Deborah Cox - We Can't Be Friends (Official HD Video)
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Channel: DeborahCoxVEVO
Views: 60,407,235
Rating: 4.7771549 out of 5
Keywords: we can't be friends, deborah cox, we can't be friends deborah cox, deborah cox we can't be friends lyrics, debra cox, deborah cox we can't be friends, we cant be friends, debra cox we can't be friends lyrics, cant be friends, rl deborah cox we can't be friends, can't be friends deborah cox, debra cox we can't be friends, deborah cox challenge, monica, mary j blige, toni braxton, absolutely not, sam script different cast, who do u love, rnb
Id: 01yPbUXnJZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2009
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