Deadliest Roads | Colombia & Venezuela | Free Documentary

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] at the foot of the mountain between Colombia and Venezuela is a small village it lies on one of the most high-risk borders in Latin America [Music] questa seat us alongside its 4,000 inhabitants the fuel container reigns in this town they are everywhere cans of petrol are sold illegally on most roadsides [Music] but here fuel this contraband high-quality fuel is purchased on the other side of the border in Venezuela there it only costs one cent per liter and is resold for 30 times its original price in Colombia a real bargain for the cartels the police leave the low-key street sellers alone targeting instead the more serious traffickers like Jose Luis who goes in search of his contraband fuel in this modified four-wheel-drive truck same address attentive the enemy [ __ ] machina mejora true purity Paulo my ela Latinas a la loca loca Rouge area a un carro que no se Kira and in Goulet Rocha porque hay da letra song in aquatic were total water for so Celente para la carga porque no hetero Porthos le hace para contar oh no no mucho y BN come capacidad de una toenail on me do you know Lagos este refuse oh yeah lemme to know la capacidad a para nada yeah hay que un carro communica université de barranco wall ha 1 over tau C C ya tiene captain Jose Luis is leaving to collect 4000 litres of fuel in Venezuela [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] happy one more rapido por que que una sola moon Caliente kamikaze and Ella policía policía y vamos a llegar pork hacen esto porque lo que no la la la vie de nosotros allah deals on a panda a pentacle if all goes well Jose Luis should arrive at his destination in an hour and a half however today nothing will go as planned [Music] the border between Colombia and Venezuela is situated in the north of Latin America and is made up of 2,200 kilometers worth of roads it's a dangerous and uncontrollable region where conflict between armed groups traffickers and soldiers is intense cameras are not welcome here all this trafficking is fed by the current state of poverty in Venezuela a country in crisis in two years the cost of basic commodities like flour and milk has multiplied by five due to the collapse in fuel prices the country's entire economy depends on the black gold market every day thousands of Venezuelans travel to Colombia to buy things they can no longer find at home o me that mu Johnny amoeba although the supermarket shelves are empty fuel is the one resource that is always available Venezuela is home to the largest field reserve in the world since the beginning of the crisis one-third of their fuel stock has been resold illegally in Colombia on the other side of the border the most sought-after commodity is not fuel but water those most affected by the repercussions of global warming live in the middle of the Colombian desert [Music] the y-you people haven't seen rain in over five years the women and children walk for hours just to get their hands on a few drops of water on this arid ground trying to harvest crops is futile their herds have been completely wiped out in order to survive the y-you people have also resorted to trafficking fuel but it's a dangerous game in the north of Colombia Jose Louie arrives at the border to collect the batch of contraband fuel waiting for him unfortunately the police are everywhere jose-luis leaves the motorway to avoid them this road is much safer it is here that the other traffickers have placed their henchmen to tend to the area by doing this jose-luis risks seven years in prison as well as the confiscation of his vehicle worth five thousand euros one of the Watchmen is missing from his post that's strange a few kilometers down the road another stops to warn them it's bad news jose-luis makes a u-turn the police are patrolling a large stretch of the road and they don't take kindly to traffickers [Music] [Applause] vascular concealable Philomela eternity honest thoughts is this man and women are part of a family of small-time traffickers they don't understand why the police are jeopardizing their business to them this is nothing but a matter of survival gusto estamos llegando demasiado grande Posada manifest amo solo de la camara Stassi knows vamos a Mendo they've been here all morning the group of police officers and soldiers began their operation at dawn the tequila river has turned into a makeshift porter on the one side is Colombia and on the other side Venezuela is a las ocho del signore Palomino locust on our land honest moment just a few hours ago a small stretch of rocks linked the two Shores together dozens of traffickers use this passage every day our presence here is a problem they ask us to leave immediately even the police and the army have doubled their patrols fuel still finds its way across the border traffickers are willing to take more and more risks on the Colombian side near the border and the takea River lies the village of one Frio this is a small quiet town or at least at first glance here smuggling is a trade that passes from generation to generation [Music] Carlos and his cousin are 20 years old every day they take the same route to the edge of the village just a few kilometers away from the entrance to a paddy field [Music] carlos and his cousin don't want to get caught by the police venezuela is not far it's mountains are just ahead carlos alerts his Venezuelan accomplices of their arrival you ain't gonna do oh yeah no cigar CF into those hands face on light off immediately Carlos asks us to film from a distance because he's worried he's now told the other traffickers that we are with him he also just found out that there are soldiers patrolling the area using hand gestures he explains the police could shoot us once we arrived at the meeting point carlos worries that he has gone too far by bringing us with him [Music] he's worried about the oncoming traffic reaction we hide in the bushes but we don't have to wait long [Music] 20 minutes later a few silhouettes appear at the edge of the cliff first 