DeAr PruDeNcE-Beatles

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[Music] come on I'll let you have my time I'm no riter you're the riter go go away the name is k when you get bored back away you two bit chisling uhhh what do r one way or another you come out [Music] dear brother the Brand New [Applause] Day the Sun is up the sky is blue it's beautiful so you you come [Music] out open like do things about you that don't make sense see the [Applause] [Music] [Music] all this matter will be worth it is anyone else arrested I don't know then they may be suspect in which case I doubt use them what happened at your place tonight B it wasn't me major he [Music] open another B another B coming up today that's all right little girl here you are it's a nice Poké music Violet well well viet's a first class [Music] you how can you be so hard what have you got inside of you I got education Inside Me Baby the education I learned on the break rods and the bread lines and the pool rooms and the beer poas of the big cities I got rocks inside inside me baby would have been a nice trip well maybe another Uncle of yours will die in Jersey City [Music] [Applause] [Music] the big cities I got rocks inside me baby would have been a nice [Music] trip hang your [Music] KS andh hang the
Channel: AlakFilms
Views: 1,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: faXgYEAhnO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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