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this is how high the water can possibly place exotic you know arrange to joyce liam doing a turtle clap I don't know what kind of species that is but they're gonna find out right now might be ray or might be disgusting but it smells like poopoo all the while turtle another mmm yum yum yum yum yum blake you want this turtle no guys I want to show you something really quick before we get into this video check out everybody oh excuse me scuse me scuse me I wanted to show you guys cuz it's a better glare or less of a Glade over here those are some of the fish that we all use on that fish maze where'd you go well here's the rest of them here's the moly squad right here and we have the Power Rangers in the mix behind them guys everyone is looking super super awesome hey guys I'm gonna feed you in just a moment as I give my talk because we did have another loss to the pond my children I love spending time with you you're all so cool I'd literally these are some of the coolest fish we've had in here I used to have mollies like this I grew them out from having them in small cups but they grew up to be really really big now I got those from Beverly's for my fish Mays guys and everyone is doing really really well unfortunately guys everyone in here is doing well which is fortunate but unfortunately on the other side of the large pond we did lose an amazing arrow wanna jump out as soon as they get the chance because they're always cruising the surface they're made to jump so I don't know I trained them on these lizards right so all these fish want to grab a lizard they love the lizards so every time there's an overflow I have three outflow systems so it's not like the water is going over into like just right over the pond on the lip I'll show you guys the pool in a second we'll talk about it but the water is rising and these fish just jump out as soon as they see a lizard you guys enjoy truly look at this to get close look at all these little guys they weren't even good but yeah so these guys like the out of your hand now which is really cool boy you're really fun to do that with but I'm thinking about putting the big air Juana's in here guys because I at least if they jump out of here look if they jump out of this size flat flat flat back into the pond right if they jump out of the other side though they might flap away from the pond and then they're gonna be toast again anyway guys yeah so I don't know man I just don't know like that arowana was $3,000 I'm not gonna lie it was a lot of money I didn't talk about how much it was but it was a really really expensive fish that I've wanted for like as long as I can remember the first time I saw an arowana like that it was Bonnie from the tropical fish farm guys and that thing was just do pendous it's like literally it literally glows it looks like a swimming banana guys but apparently she jumped out my mother just called me she's always here saw water outside a palm branch was in there a palm frond whatever was clogging the system overflow just a little bit he just got just high enough that things jump out immediately I got three arrows in there he says it doesn't even make sense so anyway let's go check it out I didn't even look I came straight here first I want to talk just I'm looking at just another way to put these air ones in here if I put them in here I might have a better chance of keeping them alive as they try to jump out yeah there's a lizard right there dude you see like if what if I put the air ones in here guys what if I take the air Juana's and I put them in here and then they try to go after a little is just they let just ran from here to rain onto lit it up just ran rub ran right over there so if I do put the arrows in here all of these little mall you see them down here look at all these guys these are freaking awesome and I love them and they eat it right in my hands I put any type of fish flake or anything in there they come right up they literally eat out of your hand they're so cute we got the koi those you guys are fine they're huge obviously no type of Arowana can eat those things it has to be an arapaima we do get air one here all the smaller fish that we have in here are getting eaten nose-down you have all of this brush right so all this stuff all this hanging stuff there's lizards on there they're eating bugs they're down here in South Florida year-round lizards on lizards invasive lizards everywhere and obviously all my stuff keeps lizards all my fish love lizards guys it's a great source of protein any reptile is almost as like chicken guys it's great great source of protein all the time so fish love that stuff but they'd like to chase it man they're predators they're natural-born predators and erawan is actually always jump you guys see them on Discovery Channel that's the all animal plant you guys see it on my channel Joey's channel Paul we're all fishing everybody guys these erawan is jump guys for their food and they're really really cool that's what makes them special look down here look down here it looks like this is kind of flat so if it jumps over here it doesn't flop right back into the pond that's the thing like most lakes