Deadliest Roads | Myanmar | Free Documentary

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] campy the taxi driver has seen better days his 15 clients want him to speed up whereas the sixteenth passenger continues to express discontent by moving constantly [Music] homework hibachi mommy may never grow that mr. Cerullo borrowed me going to have actionable yoshida bharata rajah not giving up [Music] his worn out Jeep struggles to run on the 90 kilometer track leading to the village [Music] campi has no other choice he must get through no matter what it takes the funeral service will not start without his passengers [Music] in Burma solidarity remains a cornerstone for families going through tough times [Music] [ __ ] miracle of Iraq with the little perseverance the journey reaches its end after three hours of traveling the passengers and Bullock can finally stretch their legs although for this animal the end of the journey truly marks the end of the line the Jeep will also serve as a hearse although for the driver not everything will go to plan in Burma trouble is never far away for more than half a century this country has lived in isolation cut off from the outside world by a succession of some of the harshest dictatorships on the planet the Burmese consider their country to be the sleeping beauty of the world although she has finally begun to open her eyes today she faces a rude awakening the country is lacking in everything it's infrastructures have been abandoned for several years but in spite of these hardships the Burmese keep on smiling why would they complain now when many of them have experienced forced labor in the past literally Allen the junta ran the country according to its own benefit taking all the wealth and building an immense capital city twice the size of New York [Music] however barely anyone lives there now and the highways leading to the capital are some of the emptiest in the world [Music] there are countless tracks and they are a nightmare for the Burmese to deal with [Music] Burma perhaps also holds another record it is home to the most terrifying train in all of Asia [Music] after years of suffering the Burmese can now face death with a smile for the Burmese drivers monsoon season is associated with countless problems lorries and taxis move in a long procession bound together by pitfalls that literally nail them to the ground [Music] during this season several transporters refuse to drive on this road only the bravest or rather the most reckless drivers dare to take on the mountain mr. Cole sama is one such driver however he doesn't really have a choice in the matter if he doesn't Drive he cannot earn any money for a while he tried to find a driver to replace him hoping to take a much-needed break but any potential candidate ran away at the sight of his truck [Music] moong dal a powerful neck and really hot Irrawaddy calmly Charo Jo Jo suji very near on Vicari era narrow our piano theme among him work for a re-tuck of Maribor no in fact this truck shouldn't actually exist mr. Qasim is the dr. Frankenstein of mechanics he brought this metal creature to life with his bare hands although she runs she's far from perfect this beast quickly runs out of steam and has to stop every half an hour and I can be added heated brakes can lead straight to a fall into the ravine so kösem has invented a sort of liquid cooling mechanism from below here tamati trailer as you turn a break huh Bromley Maputo wanna problem the adorable a Camilo conga conga rock his truck is an enormous machine assembled using the parts of several different vehicles Keigo garage inugami Ivana she hugged each other GMC Geoghan Bureau Indian jello till eight Haribo no changing judo until later a [ __ ] phone competence and arrow - Oh Jane in German I would be the high chair of manator Indian chili at her pillow language ah - Oh Jenna Josue you've already staring overpowers telling Scott Atari Oh Mia the engineer hajar Oh little woman add or delete wholly later the load little each other Akina late hurry to achieve in a later video you don't get on center of Black American group coordinator or subpool innovator or tikanga Kyani nitro on bono the only net young NN embody in Elliott already found in a later theorem mr. Qasim sets off to deliver rice to the Indian border less than 60 kilometers away in this humid season this journey is far from easy especially given his vehicle [Music] [Applause] [Music] but the lady a diamond watch Rajini pre-op Illuminati Nevison Aurora bono the attendee jar of vinegar or think about the number one number two I mean a policy below it a movie on the brakes start to heat up so mr. Qasim activates his homemade liquid cooling device [Music] very easily he's a jockey ma I live what a bowing at a low level generally what I looked a benjin Malayan yeah [Music] you know the new home here and out I'll eat the painting now we DVR oh no stupid already like Tony does it all Iran is beyond $1 [Music] after six long hours on the road only 20 kilometers has been covered even the mules are moving faster than this