Dead Air Silencers: PBS-1 Wolverine

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That airplane is certainly loud enough to be an F-22.

The local air national guard where I live has A-10's. They occasionally practice strafing runs against random roads and buildings in the area. Somewhat unsettling to see a 4-ship come screaming in on your position.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/m1st3r_and3rs0n 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Surprised you don't have a Huntertown Arms AK suppressor with Curtis Tactical upgraded baffles. It's been out for years. Guess it wasn't popular?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/keizaigakusha 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2018 🗫︎ replies
hey guys thank you for tuning into an episode of in-range we are today with something kind of unique and historical but also modern all at the same time yeah this is the dead air suppressor replicant they're of the PBS one the original Soviet suppressor yeah so the Soviet one was the PBS one this is the PBS one Wolverine Oh Wolverine I wonder that's the Red Dog reference exactly gee I wonder yes so you this is yours you just got this alright they sent it to very recently they didn't and it cut for because of the implications of the 41f and all the weirdness of NFA this thing has been transferring for literally a year this has gone on since shots to the last year Red October last reticle yeah yeah more so so you know but that time that that time delay is not a case anymore it's like a third okay I managed to get the transfer for this in at exactly the worst possible time it's a whole other video topic it's a shame that the suppressor industry is held down by that kind of stuff because really these are safety devices more than anything and they should be watch we're accessible and they currently are because they're hearing protection as well as really arranged with a bunch of pressures on it's a much more pleasant range to live by yeah so that's a whole nother topic so you know externally this looks like a PBS one but in reality it isn't yeah so the original PBS one had a combination of baffles and wipes at the end the wipes are of course like if you're not familiar with the wipe is are basically a rubber washer with a cross cut in it instead of a hole and what that does is just hold a little bit more gas in a little bit longer when you fire it really works like in fact I think I've never used a wipe suppressor but as I understand it until the wife wears out it's actually a very excellent form of suppression oh yeah the only downside is after you shoot a handful of bullets through a rubber bathyal you blow a hole in it and then it doesn't really do it in ye oldie days we're talking World War two and beyond the suppressors were generally wipes like that really wants a lot of the military ones the well rod in particular was a lot of rubber wipes yes and good four five ten rounds and they didn't think they needed it for more than that because they had specific applications or like it there be a end cap and a base cap then you'd actually just replace the wife so we'd come with like a repair kit right now the reason they don't do that today is ATF has ruled that wipes are suppressor parts and cannot be legally owned without we're not the mother code yes oppressor components yeah so so gem tech' we're not talking about gem tech' thing here today but they're making a new suppressor that's got wipes and you actually have to ship the can back to them to replace the wipes which isn't realistic I don't think in our market but if you were in the military and you use this for like operation wand and you just put some new wipes in it yeah who cares right um people the use that suppressors get in the common realm today on the commercial market is kind of completely different from the military use yeah I do I think that's one of the things one of things we get into later is how quiet is this can but that's really one of the questions you don't ask in a military application ironically right you don't care it's suppressed yeah suppressors aren't so much for the person shooting the gun as much as for the tactical application of actually masking the shots origin or not letting other people around you hear the shot within a very you know distinct area right so you don't want to make yourself known when you're firing the gun at least not a lot and if you're in field conditions firing from three or two hundred yards away that actual shot being suppressed makes it very difficult if not impossible for the person being shot at to ascertain the direction the shot came from right okay the shot crack of the shopping fired is suppressed but then if the bullet goes by and doesn't hit you you hear the crack of the bullet but you just hear this gunshot that's like that noise comes at you tangential from the path of the bullet and has no relation to the origin and that's the main application of suppressors in a military role now that might be changing in the future as we see the Marines going to using more suppressors and stuff without needing hearing protection or as much no you know but I've had people ask me why don't why hasn't the military always used like mass suppressors for everybody part of the answer to that is moral effect if you have an entire group of troops out there and they're not making any noise the other guys aren't nearly as likely to for example keep their heads down if they don't hear a lot of gunfire so there is value to producing a lot of noise at the same time as bullet very interesting not suppress related but exactly directly what you're saying is that during World War Two the Americans put out essentially propaganda to the Troops about the bark is worse than its bite about the mg42 right because the mg42 sounded terrifying which frankly it was terrifying but they put out this video saying oh it's not that bad because that a tearing of canvas sound really suppress the enemy [Applause] you're in this man shoes you're ready but you've never faced enemy fire so if you were to suppress that and all you have a teacher that's impression exact this sort of gone yeah Chuck talks about that on P and s as well he said you want the people you're suppressing to know they're being suppressed yeah you need those bullets