DCMWG Talks Erica Mena & Spice, Chrisean Welcoming Chrisean Jr, Addressing The Breakfast Club + More

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[Music] it's almost there stay right here stay right there don't call me white girl [Music] unpop your opinion gel's not that bad your [ __ ] open and grab that [ __ ] by the head and get this you know what I'm saying there's something about things I like a [ __ ] to whisper was different and that's why statistically number wise not only do we not get the same amount of riches as them we do not keep it nowhere near how long they'll keep it hello welcome back to the number one podcast in North America the don't call me white girl show we're back from a sabbatical um yeah that's what it's called whatever if you follow me on my social media is then I was with switch calls rage posting and selling my business and you should record the story then because I will not repeat it here oh my God so much has been going on I missed you so much we're recording live from Philadelphia um and we're super excited to be here can you tell Phelps have you been Phelps is here fresher off of booties and basketball this is his second time going to Blues in basketball I didn't see the pictures from this one but the last one the first video that comes to mind is your hand between two butt cheeks yeah when we went last was it the other day it was a little tragic yeah Nicki Minaj broke her knee her time went back like this like he had clothes it was a crazy four times keeping up with the situation so time is sticky okay I don't know I don't think so they carried her out on the stretcher when I seen it when it happened it was like it was like one of those it looks like a cartoon or something the way her leg was it was crazy is everybody online is talking about how fat and heavy her ass is and her legs weren't strong enough to support it yeah she had Yeezys on Ash and gravity then what stick are you supposed to wear the basketball game I mean if you built like she built you need something on your angles yeah that's what he said Charlotte Nicki Minaj we love you here we're praying for your ankles I was a little star struck in there though what it was a couple porn stars in there that you like wow how was that how's that I was just watching I didn't go up to him on a little crazy nah that's weird I spent a lot of time with you yeah that's crazy shout out to Daphne and Jim though but you didn't say hi there we make money with us but I didn't like DM them or nothing [ __ ] I got a platform I'm different Phelps it's a limit come on I ain't fighting through all them fitteds do they do like signing do they like do they sign no [ __ ] like it's open like you could just come run down on them but it'd be like a line sometimes you feel me like sometimes please no the last one they played basketball they won wrestle they dance they did Providence I mean it's like a whole food I was going to go to one of them but this one just had too much ass I didn't think I could really handle it it was a lie it was a lie for five [ __ ] it was a lot of ass in there yeah I didn't know about it it was fun though it was fun like always I don't really enjoyed this episode it's like it's kind of party um you got to talk about spice calling Erica Mena and monkey everybody wants to know what I thought yeah um I don't really think much of it because I feel like do you know what I'm talking about Love and Hip Hop they have an argument spice is a famous singer she seems very gay like she's huge okay okay yeah the songs that you might not know what spice what you hear you like damn I heard I've seen her I've seen spice before I've seen her before okay spice tends she'll be dancing all crazy and [ __ ] right yeah yeah tight spice tends to wear blue wigs shout out to the Crips um and Erica got an organ where I call her a blue monkey cut that out but the thing about it was I'm gonna be real when I first heard her say Blue Monkey it didn't bother me because I had just called a guy that we all know a white monkey yeah so it was like damn I just caused my white monkey but in the argument she's yelling monkey monk is just like she wanted to go on the harder I mean you feel me won't go there when somebody gets you mad I don't know and then that's the thing everybody's arguing on social media was because spicy isn't about her son she says to her that's why your son hates you and she has uh what's this girl Erica supposedly has this teenage son that don't deal with her people use it said that first spice said that first oh yeah monkey but listen this is this is the thing though for me like what you probably don't know Erica Mena didn't say stuff like that yeah there has been a couple of Puerto Rican girls Dominican girls or whatever that they get caught saying roaches black this black dick you bald head because the idea is because people probably like their events about it yes Puerto Ricans Dominicans they're black right but they don't all claim that or even feel that way so if you're Dominican right or you're Puerto Rican and you don't feel like you're afro Latina and you feel like I'm not black then you ain't my sister [ __ ] that's as simple as it is for me like I don't feel no type of way about it but whatever but when you're [ __ ] adjacent you [ __ ] [ __ ] everything that we do hip hop all that right no you can't call people real monkeys you have to watch your [ __ ] mouth yeah you have to look at some alignment and that's the thing about with black women a lot of black women feel like when it comes down to it you might get that from a Puerto Rican girl Dominican girl Latin whatever you want to say where yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] with a [ __ ] deal with a [ __ ] everything [ __ ] [ __ ] but when it comes she's not marching with nobody and if she argue with you no I know exactly because you don't have no [ __ ] here and if you act like they're so dense about it but duh she wouldn't argue with her Dominican sister of Puerto Rican sister like that she's gonna call her whatever she's not gonna say bald head because she's not looking at them like they ball here yeah you thinking the whole idea is women are black women or monkeys roaches cockroaches whatever I don't know I understand it but she was fired and then after after fire hormone put it on her Instagram story dealt with I probably got that wrong but to that effect you know what I mean time you're already too far away I don't like how you hit me on Spike I don't like it bring your little ass over here because we're family and we haven't done this in weeks you said you wasn't gonna okay let me give you but she got Eric got fired from fire for some other [ __ ] and I promised myself that I was going to research that before we started but I didn't but she lost another job y'all already know I'm big