Death Stranding | Full Story Explained | Everything You Need To Know

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[Music] this is death stranding to some this is a 40 hour walking simulator unto others it's a unique insight into the evolution of mankind and the impending destruction of the world it's story time once again here on PlayStation granade he is death stranding in a nutshell death stranding opens up with key parts of the law acid rain is falling but this rain does more than burn it ages anything it touches they call this time fall anyone caught out in the rain without protection will age in a matter of seconds scary stuff those that do venture out eat these things the only other living organisms in the world crypto by oats which slightly alleviate the effects of time fall and assist in maintaining correct blood levels yeah that does sound weird so here's a better way to sum all that up a crypto buyout a day keeps the time fall away because of the weather conditions nobody ever leaves the hub bunker cities of the world giving rise to the porters people brave or stupid enough to walk to each location in the USA dropping off supplies and parcels one of these transporters is none other than Sam Potter bridges our hero of the story whose first mission is to take medication to the President of the United States herself easy to follow so far well let's add to this over the last 49 years strange anomalies have occurred allowing tar covered dead beings to return to the land of the living from crabs to humanoid shapes to whales to whatever the heck this thing is the law tells us that these are BTS or beached things which is quite literal dying in this world leads to a limbo like place which so happens to be a beach which traps the dead before the afterlife so it's literally like a purgatory and wouldn't you have guessed it in our first jaunt into the new world Sam encounters a crew tasked with burning bodies this process is imperative as dead beings left to fester for too long will necrotize and become VTS but the fumes of burning bodies is so toxic it can only be done at a mod de crema Torian so Sam helps the guys out and the black stuff hits the fan as this mysterious man appears to summon BTS the crew realized this is the end an attempt to kill themselves before the BT can but what's with all this Harry Caray well let's see what happens if a bt consumes a human being everything goes boom this is called the void out and that's the end of the game thanks for watching well luckily Sam has a superhuman ability as he can survive death he is a repatriate he simply finds his body and he's back we don't understand the baby inside him at this point but we will at the end of the video so let's crack on Sam makes it all the way to the president and another bombshell hits us president bridgett strand is in fact Sam's mother bridget is on her deathbed quite literally death stranding likes to hit you in the face with these metaphors for 40 hours straight president strands last wish is to reconnect the United States and then dies while she poorly convinces Sam to help her out Sam is immediately tasked with carrying his dead mother to the local incinerator but we've already seen why this is a great idea to do ASAP so Sam burns his mother's carcass and was also instructed to incinerate a BB unit he was given in the field this thing has a real baby locked inside a false womb long story short they found that removing a child from a mother who had passed away aka a still mother gives the baby the ability to see both the living and the dead making be B units imperative to spotting BTS this unit is broken so Sam is told to toss it in the garbage but just before he does B T's show up and some uses the faulty BB unit to escape the area unharmed Sam and his new partner returned to HQ and Sam still isn't convinced about reconnecting America so the game hits us with this Sam sister a Malay who just so happens to have been kidnapped on the other side of America and he must save her and in turn she will then be the next Donald Trump I mean she will be the next president but for all this to happen Sam must first reconnect America hmm something sounds fishy here long story short Sam agrees begrudgingly but not for America he's doing this for his favorite sister Amelie and fYI the criminal unit that took her away are none other than the homo demons you can make your own joke they're led by the guy we saw earlier who can control be teased happy days so off Sam drops on his adventures using a piece of kit known as a cupid to reconnect cities in the US kind of like a futuristic internet known as the chiral Network no joke this is what you do for 30 hours yeah it's not a game for everyone but let's skip all that as the game continues we slowly uncover details about the world some people have a condition called dooms which allows them to travel to beaches remember that's the in between life and death limbo sort of place Sam has class to dooms which allows him to repatriate and also he consent when BTS are around and any the touch him cause this rash to spread around his body due to this Sam does not touch anyone he hates physical contact higher levels of Doom's allow sufferers to use the beach to instantly travel around the world one such person who has this is fragile who's a French transporter who has an English name but speaks