to hit with force or the bomb to go off near them to go oh this sucks yeah and so suppression doesn't do that but so you did some training actually with a former Soviet special ops guy yeah actually at Marco he was a he was a Spetsnaz sniper in Afghanistan he had some credible stories one of the cool benefits of actually getting the train with some of these guys is to touch the magic a little bit and hear some of the war stories let's be honest well he talked about use of these things he did he did he said there would be they never really deploying them according to him on five four five guns even though they had them in Afghanistan they still had a lot of seven six two guns around and they would use them just like we described those had those rubber wipes in them so they were only good for a certain duration of shot but they would use them to kill sentries okay guys watching for in for or dogs and then the camel be useless and they would ditch the seven sixty by 39 gun and switch to their five four five gun or whatever so it was almost a dedicated application of the PBS one for very specific reasons that makes sense they never Massey issued these things you know a suppressor using wipes can't really Massey no but if you're going into the village and there's Taliban X which is like watching for Russians right tap and then you have it alerted the entire village here comes doggie PAP and then seven six two 39 guns out five four five comes out or whatever right now you have a ton RP k I don't think that would have been a common or ever duplication no and that gets back to how people tend to use these things today which is like let's see how fast I can get it glowing red hot but it's stupid but it also means with the longer barrel when we shoot this in a little bit this should be quieter it is yeah it should be because the amount of gas getting in there in the duration of time that the gas fills it will actually take a little longer right so you have more dwell time of the gas expanding and the expansion chambers of the suppressor and therefore the longer barrel should make the RPK the quietest of the guns we have out today yeah yep lower pressure when the gas actually hits the camp which goes exactly to what we're trying to do today in terms of distributed demonstrating this on video I've done it we're going to try something else I've got this digital audio recorder and so frequently when you see a suppressor on video in rains or otherwise people in the comments are like nothing sucks well right because camera audio mics pick up that that snap of the bullet regardless of the suppression and I think it's because mics are tend to be omnidirectional well the other thing is the the gunshot itself is far louder than any mic is going to record it's going to cap that thing oh good point and so you're getting the snap of the bolt and if you're shooting it steel you're getting the impact on the target plus all of this levels out just as high as it levels out the audio mic just the audio my compression system this is why when you see audio generally speaking at any movie it has to be modified or and especially a video like on in range you're gonna think the suppressor is not working as well as it actually is before we can shoot we actually have to mount the thing on the gun so let's quick look at how this actually attaches because the original PBS one just threaded on this is a little bit different this has a locking ring on it the idea here was to make this can usable with as wide a variety of a K type rifles as possible so look at that all the way on threaded and then if you can see this in here we're actually using the the muzzle cap detent on the a K to prevent the can from rotating loose it's locked in place by this color and I can push that forward and lock it in place forward like that so now I can unscrew the can this one is set up with a thread adapter that is 14 to one left-hand thread which is standard ake a muzzle pitch there we go it just comes off I don't know if they have them out yet but they will have if they don't already different thread adapters that you can replace the back end of the can with four say fourteen one right hand twist if you have something like an American VZ 58 it's got the same thread pitch but right hand twist as well as other thread pitches for other aks like various short barreled aks you types this is a 30 caliber suppressor so it can go on to also the 760 - NATO Cal IKS and you know we'll talk about this in a moment but one of the there have always been long long-standing objections to be the potential of suppressing in a cave at all one of the other things that they have done with this is actually make the the bullet track inside just slightly conical so this ends at more like eight millimeters than seven or seven point six so that if your threads are not quite concentric to the barrel of the rifle you can still mount this thing and there's enough open space inside it that you're not going to blow the end cap of the suppressor off if it's not perfectly in line so that way to go on man left hand thread is always tricky so what I'm going to do is thread this down until it fits snug up against the face of the barrel and then I'm going to push that forward and drop it on to one of those little guys and that will prevent that from rotating and then we lock down the locking ring one of the cool things the original TBS one didn't have any of this weirdness going on because it didn't have to be a multi-purpose sort of thing by duplicating the look of the original PBS one with this extra diameter section back here dead air was able to have plenty of space to put in this sort of functionality which is pretty cool oh my god this is awesome dear Jesus what is that it is a really modernized VZ 58 with a modernized collapsible buttstock and adjustable comb and ACOG a backup rmr and a dead air suppressor so that's pretty cool the rest of it well and that's cool this kind of looks like you dragged it through but it's not tapkins like the miko yeah you know i think beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the reality is i am way more a function over for guy let's be honest and I actually threw this together as a golly-gee okay and then I started playing with them like this really works really well interesting it's a