Deadly Spider Vs Devil Bug Week 4 Redback Spiders Educational Video

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whoa I read backs are straight into that one Wow look at that oh man this is just so horrific to watch but so beautiful as well warning this video contains graphic images of deadly spiders that are so deadly even deadly things are eaten by them now that's deadly always a fluffy beautiful and she's actually helping me find some critters for the read back home this is what I've been finding the garden so far but there's one critter I'd like to really find add to this week's critter collection I knows these little things are about they have been fairly elusive and maybe the reason why I've got a red back plague but I'm really keen to find one I'm sure if I keep looking very careful here I'm going to come across one and the problem is I may come across more red backs but maybe down here somewhere is exactly what I'm after down there's what I'm after just got to get them out being very gentle here I think these guys will be a game-changer well fluffy is helping me as well she gets excited when she sees skinks and unfortunately I think she got rid of a few that we really needed around but what has really alarmed me and I'm no surprise at all is when I look up here at that down there there's another red back nest why had I surprised so if they come in for a very special strike here I believe mummys never going to find out and my goodness me look at that giant slug of all the babies around there that is just disgusting isn't it yuck right now I've grabbed the lizards from where I can I'm gonna get these red back to lick a fire and I know that is going to sort them out it does every time [Music] goodbye mr. mrs. read back and all of your little babies as well well from looking around the garden for about 10 minutes I really was after skinks but I found a few other things as well even found on our bottle there finally more red backs wasn't nice but we've dealt with them and I let these guys into my red back tank oh yeah there has been a lot of things going on in the last week with my red back tank there was a lot of interest in this now and sadly the YouTube videos are lagging between the time I shoot them and show them on YouTube this is what it's looking like getting into week four and well there's been a lot of births going on inside the tank because this is week four it gets a fourth silver dot there and the black dot means that was a week when I xmax were laid up and because two more egg sacks have been laid between week 3 and week 4 it also gets a black dot adding the Vaseline was a magic trick I also put a bit of Vaseline along the glass here the spiders cannot get past the Vaseline or make web across the top so I can get lid off about the threat of spiders just looking down on the top to start with there's Thomas they're the plants have grown up a bit more you can see some red backs around some of them maybe bit hard to see because they're dark against dark there's one just the end of the tweezers they're going up to the back of the cat track the little house spot I put in has actually died he's passed away he's actually down here he doesn't move at all strangely he wasn't eaten by the red backs but I'll talk about that maybe later on there's another red bat down there turning this spider home around now looking at the other end and it was the YouTuber bean Meister 22 someone I've known for a long time on YouTube said to me leo with all those red backs you got through your home do something with them that's productive there's a female there these are the two oldest egg sacks in a sense they live like all the week three egg sacs I think they're very close to to hatching don't some reading up on those there is a very small female just below her and then looking over to the other side reveals the two XX which were laid during the week nice female bear and there is the male feeding on the carcass of a cricket and I know your what a counter I'm a bit curious about a cat as well I know a red back was eaten during a week but let's count them the one big theme out there that's one the male there it's - the big female here 3 the smaller feed by the back they match for the female down the back there that's five one right there six and the one who is very hard to sneak down the dirt makes seven you may ask the Redback spiders share their meals well from what I can see yes they do I think this the sharing of meals is under sufferance I don't often see two females sharing a meal at often a large femaleness one or a large female in a male they have their own little zones I'd like to key to themselves and keep their own little territories in the tank although it is strange to see these two females here sitting up so close together some of the spiders a weak one are still around and they have grown a fair bit although it's very hard to tell looking through a camera like this and if you look carefully around the tank you'll see more poor old thomas the tank he's actually looking a little bit worse to where a lot of his paint has been nibbled away out by little critters I think the ladybugs are having feeds from Thomas mind you haven't seen a ladybug around I wonder where they've gone but overall Thomas is looking a little bit worse for wear quite a few people asked what were the orange things at the front of this tank don't courage for the insects to eat I mean I want the insects to be happy in there because the insects are happy all the red backs get happy as well okay time to name that bug whatever that thing there is is this crawling I'm going to try and get that into the tank it might be beep ugly catch devilish looking thing isn't it I mean what is that thing it looks like the devil designed it doesn't it well I want to get this into the tank I want it to be a red back killer and it goes well I'll read backs are straight into that one Wow look at that they see that as a threat that was instantaneous reaction then as soon as that critter hit it's a lot of trouble I'm not going to turn the camera off I think that female is doing everything it can to protect that his egg sacs it's going to coming from bite this is just horrific to watch as soon as that creature landed in there it was in trouble I mean look at that female there she is highly protective she is coming in and she's doing whatever I think around that bug sadly I can't name that bug on I don't know everything about bugs it is just her to watch over the female go I think they go for the legs and they get a bite in the legs hope I'm getting this right oh man this is just so horrific to watch but so beautiful as well and the money in our covers featuring beautifully here in this shot here it looks great doesn't it I suppose it's that female must see that as a major threat I can I'm sure the audio audience will explain to me what that bug was whatever it is it's going to be a dead one yeah look at the way they'll get into a leg that's the thing of Redbacks I've got to get into something small because their jaws aren't that big but boy don't they do beautifully oh I think that is just amazing how efficient that was as soon as that bug landed bang that female came in for the strike and it's all over Red Rover amazing when they come into the kill and what I can work out and what I've seen before is they'll get venom into the critter and in the way too wild they'll come back and they'll suck at that absolutely zero well I'm sure the Star Wars fans a big site of the father the Millennium Falcon has seen some major action here oh just watch of that spider work just gives you shivers doesn't it well worked out is the red backs