with American vernaculars all this is summed up with her catchphrase Hanford Shia the highest levels of Doom's allow sufferers to summon and control be teased the higher the level of Doom's the bigger the BG's so everything is pointing straight back to that mysterious figure a really cool thing happened from this moment forward every time Sam reconnects with his BB they share a memory together bb's past visions of B B's father loving his child stuck in his little chamber we'll get back to that but just remember these happen a lot and these are always positive midway through Sam's journey he finally meets the golden masked man who reveals himself as Higgs and like usual he delivers a bad-guy monologue before gifting us with a boss fight here's another weird-ass piece of law to remember the weapons used to defeat beetee's use sounds blood something within Sam allows every secretion to be used as weaponry so yeah that includes your urine and poop weird just go with it all right so I've introduced fragile without going into depth so let's do that now fragile is seen as a terrorist by most people in the game this is because she was responsible for transporting a bomb into a city causing a void out just outside but in a clever piece of narrative symmetry we experienced the same situation moments prior to being told base Higgs attempts to trick us into blowing up a safehouse but luckily we threw the bomb in the Black Sea and saved everyone which allowed fragile to explain what happened when she carried a bomb I followed a delivery truck and somehow managed to carry the bomb to safety but heaps had been on to me from the start he caught me red-handed outside the gates nuke still cradled in my arms like a child fragile was caught by Higgs attempting to get the original bomb out of the city to punish her for disobeying him he gave her a choice to run and save herself from the imminent void out or take the bombs far away from the city and be a hero she chose the latter but there was a caveat to Higgs his punishment she must run through time fall unprotected he gave her a mask to save her face but the rest of fragile wasn't so lucky it withered and became old making those micro bye ops she's always eating so much more important to her you are a goddamn hero he did the right thing without a moment to catch our breath the next random action takes place a sudden whirlwind like storm picks up Sam and sends him back you ready for this - World War one I promise I'm not making this up the entire segment is a boss fight against Clifford Unger the man we saw in our BB dreams but this Clifford is hell-bent on regaining his BB and has a gang of skeletor's to help luckily though Sam is a badass and kills Clifford just in time for the storm to end and bring him back to the present day now back in present tense Sam finds out he was gone from merely a few seconds and not the hours he thought he was there next hour Sam meets mama a brilliant scientist who is trapped in one room for the rest of her life and here's why yep she has a child who's a BT but somehow they are still connected by the umbilical cord in a gruesome flashback it is revealed during a void out mama who was heavily pregnant was trapped under rubble for days and gave birth via incomplete c-section while simultaneously being crushed to death somehow this harrowing event gave her the ability to see her own child and keep her here in the living world instead of the beach mama informed some about a brilliant scientist he needs to go visit Lochner but get this they are twin sisters so off sam trots to visit Lochner but she simply doesn't trust him Sally tries to reunite the sisters to show how trustworthy he is but mama just simply won't leave her child after hours and hours of procrastination mama creates a weapon which cuts umbilical cords allowing the undead to finally reach the afterlife and leave the limbo beaches the first bTW they try this on is Mama's baby and yeah I cried a little bit here [Music] [Music] after another Higgs bossfight mama a strap to Sam's back and they go to find her sister but when they arrive mama is revealed to have died giving birth but her connection to her twin sister and the tie to her dead daughter kept her in this land of the living now that the siblings are back together mama dies but for reals is this time they were in fact conjoined twins at birth and had such a close bond they could speak to each other with entire state between them the story heavily suggests that they are in fact one person split into two bodies and this is embodied by the moment lakhna blinks and the eye color of both siblings are revealed before we can get our head around all this sam's be bead is taken away from him he is getting so close to his bridge baby that he named the little bugger lu lu and that's when we get to know this guy dead man a person made up from a blend of stem cells and dead individuals the game sort of glosses over this but it's implied that he's some sort of frankenstein creation dead man tell Sam that his BB is too close to the land of the living and will soon become a real baby and immediately die in a few days to stop this he must perform an operation so Sam reluctantly agrees Sam goes back out into the world without a BB which makes it far more difficult by the way with our magic necklace reconnect in the United States of America internet