Dead Blow Mallet

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hey welcome to woodturning today we're gonna make a really neat project we're gonna make ourselves a deadblow mallet we're gonna be using a brass tea pipe that's three quarters of an inch a little bit of Purple Heart that's about an inch and a half by an inch and a half some BBS and then over here this beautiful piece of cocobolo which I'm getting ready to cut to 11 inches [Music] tim's american beauty was made by robust tools America's premier lathe manufacturer quality hardened tool rests and live centers two robust built to turn wood enjoyed for a lifetime Thompson late tools welcome to a new level of professional wood turning tools made by a woodturner for wood Turner's [Music] well mounts at our cocobolo between sensors and we rounded it out didn't want to bore you with that what I'm doing right now is I'm starting to make a tenon because what we want to do is we want to get the diameter so we can make a tenon to go inside of there but it's got to be a little bit wider than that so we can cut threads so this fits in just right now see it's not going all the way in well that's interesting thing about water pipe it tapers in so these threads are wider and then as the threads go in it gets to be tighter and tighter that's how they get the waterproof seal that they get so this is why we want ours to fit in a little bit and then we can start getting the threads going so let's just take this down and get our diameter and once we make that tenon then we'll start making the threads and we're really close right there okay there we go so I'm gonna just take this back about a half inch now let's try the tool on the wood the bevel rides and then you tilt the handle up to make the cut okay that's about right so anyway the way I'm gonna put the threads on here is I'm going to chase them but I want to test my fit real quick just do it like so let's see how this goes in okay yeah it's gonna grab there so when I start doing threads we're gonna be good so what I'm gonna do is hand chase them in order to do that I actually had to make my own hand threaded tools and these are really cool this is made by Sorby and they make really nice hand chase threads you can kind of see the little lines and little teeth on it well this is for 20 threads per inch the water pipe is 14 so I actually had to make my own and I'll show you how I did that so when you want to make your own threading jig go cheap I went to a discount store to buy these 15 bucks for all these tools and that's because the regular speed steel they're not high speed steel like thompson tools those are pricey because the metal takes a lot more to make these are cheap you have to sharpen them forever if you want to do use them for woodturning I mean you cut sharp and cut sharpen it's not fun at all but well I don't like about it is it's real easy to take these and grind them down and we're going to repurpose this to become our our threading jig so I'm just gonna come in here and I'm gonna flatten this out okay you can see I have a profile on here now so it's narrow in the front I've got an edge on here so it's only about eighth of an inch long but what I want to do now this is my cheap gauge so we have threads in there and I just got this little piece of wood and it's soft wood so I'm just gonna rub it really really hard in the threads and now you can see I've transferred the threads over right okay well all that we're gonna do now is I'm gonna take these up here like so and just very carefully try to mark out where those thread those teeth are so now the next thing we have a little bit of fun let me get my Dremel over here on my dremel I have a cut off wheel which is meant for cutting steel will power this up and then we'll get to cutting now one thing one word of caution don't do this a lot of shavings on the floor in your shop you can probably start a fire don't ask me how I know it's all be perfect but it should work [Music] okay we're back at the lathe and I want to show you I made a little bit of a cut in there because when we're making our threads the tool has to go somewhere and then I also have a little bit of a chamfer here so it's going to give us a place to start our threats so I'm gonna turn the lathe on and turn it way down and I mean to maybe about twenty-five fifty rpm it's gonna be really really slow so what we're gonna do is just start here and we're just going to start a little movement like so you can hear the teeth engaging and they start making the cut keep going we're running it out and you're speeding the formation with some threads now so we're gonna slowly come straight and we let the tool does run in the grooves it's making and we keep doing this until we establish our threads it's pretty simple you can see how that little exit spot gives us a place to go out on the left with the tool so we don't wind up hitting the side and stopping there time to pull it out so here we go let's keep doing this so I get the threads formed and then we'll see how they fit in our pipe well I'm not gonna wait awards for these threads but yeah well it works so a little squeak in there good that wasn't nice and tight so that was good we succeeded in cutting their own threads so that is neat I like doing that because thread chasing is really fun you can make a lot of neat boxes and other projects with it that way so we're gonna mount this back on here we're gonna turn up the speed and we're gonna start making a bead right here as we're shaping our handle I want to have a little flare on this one and I need a tool for that haha so I'll take my spindle gouge so we're just gonna sneak up as always on the bead let's make this sure this is flat still and there we go okay so we'll just start turning our bead a little bit that's about all I want to do a little poll cut here just to smooth that edge out it'll come in here finish the beat up like so so we got the bead there so now I'll just start whacking our way down into the handle here and racing it out [Applause] [Applause] I like the shape of the handle so far rounding the end off of here oh I don't want to make sure when I made the handle shape was that its rounded this in narrows here so I have a good place for my thumb got the little decoration there for a little something-something right so this part sits down just a little bit more here expose the very bottom of the tool handle we're not gonna worry about this a little bit right about here because we're gonna cut that off at the bandsaw and sand it but I want to get away rid of as much wood as possible because that part's is we're going to sand now and so sandy procedure with