they'll ever get the huff instantly about a critter or they'll let a critter go when I put them all spider into this thing one was it back in week two the red back sorted it out very fast it's the same with this creature here now it's not as if she was hungry she was already sucking that cricket to nothing she's done this to protect her a so she's obviously very very proud of what she's laid up during the week and I'm pretty sure that venom would be taking effect that bug isn't looking as sprightly as it was but before it came into the tank that happened really fast and the female is now recruited back to her egg sacs and for that bug there it's good night sister yes the red backs once they see a major threat they'll take out instantly I want to put some millipedes in here cuz I'm pretty sure that's why they like to eat I might put it right there I'll pick up another one just some sonic camera and put it right there as often I've seen dead millipedes around where the red backs do their web we've got a couple more millipedes I'm not a troublemaker but I'm going to put it there and because I love pouring what's going to give that exact a bit of a millipede raise up the who a mother doesn't like it now that's the one which is just giving the kiss of death than other buggers are going to leave that millipede scamper around those eggs if you're a gambling man who'd you have your money on read back or that thing with a beaten legs but Angie's mother has gone back to sucking a cricket in the millipedes going down to the soil hope it isn't merely peat if it's a centipede I'm gone that's for the other one well let's just hanging around having a bit of a feed on some web bud looks of it like deadly thing there just try and pick it up without giving it the squish which can be sometimes a bit tricky okay I think I've got it and it goes the BlackBerry thing is digging down into the soil layer that's probably the best strategy to do I think if you dig down and get a pretty good chance of not being taken out by read-back finding the old bottle was nice and I'll put that in as a bit of a feature piece somewhere maybe up the back here with the bottle making sure it's not too square oh I got some worms in there the worms are still alive they look like they're not living but they're still alive and I've got the skinks let me just grab a skink okay that's the underneath skink there my hands I think these guys could be the major game changer in this tank now either they're going to take out the red back so the red backs will take out them and even put that one in there it started it looked very mysterious well that one's making a home under the Millennium Falcon and I've got the other one here I just hope they can clean up these red backs any goes or she and again it's looking very mischievous and looking for trouble the thing with the red stripe is what you're after lovey please take an out look at that red back is swaying I think that's a little thing like daddy longlegs do it might be a bit of a threatening sign to that lizard and I'm pretty sure that lizard should I say skink we'll take the red back out that is what I'm gambling on here well that skin looks like a bit of a Minecraft fan I just saw I'm trying to dis and digging yeah look for action looking for action climbing up the glass but will it get past the Vaseline this is the big test here well let's get past the Vaseline no-go zone I don't think it will and I've got my earthworms are put in just to keep the condition of the soil open oh they're going to do a lot of cleaning up for me in the go and believe me they will love it in there well the skinks are doing all they can to basically hide away they like to be underneath things and cool the spots and that's like both of them are going to make the Millennium Falcon their home right - yo well just behind Thomas have done some remodeling there I move the little water bottle feature and I'll put a little reservoir in there for the water and I'll put some water in here because the skinks will mop some water I'll have to change that water out every few days I hope nothing else gets drowned in there but you're getting a bit of a feel for what's going on in this tank and those skins are certainly moving a battle light there's one there just getting accustomed to what he's living in at the moment and I really think there's red backs are uncomfortable for the fact the skinks are in and I'm really hoping that adding the skinks is a game changer in this and it'll start to swing the balance away from the red bags as it stands red backs have had total dominance inside here I don't think really anything that I've introduced up to this week has had any impact in their population I think whether skinks are going to really play an important is when this red back spider egg sacs open up and potentially within each egg sac you've got 250 beautiful red back spider links so by doing some simple maths I believe we've got potentially around about a thousand red back spider links who are going to present themselves into this red back home slash prison well as you can see the red backs homes actually become a very very complex little affair a lot of things happened between week 3 and week 4 I took a lot of time-lapse video and I just put that away as a separate video and explain exactly what went on the time bomb that's going on in here at the moment is basically the egg sacs I could be within a week of these hatching or maybe less yeah it's understanding the egg sacs I did some reading up it is a little complex there's a couple of things that have to go on it has to be the right sort of environment as well and temperatures but it's a bit of an unknown that's one of these things I just have to wait till I see spiderlings but it's a very very interesting thing that I've done here again thank it being master 22 this has been an absolute youtube goal for me complete another gold this box of deadly spiders it's a bit like the Tremmel showed you know that film it's a little bit like The Hunger Games if I didn't feed these guys will it be basically Redback spider versus red back supported mind you I have read that they can survive for hundreds of days of our food maybe that's why they are taking over the planet they are a very very Hardy spider and they are very fierce at fighting and very good at killing things when they want to sow more week for report will be split into two videos of course this is one of them and the extra critters that we added then I'll also do another one where I'll show you the time-lapse footage that I did during the week it was a very complex week a lot of things happened some very curious deaths along the way this video is too long for youtubers at stands I'd better say goodbye as always thanks for watching in bye for now yes I think the skinks are going to be the game changer
Channel: leokimvideo
Views: 4,273,028
Rating: 4.3753428 out of 5
Keywords: spider, spider attack, devil, bugs, redback spider, black widow, killer spider, spider web, Arachnophobia, Terrarium, pets, scary, spider eggs, паук, मकड़ी, クモ, aranha, araña, gagamba, spider fight, battle, bug battle, mole cricket
Id: 6lCRpqghZaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2016
Reddit Comments

i believe in japan it was done a couple of years back but maybe im just making shit up

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/zerkeron 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

It wasnt Kyle's idea. What do you think they were watching?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/tighearnarealtai 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
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