you guys can see check out this Lake if a fish jumps out of this Lake it's gonna flop back into the lake no matter what it's not like it jumps out of the lake and then it flops off of a cliff so you know it is like if it jumps out of here it doesn't have that decline right back into the water it just jumps out and they flop back even on my channel I'm sure I've captured some type of footage of a fish till me completely out of the water onto like land or whatever and flopping back in guys because they jump and they just that's how I don't know that's how God made the earth man it's a freaking everything's perfect when men do stupid things like this and keep fish then everything dies but I prevented this system from sucking up fish guys I closed this off I connected this to the lake all this stuff is flowing right back down into the lake guys but at the same time the smaller fish can't get out because we have a great covering before we're good to go here I'm looking at this and I don't think this is a good place to put their Juana's guys I honestly think we just need to build something better I don't think a net on top of it is good either though guys because my friend Rodrigo the arapaima suit if something's on top of you you look at it right if there's nothing on top of you you're not gonna look up at nothing right the Erawan is if they see like if there's a netting they're gonna use they're gonna jump up the lizards are gonna climb on top of that netting in the air I was gonna keep jumping it eventually something's gonna happen that those air Juana's are gonna jump out so personally for me netting is not a very good option even though it's like it's a hit or miss those poles they always find the way guys they always find a way to escape you have all a little fish there though we have look at the swamp that's ridiculous it looked really cool so we already put all these fish in here that's the little fishes home we can't put the air wands in here I have two more but I'm kind of man all this stuff keeps happening to my freaking erawan it does it's two for two like literally back-to-back months to enjoy don't tell my fish I gave you this food okay relax I'm sure the trails coming to things like pac-man just eating every single piece look at spook the Ducks come on come on guys everyone's doing so so well - that's what sucks man we have that erawan over there we have the mini one where some anyone there is doing there oh yeah go check it out everyone is just smacking guys everyone's doing so good and so well on this pond I've been scrubbing in there with them almost every day guys I didn't scrub yesterday but guys these guys are just crushing it they're doing so well they're all friendly they're all eating out of my hand it's so discouraging when stuff like this happens especially like it's all in the public eye like everyone has fish and they all die but like big youtubers and stuff and fish keepers who like really enjoy this but might be able to do this might have like different finances and different ways to be able to share this with all of you guys at home like everything is in the public eye so it hurts a lot more because it's not like oh yeah I made a mistake I can just go home and be sad it's like you make a mistake something dies and now everyone is sad like you're letting everyone down so I don't know everyone's doing really good but we so we have all our tilapia stacked up guys got a nice fresh batch and we just did a ton of boat fishing but check it out check it out here come here is the peacock you always cheer me up come on let's see how you get oh my gosh every time every time my oh my god Oscar I love these guys so much mega-popular enjoy who wants it next PACU probably what do you think gonna get it next time no but these guys are all doing so so well and that's what really sucks hit the hole the whole ecosystem it's just pristine it's perfect there's so much room it's 18 by 9 I believe this is a huge body of water and I mean it just low enough that these things will not jump out there's no way that they will jump out unless we have a terrible mistake happen but some stupid palm frond which I try to get rid of check this out look at this a stupid thing yeah how is that gonna clog up a hole that's this big the hole is like this big guys look how big the hole is and I even cut a hole in here so I don't know how that laid on there and had the possibility of clogging this thing up I have three out loud look look one one two and finally three so this is how high the water can possibly get it cannot get higher than this absolutely not so it's not like all my fish are just flying to the moon every single thing is just junk dumping over no it's at least a foot and a half below the top of this pool tilapia on tilapia action peacock Thank You Smeg Aziz I love these guys these guys jump out like Shamu now with it the friggin tilapia but who everyone waits their turn everyone just eats right out of my hand here you go here make it 42 pounds that thing 42 pounds can caught guys we caught all of these fish almost all of these fish guys yeah baby here even these red tails they're either raised from two inches guys I don't know I'd like to slap the water and