check Picatinny rail system so this is not tapped go right here okay it's got a check bolt hold-open bolt release which is actually pretty useful and that things actually like seriously bolted on down to the receive get bolts onto the receiver here and here and then locks in with the pin this is actually going to retain 0 so I think you're okay there this is the same one we use in the mud test and somehow it still works so anyways so we should also point out this is one of the early ones yes that actually has the Russian or Soviet or Eastern Bloc left-hand thread on the muzzle therefore with the K at the end cap we have for this actually fits the gun right so we spun it on that we took my FSC brake off which by the way the FSC brake on a 72 by 39 guy it's awesome it's like the one thing left that could conceivably make that gun uglier it would make it uglier but however I don't believe in brakes on five five six because of the volume of noise is that it creates 760 by 39 you start get to the point where the amount of recoil mitigation you get actually starts making it valuable that is not what you said when I showed up I'm Gary and brake on my crank oh that's a different brake the FSC brake is this weird mix but what's not on there but it's kind of flash either brake it's not okay it's not destroy the world Thor's hammer coming down on your head when you fire it but this should be let's see how to opposite in that right yeah well let's see let's give it a try [Music] [Applause] just because you have a suppressor doesn't mean you don't have to aim but it doesn't do that to you want to try it what a ripoff I guess you're right it doesn't aim for you at all shoot nicer than it looks you said you wouldn't hold that I did I did it's a nice gun it shoots well it's a functionally nice communit I mean really did you know what this piggy back I'm not big on piggy back sights and this is off of the we have an m27 IAR kind of config build and this is right off of that of course not on that rail system yeah and we have to reconfigure the 416 for something else and I threw this on her on a whim and I'm like wow this really this piggyback system on this gun applies a little better I don't know why well I'll tell you what was cool about it with the can yeah is I didn't get any gas in my face no you didn't and we were shooting earlier today with a traditional a K such as this right here yeah and I got a little bit of gas blow biting the my ball I occasionally did too both with that and with the RPK yeah so I think what we're seeing here is the short-stroke gas piston system of the VZ 58 and how closed up this back end is - let's be honest how open it is here means that the gas dissipates here if any gets by and you don't get it in the eye so the VZ 58 actually kind of suppresses a little nicer yeah that's a cool now that plays right into a conversation I'd like to have about way way back when in ye oldie days before in range I was in a cage or really in a case even though everyone thinks I'm not I really like a case and I find that fascinating weapon platform and I had a whole bunch of quality ones and I was trying to find anyone that would bought what would make me a suppressor this was before a dedicated a case suppressor on the market things like dare and I went around shacho and other vendors and I'll tell you what I walk up to it doesn't matter vendor XYZ and Goten go hey guys I know you don't make a suppressor for an ake a however I would like to put one on my cake and the general reaction no joke was you can leave now I mean that's really how it went in every booth after another interest and the this tells me the a cake culture in the United States has changed dramatically hugely yeah they used to be disdained as this garbage rifle and now there is a subset of people that respect them and admire them for the rifle they really are they don't have the same qualities of an AR they have different qualities right but that doesn't mean they don't have qualities yeah and so the things they would tell me is ad stupid to try and suppress an ad because of the gas ports here and this long-stroke gas system so much gas comes out of there it'll be so loud with the can it won't matter again ignoring the tactical application of a suppressor or the field they were just trying to make it hearing safe well the thing is this isn't actually any louder then and they are with a camp no no it isn't but they tried to tell me that and the amount of gas blow by which they said just a moment ago there was a little there's less on the vision but it's certainly not like you don't get it on a ours it's worse on an a or unless you have the ear configured properly which is another video but they just looked at me like I was oh and then of course everything was so non centric right you couldn't mount the suppressor on that to save your life you put it on there you're gonna blow the end cap off in one round well and you know there's some legitimacy at least in theory to that argument because the thing is when in the threads on the end of that akr there for a slant break or a muzzle nut they don't have to be perfectly concentric with the bore this is exactly like the Zia 41 zon mousers yes they mounted those things on rear sight blocks well the side of the rear sight block before they invented the ZF 41 he didn't matter that surface didn't have to be have to compare to anything didn't have to be straight right so then they decided to go back and start mounting scopes on them and all said now well don't work well this doesn't work same issue if you have a very loose tolerance on how concentric these threads are to the boar there's no reason not to with a standard 8 k and then that would potentially introduce some issues so in fact we kind of see that now all three of these guns when we thread the can on and then you put a light down the boar and check it these things all look just about perfect and this is this is a trash level Romanian barrel yes and it's fine the concent concentricity of these threads are fine for this camp now some people are gonna ask why we don't have my little horrible little ugly crank off out here the answer is that gun the barrel was shortened from a 16 inch Romanian and the guy who shortened the can recut new threads on the new muzzle he really didn't care and on