"Dead Bones Before A Living God", Ezekiel 37: 1-10, http://tambc.org, Pastor Gaylon Wright

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm calling my lord of the outdoor warning master do not bad meme I'll let me have a role of mercy [Music] me up the phone of mercy find us we really [Music] me hurling they're in deep country yes Sean who lured here hit my arm believe [Applause] I'm calling babe you hopelessly maja no novels ow oh boy [Music] me by shall we pray Lord our God we come now standing as empty vessels before full fountain and father we ask that you would fill us with your precious Holy Spirit and father would you fill us with wisdom would you fill us with your blessings would you fill us with wise counsel father would you fill us with everything that we need and would you auction us by way of the Holy Spirit that we would take our vessels from this fountain I'm going spread what has been placed in it with all mankind father I just pray that we continue to be missionary reminded I pray father that we continue to hold up the blood-stained banner I pray father God that we continue to live a life that is pleasing unto you for we know that Jesus is the only begotten Son but father we desire to be children that you say that your will pleased with we pray father that will get a chance to hear you say well done by good and I faithful servants father for we know that you love us and father we love you because you first loved us and father would you cleanse us from all unrighteousness and father would you created us a clean heart that we might do your wheel and father I just pray that you would touch the soul of the dead man and would you make him alive with your salvation father would we forget about ourselves at all of our problems that we might meet the needs of others and father would we be ever so grateful to say hallelujah until your name because you are the only true wise and living God our Savior you are the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world and father we just want to give you your Dupre and your do justice father because you are our God and Father you said hi and look low and we thank you for looking down on an old wretched man such as ourselves and father we you saw us something that we could see and I feel for you loved us and you brought us all the way long and father week fri hallelujah unto your name we say thank you Jesus for you are our God and beside you there is none other thank you hallelujah to you our God and it's in the precious name of Jesus that I pray this prayer and all God's children see it together amen amen amen amen if you have your Bibles would you turn to the Book of Ezekiel chapter 37 Ezekiel chapter 37 I said it earlier but it still resonates resonates in my heart it's good to be in the house of the Lord this is the only place that I've ever been able to go to where I can bring all my troubles with men and walk out with none of them so only place I can go go to the bank and they might let me have a few dollars but it won't be enough I can go and talk to my doctor he can give me a pill but it probably won't heal me or cure me this is the only place where total restoration takes place the only place where he can take a little something and make it into a whole life hey man we have that kind of God I can walk in here under pain and walk out with all my joy walk out knowing that he's gonna put a roof over my head he's gonna put running in my feet he's gonna put joy in my spirit this is an amazing job I wonder at his marvelous works and his mighty acts but I didn't come to preach about that I just wanted to tell you about that we don't look in Ezekiel chapter 37 I want to look at a very familiar passes I recognize that growing up in the church I've heard a lot of references to this particular scripture but again I've been in church for 48 years ventures all my life and I really can't remember if i've ever heard anybody preach from Gibbs chapter thirty-seven a lot of people make reference out of preachers make reference can these dry bones live to 48 years for me to hear a sermon older I'm very familiar with it but then God says now I want you to preach about it I want to know to Kandi's dry bones live or will these dry bones live that's not my tix don't put that on the message that my subject but let me read it for you please chapter thirty-seven of Ezekiel start on that verse 1 the hand of the Lord was upon me and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and sent be in the middle of a valley it was full of bones he led me back and forth among them and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley bones that were very dry he asked me son of man can these bones live I said o Sovereign Lord you own alone known then he said to me prophesied to these bones say to them dry bones hear the word of the Lord this is what the sovereign Lord says to these bones I will make Brent enter you and you will come to life and I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin i will put breath in you and you will come to life then you will know that i am the lord so i prophesied if i was command did and I was practicing and as I was proper saying there was a noise a rattling sound and the bones came together bone to bone I looked and tendons and flesh appeared on the skin covered the end and excuse me and skiing covered them but there was no breath in them then he said to me prophesied a prophesied to the breath prophesied sort of man and say to it this is what the sovereign Lord says come from the full win a breath and breathe into this and into the slain that they may live so our prophesied as he commanded me and breath entered into the enter them they came to life and stood on the from their feet of vast on me I will speak to you about dead bones before Living God dead bones before Living God here we find that Ezekiel has said he was caught up in the spirit and the Spirit of the Lord spoke to him gave him a vision that was said before him he was down in a valley and all around him were dry bones dry bones and he asked the questions can these dry bones live and notice what he said he said only you alone know in other words if he was in 2017 he probably would have said hi am I supposed to know