let just get let them rip look at that yeah it's insane I have plenty for everybody oh yeah it's fun to watch and just rip stuff apart guys but and it just it's so disheartening but I'm glad you guys all support me and you know it's fun doing this all with you and for you cuz I honestly feel like everyone's just at home with me like if you guys are at home like we're student here doing this together I don't care what you say like what I'm talking to you talking to me and then we have stuff like the monster fish bash I get to meet like all of you shake your hands meet you name for name it's just crazy guys but stuff like this happens peacock do you want another one this guy's a psycho you're right I love you but you're safe look you just spit it out spit it out he just wants me to touch him he just wants to play these guys are the same I have plenty more food for him but I want to show you guys [Music] so apparently apparently this is what did the damage got this stupid clown from him off of this stupid thing and fell into the pond I have no idea look at these leaves urbanizing that'd be I guess they are kind of big but still like for that to clog that system and then every time the water levels go up those freakin Arowana x' jump out 1 out of 3 jumps jumping out every time last time it was one I have two jumping out there like the most athletic most dominant Arowana always seems to jump out the little ones still there the newly caught one is still like half leg deep duty I don't know what's going on guys I was actually planning on taking the arrow one is out the two little ones and putting them in the other pond but I think that's stupid because this is honestly it's perfectly said look I even set this up you cannot tell me that is here man you can't this is it's perfect it's perfect man one little thing guys you missed one little thing and this is what happens this is what happens this is fresh there's not even that many flies around it anything out look how beers Wow yeah what cool thanks so many oh it's a fly so many Wizards because it does have teeth look it's little teeth right here easy you barely know yeah look at the other side so this is kind of fresh check it up starting to stink it's not even stink that much this just happened today gosh like we barely missed it look at that so all the blood rushed to this side guys all the blood is on this side because it was laying like this massive massive you know this is such a rare fish and it's such a large fish I mean you can get this now but to grow it out to be this size is very very hard that's why it's so expensive at this size this is so cool it's such a beautiful fish and now it's toast man look at that look at that guy's look at the size of that thing giant arowana this thing was going to be anybody's rod has one that's nearly three and a half feet long that's how big this was gonna get that's how big this was gonna get guys just a piece so now I got a trash it it doesn't even smell that bad does it go it guys you know me I would be vomiting this is a fresh fish jumped out toasted dried out guys I wonder if it's well cooked I can swim out to here this is the exit valve it's dry now I want to fit because this is a world of water pours out one if it can fit nope I don't think she would have done that I don't think so I think you had to jump out Oh guys this thing is toast and you guys probably support home oh no I'm thinking about not keeping air ones anymore but it's not good to just give up but I'm really um I don't know man I don't want to kill any more fish and they keep jumping out and I don't want to put screen over I feel like that's gonna be a mistake I feel like the screen something's gonna happen to the screen it's gonna clog something up what if a tree falls in then the screen clogs is up I don't know there's lizards gonna be crawling on top everything's going to be going out to the screen if one of these PACU try to jump out that's toast everything right now is looking really good we still have those two heroines and I think I'm just gonna have to grow some out or something guys because this is just a magnificent creature guys and I'm really really sorry I'm so sorry guys promise you this is my bucket list fish to own this thing and grow it out I spent a lot of money on this thing and a lot of money for you guys to enjoy this fish and and now we both lose guys we all lose so stay tuned for the next episode guys I'm gonna try to do better but I'm really trying my best out here guys and catch them all tomorrow
Channel: Catch Em All Fishing
Views: 1,748,241
Rating: 4.7450199 out of 5
Keywords: fisherman's life, dead fish, fish mistake, catch em all fishing, coralfish12g, catch, fish, pond, vlog, paul cuffaro, jacob feder, fish trap, pet, shamu, 1rod1reelfishing, predatory fins, fishing, catch em all, zak catchem, florida, cashnasty, 618 fishing, bass, barbs buzzin, carter sharer, diy, shark, fishing videos, flair, the king of diy, blakes exotic animal ranch, how to, rawwfishing, family, aquarium, catfish, snake discovery, nick bingo, ace videos, blacktiph, dangie bros
Id: y-c_4ba5Y2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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