and now we could finally have our baby back we meet dead man on a mountaintop covered in snow but we shall not question how this big lad got all the way up here I mean it took a fully trained part of three days oh well video games I suppose before Sam can see Lu another chiral storm sends Sam BB and Deadman back to World War two this time yet again to face Clifford Unger during the war sequence dead man gives back BB and during the final battle with Clifford Sam snatches his dog tags and subtly we're back in the real world again dead man explains his wierd stem cell Frankie Stein thing where the real information comes from those dog tags which allow us to understand Clifford's past a former military captain who served in many wars he was so good at what he did he never lost a man in battle he always brought them home so Clifford may be a military badass trying to gun us down but his heart is in the right place next up Sam transports mummers body to Hartman first we should note that momma's body is not necrotizing and that's why Hartman wanted to run tests on her so Sam climbed up another snowy mountain and meet Hartman but he's already dead but not for long so how the hell do we explain this one Hartman dies every 21 minutes due to a complication with his heart which is literally heart shaped by the way Hartman undertook surgery mid operation the area lost power due to avoid out killing Hartman he spent the next 21 minutes back on the beach with hundreds of people who died in the same moment he watched on as his wife and child walked into the sea but before he could rescue them the power came back on in the hospital resuscitating him he was dragged back into the land of the living Hartman's life changed that day and now he would happily give his life to find his family on the beach so every 21 minutes he allows himself to die to give himself three minutes on the beach he's so devoted to his family he's died almost a quarter of a million times but cannot find his loved ones yet quick we should lighten the mood along with Mama's body Sam also unwittingly brought along with him his mother's umbilical cord yeah it's weird just go with it from Mama's body and the umbilical cord Hartman proclaims he understands what's going on which is good because nobody else understands what the hell is going on basically Kyrie Liam can be found in Mama's body which is why she is not necrotizing and carry Liam is in bridges umbilical cord which allows her to go to the beaches but Bridget's is ulting T it's off the charts sometime later Hartman deduces that Bridget get this is an extinction entity and things get really messed up now how did the dinosaurs died out that would be by an extinction entity what happens in the under Thor man yep you've guessed it they died via an extinction entity well death stranding tells us there has been five extinction entities in the history of the world and Allah fails because something survived in the current world only human beings and crypto buyouts have survived to this point on by the way the five flying figures you see throughout the game but those are the previous extinction entities watching on I thought that was a pretty cool touch Hartman then hits us with the facts it's highly likely that a Malay is the next extinction entity so be prepared armed with this new information Sam finally crosses America and reconnects everyone huzzah hooray but it's short-lived because eggs arrives and admits to secretly helping us complete the network so I could do this brainwash a Malay into merging all and then Bob beaches together by the chiral network some literally just finished and then he'll wipe out humanity in the sixth extinction Sam is quickly thrown into a huge boss fight against this this thing he takes it down of course cuz he's a badass Higgs manages to escape and takes Emily with him GG's on the butt slap physics here I'm impressed but he tells Sam exactly how to find him on the beach and then mortally wound bebe this little guy won't survive this fragile uses her spiky coat and insta travel skills to get Sam to the beach and then we have an epic face-off between Sam and Higgs resulting in some slow-motion face punch muscle combat-style beautiful Sam wins the epic battle of the ages and he's done it defeated eggs and saved the world he gets the girl this must be the end and can I just comment on the weird tension between Sam and his sister it doesn't look like brother-sister love it's really strange the last time I ran with my sister across a beach I pushed her into the sea but anyway the final death stranding has been averted everyone lives happily ever after roll the credits oh wait wait wait there's loads more to go through oh we're still growing Emily decides to come clean about everything but yes again before we can get the real truth about things something else happens over the next hill on the beach is none other than dead president Brigitte joined by her second-in-command die hard man can we all agree that name is ridiculous and then Clifford walks out of the sea by the looks of things all the beaches are beginning to converge as Higgs proclaimed and then yet again before we get answers Emily throw Sam off a cliff to repatriate back to the land of the living Sam awakes in a safe house and he's told to walk all the way back to the beginning of the game and be serious yes all