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welcome to my Arcane Mage PVP guide for dragonflight season 3 in this guide we're going to cover mostly offense and dishing out damage I feel like a lot of people get very intimidated when it comes to playing Arcane because the damage rotation seems a lot more complex and the other two Mage specs which to be fair it is I would say Arcane is the highest skill ceiling and even skill floor spec of the three at the moment but unfortunately or fortunately it is the strongest spec of of mage in this current meta in terms of solo Shuffle n3s yeah I'd highly recommend the spec it's really fun to play and really rewarding once you start to understand the core fundamentals actually after playing Arcane when you go back to playing fire it fire feels so onedimensional and like way more boring compared to Arcane fire just feels like so like simple and once you learn Arcane you're going to love it before we get into the video though I want to thank you guys for helping me hit the 400 Subs on Twitch I had a sub goal 400 total Subs to make this guide so thank you if you help support that goal and shout out to Martian pig as well for you know the crazy tip support and for gifting subs and helping me finish up that sub goal so thank you and now we have like a new sub goal for frost guide if you guys are interested in that yeah let's get into the guide I'm going to quickly just start off with uh some of the talents I don't really change talents that much I kind of stick to like the core build in terms of PVP towns you're going to play Master Shephard Ring of Fire and temporal Shield this is kind of like your Baseline but but you can actually opt out of temporal and kind of go the cubsy style and play Arcanos spere Arcanos spere this is really good because um it it actually knocks people off of you you're not ever really going to full Channel it doesn't the damage isn't too great but you can like use it for a tick and not use it as a knock knock them off you uh another really nice thing is this orb travels really far and goes through pillars so like in very damp matchups you can like stop drinks on the enemy healer especially like arids by just sending out the orb so the utility on this is actually nuts if you can use it well you can also Juke kicks with it a lot too I used to just play temp all the time but I realized like I don't know when they did this but it they nerfed it it doesn't heal you for 100% of the damage taken only 60% I'm playing Arcanos spere more lately especially with the meta being so damp and such long games it's all about like just surviving and drinking I feel like this is like really high value shout out to cubsy cuz he's the one that kind of um innovated that I feel like or the at least use it the way he does of actual Mage talents you won't change much like you'll go I used to play Ice flows into sub Rogues to like blink during their goes but most Rogues just play Outlaw now and Ice flows is best into subr just to be able to Blink stuns you could opt this opt into this versus um classes that have a lot of stuns if you want to just play Max defensive not really pushing for cc still good but I just like ice flows it opens up more opportunities to land CC and I'm kind of just more used to it but if you do use ice flows have a nice bind for it and uh also really important that you have a stop casting bind outside of that obviously remove curse is really good against warlocks to remove curse of tongues curse of weakness off your teammates Havoc as well is really important you can like insta dispel Havoc before the coil goes out so the coil Only Hits single also really good for dispelling hex's and stuff obviously but you can opt into Arcane warding instead if you're fighting a team that has no curses or if let's say you're fighting a lock wizard cleave you can like go like this this is a Magic reduct by 4% if you're figh a wizard cleave without curses again you can like drop this and go into like this or this so that way you're just taking the right path rather than this if you're playing double DPS 2s you could go like block heal as well like this cuz you don't have a Healer on your team right but in threes you're not going to ever really play that in terms of Mage actual arane talents there's only one thing I really changed it's either Arcane echo or improv pris barrier Arcane Echo is really nice cuz when you touch the target Touch of Magi which is your burst cool down every time that target takes direct damage it explodes more damage so this is where you'll actually use like your nether Tempest I'll go into more detail later let's just say like you touch you nether Tempest and now like the nether Tempest will trigger it every time cuz it's not about how much damage you do it's just about how many ticks you do takes of damage so it combos really well with like missile ticks and this is how you do like it'll do like 5% increased damage toout a game if you optimize it well the downside is like the cleave that procs from it breaks CC like poly and stuff so it's kind of bad if you're playing setup base or you play you have like a rug on your team but it just depends I I play it all the time into arids though because I'm not really going to go for sheeps into arids anyways I think in this meta where you're it's not really CC based it's more like just damage based and survive really good at the moment but that being said improved pis barrier is really crazy too because not only does it decrease magic damage you take when it's up love that it decreases uh the duration of harmful magic effects by 15 extra per so normally it reduces magic duration by 25 I think and with the extra 15 it puts it to 40% so let's say you get feared with um The Shield up the the fear durations cut by 40% so instead of it being like a full fear it becomes like a half fear and it