Death Trap Riddles You Must Solve To Stay Alive

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whether you live in a cozy suburban semi or the depths of the Amazon knowing how to survive a perilous situation is essential there's no tougher way to test your survival know-how than escaping a death trap a healthy diet of bear grylls Indiana Jones and the Saw franchise may have left you quietly confident that you're able to outsmart a death trap but today I'm putting that to the test join me now as we dive into the deadly depths of booby-trapped temples using every bit of knowledge and instinct you have in order to survive number 10 the three-door pit your lust for treasure adventure and mystery has led you to a crumbling temple in the depths of the rainforest but after only a couple of steps the floor falls away beneath you you find yourself in a concave pit extending upwards into four square walls on three of the four walls raised three feet off the ground are 8-foot tall stone doors behind each door is a passage blocked by an obstacle one door contains a trap which will fire non-stop arrows in your direction from the entire area of the door for 20 seconds the door opposite contains a healthy yet very hungry aggressive grizzly bear the door between the others contains a giant Indiana jones-style Boulder on a slope ready to roll into the pit there are three levers on the ground before you each opens two doors which will open upwards you may only push one lever which door combination do you choose a boulder and bear be arrows and Boulder or see bear and arrows lever a would not be a wise choice the concave shape of the pit will provide a nice snug fit to the boulder even if the bear came free first you'd both become parts of a mixed meat quesadilla soon after as for lever B even if you were able to duck down and dodge the arrows the boulder would still crush you the winners choice is C if you made use of the 3-foot gap beneath each door you could dodge to the countless arrows which would fly straight past you killing the bear once the arrow fire has ceased you could exit behind the bear trust me this is the best way you could ever hope to exit through a bear's rear passage number 9 hell's hall you reach a straight cylindrical hallway that slopes downwards with a thunderous crash another Indiana Jones Boulder smashes through the ceiling and comes barreling towards you fast the boulder fits the tunnel perfectly and there's no stopping it a few yards ahead of you are a series of trip wires which stretched from floor to ceiling three inches apart from each other they're extremely sensitive and each one will cause a deadly crossbow bolt to be instantly launched at the exact location contact was made to your left is an indentation in the wall just large enough for you to squeeze in but the boulder will press you with some force against the wall as it passes and the wall contains machete blades from floor to ceiling down by your feet is another indentation but this one's only 4 inches deep on the bright side there are no razors what's your choice a attempt to squeeze between the tripwires B press yourself into the blade wall or C lay down in the floor pit even if you could somehow miraculously squeeze yourself through a three inch gap between the tripwires the time necessary to do so would leave you with a severe case of the voltar blues besides you'd probably set off the crossbows long before that as for the shallow floor pit the 4-inch depth means unless you're incredibly skinny you're on a one-way train to pancake City that leaves the wall of blades which seems crazy right but most blades cause damage due to the microscopic serrations on their edges which dig in and pull against materials like saw blades this requires a ripping slicing motion and if you were being pushed against the blades without moving up or down there's a good chance you'd be okay that's why magicians can sit on a bed of nails without becoming Swiss cheese number eight Spike's showdown the boulder crashes passed through the tripwires clearing the path you enter a room with a very high ceiling well over 50 feet suddenly rocks fall from the ceiling trapping you in an area around 12 feet in length to make matters worse sharpened iron poles have emerged from 12 foot sections of the walls around you and are closing in by the second you can spot a gap at the top of the closing walls but no clear way up the spikes are separated by about 10 inches but for every empty gap in one wall there are spikes in the other to fill up the spikes run from floor to ceiling and the walls aren't stopping until they come together pick a direction and act fast a drop down to the floor be east and perfectly still or see run toward the spiked wall like a maniac now is no time to lie down remember for every empty space on one wall there's a spike on the other to fill the gap from floor to ceiling no matter how good your contortion abilities are once the walls come together you'll be impaled and crushed don't depend on the miraculous malfunction either but if you're perceptive you can see the spikes form a stairway upwards being made of iron they're sturdy enough to climb meaning you can run over and glamper quickly up and out of harm's way looks like he got a nasty cut on the way up there but it's better than dying number 7 sink or swim you happen upon three tunnels each stretching far into the darkness none of the tunnels have a visible floor instead consisting of deep liquid filled pools you'll have to venture down one of the tunnels mud which is least likely to send you to your death the con since of each our a line olynyk acid B cornstarch mixed with water for C blood like I mentioned do you cut yourself in the previous room so swimming in a pool full of blood from who knows where is a terrible idea you're risking deadly diseases like hepatitis or worse cornstarch and water may sound harmless but when mixed together this substance behaves much like quicksand you'd fall in and it suck you down deeper the harder you thought to move out pretty soon you'd suffocate as for linolenic acid it's commonly found in food products and is good for treating inflammation though it's called an acid it's not very acidic with a pH ranging from the same as you're into baking soda you may not want to stick around in it for too long but it's still the safest choice by far number six hard pill to swallow suddenly you're seized by the long-forgotten inhabitants of the temple they present you with three pills each contains something nasty but the locals will kill you if you refuse to eat one choose your pills contents a raccoon feces B Goliath birdeater tarantula venom or see the skin of a rough skinned Newt the rough