although this part of the track is new the drivers have nicknamed it the passage from hell these three kilometers alone have already seen dozens of accidents Dean yama literally delusional here yet totally giuliana depandi denominator has a name in modeling for my quality [Music] we in the hotel the moral is swing above planet or are we watching it one language I am the God of War who 8ji division like help it Aurra [Music] [Music] mr. Qasim travels with a handyman who jumps into the mud for him [Applause] that would that's all John John Mayer la Movida Oh junior on it during the genie don't Joe LaBelle Pineda Malaysian busy dolphin ha his assistant doesn't quite seem to be in the mood to laugh [Applause] [Music] each other daughter being Bama hit the road oh I got you can kill a pure Yamaha no no be loving and cookies every day hello late late my Fedora yes it'll be there later yeah I'll take a while I thought he's gone [Music] mr. Co Sam's good mood fades quickly with the arrival of the fog [Music] after eight hours of exhausting driving his smile has gone he is stressed and apprehensive between his fatigue and the severe lack of visibility it would be crazy to continue the journey [Music] course um decides to spend the night in this tavern tomorrow with 30 kilometers still to go he has to complete the other half of his journey unfortunately in Burma the travel time is always tripled [Music] in the mountains all of the villages in ma limine are doing their best to help this family the grandmother has just arrived to spend time with her ancestors the meat from this Bullock will be eaten at the funeral meal the dish will be accompanied with corn and campus family is in charge of cooking it the young driver could really do without this particular chore because his back is already aching after having spent three hours behind the wheel of his old Jeep it's shock absorbers are as hard as wood in the next room the villagers have been gathering around the elderly woman's body for three days this act is not linked to her status she was neither wealthy nor particularly noteworthy tradition states that the vigil serves to appease the spirit of the deceased before their journey to the afterlife Percy Tara Tara tomorrow the channel or SH Anna Amana table on Omaha tomorrow the channel hoodie a trade photo to us hesitating to hurry through TV arra due to weather well Simon Tapia Champy's truck will serve as the hearse for the grandmother's final journey however this trip will prove much more complicated for the young driver than first planned [Music] 90% of the Burmese are Buddhists only 1% of the population is Christian like in this village [Music] the graveyard is only 800 meters away but unfortunately it is at the bottom of a hill the heavens have another plan for campy [Music] while the elderly woman reaches her final resting place this young man is wondering if you'll ever be able to get back out of here [Music] what am I natsu-san General General bombing field at the job Troy is really perfect one deflated the tires sink down and the treads width increases by a few centimeters just enough for the truck to grip the track a little more unfortunately campi now has another problem power don't get one I don't know forward Twitter - evidently in Burma laughing seems to be the cure for any problem however a helping hand goes a long way an hour later and a friend comes to the rescue santé [Music] Oh No so far so that wasn't all he didn't tell you about they've now been struggling for two hours campy realizes that he should have thought about bringing chains earlier I told you I was going in there meow travel for your attention the vehicle is no longer sliding around it's digging holes instead and to make matters worse now the chains are broken but once again no one loses hope okay Shh and I know my Akunyili Jimmy G what's wrong puro puro say let's change our [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are y'all know not as you know my mother is not human coaching it is already 11 p.m. a few other villagers have come to help out in vain and if that wasn't enough these men are starting to struggle almost as much as the worn-out Jeep they've been slaving away for eight hours [Applause] oh yeah - valuation my items our bail advice on Ben Barnaby Ambani today a Volvo finally some of their prayers are answered just before midnight the family of the deceased woman arrived with some reinforcements [Music] reenergized had almost 1 o'clock in the morning or rather 10 hours later their salvation finally arrives [Music] the Burmese have learnt the importance of never giving up to understand where this determination comes from we must delve deeper into the country's history [Music] the Burmese were subjected to forced labor a regime imposed by the different military dictatorships that used to rule the country for nearly 60 years Burma was completely isolated from the rest of the world which hindered and impeded its development there was a complete lack of supplies electricity drinking water and infrastructure [Music] in spite of this the country