5 then 10 then 20 then 30 all of these men are nervous and exhausted they've taken a huge risk to deliver this fuel carlos organizes the distribution of the fuel everything's going as planned until the leader of the Venezuelan traffickers arrives he's aggressive he doesn't believe that we're journalists [Applause] the traffickers crowd around us to stop us from leaving [Music] after two hours of arguing we managed to calm the traffickers down they finally understand that we're not spies that were not there to turn them in to the authorities the death threats are forgotten the traffickers continue their march like a colony events each individual is carrying almost 50 litres on his back in just a few moments a ton and a half of fuel illegally crosses from Venezuela to Colombia some individuals so they come boogita the carriers earn $10.00 per trip a real fortune before the crisis broke out in Venezuela all these young people had a future Baron is to you harden let's do your Malo nowadays the only thing worth learning is resourcefulness and it's not without risk Sienna plomo a continental mucho para no papa papa no cause no pain appeared at all what anti-democrat yo open o que tienen pantalones papa back to questa Cetus the town where the fuel container is king here we again meet Jose he's hit his truck here while awaiting the obstruction to subside at first glance it appears to be a normal garage but the trucks of several other traffickers have been hidden behind the fence these drivers have also had to stop to pass the time as the coalmine known as Sir John the largest coal deposit in the world those who get the opportunity to work at this mine are the most fortunate in the region others have no choice but to stand and watch as trains export the coal to the rest of the world the train crosses an area that is completely void of any sign of life in the far north of Colombia lies the Guajira Peninsula a land of dust that belongs to the why you people one of the poorest tribes in Colombia [Music] Almeida is part of the why you tribe every Sunday afternoon a car from her community comes to pick her up and take her back to her village so if I make only that boy yeah Rama Harper you say professor a trauma Hawaii economy do Akiko say I'm alone Nino's de metrio la parte central hawk estimate ovando nada one in three children suffer from malnutrition in the Guajira Peninsula since the beginning of the year more than 60 children have died of starvation and dehydration [Music] to try to survive some have built makeshift booms [Music] they wait in the 50 degree heat all day [Music] in Plano soul weight Ferrando Kelly Dean okay you can look in Karen darling at the end of the route there are a few houses in the middle of the desert Almeida and her family live here in this desolate region one resource is more expensive than fuel and more necessary than anything else water yellow is mi se la mejora Elias Auto is impo silicon say it our in the why you tribe finding water is primarily a task for the women it's a daily chore [Music] while the Sun is still high in the sky Almeida and the other village women make the long journey to the well the route leading to the well used to be a riverbed unfortunately the riverbed dried up a long time ago it may be hard to believe but these children have never seen rain it has not rained here for five years [Music] community I had a similar warrant apparently tirado after walking for an hour and a half they finally reached the well [Music] which of Nothe hello Nico in main salon desde que nunca se Seca yes the hell que está disponible a low dose a mess and alliance the inhabitants have built a barrier around the well to protect it from animals the why you see this well as a blessing however it salted water fairly drinkable but it's still very precious to them almost 100 families are reenergized every day thanks to the efforts of these women Kurama horikita allah viene la noche did i say this triste si bueno porous border post poll on si si da de la tierra muha block asset Ariana feli pero que podemos say no puede Mabon donar a quien ver de por que aqui na SI Moche vivo tenemos los padres lo ha gwai-lo yaki Emory Aaron a quien te ramón de barra por que no tenemos Tierra even oten doten a in Venezuela porque aquí no sabía que murió see [Music] it's time to turn back now another hour-and-a-half walk just to get home I understand los hombres no es tan tan trabajando para otra parte all the time we've compiled an SEC that Paco madness ode to my the only stuff Venezuela jazz in Venezuela Tata is one of the youngest women in the community and she worries about the future for her two children and I'm gonna make a nice time in the Korean father hand but it's tiny Queens and I die a night not for Hayden I live [Music] like all of the children in the community Tata's daughter goes to school on foot she is one of the rare children in this desert that have the opportunity to study there is no infrastructure in Guajira no roads and no school transport [Music] some children walk up to two hours to get to school their backpacks and their uniforms were provided by a humanitarian organization but nobody yes come on - sing ocarina pijo okay no I say she hate when I do my hair almost okay okay Caillou follow the order on that day there was a lot of thunder but not a single drop of rain even the sky refuses to shed a tear for the fate of the why you people [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 1,177,839
Rating: 4.8167644 out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, most dangerous roads, most dangerous journeys, worlds most dangerous roads, deadliest roads, deadliest roads in the world, dicing with death, deadliest journeys, dicing with death venezuela, dicing with death colombia, dangerous venezuela, dangerous colombia, deadliest roads venezuela, deadliest roads colombia, deadliest journeys venezuela, deadliest journeys colombia, dangerous roads venezuela, dangerous roads colombia
Id: 9ikTrK_p3YU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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