on like I'm not with the cancer culture [ __ ] I never saw people lose celebrate people losing their jobs what I've been like oh they should fire her I'm always like make things teaching moments that other people don't want to hear [ __ ] it's not the first time they feel like she's a repeat offender she doesn't feel bad whenever she does her job but um she got kids and [ __ ] like I just can't rejoice in that that's not my thing y'all could just make fun of people losing their jobs even if I feel like you should have lost your job I'm not about to celebrate it you know what I'm saying like what am I doing that for [Music] um have a baby online with 200 199 000 other people that's probably the wrong numbers it was during a thousand people want to lie along with me to watch it was with the cube in with a couple people bus down baby bus down without Tiana congratulations um horrible pretty rough you know I like blueface and I'm opening up I like it was Aquarius he's a psycho but he's being so mean like it's extreme like he's going all the way there talk about getting the baby drug tested he the fact that he keeps saying I'm gonna come get your baby and it's crazy as a I would like to refer to myself as an OG baby mom I've been doing this [ __ ] for a while the [ __ ] want to say I'm taking it baby and it's so scary at first no don't take much trials like Losing Isaiah right what's up when you let them take them he bring the [ __ ] back an hour the skin the next time they be like oh give me my baby to kick the door open and he should fall in because you don't open it like chill out Jerome yeah back to stuff babe I'm leaving and you need to hit the road Jack because he's coming back in two hours it's not real thank God someone's on like internet crying nobody take my baby and I was like oh my God this is gut written chain yeah because if you've had it baby you know I saw you or how sensitive you are but somebody's any company baby but it's like Christian Mommy he's one he's fighting accepting murder case [ __ ] who baby is he taking working like oh yeah wake up love if he can't come get that baby she went to home had a baby in Baltimore people um blueface is upset about it and he missed the birth of his baby it's terrible about a lot I don't know I'm looking at times topics right now first on the list score Sean and blueface time is a huge fan of Cristiano rupe as he keeps up with everything what do you think time time for this thumbs down I'll do my boy like that no it's crazy that we have to talk about it but it's like this girl is all over Vlogs every day she's like huge like this her whole life is the um is the baby uh page and book of information that's a real thing I mean he does have a page with email in it that's crazy [ __ ] that just [ __ ] lay your ass down there and Drool on this Gap hoodie [ __ ] [ __ ] cheese [ __ ] you gonna get me and me and uh 11 of my siblings some money they don't have any parents they got the hustle baby the baby got a job who cares what's the big deal the [ __ ] worth why was he not a month all you gotta do is lay there and [ __ ] it's not that big of a job you know what I mean shawna's little ass up girl is here you know what I mean you take pictures he makes hundred thousand dollars for it that's what I was confused about was I thought she would have like more charged somebody to record the birth okay yeah you want to make the money what the [ __ ] I don't know I don't think there's nothing wrong with it um I don't think it's I don't I don't know if it's right or wrong I'm asking you like I I it's weird to me right or wrong it's just it's unusual that's all I'm saying like the whole situation yes I just I don't think we even know a lot of the facts that you don't care about it I don't I'm just saying the market how they met it was one of the zoo [ __ ] right no he created his own show only thing it's called Blue Girls Club oh yeah yeah yeah and then she was she was one of the girls right and she was supposed to be pushing up on him and that's the thing I feel like in their story blue face is automatically the villain so nobody really cares about his side of where he come from don't y'all beat my ass about this of course blueface is wrong yeah whatever but I also feel like she dated a [ __ ] that came like that secret anytime you're going with a [ __ ] and you have to give the money that you make them [ __ ] you know the type of [ __ ] you're paying him he had like three of them all at one time and he used to keep these cameras in his face what's really surprising about me I'm just saying it's not always like a victim in a monster you know I feel like her smart thing would be to do what she doing focusing and trying to get it right but that I mean that's what she gonna do because he's handsome and his hair grows up in the water he's a crew like who wouldn't like that right my number a day or two you never say otherwise right now I know it's so crazy our gangbanger Nails let's do a nail cam this is very important part of the show silence [Music] um but um no I feel like on some real [ __ ] like when they had that argument that went viral when he was like it had to be he says to her gotta be something you goofy [ __ ] to get Six Tattoos people will like tear them up he's so mean to evil but it's like he had a vision got six tattoo like what you know what type of thing did you think they had going on that's just extreme it's not normal for somebody to be doing it and the other person is not doing it yeah it's the situation they got that works for them they're both you know and he's an aquarius I expect him to do 20 times worse than their Aquarius is a terrible people yourself [ __ ] no all right it's so um yeah but just around that I was on make sure I always get past stuff too fast I don't feel like you know no either one is right or wrong I just look at the Dynamics of the whole violent relationship every video that come out they beat the [ __ ] out of each other but it's automated oh you're hitting the girl it's like bro that's what they're they probably fighting [ __ ] yeah you know people do that you know what I mean yeah they get like that some people are into this people start fights with their meat because of that his kinky but it's their thing it's all these people here he's acting weird he's all the way across the room somebody just said I love only love when time is not on the show if I can hear him you can't go she said you can't go it's crazy I got this dumb ass [ __ ] on and I just watch uh Gang Related with Tupac last night and Tupac got caught wearing a wire and got killed by the James Belushi I've never seen games she funny and then he got the headphones should I put it in the middle like he's doing work professional next podcast I'm wearing a Blazer what the [ __ ] was I saying I'm trying to suspend something