Dear Theodosia
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Channel: Lin-Manuel Miranda - Topic
Views: 10,924,029
Rating: 4.8755336 out of 5
Keywords: Leslie Odom Jr., Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton, Dear Theodosia
Id: TKpJjdKcjeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 4sec (184 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2017
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I mean it is a sacrifice though. I’m not saying he’s dying for them, but he is choosing to be away from his family for 2 years to do this because he thinks it’s the only way to make the world a better place for his kids. That’s a sacrifice.
Personally I think him running for president and calling it a sacrifice is a bit of a stretch. He is a good person with good intentions but I think putting him on a pedestal and calling it a sacrifice isn’t correct. I love the song tho!
listening to hamilton brings up all the election feels for me
Have you listened to Yangmilton?