De La Hoya on Pitbull Cruz knockout of Rolly & decodes Devin Haney style!

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hey everybody how's it going Marcos Vegas for fight up TV here in Hollywood at the wild card being joined with Oscar De La Hoya Oscar a lot of stuff happening over the weekend I know fans watching this want to know your reaction to uh roelly Romero losing to Pitbull Cruz what did you make of the fight well you saw my you saw my response I saw the little video yeah yeah but elaborate on your feelings what what do you think overall of how Pitbull looked in there how roelly looked in there well I mean that's it was expected you know it was expected that uh that Pitbull was going to destroy him and go in there and and stop him why was it expected from you well I mean you take a look at ry's style I mean it's it's never going to last I mean that that type of fighter if he's in there with an elite fighter like Isaac Cruz it's just you're you're GNA get you're GNA get beat you're going to get stopped you're going to get knocked out and that's exactly what happened um and plus if you're going to talk about me like on a personal level then I'm gonna come back at you and I'm not going to come back at you on a personal level because I'm I'm bigger than that but from fighter to fighter I have every right to talk about you you know if I feel you're not you need some work if I feel that you're not doing something like I can I can criticize you from fighter to fighter but I'll never go that route you know on a personal level yeah yeah Leonard wasn't too happy about the the video did you see what he tweeted about on Twitter no no I didn't he just said that hey roelly could have been hurt it wasn't very classy of you to to go ahead and say that could have been hurt yeah like he could have like he could have had like serious damage like why not like wait to before anybody says anything like that Roy's okay before posting videos yeah no I was I was actually talking about ry's uh just getting him back on the he was talking about me so that was that was basically it you mentioned over here though new de la Hoy is not taking that stuff I'm not taking the no why what made the change because look at me I mean I'm I'm back I'm I'm I'm healthy I'm great I'm my head is in this in this you know game that I love so much boxing and uh I'm going to defend myself that's the bottom line I mean anybody who can attack me personally okay all right I I'll dig up some stuff from you if if if if have to but I I just I just talk professionally here I just talk about the fight game I talk about like if you're not a if I don't like what I see and and it's like I have every right to say it like as a fighter but personally I'll never get involved with that right only if I have to I will but I won't important to add as a sixth division former champion and Hall of Famer you kind of have perspective on some of these things right I I do have a little experience a little bit yeah you know I mean some Fighters talking hav been the world champion you know it's like what right do you do you have to to talk you know it's it just doesn't make sense I had a chance to uh speak to Isaac Cruz after the fight and I asked him hey can we ever see a fight between you and Ryan I know that's something that uh has been discussed in the past regardless of what happens here with this fight with Haney and Ryan that's happening on the 20th are you confident you can make a fight with piple do you want to see a fight with piple and Ryan Garcia yeah I would love to it all depends on uh it all depends on the the April 20th show look yeah I would love to make Haney Pitbull around Robin with everybody you know tiimo all these guys this division is hot I mean keep in mind that the gatekeeper in this division it's still Ryan you have to really think about it I mean it's it's still Ryan Garcia so yeah it all depends on what happens on the 20th and then we'll take it from there but um look Haney pitbull pitbull uh Ryan I mean theno Fimo sepa you got a lot of even think about sepa that'd be a crazy fight lot of good good Fighters out there yeah yeah Mattias exactly Ryan after the fight I think maybe like a day or two after said he saw the fight he feels that given his style pit style against his he'd knock him out in five rounds do you see something explosive like that happening if they were to fight yeah I can see that I can see that I mean no no disrespect to um to Isaac I I I love his style I love the way he fights I love that he's willing um I know we did I think we I think we did make an offer a while back to Pitbull to fight Ryan and we never heard back or something happened I'm not sure exactly what happened but um I think pitbull look being promoted by Manny Pacquiao I believe it is and and and Shawn and Shawn so I think it'll be easy to make a fight with him um you know down the road I think that that fight will will be will be a Mega fight uh you know soon I hope so man that's an explosive fight and given you know people it is definitely is both their profiles speaking of this fight uh have you had a chance to speak to Ryan what advice have you been giving him coming into this fight April 20th yeah no just uh I've just been I've been telling him how how proud I am of him and how great he's looking um I just got an update from Bernard today this morning that he's looking that he's ready and we're what I I think we're a couple weeks away two weeks two weeks away and so for Bernard to tell me that he's ready I I believe it and so look Fighters do their job up in the ring I I do my job outside the ring so uh we're going to get a a huge event I think uh I think NE York where it's at the fight um in Brooklyn is going to be draped with Haney and and Ryan and uh and the world is going to you know enjoy a great fight on an ending note Oscar you know you have such a a good brain for boxing if INF fronted with the style of Devon someone who Jabs and moves around how would you approach that fight and how how would you beat that style um jab jab jab jab jab um always start always start your combinations with jab and faints see because Devon Haney fights straight up and he fights straight up for a reason you know well just just as a fighter you fight straight up right here right so what you have to do is hit hit the elbows hit the shoulders but the one punch that you can never block if you're like this is the jab you know and if you noticed it if you notice it in any fight where you have a fighter like this kind of shelling up that jab will always land it always lands so you know my my recommendation would be to yeah start everything off with a jab and throw a lot of faints then throw your combinations and then move back use your distance because the fighters who fight tall like this they're always looking for fighters to come down like this so all they're gonna do is just just tag you boom just tag you because you're like this right so yeah just use your jab and fight tall use your jab that's it imagine that's what you told Ryan right oh yeah yeah well Oscar as always good chatting with you really appreciate this man right here promoting the fight Devin Haney Ryan Garcia Barkley Center in Brooklyn in New York
Channel: Fight Hub TV
Views: 36,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boxing, fight hub, fight hub tv, fight hub tv youtube, fighthubtv, oscar de la hoya, ryan garcia, devin haney, pitbull cruz, rolly romero
Id: 1pAx2T3lFvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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