about Jonathan in his behalf yes I feel like people put him automatically as the villain and I don't think that's the least ability I think he did he take advantageous situation yeah I the him getting online to me don't look nothing like but he misses her sometimes you know what I'm saying but even when they're in there like back and forth and [ __ ] he seems like the type of person that he sets these relationships up because he want to be in control over him so it's almost like roller get rolled over that's a choice you make it you may not like how he carrying it but it's like she likes it one thing I will say about her she has a star quality and I agree with her when she says to him that if it wasn't for him it would still have happened it's meant to be for her this is her time and we I was Christian always ask what I have on the show I probably wouldn't she's way younger than me I don't know what we really talk about she's super successful and I think they like this [ __ ] gonna go as far as she want to take it like you know yeah and blueface know how to get a couple dollars but they got a baby and the fact that everybody's so super invested like they're going to [ __ ] next week they're going to be back they're like you know what I mean like come on lunch business like this that's the most important part is just you feel me keeping that yeah he's a cackle I tell you that but I don't think he's a monster he might be a [ __ ] but I don't think he's a monster though I think that you know I don't think it's always like a villain foreign you might be looking for wholesome convenient meals to support Sunny activities back there America's number one ready to eat meal kit can help you fuel up fast with flavorful and nutritious ready to eat meals deliver straight to your door you'll be able to save time eat well and stay on track reaching all your goals ready to feel your best while making the most out of your summer Adventures stick to your Wellness goals with premium ready to eat meals featuring high quality ingredients such as broccolini leeks and asparagus treat yourself to 34 plus weekly restaurant quality options like bruschetta shrimp risotto Green Goddess chicken and my favorite grilled Steakhouse filet mignon ready in just two minutes so head over to factorymills.com dcmwg50 to get 50 off today that's called dcmwg 50 at factormills.com dcmwg50 we gotta talk about the lady the real pretty lady that got hit in the face with the brick that's my camera now they playing games guys um Lucy's here just to let y'all know Lucy's here Boosie is Jamaican and when he walked in my house the other day someone said hi what's up you Jamaican [ __ ] for no reason it was so like racial like it was like quiet in the room it's really made things awkward and intense and then Lucy was like I am Jamaican bro like right like how did you know that and then switch was like I know my stuff and walked out shot my first cooking video the first secret video I ever did I'm saying it like I ever did the other one critically acclaimed people are begging for a part two it's been years now Boosie and I cooked and wasn't it good Lucy I mean baked macaroni um baked macaroni and cheese fried chicken sweet potatoes and I think collard greens on camera until she [ __ ] how to do with this on my YouTube the link is right here the link is right here who else do I have with me what's your name again remind me Darrell so my daughter said when she saw you she I don't know if you know my old producer his name is Dre he's super handsome so my daughter she says this is what's wrong with them excuse me one second let me explain that I'm gonna do your introduction again what's wrong with them is they never met a [ __ ] that the same [ __ ] in [ __ ] whisper in their ear I say it to them they don't I'm very open honest and direct why can't I say it was so funny I didn't say nothing [Laughter] that can't be your cousin yeah of course please introduce yourself first though cause they gonna be on it I don't know if you're single or not but if my intro is yeah that they gonna be on it yeah my intro oh this [ __ ] look like Dre they don't look exactly alike to me he looks like the Philadelphia version Look at this beard is bigger like a Philly [ __ ] and his haircut is more Philadelphia accessible [Applause] it's the uh south of France south of France South to France this is the Philadelphia and he got chats he got a couple well Drake what dude I got no tattoos yeah he got a couple attacks yeah he doesn't have this is the Philadelphia version of DeAndre introduce yourself to people's ears yeah yeah I know he will yes when your birthday July 4th okay I'm gonna make sure a cancer okay yeah see we already know how about the Cancers and then we got Banger in here Banger is supposed to be a videographer but he doesn't look like it and his name is Banker but welcome welcome to all the new fellas in the house because you know people ask me all the time about the pink sign I don't want to get too full of focus um I'm all through Facebook showing a lot of people was asking me about these are all your requests oh the brick lady the brick lady so it is pretty she's a pretty thirsty girl with this real pretty curly black hair she goes on internet her face is like this big swollen with a brick Nobody seen the brick lady she got beat interface with a brick because supposedly just a guy wouldn't give her number I recently have become obsessed with Tick Tock and tick tock they said what exactly that's what they said she faked it that's what they saying but I feel like besides Tick Tock being investigative journalism and a lot of stuff I see they'll catch it first I also feel like it's always like that when it's black people you know what I mean it's never just you're the victim so my first response to see we always fight about this me and y'all my first my first responses to not believe it because that is a black woman's story you'll stay what happened and then nobody believes you it's a joke or they make you a villain or find out the nasty stuff you into and they'll try to use that against you or you made up a lot completely so I have to see proof that she didn't get hit with a brick for me to believe it because I have never seen a bumblebee just do that to somebody's face that's the thing let's use common sense if it's an allergic reaction that's a really really bad allergic reaction because this [ __ ] face is hanging out like she got snake with a bird I mean you've seen hitch that really be happening to people yeah I mean whatever and also I feel like I've been hitting here with stuff and didn't get cut so a lot of people say if it was a break I got bust so I came in a beer bottle more than once and it didn't cut me I just got bruised or whatever I don't know I don't know what I did see and it's another reason why I'm like [ __ ] trying to put in case they're gonna get my girl I think people kept posting clips of her smacking men in the face white men too but black men white men but she asked you something like did you say the n-word or something kinky did she smack you but she clearly looks junk and it clearly looks like a skit which makes me believe that's what it is people putting out little clips of it so we can think she's wild crazy she's not a victim nothing helping her she does stuff to people that's the whole thing I'm not just gonna bite that but time you think she lying I do why Tom is why what's the proof I've seen the other videos videos you think that was like a skit and then because it went up she ain't go back and tell [ __ ] like oh I was just playing she just letting it rock type I mean I don't know and then also we gotta protect y'all but we just can't believe you before the Clemson ain't that about a [ __ ] before the clips came out I found her Tick Tock and she's damn near like like she not activist but she's there her poster about colorism dating white women did you know what I mean she's definitely like one of them I want to say that but anyway what do you mean what is it but I mean one of y'all [ __ ] like I've never I personally might be in there talking [ __ ] making inappropriate jokes whatever but you're not gonna find too many many videos of me on like this um just plain like you got the George Floyd you know what I mean I never did that even when I um participated in like Riley stuff like that I'm not saying I wouldn't know but I never got on one thing like that you know what I mean like my brain don't work like and it's so hard to trust it perfect example still go wear Nikes I support black lives matter regardless of what but when all that information came out all of us was like it felt like a punch to the good like who the [ __ ] needs to mention that big [ __ ] like anyone still why you can't disperse the money the people do some Robin Hood [ __ ] get out some turkeys [ __ ] and wasn't it the boy with the blue vest too I don't know I don't know I didn't I don't like to even you know I didn't go and I still support BLM because it's like one bed Apple I don't know but um yeah I don't know um real quick it was hot as [ __ ] I don't know why take care of yourself in the heat I wrote that down actually for y'all um because it was really out of [ __ ] and I couldn't believe it and I kept saying I'm gonna start working out and walking around the house no not yet it's been 100 degrees outside and I can't take it it's just my hair braided I know y'all want to talk on my braids because they let baby viral shout out to me I did The Breakfast Club I forgot to mention two days in a row my friend Charlemagne and indy um the last time I talked to my brother because nobody didn't even see me that excited because I was dreading having to be somewhere like I was gagging like I haven't had to do nothing like that since way back when I tried to work I seen your close friends you ain't even sleep the first night did you I did you went to sleep after them I got my hair braided I started at nine or 9 30 in the morning since I met Boosie at 7 38 we shot something and then I got my hair braided from 9 30 a.m to 2 30 a.m tough how many hours is that two people so she would put the braid into somebody braided down um then I did a breakfast club Charlemagne asked me about the braids he says oh those braids is lit because Charlemagne is really supportive of people I could say he thought oh no bracelet you want to shout out to braid and I said [ __ ] though [ __ ] you still ended up giving her a shout out because of my [ __ ] Charlemagne says good morning you [Music] you better yeah bro no but became this big ass conversation that we even made at the top of going to breakfast because everybody was talking about it y'all was big not y'all cause y'all my cousins y'all my [ __ ] and I seen you all around for me in the comments is y'all some gangster ass [ __ ] out your cubicles rocking for your big cuz the Mona yeah [ __ ] my cousins yeah I seen y'all The Breakfast Club [ __ ] was grinding me up she couldn't she could at least shout her out that's what's wrong with the community first of all [ __ ] the reason I don't even like having this debate or this conversation is because if you've never done this you might not do it yeah yeah they don't they don't understand I am a [ __ ] influencer okay the little [ __ ] I say around the crib other [ __ ] said Randy crib okay I eat a cheeseburger the [ __ ] Eat A Cheeseburger okay welcome to 2023. me being an influencer if I try your service or your product and I pay for it I might not tell nobody I paid for it [ __ ] [ __ ] you mean that's how it's gone you can make the decision as in a business move do I need this paper do I need this [ __ ] shout out that's up to you it's not no and I'm serious I'm talking to you all for real don't feel bullied by these celebrities [ __ ] with motions down yeah that's like they want no [ __ ] if you need that brick at that bridge yeah but understand what they're coming you can't braid my [ __ ] hair and then say Oh stand in front of my green wall everybody take no love I just paid not me love I walk around the green wall love cause I can't accept you [ __ ] opportunity we can make something happen we can exchange services if your hair do cost a hundred dollars and I'm charging [ __ ] a thousand dollars for my promotion you still walk around with 900 up [ __ ] you know me and I ain't even doing that yeah so at the end of the day anything about it is the girl that braided my hair has a huge platform on social media book the [ __ ] up and she's not cheap baby girl doing well in life so she didn't need the [ __ ] shout out that was the whole thing she didn't care but The Breakfast Club people grind me up and the next day I made the topic so they called in and they was talking [ __ ] people understand it's your job it's like y'all [ __ ] don't work for free people don't get it and it's that's my thing if I'm giving it the option what's wrong with it I'm giving you the option [ __ ] was like yeah the end of the day you could change somebody's life with a shout out right so so why am I changes have to do with me if she don't want to do that bro if you I'm serious you young [ __ ] you do lashes you do nails you can't even get time to yourself what the [ __ ] does it matter there's somebody from Loving Hip-Hop get their nails done if you're a book the [ __ ] up so it's like this one is up to you what type of cloud you want but don't let these [ __ ] get appointments and don't mention them and y'all don't even be tagging the joins anyway y'all be hiding they'd be extra cute y'all going tag Mona though make this this whole big ass paragraph about it ain't you stop playing and then and folks are saying that the