Deadliest Frog | What Happens if you Touch a Poisonous Dart Frog? | How to Survive | Dr. Binocs Show

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[Music] red gold and green wait don't touch them little kitty why well that's a dangerous situation we will explore by answering a life-saving question what happens if you touch a poison doart frog zoom in in the vibrant world of tropical rainforests you'll find approximately 180 species of poison dart frogs flashing their bright colorful outfits but these colors aren't for sure they serve as a warning sign for potential Predators saying stay away I'm [Music] toxic yes despite their small size no one dares to get too close to these creatures as their skin secretions pack a powerful toxin known as alkaloids making them unappetizing or downright deadly for any potential Predators but exactly how poisonous are poison frogs well determining the exact strength of their poison can be quite a puzzle but as some species are completely harmless While most fall somewhere in the middle they're toxic but not necessarily lethal but there are a few species in this froggy family like the golden poison dart frog that boasts skin so toxic that it can take down as many as 10 grown men with a single dose of its venom so no wonder some clever South American tribes have been using these frogs for ages coating the tips of their darts and Arrows with their potent venom for hunting and that's how they got their catchy name poison do frogs but the vital question is what if someone mistakenly gets their hands on the poisonous members of their family at first usually within a minute of touch the individual may start to experience mild tingling to complete numbness in the contacted area as time passes the skin may become irritating leading to redness itching or a burning sensation if the toxins manage to enter the bloodstream either through mucous membranes or cuts on the skin most severe symptoms including nausea vomiting disiness and muscle weakness May develop if no medical help is received at this point in some extreme cases the person may suffer from a seizure and even paralysis which can be fatal I know what you are thinking is there any way we could minimize the risk after exposing ourselves to its poison well don't worry my dear friends we've got a plan to keep you safe firstly take a deep breath and gently move away from the Frog we don't want any more Close Encounters next find some soap and water and give the area a good wash to help get rid of any froggy toxins on your skin but even after that make sure to keep those hands away from your eyes nose and mouth to avoid those toxins from getting inside your body and most importantly speak to an adult about this and immediately make a call to your doctor although there are no completely effective treatments available for such cases luckily the doctor might prescribe certain medicines or recommend other treatments to help you feel better however the best advice is to keep a safe distance from them so next time you spot a poison do frog remember look but don't touch trivia time did you know scientists think that poison dark frogs get their toxicity from some of the insects they eat like ants beetles centipedes and termites yes without their special rainforest diet they are about as harmless as your average garden frog and if you want to know more about the life cycle of frogs please check out our video on the same sketching time today's sketch of the day goes to Aaron Ral hope you learn something good today until next time it's me Dr boox zooming out [Music] no one misses with didy never mind
Channel: Peekaboo Kidz
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Keywords: deadliest frog, what happens if you touch a poisonous dart frog, how to survive, dr binocs show, poisonous dart frog, poisonous frog, deadliest frog in the world, poison dart frog, frogs, dangerous frog species, most dangerous frog species, poisonous toads in the world, poisonous dart frog facts, most poisonous dart frog, how poisonous are poison dart frogs, how to survive poison dart frog, poison dart frog for kids, posion dart frog effects on humans, dr binocs show inventions
Id: qKS5AaWcObY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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