synergizes really well with mass barrier because with mass barrier you can put your barrier on your whole team early game right before the gates open when the Gates has 30 seconds or less you'll Mass barrier and then mber will stick for when the gates open so now like if your healer gets trapped or feared or polyed it's it's going to be halfed it's really strong or they have to like Purge It or Break It first that's like a really good utility thing that Arcane provides but yeah that's about it I'm not going to change up too many other things all right so let's go over the damage rotation a little bit you have Arcane blast you have missiles you have barrage and orb okay those are your four like rotational buttons first is Arcane blast this is like your main filler each time you cast it it gives you a combo point and then you have barrage which is your spender that's going to spend your combo points okay the thing about Arcane blast is it hits harder obviously when you have four combo points and same with barrage it's going to hit harder when you have four combo points another thing about Arcane blast is it it's faster to cast when you have more combo points so if you don't have combo points it's 1.5 second cast pretty slow and it also doesn't hit hard at all so you're not actually going to press Arcane blast unless you have three or four combo points yes it generates combo points but you're not using it as a as a combo point generator is what I'm trying to say what you actually use as a combo point generator is um Arcane orb you have two charges of this on a 20 second cool down um the more targets it hits the more combo points it gives you so you're usually going to like send it in and let it hit like two or three targets and it'll give you four combo points it gives you one initially and and an extra one per Target it hits so that that's like a fast way to generate Max combo points instantly so Arcane orb and the other one is touch it's a 45 second cool down it'll instantly give you four charges puts a debuff on the target which will um like build up damage on it and it explodes at the end of the 12 seconds the more damage you do to it it's like your major offensive cool down 45 seconds for both so yeah again you're you're orbing a lot and and then you also have like shifting power which will reset all your cooldowns which is like going to reset your orb so you want to like yeah just be good at like weaving in Arcane orbs um and then also uh you have missiles right that you see this buff right here this is a a clearcast proc so when this buff is up see I have two of them now I have a week where tracking the amount of stacks I have it makes your missiles hit harder and hit faster and you can Channel it while moving there's there's also a talent that makes it so that your clear cast uh has a chance to not be soaked so you can if you have two stacks you can still do it three times that is generated by spending Mana so when you spend Mana you have a chance to get clear cast proc stacking up to three it's very important that you have a stop casting key as an Arcane Mage because normally right here if you go to miscellaneous stop casting I have it bound to my Razor Naga the 10 on my Naga normally to to fake cast you will just like move to fake cast right but because the missiles you can move all casting you have to have a separate bind for it unless you're comfortable pressing escape that's you could do that too but anyways like I mentioned you have to spend mana and it gives you a chance to proc these clear cast and the more Mana intensive an ability is the higher chance that it'll proc a clear cast so like I mentioned earlier with Arcane blast the if you have four combo points it'll be the most Mana intensive thing you can do see how I cast a two there and it gave me two like one per cast and so I I went from one to three right there so that's the highest that's the fastest way to farm clearcast is to spam cast Arcane blast with four combo points that's like the biggest mistake I see like uh beginner Arcane mes doing is they don't cast Arcane blast enough but it's also the hardest thing to pump out because of like how many kicks and interrupts there are in this game so like it's all about like finding Windows to recast but with either positioning or rocking precogs so yeah you're going to be weaving that in and then with these Arcane missiles not only are they empowered and you can use them while running they actually give you a buff called nether Precision so it's for two stacks it increases your Arcane blast damage by 20% so the next two Arcane blasts are empowered with damage and then your Arcane blasting which will far more clear cast so they kind of work off each other so like missiles into four combo Point double Arcane blasts this will be like you kind of weave them in and out and that's how you'll maximize your damage and then you use your bra finisher to reset your combo points and maybe execute them your barrage is yeah your your finisher so with barrage wait also the missiles not only do they buff your Arcane blast damage but it also will buff your barrage damage so every time your missile tick connects it gives you a stack of this it Stacks up to 10 so that will increase the damage of your barrage your finisher by 50% also when your target is below 35% HP your barrage will hit harder and on top of that if their target has other players or pets stacked on it your barrage will hit harder so your barrage see how it's right here I'm going to barrage it sends up more it Cleaves up to like five targets I think so each Target it hits it makes your barrage hit harder by 10% so there's a lot of modifiers to make that barrage hit harder so those are things you want to keep in mind so like you if they're really close to 35% you want to like get them lower with more missiles and then barrage to execute and that's how