bad [ __ ] when y'all do your hair you don't even take them I don't know I think it's relative by the end of the day do they Boosie that's why Boosie laughs you would not know unless you had it like that like on some real [ __ ] I just decided to know my words know my value I would do things I remember I did something with this masseuse and she was booked up for three months off of when I see on the internet mm-hmm [Music] I always say this Ari I've seen this [ __ ] sell people websites out crash them like some info if you can afford that tag and that's what you need you know somebody say them other price tags is Y'all Gonna argue about it in the YouTube comments I'm still not shouting about your cousin [ __ ] cupcake cookies I don't care if it's your nieces she nine you wanna tag Lil Mama take five dollars off the cookie love what's up no [ __ ] nah I'll take a picture of Janiece um yeah shout out to my nephew I just had a nephew shout out to him my first Blood nephew ever what's up y'all it's your girl don't call me white girl in this episode of my podcast is being sponsored by herobrid we at the don't call me white girl podcast love using Herobrine The Taste the texture is so soft and fluffy I just got into the house it literally feels like a pillow um it's very flavorful high fiber and it's low low carbs hero makes sliced breads buns and tortillas they're all available on hero.co and Amazon right now Herobrine is offering my listeners 10 off their first order just go to herald.co and use my code dcmwg to save on hero bread today that's h-e-r-o dot Co to say 10 today on all herobrad products get on here and tell y'all to watch BSI it's a really good documentary but we watched it so we're going to tell you to watch it and we're going to talk about it briefly but not too much best of my documentary of the Year what's this nigga's name Roy Johnson Roy Johnson huge fans of yours please come on the podcast but we're not paying you we will get you something to eat and something to drink alcohol do I look like a scam artist [Laughter] s off of a school that doesn't exist he has these [ __ ] traveling yeah did you watch that John Tom he knows the story you got to watch it though you gotta watch it though bro the story because he's a Twitter guy correct time Twitter yeah Tom has Twitter fingers but he'll box you in hit boxes too when Envy say I should box your mouth I was going to box your mouth up here hey yo see first of all when I first seen you singing black ass I started to box your mouth sorry um I apologize um BS High yes love it so much so it was a big thing online so I think if you already heard so just to put it to make sure you know what's going on I remember when it happened I just didn't know the whole thing so when it comes out the whole thing that they're grown men playing on the field right now with who were they playing Twitter or something um it's a school called IMG so I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna tell you how it was I'm a sports [ __ ] so around that time um they always will randomly put like you feel me if it's like a real competitive High School game ESPN will pick it up so it's kind of like [ __ ] had knew that game not you feel me not really paying no mind and then but on Twitter [ __ ] is like yo it just start going up [ __ ] like yo y'all gotta watch this game it's a literally the the rhetoric guess how it was on a documentary they was like it was a bunch of old [ __ ] out there getting and I turned on the game and I watched it for like five minutes and I was like this [ __ ] looked weird I'm like these [ __ ] is ass and I just stopped paying attention and then afterwards all of this [ __ ] came out and then I was just like oh bro it was it was yeah they were playing that game was getting death threats that's the only thing about it it wasn't enjoyable documentary today it happened so it's like it is what it is but it is yeah it was rough a certain point I feel like them boys were really effective hell yeah because he basically took the bad kids so you you know bad kids because they really trying to turn something around you know what I mean so especially me being a bad kid one of the alternative school I couldn't imagine like putting my all in this stuff because it's like they kind of it wasn't real because they weren't going to clean it ain't no money they're getting put out their room the whole story was crazy as [ __ ] but it got a little sad at the end one of the boys plays music his music was actually good I meant to say oh buddy yeah the little guy didn't play his song or whatever I like this music but the story the [ __ ] is so balls yeah he just didn't give a [ __ ] he was such a liar and such a like a you know come with a box and he wouldn't stop like we won't judge you yeah [ __ ] it you know you've seen a couple spots where he would get upset because it was like yeah bro I know you felt it when he went to the supermarket [Laughter] and then he said it I was only about to finish what he said he said he will go call it Dudley and order all them chickens and then wait and then put him in this game to feed them kids I said yo he different I said he was real that's but that's what that's the the part if you a [ __ ] that you are here trying to make it and you get that's the part that you understand and respect it's like you the [ __ ] is the [ __ ] but it's [ __ ] like that where it's like and I did like that part about documentary too just highlighting how unfair that whole business is with black kids and [ __ ] watch it yeah you already know but y'all [ __ ] good you cannot turn it off you have to actually finish it I just watched deer exactly too if you want to watch something but dear Zachy was like that with me because I saw him on Tick Tock somebody made a list about Derek Zachary and they were like I didn't sleep for another and I slept like a baby out there oh [Music] oh you can shocked okay but it didn't like make me not you know what I mean I have a question it's a little random for the people out here with white friends so I ain't sure you have plenty of whites as friends can your white friends get away with less than your black friends no matter closeness as far as the [ __ ] that they say out their mouth can a black girl can a white person say the same amount of stuff that your black friends can say to you or is it different are you judging the different because they're like I don't I mean with me friends White with me I um I don't it's hard because to say what I let who get away because me I'll I'll check them where they at even though they my friends I'll check their whiteness it ain't no you feel me to people because I know how you get down this is my friends are radicalized so what like am I you saying am I judging them like my question was what I [ __ ] ass folks can they say the answer is