Coco bolos just the same as any other wood except it has a lot of oil in it so you want to make sure that you use a sandpaper like a brunette because it has holes in it so I'll do one pass on this sanding real quick let me get my gas gas mask let me get my face mask on I'll show you real quick yeah okay this stuff comes up quickly turn down the speed turn it on here there's so much oil and Chocobo low that I'll take any sandpaper and instantly clog it see that's even hard right there so that that stops your sandpaper from working a Burnet you can just take it apart and blow it out with little air like so and now you have most your sandpaper bad that's what I like about this so anyway I'm gonna sand this down to about three 400 grit and then we're gonna put a really cool finish on yeah which way is it go that way yeah yeah okay I got my weapons for my finish here we have some paper towel all wadded up I have my nitrile gloves on for safety and I have my Starbound thin cyanoacrylate which is really cool stuff and I have the accelerator right here also this is interesting to do you don't wanna do this on a very large project because it's kind of tough you also want to make sure you have your goggles on and a crappy shirt my style has always been that way so you don't get you this splattered on you but we're going to liberally apply this on here and we're gonna take this and run it across get a little more on here come back here try to get air everything in there with the glue I gotta get into that little corner there which is tough that design is probably a bad idea so now that's a thin layer on there right well we're gonna go that is accelerator so that takes about Oh 10 15 seconds max to really dry out you might actually notice smoke coming off the paper towel because when this stuff is thick it puts off a lot of heat so we're gonna do this again now the whole idea of this is we want to wind up getting oh maybe 10 15 coats on here because that'll really gloss this up and so I will keep applying this over and over and over and see how we go and it'll take a little bit of application a little bit of spray a little bit of glue but this will look beautiful have probably about 10 coats when we're done so that it is nice and shiny as a baby's butt whatever that means anyway I'm gonna nip this off on the bandsaw hand sanded just a little bit and add a little bit of cyanoacrylate to that just to seal it up so here we go now I've already got one of the ends done and show you how it screws in nicely and tight into there well what we're doing though is something a little bit different you have to think about this with a standard mallet like this we make it this way for reason we hit things here right well this is a side grain so with our blanks we have to orient them on here with the end grain going sideways like a bowl because we want to hit this end if you have this end like a spindle turning hit that it'll splinter and shatter so in order to turn this part we're going to need to do it with a bowl gouge so I'm going to rough this out and then we'll get the tenon cut on it and I'll show you how we're going to cut the threads on this one [Music] [Applause] okay we're getting close so I have this to the shape I want I have my tin in there to the right shape there's a little chamfer on the edge see a little angle that helps us go into this threading system and here is the Magnificent threading system this is a piece of 3/4 inch pipe just like we're using in the teeth sighs you know it's the same thread everything the one thing I did is if you look right down here I took my file and I cut in a groove and I did that in four spots on here so those make cutting teeth now so when I take this and I start to try to start to try to then I start threading it in those teeth are going to start cutting threads into the wood now notice I'm using my lathe as a vise robust makes one heck of a lathe and the pin that keeps this thing from turning is really really strong so I have no fear what I'm doing here let me loosen this just a bit so I'm actually bringing an old pipe wrench here and we're gonna to tighten this on here and as we thread this on we are now making great threads one little cool thing about the robust two that's why you have this locked I tried to turn my lay on won't turn on has an automatic shut off or kill switch in there so anyway we get this on you're like so so that fits great right well we have threads now that work beautifully show you those threads they're not real deep but they do what we need so they're scratched into they're pretty good and so they hold so what are we gonna do we're gonna put this back on and now we're gonna use this to hold the wood to finish turning the end of the mallet this is gonna be one of the cooler ways that helps up it on the lathe I'm using the diameter of the pipe to set the diameter of the mallet head there so I'm just gonna come back here and I'm gonna shorten this up now once I have this all do the shape that I want it I'm gonna go ahead and sand it and then we're gonna apply a finish to it and it'll probably be an oil type finish because we don't want the superglue finish on this because this is gonna get whacked a lot we don't want a nice finish to go away the oil will last a lot longer okay starting to put the ends on we're gonna put the bb's in just kind of like load your Red Ranger Red Ryder or BB gun just make sure you stay clear the threads cuz it won't screw shut anyway by the way what am I doing with a dead blow mallet ax is a weird name in it well a dead blow mallet is a mallet you use that has a sacrificial head so when you actually hit something like steel you don't want to bend it with a metal one but use wood which is sacrificial so if anything is gonna give is gonna be the mallet and not the metal anyway that is how you make a dead ball mount with a 3/4 edge tea pipe pretty cool so to the next time on wood turning keep turning Tim's American Beauty was made by robust tools America's premier lathe manufacturer quality hardened tool rests and live centers two robust built to turn wood enjoyed for a lifetime Thompson late tools welcome to a new level of professional wood turning tools made by a wood turner for wood Turner's you [Music]
Channel: woodturningwithtim1
Views: 35,714
Rating: 4.9030838 out of 5
Keywords: woodturning with tim yoder, tim yoder, woodturning workshop, dead blow mallet, mallet, wooden mallet, thompson lathe tools, robust lathes, popular woodworking magazine, pbs, woodworking, woodturning, wood hammer
Id: YYh0M0Bn3vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2018
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