for a reason because the game is still being polished up regarding the weight and the fact that BioWare needs to sell dozens well game director Corin Bush's own dedication to crafting the perfect Dragonite Ed as expressed on Dragon Edge day 2023 aligns with this extended development period it's also worth noting that the game has experienced internal delays cancellations and reboots multiple times however the assertion that BioWare requires massive sales to impress audiences especially Electronic Arts given Anthem and andromeda's failures appears more to be a standard expectation rather than a groundbreaking Revelation let's be real basically nothing new is being said in this verse tidbit next up the game takes place mostly in denta and alian and its surroundings Weiss out is your main Camp SL base this time so the denta setting for Dragon Age dread wolf has been repeatedly affirmed almost reaching comical levels of confirmation I've literally memd at this in my own videos so many times even back in 2019 if the trespasser DLC did not confirm to you that Dragon Age Red Wolf is going to be set into inter I literally do not know what will but by byway have came out multiple times and have confirmed that vinta will be the main setting of Dragon Age dread wolf and regarding Aran and its surroundings existing concept actart has already featured the aaan forest and tter knights and the Dragon Age missing comic has delved into narrative surrounding the alaan forest so nothing new there however the choice of weissa as a central Hub is a great nod to the series's roots echoing the gray Ward and experience of dragonage Origins however I really don't think that Fortress we out would be our new players's main Camp SL base this time around we have that conflicting gameplay leak from last year hinting at Weiss out facing several challenges with hordes of red lium infused dark spawn and a red Liam Dragon besieging the HQ in an early mission we also have dialogue from the 2023 fa disc calls teaser they hinted at the Grey Warden Fortress absolutely being sieged and the gry wardens not wanting to give up we'll talk more on this gry Warden approach in just a second though next up we have that the game plays very similarly to Inquisition with an improved Inquisition UI and that's nice I liked inquisition's UI so it's pretty good in my opinion we have had a leaked screenshot of the UI and I'm of course not going to show that because it is leaked but it was fairly similar to Inquisition next up in the story you are a gry warden under Weiss out you can pick Elvin human dwarf or CIP the main story is about stopping the remaining two arch demons Lucian razakel and Solas okay so this one outlines the story we are a Weiss uped Grey Warden Tas of confronting two arch demons and Solas examining this notion in light of the game awards 2020 Fresco depicting two figures along side The Dread wolf who was in the black City it certainly Sparks speculation about who these two figures could be could they represent the old gods blighted into Arch demons or Unleashed unlighted upon fedus it's certainly something that I have discussed before at length are these two lovecraftian figures the unlighted old gods could they be Lucian and resel and only recently I have begun to analyze them as two Elven Gods this leak straight up suggests that they are the two remaining Arch demons Lucian and razakel which it sounds like they're already blighted equally the next hero only being a Grey Warden would be completely reductive and would be disappointing given the amount of new factions already established in comics D interights and brand new new marketing material it feels like by whereare are setting up multiple Avenues to play as different factions and yes one of them definitely being a gry warden or having ties to the gry wardens other ones tying to antiva Raven tenta there's also been some ties to Navara and other locations now more on this point is established in the next one the arch demons will be revealed to be the Elven gods they are trapped in a dragon's body as a punishment by Solas like the spirit haon was trapped in a dragon's body they lost lost their Elven bodies and need new ones soas hates the great wardens because they are freeing them now it is certainly realistic for the old gods of denta to actually be the Elven gods of the pantheon the sundering of the Elven Gods bodies and their Spirit also make sense since Solas sundered the Elven Empire via creating the veil what is it call said the wolf chews its leg off to escape the Trap so that is absolutely realistic and I think is an expectation most of us already have or at least should have however what is completely unrealistic is for the gry wardens to free the arch demons like what an inquisition the gry warden order seeked to bargain with the Nightmare Demon to open up the fade and kill the two old gods before they Rose as Arch demons as the great wardens of adamant Fortress somehow knew the exact locations of the old gods sleeping in the fade there is no scenario a genuine gray Warden would want to release them as their duty is to stop the blight full stop unless they were corrupted or the blight had some yield over them of course we don't have any context for that but yes that is completely unrealistic to expect additionally if the great wardens of weop want to free the arch demons where does our new hero stand in that why is our gry Warden the only one who wants to stop them continuing on we have more about