no they can't because you're checking them where they're staying okay yes I guess no would your black friend be able to get away with more saying certain [ __ ] because they're white I feel like I don't I know what you're saying I feel like I don't encounter that you know what I'm saying she's being a [ __ ] nah I'm being dead I'm not okay because because even even if somebody black sees something and it's and I feel like they thinking behind it is wrong I might got to play devil I'm just checking all of us yeah I might got to play devil's advocate for you to understand you know what I mean so I think it should be criminalized because what the [ __ ] is the point the ruining the Bible talking and you're going against everything it's just to have because I've been trying to you don't do that do you boosie I'm all about understanding it's just you don't gotta agree with it it's just for me it's understanding so I under I understand what you're saying um but that's what I'm saying we gotta like so you got to say like if we talk about them referencing my blackness or something like you know what I mean like I'm more thinking of like just like let's say you gotta vibe from your black friend that they was on some more like I'm the reason why you cool I'm the reason why you're making money imagine your white friend doing that and it's a different level of disrespect see now with me when you say it like that is it's disrespectful either way okay yeah I'm checking both maybe I can't answer because I have never given a wife for a past four or five months from elementary to Junior High to high school even in jail I had a white friend she was so cute her but was so fast she was Italian about for five months old see my wife friend my white friends that I have they're not new they all from they are from grade school high school it ain't no it ain't I don't got no new white friends you know what I'm saying don't keep them all I'm saying is so maybe I can't describe it but to me no way if I have a black girlfriend she can get away with it twice with the white girlfriend I just think it's race is that big of a deal I have somebody right in my life right now and I think we're pretty close I got love for him you know we he's around my life all the time or whatever but he can't say [ __ ] that the last one said or you know what I mean like [ __ ] now and it's not because you knew it's because you're right man yeah period is that is that wrong nah I mean I legit then told my wife friends before like listen you feel me y'all cool I [ __ ] with trouble it's only a handful of y'all the rest of y'all look real quick you're not gonna talk about this you know about brand Judy ah go ahead okay the bread the hip-hop the rapper from from the 90s or whatever is in a married to a influencer and like she makes hair products named Big Booty Judy is Brad still pregnant she had her baby she had a little boy he's so cute um they had the baby by IVF um they caused a little splash because I think they some kind of way that came out that their debate the guy they picked is like light skin he's not black or whatever and they were talking [ __ ] about brand Judy like y'all just want a light skin baby blah blah and then they came out and said no statistically black men don't donate sperm and if you're looking at let's say a hundred different specimens [ __ ] five of them will be black it's that small and basically they they might have saw three black guys out of thousands or hundreds or whatever and um probably hundreds but the three best they saw about the Steve Urkel ugly they wasn't doing it no it's not gonna work I mean you should have found it over the street got him tested you you Richard because I don't mean to control what's wrong with what they did there's nothing wrong what they did but this is this is what I'm saying if you already going out the box the [ __ ] be out the box like why you see I'm saying like you are you already where she did the uh the in vitro you feel me listen brand used Judy's eggs okay because Judy couldn't carry because all because if they could have it their way Judy would care right Judy can carry because the medical reason okay they use Judy's egg and then the guy sperm and the mixer it has no relation to him but she carries him I know yeah I know but yeah when they talked about them online for the light skin [ __ ] I just felt like they looked stupid because when they tell why why it makes total sense if [ __ ] Ain't donating what they're supposed to do a lot of women aren't going to do that meet it out the street or ask a cousin they're not they rather do it where they don't have to talk to this person you know what I mean they don't have no dealings with this man or the paperwork sign is nothing to worry about versus you know you talking to somebody and knowing he jerking off again you know what I'm saying it's a total different experience I get it but this is what I'm saying so they can know he black basically nah it's like [ __ ] if you want either you want because the discussion wasn't if it's cool I was just mentioning why people dragged them thinking oh yeah no no I see what you're saying yeah that's why I didn't know but no no and but what you're saying is when they with them with the way you said it they might not have said it like they're like oh well it was only because if it's only a few black men that's it they had to break it down like that people dress no I know but this is what I'm saying it seemed like if they wanted a black man that bad in my opinion they could have went around that's all that's what I'm saying for but it might not have been as deep as what you said yeah and it makes it a different process it's not even like but you want good genes are you just worried about going by the book because you're not doing no natural I don't know [ __ ] like that you already you see what I'm saying you we already needling threaten this [ __ ] anyway especially them being celebrities I just think it'll probably be more easier if you ain't got to meet nobody they famous Rich [ __ ] who really wants to do that you know what I mean [ __ ] around get the [ __ ] nut and he come 50 [ __ ] a couple months later I want a couple dollars I know you got that [ __ ] what they call Teflon system Jones calls excuse me Judy had six Teslas different colors with balloons stuffed in the front of them pick from who are pre-pushed good my baby father got me a sweat suit [Laughter] for a push give I got a Nike tag yo but the Nike Tech when it first dropped that was a 500 sweatsuit nah we're not gonna do that Nike tax was 500. top and bottom a pre-push give this [ __ ] got a car [ __ ] that plugs in the wall brand new fully loaded so anyway that's what I was leading to the internet believes that the relationship is fake they have a very affectionate relationship in the