but your God and and really I believe what he was saying he was afraid to say no I never seen bones come alive but he knew that he was talking to the Lord God Almighty and he didn't want to get beside himself and he had a relationship with god that's why God could appear to him and he had sense enough to respect God by say only you alone no but again I know some of us would have said you God you tell me you let me know and and and I'm just messing with your a little bit today but in the valley were a lot of dead dry bones and these bones were separated its scattered all over the place and I'm gonna try not to hold your too long because there's a whole lot in this text but the Bible said he asked could be his bones live well let's look at these bones these bones were scattered everywhere so it wasn't a skeleton it wouldn'ta body that had the cave these bones had been scattered all over the place it and God was showing him a vision he was showing the vision of Israel he was showing how Israel had been scattered all over the place and God would ask and Kenny is real live again and don't you know in order to live you got to be under the umbrella of life and that's the really the moral to all of this store I'm giving it to you ahead of time in order for man to live he has to be under the Creator the one who is able to give him life but notice these bones were scattered out so they were not a skeleton they were pieces and they were scattered all over the valley and the Bible also said that they would dry bones you know because somebody would try to be slick it and some doctors and some some scientists say that you could take a bomb that hadn't been decayed and they think they can put it back together and it'll grow itself and it'll catch itself again but the Bible says these were dry bones meaning that the morrow had dried up in there was no life left in these bone so they were together they had been separated a long time and these bones were dead bones so can these dead bones live well let's see what God has to say about it these dead bones that had been scattered all over the back vanna and don't you know what it what we're really looking at it singing we got dead bones that have been scattered all over the valley and this valley reminds me of the love valley of the 23rd psalm you do know that sheep don't belong in the back 21st 21st psalm says that we are just traveling through the valley don't you know the valley is a shadow of death because they were traveling through death valley and it looks as though the valley had caused dance cause death and humiliating death so that it had separated the ligaments and the ate up the flesh and the tendons of these bone and left them for dead and i've got to tell you for 2017 don't you know you living in Death Valley don't you know that this world will kill you destroy you and separates you and I was still talking about Israel but there are some great principles for us in here today the world will tell you upon leave you for dead and then you'll find yourself with a vision from God saying can these bones live again because these were this was his real God's chosen people that had been scattered and when his Bible said that these bones were scattered what we're looking at it's in the bones had separated and was scattered in debts Valley and the only thing that would ever separate you from the love of God it's seeing and it'll catch you up where you can't walk right and where you can't talk right and it'll scatter you because some of us got our foot bone over in a world of going in the wrong direction and our leg bone is going in a different direction and our heart bone is caught up and said well let me put it like this you you've got a foot that's caught up in adultery you got a leg bone is caught up in line you got a hard bone that's caught up in fornication as you got a head bone that's caught up in self-righteousness and that's how you get scattered in this world because none of those principles will ever lead you to salvation or life and these bones were God's children that had been separated they were separated because of seeing the first thing seeing does it separates you from God which is your Creator and a separate second thing that it does it destroys you so you will be just like these dry bones that's caught up in the decks violent but I'm so glad that God appeared to a preacher and said can these dry bones live and then God began to put these bones back together but notice how he did he did it through his preacher he says prophesied to these dry bones treats to these dry bones and let me tell you something brothers and sister don't you know that that's what we should do preacher this is for us railroad we've got to preach to some lies we've got to preach to some murderers we've got to preach to some fornicator we've gotta preach to some adulterer and then when we prophesied to them then God steps in because that's who we're talking about he'll bring you together and I'm really not putting you down I'm actually lifting you up because when God brings you together you don't you know he's still didn't through which because the Bible also says you're now he says prophesied because they need some flesh they need some tendons and they need to be made and all God is doing is that he said to let me tell you what he did for you and me he took a foot that had been walking in the counsel of the ungodly he joined into a leg that had been standing in the way of sinners and he joined into a hip that had been sitting in the seat of the scornful and he took a chest bone and a head bone that hadn't been delighting in the Lord and hadn't been meditating on me and God both they they are nice but God took all of that and then he wrapped it up in flesh and he wrapped it out he gave him some Tinder's he gave him some flesh and then he put some skin on it but don't get besides yourself because the Bible said thats it lies within the flesh and don't you know that that's all God did he took a mess and made something out of it because I ain't gonna just talk about me don't you know that there's nothing good in you until God steps into your life the Bible says saying lies within the friends but God has wrapped these dry bones it's obscene you don't