about sin wealth deep in the lands subsoils oil gas and even precious gems such as rubies and Sapphire can be found since 2011 it seems as though a new page has turned for the country the junta has eased off the country's doors have finally open and the economy is slowly improving the Burmese hope to finally be free of life's hardships since these times of terror seem Tim no longer feels death knocking aroma to go out sir on your volcano see a cheese doodle my dude ever any opinion do I say I be Enzo see tin has been a snake charmer for 30 years no king over a mere never my brother seems easy Murtagh him now listen Luke I can a genius in a situation while visiting Air Evac I can well by the charmer believes that he's been spared thanks to the seemingly magical tattoos that adorn his body the Shaymin who designed them supposedly blended medicinal herbs and the venom of different snakes with the tattooing [Music] after half an hour of invocations the Cobra is ready for the kiss of death however this time it's not the snake to all bestow the kiss but rather this young woman chakra and the snake charmer put on the performance together but it is not without risk [Applause] we can see goes down [Applause] when he isn't practicing his talented young on Zoo sin teen ands a bit of extra money by performing in the rural villages where these beliefs are still firmly rooted for some the Cobra is a valuable animal it allegedly protected Buddha from the Sun for others it represents an evil God who destroys harvests and makes women sterile legend states that only the purest of girls can break this curse by kissing its head three times in a row [Music] [Music] [Music] Sakina represents one of these pure women as she dances her movements gradually hypnotized the snake to avoid being bitten she must respect two very important rules never stop dancing and avoid any sudden movements Nancy Cantor oh man I'm gonna amico cycle Amy you got payout hey Yahoo as Emma she cool yet those soul a remedial opinion the snake is agitated so same team asked his assistant to try to calm it down by giving it a fresh water bath the danger is all too real Sinton does not cheat his snake still has all its fangs and is full of venom [Music] although it is merely a spectacle the inhabitants hope that thanks to the kiss of death the birthrate will significantly increase at a village this year [Music] at dawn the fog drifts over the mountaintops mr. Kosan has not slept well the stress must be getting to him the previous day it took him ten hours to travel 30 kilometers and he still has to cover the same amount of ground today to get to the Indian border [Music] to make things worse all of the drivers he encounters tell him the same story Camus was in Dalian up there [Music] a suitable night owl and if you make eliminate fear in da Gama Yolo meow dandiya it's not long before the difficulties begin the waterholes follow one after the other [Music] [Music] [Music] without his assistant the journey would be impossible for less than 10 euros per trip with food and shelter the young man helps him to make up for lost time without him mr. cool Sam would not be able to handle all of his delivery jobs [Music] whadya Italian led the cello mamacita hallelujah Romano to a Buddha a dog pimpin a cake hiroshima a Toro Malo Java voila Bulova people made as well funny Louie are accounted a Python Laura yes Oh No araki ken'ichi regatta of Malala Mafia wahoo Nadia Martinez with liqui kina Enoch watch me novel [Music] yellow lyric watanabe la comunidad y tweet Amidala muralha motivo Eric away cygwin saravana hey ro [Applause] gradually this part of the road becomes submerged in water under the weight of the truck the verge could collapse [Music] [Music] da-da-da-da-dah the loom you love him I love him you wanna p200 Cochran souvenir Ivana Jenya toner to revoir eat Ankara no lady [Applause] [Music] Oh endeavor [Applause] [Music] trying gather my of it cannot burn it I hear that jump cannot solve only this is not the trap that he was expecting so now he has no other choice but to wait after the events following the funeral campi is back behind the wheel of his taxi Oh he's relying on his chains to compensate for his broken 4x4 transmission [Music] these two women are very much aware of the dangers on the track leading into town [Applause] [Applause] it has to be said that this young man makes quite a decent living for himself he owns 200 euros a month while a civil servant only owns 75 with this salary he was able to buy himself this Jeep albeit a vehicle in poor condition that struggles to overcome obstacles [Music] a lot more poets one if you do not power kid [Applause] but in spite of everything all of the villagers are queueing to travel with him campy plays an important social role in this part of the mountain [Music] [Music] so I naturally teleology now you are kannada telugu radhika joke [Applause] somehow the difficult journey comes to an end the most important thing is that they got there in the town there's no shortage of garages luckily for campy his 4x4 is quite basic so