relationship Brett has like this like baby Persona like what beautiful yeah she talking to her like in the baby voice and all that people think it's fake people think right there just for the money thing they're not really happy they think right don't like Judy kids me the opposite sign me up I will be a lesbian and wear a bunch of colors and braids quick fast and hurry to give me a [ __ ] and treat me like that them [ __ ] happening what happened the last time we chased the bread where'd they get us [Laughter] safe within each other you could tell they both right back hurt and had like shitty laces in their pants I feel like a lot of people judge the fact that brand been this tough guy online and it's like sorry [ __ ] and she got a reason to be sensitive people have personas and she's not a young tough ass not no yeah she's a [ __ ] middle-aged menopause a little bit soon you know what I mean she get cramps and [ __ ] people just jealous that's a woman people just jealous breasts makeup is like top four in the game right now nobody beats this girl makeup is perfect her face still look the same as a woman like he acts so stupid about I love that relationship Y'all Gonna argue about in the comments all all I think a lot of y'all are jealous I remember that Brad in that one video a lot of y'all eat Gucci Bliss your video was that time that the brat was in was that the uh Nelly joined the Tyrese John yeah yeah she just wouldn't know it was the Jagged Edge right yeah fellas she just randomly told a story about how she used to go with Allen Iverson yeah I heard about that every morning yeah hey I was here I bet you wouldn't bet that you wouldn't I knew that yeah I just think y'all young Jin whatever [ __ ] don't know [ __ ] that's why you always give me your [ __ ] stupid opinions on Tick Tock back to tick tock real fast I am as obsessed with peaches McIntyre nobody that's gonna hear this is gonna know what's going on unless they're a tick tocker and that's right I'm in the peach patch all the peach baby [ __ ] picture names in the comments we love peaches McIntyre and we [ __ ] with McIntyre shout out to Florida child to Florida I don't know this is how our tick tocks start that lady got a seven kids and divorced her husband take come with me to Target that lady got seven kids divorced her husband and gotta drop the kids off she's on internet once a hour and guess what when she missed two I'm looking for that [ __ ] I'm in the peach batch shout out to the whole Peach batch she also makes a hundred thousand dollars a month the last Peaches I was familiar with ran off on Franklin so yeah is that um snowfall yeah is that on Snowball my it's my daughter's 13th birthday happy birthday tonight happy birthday we grew up together um it's been a while since we're on camera we really grew up together it's been a wild ride don't just sit your [ __ ] ass you ain't got to get on you're gonna put your picture sit down really there we go Boosie bear your whole life she's 13. and I'm telling you I got something hot okay seriously you know what I remember Men start trying to holler at me 12. tell you I ain't Wanda pop till you drop yeah um do we have a voicemail Thomas on my phone on the charger somebody did say something about um Carly Russell's Carly Russell's um real fast the [ __ ] from YSL that was like yeah he did you feel me with me but the real [ __ ] posted Tom shout out to him I love it if all of this come out you fill me in in my my and he somehow he got to be he got to drop something he got to be because why himself oh damn he lost he's done everybody said YSL so say it was the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my life but it was refreshing I haven't seen something that good since buddy with the dreads no since you're honor I'm sorry sorry sorry sorry prosecutor I'm sorry sorry you never seen it no he sings to everybody my favorite Court John was a [ __ ] I'm not I'm not playing with y'all today yes you do yeah that the [ __ ] with the dreads that was representing himself in court no no crime was evil as [ __ ] right that's what made this [ __ ] crazy you could barely land it wasn't funny no more he killed his kid's mom and his [ __ ] kids I don't know damn that's why he definitely killed his [ __ ] kid's mom that's sad or whatever yeah but that's why that's what's wrong they all psycho down here that's why that [ __ ] hit like that when he said it four [ __ ] just thugged out and they got a lot harder and they different and they kind of crazy that's what everybody says you know it's a thing where they say uh you put you Google uh Florida man your birthday and she will come up that's crazy that's crazy that's sad no but yeah the YSL guys like you know I don't I just can appreciate some [ __ ] [ __ ] words they play with us play back with them oh no no this is real fast favorite Court moment in this listing it's a ball head guy coming from the hole he's going to court because you know when you're locked up when you go to jail you go to the hole but it's still a court process he's in the hole he wants a quarter about being hold and he tells the judge oh god listen to you you ain't you ain't no judgment it's a [ __ ] in a row I think I did see that's what I'm saying bro they had to walk this thing out he cuss I said you showed me that way Johnson when they beat him up he was talking [ __ ] as they was walking him yeah as long as you ain't killed no kids y'all [ __ ] be kinky but I love Tick Tock I'm sorry what you think everybody's so creative I love it I'm on it on a regular basis you're going to see my presence I want to take time that's where we have with it yeah shout out to the white men on my shirt I never even believe yeah I ain't watching too heavy neither I did a little bit but no I will say this I love all the y'all keep asking for documentaries I gave you a couple but make sure y'all watch all the gangster movies like everything in that room heat Good Fellas is one of my favorites You Gotta Throw in um what's the long drawn out one it's ridiculous um come on what's the rest of them I kind of told you I kind of talked about this somewhere no um he is real important to me though Al Pacino y'all don't watch the gangster movies yourself so give me some more Bangor of course Bang it Like I said Good Fellas Godfather you talking about mob movies that's what I said Casino Carlito's Way yeah Scarface two you got to throw that's not like a mob movie though it's a gangster but in it you know what what's the Jamaican version Scarface yeah China sucks I hate science no shade Boosie I hate Shabbos Shottas is all right I hate the showers because it was poorly done it could have been so much better yeah I don't know all the black movies you have to see all the back moves but sometimes when I talk about them people who have never seen [ __ ] like juice or Blue