that one it might work we look down the bore and it's way off center I think it's good enough I think it'll work but I did not want to come out and on the first day we got to shoot these things below the end cap off the camp so here's where I learned about decays and suppression the the story of Nod concentric threads turns out to be true but very rare and dead air has specifically designed the can to ameliorate that yes you've got that larger than necessary diameter hole right there's an its conical so it starts narrower and it gets wider if you go down the camp by the way there's another reason for that - there's a whole nother thing this gets into that whole math thing to a degree but 760 by 39 for whatever reason and in Reverse when the bullet leaves the muzzle it's one of those bullets that kind of doesn't stabilize quite it gets a little bit couple feet in flight path so when it leaves the board does this so the tail is going and goes well if you're going that's why a larger opening as it opens up as that wobble happens the Russian ones do this to at least the ones that have baffles they actually do the same thing and the reason is that little wheel wobble it's not constant it's not the threads it's that wibblewobble yeah so if you can get past the way the ball [Music] it's an F 2010 I think it is pretty cool wow we just got just got we just got photo the video bomb by an f-22 literally an f-22 yeah well we do have an Air Force Base out here pretty cool anyway so that concentricity of the threat thing is only part of it it's more about the wheel off and now you saw what you had someone modify your gun yes the pilots are iffy yeah so with that said even with your dead air if you have a gun that has a non factory Barrel on it even with a factory girl what you want to do is you want to open the bolt make sure the guns clear obviously trying to light directly onto the bolt face look down on the suppressor into the bolt and you should see a perfect round circle you should not see a Halfmoon or anything even close and so on your ugly crank right at the two o'clock it starts becoming a Halfmoon and it's a I don't know about this you know and the problem is you have a 30 Cal guide rod uh-huh but it's not a Pratt you know it's not a perfect fitnah bore it has a little bit of play mm-hmm and a little bit of play is right on the boundary we're like it might work or it might blow the up cap which we didn't want to do you know the other reason I can tell you the concentricity of the thread thing is more of a myth than reality is I've got multiple Bulgarian guns which we're not gonna put this on because we all have the end cap for it yeah at least but on that I have a veldt or adapter that spins it on and I have a gem tech' halo dokkan my abort Bulgarian guns and that cut for 22 it's cut four five five six an American manufacturing standards for lack of a better term and I've had exactly zero problems with multiple a case so at least with an arsenal Bulgaria and your chances of having non-consent your threads is pretty much zero it's not what it is and I find it interesting that the culture of the aka in the United States has changed so much that now you see dedicated manufactured suppressor on the market yeah it's really cool ya know it's an expensive suppressor okay retail price on this is somewhere between 1,000 to 1,200 bucks well intervals are all who can help mm-hmm it's a really there what they said is they wanted to make the camera it's a quality clock it's that is going to be a long lasting camp I think it will be showing up quite a lot whenever we're using aks on the channel for so you did actually find someone to make you a suppressor we banwen pray tell who made you a suppressor before the before the TV happened it was red jacket fire I got directed to them by somebody it was like those guys will try like that was go called him and I called him up in Baton Rouge Louisiana and I cut through that thick accent and it was hard talking by the way if you ever spoke to will Hayden on the phone versus TV they dusted his accent up dramatically on TV because he was hard to talk to on the phone he had that thick like drawl and Louisiana style drawl but um this is of course before any of what happened and they made me one they actually made it and I got to tell you it came but it was Anna Luton Hema the option of an aluminum or steel two and I went with the aluminum two bad plan bad plan I used it for years and it worked they made me a can that worked it wasn't as quiet as this by any stretch but it worked it did fit it didn't have any cap strikes and the one day I was out here Papa T Papa Papa T Papa T and then one half of the can went down range bye-bye and what happened was steel can withstand at the aluminum eventually cut a ring right around here to just keep cutting and cutting and cutting and eventually cut and they can just flew apart I'm not gonna blame them for that they gave me the choice of a low Norris deal I stupidly went with alumina and it was there for a disposable or consumable can so something to think about in your kin selection choice as well but they were the guys back then that would at least give it a try and they did make me a product at work all right so hey anyway still don't we still don't recommend them no no Dave some of the people who are involved who are not currently in jail have gone on to but that said stuff like this on the market now from that the dedicated to the it really just speaks volumes for how the ak's perception has changed yeah and it's great to see this kind of quality on the market yeah all right yes well we got a big thank you to dead air do disclosure this is was sent to us we didn't pay for it this was sent to us for testing and playing with and putting on video for you guys yeah so if you do enjoy this sort of thing please do consider checking us out on patreon and Ken or not we appreciate your views from everywhere you
Channel: undefined
Views: 304,367
Rating: 4.9361949 out of 5
Keywords: dead air, PBS1, PBS-1, wolverine, dead air suppresor, silencers, suppressors, AK, AKM, Ak47, AK74, Soviet, Weldrod, wipes, Gemtech, dead air armament, inrangetv, forgotten weapons, kasarda, mccollum
Id: iXAB9SSlPjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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