repairing it is like child's play [Music] furniture pillow when you are landowner Ali say no and walk battle only but don't hold it all of them they are checking the garage is run by young and very bright people they're like kings they're between 7 and 12 years old oh do you Alejandro Jung Armitage moodle del wide through Hawley PA Tanner I do some law in 2014 at the time of the last census Burma was said to have more than four million working children the irony is that since the country opened its doors to foreigners this figure has been increasing continuously because the new companies are looking for cheap labor [Music] these five children were fortunate enough to have been taken in by this monk war leh helps these disadvantaged young people by giving them shelter in his monastery he hopes that they will eventually want to continue the vocation dedicating their lives to helping others monks take a vow of poverty and live off the charity of others their meal has been provided by this gentleman before they met war lay the children had never left their village and they had almost no hope of ever doing so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] their first train experience is not just on any train a ride far better than one found in any theme park it travels on the narrowest and highest viaduct in the country [Music] [Music] this structure was built in 1901 and reaches a height of a hundred meters its construction was the main feat of the time [Music] the you gobble you are throw that iron in brother oh hey see this is a bit of a burn and then I know this is perhaps one of the most terrifying trains on the planet there is no guardrail so only a few centimetres separate the wheels from the abyss [Music] [Music] like all Buddhists monk Worley believes that there is no such thing as chance even if he tries to change their destiny he believes that the fate of these four children is deserved no you get an the iguana CD can be very queer candy unaware the Simon Sierra chandrasana Khushi devadasi Takata broken dia kudu candy became effective on my agenda [Music] my Dingle chamber down and up and and [Applause] [Music] further on in the mountains mr. Qasim is asking himself what he could have done in a past life to deserve such a punishment another truck is blocking the way and its driver is nowhere to be found his old vehicle cannot turn sharply enough to get past he only needs thirty centimeters more space which he hopes to achieve by moving the rear with a jack [Applause] with 15 kilometers still to go before he reaches the border this driver is no longer thinking about the time his only hope is to arrive before dusk and even that seems unlikely [Music] Donna cartilage arrow Callie to be on land a little olive oil [Music] gorel if you are a landlord a new reality hello America Tonia a mortgage Armenia's rodgero youngnam pune do you know Acharya let me are Indrani Gerald Doak Acharya gambia coop will be the malaria everywhere [Music] hold on why Lucy don't worry I already fed our air by Adi Adi Dada Domo and all we knew al akkari Davari Onaga Mr Coulson knows very well that tarmac roads are still a long way away he has several good years of driving left ahead of him the country has more important priorities before even considering repairing these forgotten mountain roads but in spite of this the deplorable state is paralyzing a part of the country's economy [Music] before turning the vehicle over the passengers have to unload all of their [Music] tongues on their tongues on the bow kidney Dora what you I'm headed home Adama Julia don't you are- nothing yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone Oliver we added with a with an agreement similarly to like gentle light beyond Oliver you cannot occupy biggest ha the world would divert our akhada Marilla I won't look at it cardamon Allah Allah correct what I love it [Music] mr. Koh Sam sets off but he's never far away from disaster [Music] [Music] Thank You like Nadia my love you know more para la la la I love you know my mama see our lady in the red button mr. Kosan will arrive just before nightfall after having spent 48 hours on only a 60 kilometer journey Burma is a developing country slowly democracy is gaining ground although nobody has yet dead to criticize the past 50 years of oppression the junta may have abdicated their power but they are still ever-present in the country's political sphere [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 2,026,257
Rating: 4.7405834 out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, most dangerous roads, most dangerous journeys, worlds most dangerous roads, worlds most dangerous journeys, deadliest roads, deadliest roads in the world, dicing with death, deadliest journeys, dicing with death myanmar, most dangerous roads myanmar, deadliest roads myanmar, dangerous roads myanmar, dangerous myanmar, deadliest journeys myanmar
Id: 1_Wkq9bO8FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 37sec (3097 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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