Debuging Meshroom

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hi I'm Cromwell and today we're gonna look at debugging mushroom in case we run into any issues so here I have our soldier project that I've featured before and I've kind of cleaned it out to its base state so that there's nothing in it this is more or less just a new iteration of mushroom and I'm going to grab the photos that I want to use and just drag them into our file here and assuming that these photos are exactly what we want them to be in there of the right quality what I'm going to do is I'm going to hit start and you'll notice that it starts up the bar that shows the progress and immediately I get an error with a red area here so we can zoom in here and see that our camera initialization is what failed us and in order to get a better idea of what's happened we should open up the command prompt here that allows us to see what kind of error we have so this is the nice thing about mushroom is that it will actually report for us inside of the command prompt and we can see exactly what has failed and what's going wrong so if you take a look at these errors here we can see that mushroom is saying that the sensor with doesn't exist in the database for the following image which is the first image here or one of the images here I should say not necessarily the first thinks this one I believe and so it's asking us to please add the camera model and sensor width in the database now this is an error that is pretty infrequent but I did want to create a video dedicated to it because I hadn't seen this taken care of anywhere else so I'm going to show you what to do in the case an event this happens to you now the file that we need to add this information into is our sensor database which is the database that's being referenced here and so the path for that file is right here I'm going to select all of that and I'm not going to copy the actual file name I'm just going to stop short of it and hit command C or ctrl C I'm going to open up another instance of my or on the side and I'll bring this out over here so you can see it and so we have all our photos here if I just click into the top here and paste this path and I hit enter you'll it brings us to the folder where our camera sensors dot DB is hiding so I can right click on that and say open with notepad and this is a nice file because you can open it up with any text editor really and you'll see inside here we have all sorts of profiles for very many common cameras and essentially what's happening is we have the brand a camera make and then the data that mushroom needs in order to process photos that come out of that camera so if we kind of move this to the left side and get our command prompt on the right side we can see that we need to add the brand and the camera model along with whatever the sensor with for that is so we're looking for the Canon AOS ATB which is the Canon camera that I use to shoot these photos and I think I'm going to place this entry here really you can append it to any part of this file but I like to stay organized so I'm going to hit enter and I'm going to start entering that data here AOS whoops AOS 8d make sure that you're actually using the data here you can even copy this and paste it if you need to and then we're going to put the semicolon there and we're going to look up exactly what that sensor is so I'm going to go to Google and I'm just going to type in Canon AOS 80d sensor size that pops up I can show you what it is here we can see that the sensor dimensions are 22 point 5 by 15 millimeters so we want that 22.5 gonna copy that and close this out and then we're gonna find our entry right here just paste that in it happens to be the same as the 70d we're just going to save this and close out of it make sure you minimize this window here do not close this otherwise mushroom will close and then go back into mushroom and hit start and before you know it we should be off to the races I'll just let it do its thing it might take a moment returning another error perhaps I put in a typo it doesn't seem like it they'll hit start stop seems like it's taking a second to update or it might not like that I had updated that file while it was in the middle of trying to do this so you might have to relaunch it in fact let me do that really quickly just to save ourselves some headache yep so close it down cancel that out crash and then I'll double click and reopen mushroom the same exe that was in the folder there we go and I'm just going to open up the soldier it doesn't look like it brought all our images back so I'll just drag those back in there and there we go know it start and you can see now we're actually getting progress we've made it past our camera initialization and now this will go through the process of filling out all these nodes and creating our object and I'll let it continue to do that but I would like to make a note that if you run into any other errors it will return those values inside of this window and you can also make a note whoops you can also make a note of the amount of time that's elapsed for each part so for example camera in it only took less than even a second so it was about half a second I believe and the rest of these will start to log as it goes through all of these processes run into any errors you can see how much time has elapsed exactly what sort of error is happening and then you might be able to copy and paste some of this data and google it and do some kinda troubleshooting on your own of course from my students feel free to approach me and ask me about it and I'll do everything I can in order to help just bear in mind that mushroom is kind of undocumented in its current state so it might be difficult to do some troubleshooting but in all honesty I have never run into any other issues other than some driver errors that were causing the depth map so this section over here to kind of lag and quit sometimes and all that requires is persistence to push through that and it eventually ends up completing with no problem and then the other thing that I've had issues with the only other thing that I've had issues with is the sensor database values that we're missing that we just updated ourselves so no problem there all right so I hope that helps give you a good understanding of how we might go about debugging any issues that we run into in mushroom that's something I haven't seen in any videos yet and yeah let me know if you run into anything and I hope that you don't I hope that everything goes swimmingly and I'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: Crompwell
Views: 24,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mesh, photo, photogrammetry, scan, visual, art, design, learn, education, tutorial, graphic, VFX, effect, free, open, source, room, meshroom, alicevision, statue, photography, creative, real, time, debug, code, troubleshoot, problem, solving, error
Id: bPdBQxZ9wEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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