the arch demons Lucan and razakel have lower halves of squids and humanoid upper halfes they are the act one and act two main bosses and Solas is the boss of act three now this squid humanoid appearance fits in with the Fresco depiction of the evil Gods on either side equally an old God before being tainted has been described as a lovecraftian squid cthulu like creature which has only been depicted in concept art and described by former lead writer David Gada on a stream as we have not seen this depiction in game yet so certainly plausible however Solas being the boss for act 3 it makes sense but it's not what I expect I expect a lot more moral ambiguity around him as a final boss I see us dealing with him after all not being on a smaller scale of a greater threat at large maybe for some players he is the final boss but maybe for others like solivan like myself he isn't going to be the final boss he might be the final confrontation where we deal with him and the consequences of his actions but not necessarily a final boss fight that sounds way too concrete especially given the moral complexities with Solas and his character and the relationship he has with our Inquisitor okay next Point here we go by the end of the game the fade will be broken the blight will be stopped and everyone will become mes the Dragon Age will end and the dream's age will begin the game will end the franchise's storyline the end of Dragon Age literally in both ways the final story and the final game if this was even remotely true dread wolf would have to be massive there's so many Loose Ends currently still to tie so many stories yet to be told I suppose ending the game with a blight and an l V God plotline would certainly wrap a lot of things up and let's just be real the dreamer age just sounds a little silly to me if the fade is broken how would everybody become Mages surely the opposite is true and perhaps all Mages would become tranquil or at least lose all their magic the fade was broken I feel like all of the raw chaos of it would pour into thus it would be worse than destroying the veil the entire Fabrics of reality would be changed I suppose if all of the magic did pour into thus as suppose everybody could be more powerful Mages but I don't really know how that would make everybody Mages especially dwarves who already have no connection to the fade there are LW reasons to make that work if they're connected with the Titans but I'm not really aiming to justify or explain that one because it just sounds way too far-fetched if there is no fade how can a dwarf who already has no connection to it suddenly become a mage equally if a human who has no connection to the fade suddenly become a mage if the fade is broken it just doesn't make any sense but then we have details on a Dragon Edge Origins remake cord named re Origins which sounds absolutely ridiculously stupid in my opinion like what Dragon Age re Origins could have made it a bit more inventive but who's going to buy that on a shelf it sounds so stupid just call it Dragon Edge Origins remake or Dragon Edge Origins remastered or just Dragon Edge Origins the alpha test described this project being in its early stages of development and the leaked details suggested that bwe are taking a dead space approach with this one aiming for a onetoone remake with a keen focus on enhancing gaml elements rather than tinkering too much with the original story which definitely makes sense if this were remotely true I think it's definitely something that everybody would want the fan expectation and the fan demand is also really there for a Dragon Edge Origins remaster ever since core Dragon Edge team members have said that there is hope for it and perhaps EA will one day do it however folks I don't think that this is it the main image that the alpha tester has quot leaked is actually stolen fart from Natalie stallers over on their own art station account so yeah it's really not taken away from the sacred vaults of BioWare but stolen from a fellow Creator in the community not cool in the slightest and adds zero amount of credibility to it regardless I do think it's valuable to engage in discussions like these contemplating the potential direction of next Dragon Age and what bio we're considering and which story elements might take Center State in the game for me this has just really been a brilliant conversation starter on just the current state of Dragon Age as a whole in 2024 like the possibility of dragon AG Red Wolf being the final installment in the franchise struck a cord with me waiting for a decade since Dragon AG Inquisition has been a significant investment and concerns arise when considering the potential weight of dragon Ed 5 especially with the next Mass Effect arriving after dread wolf and say that takes about four five years of development that could easily be arriving in 2028 year 2029 or even 2030 like let's be real let's say dread wolf is coming out this year or 2025 the team then goes to work on that project it's at least going to be 3 to four years of development and so let's say then if Dragon H 5 requires a minimum of 3 to 4 years of development once the next mpect is out a release for that project would be around 2032 2033 or 2034 which would be 8 to 10 years down the road however this isn't even a realistic prediction to make considering the extended development time for dread wolf it could and it probably absolutely will take even longer and equally we're not even looking at Mass fix