the way back across America to get answers so of course we did it because after 35 hours we all want closure Sam must bring back crypto by oats for fragile who is almost dead after using her powers to fast travel everyone except Sam hmm video game logic on the way back Sam must avoid unreal amounts of BT's in the worst time fall imaginable only to be hit with another stone this time he is sent back to the Nam to Vietnam to face Clifford and the skeletor's of one last time after besting him we get hit with some more truth bombs are you ready for this as we suspected Clifford is a great man a war hero a loving father to BB and after his wife fell ill he was told by his old friend his son Bibi was going to be taken away and he would never see him again die Hardman gives Clifford five minutes to escape clifford then decides to kill his own wife to sever the link and took Bibi but sadly his plan failed badly shot by security Clifford was dying and took Bibi in his arms removing the pod to hold his son for the first and last time as time froze Sam realized the baby was him Sam was the Bibi Clifford has been searching for of course these loving moments are usually followed with grief and yeah it happens here president strand comes in and orders die hard man to kill Clifford die hard man couldn't pull the trigger so Bridget helps they didn't realize that baby Sam was taken out of the pot and the bullet killed both Clifford and baby Sam guilt-stricken Bridget went to the beach to resuscitate Sam making him a repatriate in the process now outside the pod president strand decided to raise him as her own son little does she know that going to the beach to rescue sound would in fact allow all dead beings to rejoin the living world she unwittingly started the death stranding so the scar we saw early on now has a key meaning can Sam stop the final stranding the extinction event to end all extinction events he travels to the beach to talk to his sister but then we get another shocking twist Bridget and a male are not mother and daughter like we first thought they are in fact the same person due to her cancer Bridget's soul was not hauled with her body making two parts of the same being as her body with it Bridget told everyone of her daughter to hide this fact which also explains why a male only appears as a holographic form in the real world and now the final decision a male allows Sam to decide the fate of the world kill her and give humanity more time to live while at the final stranding tough choice but I personally let the world burn and let her walk into the sea oh you can't you can't do that it isn't a choice after all you cannot kill a Malay instead some must hug his sister his mother whatever she is now this moment of compassion is the only thing preventing extinction like you a Malay doesn't want to destroy humanity but she knows it's her only purpose in life I mean she previously begged Sam to kill her to stop Armageddon so ultimately she doesn't want to kill everyone I think sort of so she decides to stay on the beach for as long as she can but reminds us that the sixth and final extinction will happen it's inevitable and then the credits roll again we finished yeah you know we haven't finished really Sam is literally pulled from the beach by all his friends he's made on this adventure so far fYI they use the umbilical cord and other items to access the beach from here die Hardman removes his mask and becomes the new President of the United States and after the press conference he breaks down in front of Sam explaining how he shot the man he loved Clifford that's platonic love by the way don't read too much into that some hits die hard man with this line nobody wants a president who acts like they're immortal and if you're not scared of death how can you fail you life it's a pretty good line to say to a president finally disaster strikes Lu is proclaimed dead the BB we loved for so long is no more and Sam must retrace his steps from the first mission of the game and incinerate his baby to prevent another void out come on on mass delivery in a show of compassion dead man removed Sam from his binds to the UCA allowing Sam to remove Lou from the chamber without breaking the law which of course he does and tries to resuscitate Lou one last time and guess what it failed no I'm kidding he did it Lou is a real baby all naked and cold the pair go outside and feel real rain once again without the fear of time fall and to end this story Lou is actually revealed to be a girl so little Lou is actually little Louise now disconnected from the chiral network Sam is free to live his life with his daughter and that ends death stranding it [Music] you [Music]
Channel: PlayStationGrenade
Views: 2,308,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: playstation, playstation grenade, psg, adamaru, adam, hideo kojima, death stranding, meet the actors, meet the actors death stranding, norman reedus, sam, fragile, higgs, exclusive, last of us, walking dead, everything you need to know, complete story, in 10 minutes, story summary, story explained, PS4, PlayStation, grenade, all cutscenes, recap, what happened in Death Stranding, death stranding story so far, sam porter bridges, bb, full story, xbox, switch, pc
Id: nBozU1LiT9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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