you know you were shaping and she and formed in iniquity o wretched man that I am but God said I the reason that I created you this way because if I hadn't created you full of sin and desiring fear and faithful to sing you'll never understand my glorious God doesn't want half way good folks he won't folks that's been lowdown no-good and have no hope because he is I hope God said I want to savor people that can't save themselves I want to savor people that our enemies while I love them because that's the way he proves his love he proves his love by saving those it's then that hate him better add enmity with him God is a God that says that if you don't choose me I still choose you that's why he got for you he didn't die for you because you acted like you wanted him he died before you because he knew you needed him that's the way he proves his love to the devil and take you if you act like you won't have stuff but God I take you if you don't want himself and he knows that your heart ain't room he knows it's a mind ain't right you know that you can't enjoy his blessing so you know what he doesn't say when he changes your heart and he renews your mind things that you used to do you don't want to do so most places you used to go you don't want to go anymore I've said I'm gonna make you hear from the inside out I don't change everything it is about you I created all things and high creators are good and the bad and what God is saying is I know that you hadn't gotten things right but I want to take this opportunity to make you a better man I'm gonna take you from being a sinner and make you a saint I'm gonna take you and put love in your heart that has been one full of hate I'm gonna turn your heart into flesh that used to be a heart of stone I'm gonna teach you how to love your neighbor I'm gonna teach you how to fix your marriage I'm gonna do everything for you and most of all I'm gonna do it free of choice because I paid the price so now what I give you is a guilt I give you is a gift so mad you got these dry bones wrapped in tin Dan's and flesh and skin and then he says now prophesied to the breath all that's a good one out when he says prophesied to the breven you know who the breath of life in here but the Bible says prophesied to the bread he's not saying preach to the breath he saying pray to the brand and preacher don't you know that that's how we preach God's Word we pray to the breath of God then we preach the word that he puts in a don't you stand up here behind this pulpit or hammy pulpit or don't you ever believe but stand out on your own merit the first thing you ought to do is pray to God pray that he leads you to somebody that you can lead to salvation pray that he gives you his word that you can share with mankind it's nothing you can say about yourself that's going to attract somebody to go but if you tell them what God has done for you if you tell them what God is able to do for anybody if you tell them that you just nobody trying to tell somebody about our Savior that's why you a trial draw me and under crisi says if I be lifted up don't lift up yourself but you lift up the Savior I'm that Jesus took some dead dry bones and he breathed the breath of life into it and now he's got a word to spread it to all been taught it's not about me it's not about you but it's all about Jesus but he said prophesied to the breath and then God said that he breathed the breath into the body now these brought dry bones is coming to life and I know you're just like me you've heard it over and over again can these dry bones leave and I just got to go ahead on and tell you an elementary way yes these dry bones can leave yes God can put dry bones together and make a living soul because God is life and don't you know he put the water in you and while you're traveling through death valley he breathes into you the breath of life he'll breathe in to all mankind he didn't even tell them which bones to put with which bones God said because they are all the same and I just thought I'd throw that into you because somebody got a problem with religion and christianity they think it's because for a difference of people and God is let you know it don't make no difference what color you're seeing is it doesn't make a difference if you shown at all rich or poor a rich if salvation was something that money could buy the rich would leave and the poor with that but grace I tell you is free of charge he died on Calvary for all those that will believe you can't get it with no chance you can't get it because you've been so good it's real charge that I wonder why people is trying to buy things on the that's on the sample rack I just say you tried Jesus ain't no chores older he stands ready willing and able to receive all those that will confess and believe but God walks through the belly of the shadow of death and he walks through this valley of dry bones and I just got to tell you don't you know she not made to live in the valley and go back to the 23rd psalm the Bible says that the shepherd is go go up on a plane and prepare a place for them and why would he be preparing a place for you if he intended for you to stay with y'all that means that we're trying and we are Wayfarers I do you know the priests are saying we're just pilgrims traveling through this land and if we are if we're not careful it was divide and conquer it will tell you down and and this world would have anybody and everybody no one is exempt if you get away from the Shepherd's you can rest assure that this world will be destroyed and I'm just talking about people now but but I also have to tell you might as well prepared to get out of here because you got no choice it's a point of that all men are going to dock and you know it might be by murder it might be by old age it might be by sickness but you've got to leave this place maybe you'll get unfortunate and leave by the rapture or the texting away but you've got to leave this place and don't you know that that's why God wraps you in flesh he wraps you in bones because he said from dust I'll coming from dust out she'll return God really isn't concerned about it he just made you a shell and the reason he made you a shell because he got something to put in here and the Bible