you get those crazy 300K Arcane blasts because it's all those modifiers adding on top of each other oh another way to spend Mana is going to be just like spell steal as well like spamming spell steel that's one really broken part about Arcane is uh you can spam spell steel and not go o as fire and frost you can only spell steal five times cuz each spell steal takes like 20% of your Mana bar so after five spell steals you're you're tapped like you can't even press combust you have to like be careful with spell steing as as fire and frost your Mana bar as fire and frost is essentially just spell steel charges you got to think of it that way that slowly generates back but as Arcane like you don't give a [ __ ] man you're just spamming spamming um spell steals you can like Purge all the Buffs all the hots in between goes if you don't have like your offensive cool Downs ready like that's it's so high value cuz you're clean you're stripping the enemy of all their Buffs and then and and farming clear cast with it right so that's another really good filler so your fillers are going to be spell steel and Arcane blasts and then like when your burst phase is ready and what I mean by that is when you have like surge touch and palm ready that's when you go ham and you want to have pre-built clear cast going into it because then that you'll do the most damage right so your burst cooldowns again are Arcane surge touch of the Magi and presence of Mind pal is going to make the next two Arcane blasts insta touch it's going to give you instant four combo points and put a debuff on the Target that explodes 12 seconds later um adding up all the damage you did to that Target within the 12se second duration and then you have surge which once you get it off it gives you a damage buff it says 35% here I think it's nerfed a bit in PvP but anyways once you get that off it it explodes on the target for like pretty big damage uh which also is AOE it will break CC so keep that in mind and then you'll like touch for and then send missiles and then you'll Palm double Arcane blast then uh barrage to to execute it's pretty much the same rotation this rotation with surge though is just going to depend on how many clear casts you have and also just how many kicks the enemy team has if you're if there's two guys on you and they both have kick obviously like you want to like Juke that right so like sometimes I'll like missile tick just for a second just to get the ne precision buff and like in .1 seconds cancel it Juke a kick and then Palm double Arcane blast it's one thing to not is it's really important that you don't desync your touch and palm cuz they're both 45 second cool Downs instant and the Palm only goes on cool down once you spent both charges of the Palm Arcane blasts you don't want to like desync them by like touching and casting missiles and getting locked on missiles and then Palm blasting late cuz then you'll find yourself in situations where like your touch is ready later but your palm is still on cooling now for 20 seconds that's just one thing to not you want to like like if you're going to touch you squeeze in some missiles if possible but if there's kicks available and you can't like losos mid missile cast then just send the touch poms and then missile later that's like one thing to notice like when you have clear cast since you can like missile while moving you can like missile then instantly line and shoot them through the pillar and avoid kicks and stuff like that like range kicks but yeah again like outside of goes if you don't have cool Downs like just Spam spell steel spam Arcane blast if possible and best case scenario man like you have two or three clear casts already for the go so then you can pre- ring a fire to get the dot ticking get the surge off then you can like touch missiles get some missiles in if you can free cast Then pal blast blast into barrage and the barrage might proc an orb too the missiles missiles free cast Arcane blast as well if possible into barrage yeah I don't think I mentioned this yet but it when you have orb right your orb will shootout and give you combo points when every time you barrage there's a chance that it spawns an orb and that that orb will give you four combo points again when you have crazy RNG you can like barrage which will proc an orb and then barrage again which will proc an orb then barrage again and proc so it's like barrage barrage barrage and it's like three orbs and you're just like executing executing executing cuz he the target's already below 35% that's like the best feeling ever as Arcane okay let's do our rotation here again because we're playing eeko actually when you touch the target remember you want to touch and uh another Tempest to make it like proc the the echo more and if you can free cast get the missiles in but again if there's kicks man like don't you got to Juke them you got to Juke them and then when everything's on cool down this is the best time after you've like altered and stuff to go behind the pillar shift then you can shift all these cool Downs back including Ring of Fire including alter including temp CS DB blast wave novas like once you've like used all your utility and damage that's when you shift everything back and then you could do your goes more often and rotate defenses more often throughout a match right throughout like a longer match you can get like four shifts or more off so it's it's good that you squeeze those in but after you use your burst cool Downs um in terms of defensives I I like to rotate with alter first alter is really good to use first cuz like usually you're going to be full HP at the beginning and as soon as they connect you'll alter and blink away and just like try to like move away from where you altered cuz you're going to go back there later and you want to like try to make especially versus melee you want to make