development what if that one's also further delayed down the line Mass F 5 is then coming out in 2032 instead of its projected 2028 2029 release Windows equally where could a Dragon Edge Origins remaster fall Within These timelines of bioware's upcoming development Cycles poor course dread wolf and so where do we really get to we come to the conclusion of dragon a dread wolf being the final game in the series and to be honest that notion doesn't completely dishearten me it just raises a variety of questions about whether the game can adequately conclude the various plot lines as discussed earlier in the Dragon Age the scope for dreadwolf would have to be massive and I feel like there would only be certain ways of by way to do it that being tying off narratives way too early or just having somewhat un satisfying conclusions like the defin old gods absolutely being the Elven Gods which is actually probably most likely going to be the case anyways but there's going to have to be a lot of just tying up narratives like Star Wars the rise of Skywalker filling as many plot holes and scenarios as quick as possible with not the best means and yet while that does sound pretty disastrous do we then truly all want to endure another decade long wait for the Dragon Age story to conclude it really is a dilemma and I am asking this all to you but just for myself although my patience has endured the 10year wait for Dragon Age dread wolf contemplating another 8 to 10 years to maybe even 15 years if considering the current Dragon Age development timeline it brings a lot of uncertainty like the prospect of following Dragon Age 4S development from my mid- teens to my mid 20s is vastly different from considering the series fate in 8 to 10 to 15 years from now with an unknown trajectory for both the franchise and myself I've been a Dragon Age fan since I was like what 13 14 when Dragon Age Origins came out and properly getting into the series and getting into YouTube of dragonage Inquisition in in 2014 and creating this channel in 2016 that was all things that I did going to school college and university not really having many thoughts in my mind about my future whereas now I'm at the point where I've graduated I've done the school workor I've got a job following my degree and I'm looking towards future prospects I'm in my mid 20s I don't know what my third 30s and my mid-30s is going to bring and I can't even begin to think about if I'm going to still be here on YouTube still talking about dragonage yes I have done that for the past 10 years as a young adult but am I going to be doing that in five say 10 years from now I don't know the waight for dread wolf has already been unbearable enough and yes while I have patiently waited I'm a completely different person than when I started getting into the series and started talking about Dragon Edge online who am I going to be in the next 7 to 10 years I'm going to be completely different and that's going to be okay but is that person going to like Dragon Age and is he going to want to commit to YouTube and to following this series again I don't know I can only Ponder those dilemas now and as we approach them closer to the time ultimately I would love a Dragon Edge Origins remaster and I wouldn't mind if dread wolf was the final entry in the series just so it can really wrap up and that just comes from the fact that dreadwolf has taken so long and nobody expected it and of course I don't think the developers expected it to take this long because they didn't expect the delays and EA to cancel their plans and for their projects to absolutely come up a blaze like Anthem and Andromeda but even then how do they even feel about the games do they want the series to end the developers who are still there who have been at the studio for so so long surely they're getting a bit tired of working on the Dragon Edge IP another extension to this conversation is what about BioWare and EA's current movements of all these layoffs and sucking off highly skilled and integral parts of the team who have been at the studio since the Bare Bones of this IP would a Dragon Edge 5 even look like a Dragon Edge game at this Point who really knows but I suppose for now all I can leave you with is I'd like to know your thoughts on this fake leak of course the leak is fake but what thoughts has it stirred for you while we may regard it as pure BS there's still something that we can take away from it whether it be the Meandering waight for dread wolf or the potential plot lines of the game story with razakel and Lucien and playing as a great Warden or just the surreal despiration of news from the community as we squeeze every single juice from the so-called leaks from the Sweet Lemon that is BioWare and Dragon Age dread wolf please do let me know your own experiences of this W dread wolf for your things Dragon Age dread wolf from silly stupid leaks to actual concrete information you're of course already in the right place as we scour across every single tidbit of this game I in jackar and I should go w
Channel: Jackdaw
Views: 13,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jackdaw, BioWare, Dragon, Age, Mass, Effect, Thedas, TheDreadWolfRises, Dragon Age 4, Next Dragon Age, Dragon Age, leak, DA4, Dreadwolf, BG3, DLC, Fantasy, Dragons Dogma, DAD, Solas, Dragon Age 5, Next Mass Effect, Faerun, News, GTA6, Games, Video
Id: tHdUL7gwIU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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