says that he breathed into you the breath of life and when you died don't you know that that's what he's calling back he just wants your spirit and don't you know that he didn't create your spirit in by no dust it ain't bad no flesh because no flesh and blood can enter into the kingdom I feel like I'm in Bible study today no flesh and blood could enter into the kingdom this break that he breathes into it it is the breath of life you can't see you hadn't touched it but I guarantee you is that and don't even try to look forward just have a little faith because when Christ shall return and he will call us unto himself he's going to require our spirit because he said very is going to prepare us a body that's capable of entering into the kingdom this old body that we have these old dry bones you can scatter them out again because right here at exit let you know ain't between it ain't nothing but dirt and field ain't nothin but some line and you ought to be willing to get rid of all that I don't even like to carry it myself I believe that's why I pray so hard and you ought to pray and war against the friend i believe it was blows that I got the slatest dead man this man every day because if I don't slam him he's gonna slay me and you are not wanting anybody to hang around you that keeps you from the master you are not to want to be covered in seeing because you got a god that is your savior because that's the one that walks with me that's the one that talks with me that's the one that gives me every good and every perfect gift I feel him moving in my heart right now he's given me joy that's unspeakable cuz i remember when i was down and ass and he picked me up I remember when young children when I was in school and couldn't pass my test but it was nothing but the Lord who's there fun just trust me I renew your mind I give you the answers to that test he is a fan god that's it I know you don't know what you're doing but i'll give you wisdom don't you know i take them away with feet in our audio steps don't you know that i take you from the enemy and give you blessings more than you can receive wow what a mighty god we serve this God that can take some mess and fulfill it with all of his joy I got a right to praise Him I don't know about you but I know what he's done for me I know that he's laid me over I've been born again walking through this back being born the game wrapped in sin but covered by the save wrapped in scene but fulfilled by my God he's on the inside and he's shining on the outside what God does in me it shows up with the Christ outside of me it's just like the Sun over the head over our heads and sm who covers us and keeps us from all hurt home in danger and it's God on the inside then let's was nobody cares for lets us know that everything is gonna be all right traveling through this valley yes the question can these dry bones leave and I know this is gonna be a short message because I'm headed out of here I don't like being in the valley and I look forward to the day that he takes me out of here I told you I'm not afraid of death because I've already been sending up my children am I already made preparation the gift of eternal life is already man this God that kept me here on planet Earth he's gonna receive me unto himself he's gonna take me into his kingdom that's when he's really going to open mind because he said then I'll see him for who he truly is that's when are you gonna take preach it away you don't have to home and no more make sure I got everything right cuz up there ain't nothing wrong when i get to the other side I don't have to pray for my doctor anymore cuz I'll never get sick again there's a tree over there that's good for the healing of the nation when i get to the other side that's what i'll be able to sit at his feet and i won't get tired i chosen no beds in my kingdom cuz i won't have to sleep no more i fell because one day at all it is there's no nighttime over there there's no darkness where the light is shining I can't wait to get to the other side because I know on the other side I'll be very perfect on the other side anybody want to go with and it's wrapped bones and he'll have been made a lot let me tell you about these dry bones and I'm closing with this thing I know another place where that was full of bones but in wedding down in the back I know a place up on a hill called Calvary it's called Gao got the seal full of dry bones it's the place of the school but there was another set of bone pile on a tree and that tree wasn't made alive that tree died up there he died and dropped his head in the lots of his shoulder he died that I might live he was burying Joseph spirotone and he rose again on the third day with all power in his hands don't you want to leave your dry bones after here I know that they'll be made of line but this gift that he has of salvation that's to make me little forever keep preaching the word keep telling old old story Cantonese dry bones lil yes these Rob own can live as a living Savior who's able to bring life to a dead man now the Savior who's able to give joy in the midst of discomfort Val the Savior who's able to heal you deliver you and set you free can these dry bones real [Applause] God is let us know he said to us the keys of death and life is in his hand and you might be in this valley day yes but God's got the key to life he's the one who can bring life to you maybe you're wondering how am I going to get out of this sinful situation let God unlock the door but don't you be fool enough to turn and go the other way walkin come closer to Christ Jesus well past those bones that are on Calvary won't pass the place of the school and look up to the Savior I told you he died on the cross but he rose again on the third day he's alive he's alive he's a life ever moon come to Jesus and receive him this day this is the day that the lord has made let us be glad in there even and choose you this day whom you shall serve god bless you
Channel: Third Avenue Baptist Church
Views: 1,488
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Id: axIs1RXrFCw
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Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2017
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