Death From Above - AC-130 - We have an appointment with the SAS team COD4MW

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we see it start the clock Roger that we're there we'll start talking you are not authorized to level the church do not fire directly on the church got a vehicle moving now one of the vehicles is moving right now personal coming out of the church we have armed Personnel approaching from the church request permission to engage you are cleared to engage the moving vehicle and any Personnel around you see affirmative through you were cleared to engage with do not fire on the church that's it get ready God damn yeah good kill I see lots of little pieces down there Personnel right there yeah clear tomb cage there's armed Personnel running out of the church get back on those guys yep that was right on target whoa more enemy personnel get that guy guy running God damn Target uh we got a runner here yeah take him out oh you got him thank you clear to engage all of those stopping smoke get back on those guys okay he's moving again recalibrate on the sweep angle adjust elevation scan there's a guy by that car nice senseless guys by the building [Music] clean up that signal Rancher started resetting rolling in we got a moving vehicle here negative negative do not engage I repeat do not engage any vehicles on the main Highway [Music] the main highway cover us crew do not engage any Vehicles traveling on the highway those are civilians ground units are requiring alternate transport at this time do not engage any vehicles on the highway unless cleared to do so but that guy's pissed it's a nice truck no he's scared shitless walk I'll be marking the vehicles confirm you see the Roger we see the beacons crew do not fire on the vehicles marked with the flashing beacons I repeat do not fire place heads up hostile forces are setting up Ambush points along the curved Road uh navigation which ones the curb Road over Fire Control do you see the water tower over TV confirm you see the water tower you're talking about the uh the Water Tower near the intersection uh Roger that's the one and next to that water tower is a curved Road do you see that Roger that direct that road into the next Village should be able to be able to erode we're having a bit of trouble acquiring The Village how far up the road is it approximately [Music] um it's about two clicks along the curved road going away from the highway we're backing towards the village stand by to engage ground targets we can hostile setting up along the curved Road hostels preparing Ambush along the curved Road they're partially concealed by the trees Roger that crew go ahead and check out everything in that Village in the Villager confirmed as hostile ah you're firing too close to the friendlies I repeat you're firing too close to the friendlies watch for those IR strobes good kill good kill be careful you almost killed our guys there [Music] clean up that signal Target resetting [Music] Sasuke Ranger nail those guys by the building crew friendlies are leaving the vehicles and moving out towards the Hills LZ Personnel marked by a flashing affirmative watching for those strobe lights those are fun and we have Personnel in the junkyard crew go ahead and smoke them man these guys are going to town check your fire you're shooting at friendlies watch for the blinking strobes those are our guys [Music] okay he's moving again okay you got him get back on the other guys ah you're firing too close to the friendlies I repeat you're firing too close to the friendlies watch for those IR strobe it's shot yeah take him out right there tracking more enemy Personnel clear to engage enemy Personnel I'll light them up Roger Guy moving you got him elevation scare well far we've reached the old zip but we're taking five for all sides request fire support on all sides of the LZ danger close watch for the blinking strobes those are our guys all right you got the guy I might have been might have been in two feet of them crew be advised friendly helicopters entering the area watch your fire copy foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ghost Rise
Views: 45,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ghost, Call, Of, Duty, Modern, Warfare, Call Of Duty, Call of duty 4, Call of duty 4 Modern Warfare, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Captain, Paul Jackson, Lt. Price, SAS, sas, 22nd SAS Regiment, MacTavish, Sergeant Soap MacTavish, Darbe, G36, G36C, MP5, USP, M4A1, ABRAMS, M249, Price, RPC, 1st Force, Iraq, Russia, Infinity Ward, Activision, Middle East, U.S. Marine Force Recon, British SAS, commando, and Ukraine, Azerbaijan, United Kingdom, Call of Duty series, VIP, U.S. Marines, Soap
Id: u-_w5nTUABg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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