them waste their Gap closer if they want to reconnect after you want them to like commit a gap closer so that way you can like Max kite and then if they connect again you can temp if you're playing it and then like later on and then you can knock them into like ice Nova or regular Nova and then like lastes your your greater invis this is when you press it it's 60% Dam reduct so it's 60% wall for 3 seconds so that's that's going to be like your second last oh also mirror images when this is out it makes uh damage hit 20% less um so this is like a mini wall Mir image is a mini wall greater is a big wall and then before the gates open you want to mass barrier 30 seconds when the timer hits 30 seconds or less you Mass barrier and that the mass barrier will stick on your whole team and that'll be really good because uh means like less CC and you know support for the opener and then ice blocks last you want to block last obviously cuz it's the longest cool down you want to rotate like your shortest cool nouns first oh also I forgot to mention one of the most important things which is your for set as Arcane so how the foret works is after you have consumed three clear casts after you consume three clear cast it gives you an empowered missile so okay there's one clear cast so that one it doesn't count there's like a chance for your clear cast to not um use the stack so that that doesn't count but right here I there's one stack there's two stacks with the clear cast okay let me get another clear cast real quick right here so the third one after you've used three clear cast now you get this buff right here and this is going to empower your missile damage by 75% in PvP and it's going to cleave as well so this what it looks like so now it's hitting all the other targets too so that's what you want for your biggest burst phase so like if you can have that while your surge is up that's going to be the maximum damage obviously you're using your filler right now oh also sometimes you get surge procs as well with this Talent right here time anomaly it gives you like random search procs which is going to recover your Mana for you along with increase damage so like right here you could like surge cuz you're close to Three Stacks right barage slow the target touch Tempest and then missiles and now you get like the big missiles right here this is the empowered missiles empowered missiles into like P blast blast into more missiles into barrage when they're below 35% orb to get four more combo points the missiles into Arcane blast into more missiles with the force set this is like best case scenario when you can free cast pump right and if you you can't second base best case scenario is like you Juke a kick with like a a click right here you Juke a kick precog and now you can hard cast Arcane blast which will then give you more missiles so yeah it's good to definitely play around this buff going into your surge if possible okay so now I'm just going to commentate over like an intro to this one solo Shuffle round I had just to give an example of how to minax your damage in an actual game scenario in this Shuffle we're playing d h Mage dis priest and we're fighting SP sub Rogue H pal so right here first things first I'm going to try to get in combat so that way I don't get sapped and my healer doesn't get sapped so I I spell steal the priest I'm also using truy gcd the addon to show my globals down here so you can keep an eye on that while we do this quick VOD review so spell steal to get in combat then I followed up with a barrage barrage is fine cuz you know I'm slowing the kill Target right with Kronos shift I'm giving myself a Sprint and I'm starting to build up these Arcane Tempo Stacks I used to be be really anal about these stats I used to like try to always get five before I go but nowadays like you have so much haste from like having so much secondary stats in this season that it's not as important but yeah it's good to try to maintain this as much as possible but it's not your number one priority I followed up with a clear cast I think I end up let's see I think I end up getting a clearcast from the first spell steal yeah so what I said earlier right was like spell steal is one of your main fillers to clean the Target and also it gives you a chance to give clear cast procs not as high of a chance of spamming four combo point blasts but yeah right there I'll actually send my first missiles first a lot of people I think will try to save their clearcast for the The Surge go when you get your surge off but it's really not that bad if you start stacking up your foret so that way you can like instantly have a battery empowered missile when you surge I'll just send missile right there I'll shoot out a regular orb remember what I said earlier when you shoot out an orb it gives you one combo Point immediately and then additional combo Point per Target it hits so right here you'll see the orb hits the p and the priest so now I go from zero to three combo points from this orb and what I'm trying to do here get some combo points and spam out some Arcane blasts because that's the best way to generate missiles right and the Rogue was still in stealth up to this point so I'm just trying to like pre-build missiles and be early so that way I can like be prepared to mmax my pump when I do surge so here I I'll Arcane blast once the first Arcane blast already gives me a clear cast I'll Arcane blast again doesn't give me a clear cast but we're getting those Arcane blast out with instant three four combo points which is good right I try to shoot the Rogue here which he vanishes I send another clearcast to the priest so now we're at two stacks of battery so I need to just use one more and then I'll get the empowered missile so I'm like pre-building this is the pre-build now I try to Surge right here now I try to Surge and I get kicked on the