skinned Newt skin contains tetrodotoxin which is deadly to humans raccoon feces is more than gross it commonly contains a deadly parasite known as raccoon roundworm which burrows into brain tissue eventually killing you birdeater venom surprisingly is not all that dangerous to humans besides Venom's worst effects occur when taken directly into the bloodstream so swallowing it would lessen the already minimal effects number 5 acquired tastes the temple people present you with 3 plates and won't take no for an answer forced to do you eat a a plate full of pretty legumes called rosary peas be locally prepared puffer fish liver sushi or sea maggot-infested cheese vile enough to be illegal it's fair to assume that the temples chef isn't an officially licensed fugu seller this alongside the fact that it's made from puffer fish liver the most lethal part of the already poisonous fish make the risk insurmountably high and don't let those tasty looking rosary peas fool you they contain a Burin one of the most toxic poisons in the plant kingdom as for the maggot eat cheese this delicacy consumed our zoo is illegal to sell in europe but people still love to make it as long as you chew it properly the worst you'll get is an upset stomach number four killer kiss with dinner out of the way the temple people tell you to give thanks by kissing one of their holy statues each is coated in a mysterious colored powder two of which are poisonous it's punishable by death not to kiss the right statue using any knowledge or instincts you have which colored statue do you choose a blue be green or C red the red statue with other ancient sites like that of the Red Queen or anything to go by might be coded in red cinnabar the effects can be deadly as red cinnabar contains high levels of poisonous mercury green powder in this context has the possibility of being copper arsenide this is a highly toxic chemical capable of acute poisoning and is also carcinogenic the blue powdered statue is your safest bet blue is not a color commonly associated with poisonous or deadly minerals pens in fact it's incredibly rare in nature therefore it's the least immediately risky to put it anywhere near your mouth so kiss away number 3 face to face unfortunately you have inadvertently kissed the statue in a place the locals deem rather inappropriate as a punishment you're forced to wear a sealed one point 5 foot wide box under head for 20 minutes you get the roommate of your choice to a a male platypus of breeding age b12 brats in a frenzy of hunger see an acid spraying whip scorpion or D a vampire bat cute though it seems a breeding male platypus is armed with venomous spikes on its arms if he decides to attack you his venom is potent enough to cause rapid swelling and you could soon find her airway sealed equally it wouldn't take much to convince 12 hungry rats to strip you to bone vampire bats may be tiny but they commonly carry rabies and a bite from one of these could leave you dying in one of the worst possible ways rabies leaves you physically unable to drink water and slowly drives you insane under journey to death by dehydration the whip scorpion while dangerous sounding is actually perfectly safe she may pinch you a little and possibly spray you with acid but her acid is similar to vinegar and it's unlikely to do any real damage number 2 final punishment the locals call for your execution there may just be a way to survive if you're extremely resourceful and aren't afraid to take a little damage during the ritual they hand you a nicely decorated thin hollow bamboo stick with a sharpened end no more than four inches long you may use this as you see fit they give you three choices for how to die which one will allow you to live a fight to the death against five angry Panthers be a container around your head locked in place and sealed at the top of your neck which is filled with water for an hour or C 48 hours and a 15 deep ten-foot-wide pool with no edges to cling to with two box jellyfish added in every ten minutes every inch of a Panthers body is evolved to kill with maximum efficiency unfortunately a 4-inch stick won't count for much against five Panthers as for the pool it's unlikely that you'd survive 48 hours without becoming exhausted and drowning in the first place with the addition of a large quantity of the world's most venomous jellyfish whose long tentacles can easily kill or at least paralyze a human your chances are essentially zero as are your chances for the watery helmet but there is a way and it isn't pretty using the sharp hollow bamboo stick and avoiding your main arteries it's possible to create a breathing hole in your own neck with your head submerged you can jab between your tracheal cartilage fashioning a makeshift tracheotomy this will allow you to breathe which is better than being dead pretty horrible though number one prophecy the locals are in disbelief no one's ever survived the execution before they offer to let you go free if you can work your magic once more and convince them you have godlike prophetic powers one of the temple people will die the next week but who a far-out Frank who is sweating drooling and vomiting after injecting tree frog poison into his arm bee chuckling Charlie who can't stop laughing since eating a chimpanzee or sea arachnoid annie who was bitten by her huntsman spider and is complaining of an irregular heartbeat in nausea far out Frank's odd practice is a tradition among certain Amazonian hunters and the symptoms tend to give way eventually supposedly improving his focus for the hunt afterwards and he's a regular heartbeat in nausea are common side effects of the huntsman spiders bite but that's about as bad as they get before going away but Charlie it turns out is headed for the graveyard uncontrollable laughter is a symptom of the degeneration of the brain which can be caused by consuming proteins known as prions these are often deadly and are usually ingested during the consumption of primate brain matter and Charlie chomp - chimp if you guessed it enjoy your freedom oh boy that was tricky did you crack these tricky riddles or did you fall at the first booby trap let me know how many you got correct in the comment section down below and thanks for watching [Music]
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Views: 1,878,064
Rating: 4.7478595 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, survival videos, survival stories, survival riddles, riddles, riddles you must solve, solve to stay alive, riddles to solve, life riddles, survival, survival hacks, animals, wonder survival videos
Id: kTm_O1K6fM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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