Dean Pelton & Takashi, teenage boy in Tokyo

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Annie Jeffrey emergency meeting at the school in 30 minutes I already know I'm the one calling the meeting what up yo who's this other number it's a group text I'm texting you and Jeffrey it's me I am Jeffrey best friend of Dean hi Jeffrey hmm Dean that number is not in my phone as Jeff's and it doesn't even look like an American phone number oh my god stupid can I get you ever told me you gave any a fake phone number yes Dean this is me Jeffrey you are best friend hold on I'll cover you're right I had the wrong number see you at the school I am so sorry Jeffrey I hope I didn't get you in trouble no worries Dean I love you you're always so sweet when we're texting but then in real life bro I just secret that way with love you know my style we keep loving in text but then secret forever meow yeah it's very inspiring to watch you work you are inspiring to in what way I need olives can you bring me olives not again you did this a month ago then I brought them to you and you acted like you hated them it's only my style to be secret please bring me five can of Olives five cans but don't believe me if I say I don't like I'm just pretending I hate olives what are you doing now they know it all won't say value just put five huge cans of Olives next to me just something I felt like doing this isn't the first time you've done this I'm really confused by this is it code for something I don't know and I don't care that Dean hellos are you in trouble is everything okay its life hard everywhere is everyone alone all the time are you at home Jeffrey should I come over you cannot come to me I must confess on you I am NOT Jeffrey I understand I rarely know who I am no I mean I have know Jeffrey let it out I am Takashi I am teenage boy in Tokyo I think we all are sometimes I am sorry for making fun before but now I need a friend why don't I bring you some olives tomorrow Jeffrey I am NOT Jeffrey I am NOT the Dean
Channel: Alexander Stormborn
Views: 221,836
Rating: 4.9467502 out of 5
Keywords: Community, The Dean, Dean, Dean Pelton, Dean Craig Pelton, Craig Pelton, Text, Texts, Jeff, Jeffrey Winger, Jeff Winger, Comedy
Id: IevVJq-iNfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 27sec (207 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2015
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