surge which locks me on Arcane which is kind of unfortunate I'll meld here I'll try to like meld the kidney I knock him away from me it sucks I couldn't alter because I got kicked on Arcane usually you would want to alter at 100% there but because I got kicked like if I altered as soon as a kick ended I'd be altering at 40% so it's not good I got dueled he cloaks I try to Port the step but he actually doesn't step me here it's kind of awkward but anyways I'm going to just end up DB sheeping Rogue here now I want to get my surge off cuz I have two clearcast stacks and I already have two batteries so I want to like be able to have surge up during my first battery right so I'm going to shoot the Rogue rogue's kick comes up soon I steal the pi and I I try to get the surge off here before kick comes up I I blink away boom there's the surge so now I surge I'm going to barrage first thing I had four combo points but it's okay to spend the combo points by barraging because what that does is it slows the kill Target for my burst phase it gives me a Sprint and it refreshes my Tempo so right here I didn't have a Tempo prior to this so it's not the best but sometimes you'll have like three or four Tempo stacks and it'll refresh it for your burst phase which will be good cuz you're not going to be barraging for a little bit right cuz now you're going to be focused on missling and pal blasting so you you cast The Surge and the second you do that you actually just like send a barrage to slow the target give yourself a spin buff refresh your Tempo and then you'll touch which will instantly give you four combo points any anyways so barrage I touch now I have four combo points now I send my missiles boom I sent my missiles now I have a battery then I'll pal blast Blast for those big pal damage then I'll send my empowered missiles into another barrage into regular clear cast missiles and we get dispersed because of that so let me just like go back just go over this part again get the surge off barrage first to slow them touch missiles so now I have a battery missiles I'm going to P blast blast one thing to keep in mind if you already have three missile Stacks like clearcast Stacks do not pom blast because like I mentioned earlier Arcane blast there's a very high chance that generates clearcast Stacks right so you don't want to be overcapped on these so if you have three already like try to like use one or two before you PM blast cuz there's a there's a high chance that you can go from one clear cast to three after you've PM blasted twice because each of those blasts could give you a proc right so like don't overc cap but right here I had two and um the first Arcane blast I pressed didn't give me a stack but the second blast gives me a clear cast so now I'm following up more missiles the first one's empowered does big damage Cleaves to the Rogue and the second one procs disperse so that's generally what the burst phase is going to look like one thing that could have gone better prior to this is if I would like pre- ring a fired to go so right here like before I even surge if I could drop a ring of fire here and have that ring of fire ticking during my surge Touch palom battery missile burst phase that's going to be like the most damage you can do right so try to do that if possible but here I kind of felt rushed cuz the rogue's kick was coming back up I'm not on stun Dr like I'm going to get shut down soon so I just want to get the surge off and alter and uh counter pump as much as possible but yeah you should try to like ring a fire first and then after this after you do your burst phase you've essentially like put everything on CD right your ring of fire surge touch pal and you've probably altered by then too at that point um maybe even M image and blast wave and this is the best time once you force defenses by during your burst phase we get dispers right and we've gotten sack earlier already that's when it's best to go behind the pillar and use your shifting power cuz then your shifting power will reset all the buttons you've just pressed and you'll be able to burst earlier again sooner than later and you'll have defensives up uh sooner than later for when you need it because surges like double the cooldown length of Touch Palm you're usually just going to get another Palm blast in without your surge so you'll do a go with surge P blast and then do a second go with just P blast and then do a third go with your surge P blast again so you alternate every other go you won't have a surge you want to tighten things up so that way things don't get desync and I think I mentioned it earlier but once you um touch yes get those missiles out if you if it's ideal but squeeze in those Palm blasts as soon as possible so they don't desync when I first started playing Arcane I had the problem of like having touch be back up but pom still be on cool down for 25 seconds you don't want that happening but anyways that was just a basic example of doing damage if you guys would like a guide on like more defensive ility usage I could do that in the future just um request in the comments if that's something you're interested in maybe like the video and uh yeah hopefully this helps you guys out help you understand the damage a little bit more and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Hansol
Views: 6,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hansol, WoW, Mage PvP, dragonflight mage pvp, dragonflight mage pvp guide, arcane mage pvp, mage solo shuffle, rmp 3v3, arcane mage pvp guide, rank 1 pvp wow, dragonflight solo shuffle, MAGE x ROGUE x PALA ft. Palumor & Crusader (2700 Rating), RMP, RMPALA, Crusader, Crusader3455, Miestro Paladin, Palumor, dragonflight arcane mage pvp guide, dragonflight how to arcane mage
Id: 5Kyn7iaXyWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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