Hill Avenue like those songs all right it's almost ever um um all the side drawings but I was big like belly boys all of them in society like I feel like you just gotta watch [ __ ] like that but maybe you don't I don't know because y'all used to read them nasty as hoodies and that's dirty as [ __ ] like after you read one why are you reading Gotta Be a Player three four five oh yeah chew them to the game Truth you know what I mean what is it I used to hate that [ __ ] like list the novels they read in his dad Coldest Winter Ever it's like girl what's going on in your life that you reading that trash every day I think the the most one that's the classic is the coldest winter ever shop assistant Soldier I remember I went to many million million me in March or the million win March I was a bull how was that that's the kind of [ __ ] I am I was at the Million Man March in the millions of March and I was probably 12. um my sister Soldier was on the mic she was so vulgar people was doing this to their kids she was like yeah you have a [ __ ] baby let me get [ __ ] man waiting on a titty morning [ __ ] baby he was like oh my God I remember they said it wasn't even a million women out there I was like why y'all doing that it was a lot if you were there you believed it it was in because it was in Phil it definitely wasn't a million [ __ ] down there like who would have said everybody we only had one wasn't two no Million Man March was in DC the maywoman March was in Philly right oh right I don't think I yeah I think I did my peoples win that's how I know yeah I was one of them kids all right real fast I'm gonna do the voicemail um and this isn't a group message down the line in our production group message Phelps doesn't say anything he doesn't like anything he doesn't say yes give his opinion it's like he's too [ __ ] good to be in the production producer rap [ __ ] uh [ __ ] uh iMessage thing because they hitting each other at two in the morning no check these other pictures and shrooms and [ __ ] and would you text me pictures of at two in the morning let's see that joke [Laughter] um you don't know you don't participate and it hurts me at times feeling times I bet yo when you when you text what time is going to be here who liked it that's how you know a [ __ ] never do nothing I just like doing today telling me you like that's crazy all right come on so I just had a question I'm starting with this message he's a parent he got a hoe I just want to know why did Tim stuff on that hoes like he'll be telling me down she said do pimps [ __ ] on their hoes that's what she said to him I know I talk a lot of [ __ ] but me don't call me white girl AKA Demona I've never been a 304.304 adjacent the person that was closest to me was a stripper she would sometimes make a couple dollars other ways we will be hanging out and she would be like hold up girl I gotta make up some money and I would take her somewhere for 20 minutes and she would come out with money just we work like this yeah sometimes I remember when they jumped her she was dancing pregnant and they jumped her and I went in there with a little 25 in the boot something hot for one of your cousins because they was gonna keep jumping on my people yeah and um yeah but I never I remember her the manager of the club like asking me to dance and so like it just was never on my mind like I never and I say dance because a lot of the dancing girls I knew worked at 304s also ever since I've been going to La and just like kind of getting into La culture whatever I noticed that over there that's a common hustle for girls so you know how like over here way more customers might be selling weed boosting tracking it's like down south stripping case working Delaware they call it tout and [ __ ] like that might be your intro to the game as a girl over there their intro they'll be selling [ __ ] walking up and down the street it's a common thing the bad [ __ ] have sold [ __ ] before the rappers that's all have sold [ __ ] before it's a commonality they have and it's even they know their songs one card one and three or four other ones that you just made because you wasn't making no money your block ain't pop like it's a real thing the funny part about it is the girl hungry she would turn I don't even want to say the neighbor because I feel like anybody to know me for Megan ain't gonna know what I'm talking about but she could turn a certain area in North Philly to a walking up and down the street type of vibe in 2005. so I know about it but babe I don't know if your pimp is supposed to beat on you hit you I did my homie podcast from over there that have been a great question for him because I don't [ __ ] know and I'm kind of offended that you even asking me about whether your new pimp should be hitting his other [ __ ] because [ __ ] what type of [ __ ] you take me before from what I know I think they only be hitting like they bottom [ __ ] or something she didn't pimps [ __ ] off I'm just talking about like on the regular as the [ __ ] want to be [ __ ] I'm not saying they don't get their rocks off you know what I'm saying yeah yeah all I know is Gorilla pimps beat on [ __ ] I know a lot of the people that I follow like they'll claim a pimp if he like start going with her they were like you supposed to I ain't gonna use my language I learned I don't wanna you know I don't want to make it to be listen I got this DM and I don't know if I can find it but I definitely oh here we go hi Mona hope all is well I'm traveling to Philly this is it this is my dark side of the year I'm traveling to Philly soon and I really wanted to know if you had any recommendations on some cute date ideas slash activities out there in restaurants we've never been before and I didn't really buy anything on Tick Tock LOL if you could recommend something I greatly appreciate it why do I send this free like why have you thinking about who to ask would you come to Philly why is it like morning big ass going to know the restaurants like why are you asking me that that's how I know my um personas ain't nobody say all that I got time to really break down where you should take your [ __ ] and I ain't even got a [ __ ] where's cute date night [ __ ] I don't know everybody say all that she's just trying everything about a question [ __ ] get on Tick Tock and search it what the [ __ ] do I look like you have any Burger no when they come and say where I get a cheese steak at [ __ ] sometimes answer them because it's like you know I respect the fact that you want a real cheese stick you ain't just won't go to Gino's getting no cheese whiz yeah you won't go into a good hearty she say somewhere where you might get robbed at the real Philadelphia experience but this is ridiculous cute date idea slash activities that's your job boy that's your man you make up you make giving this [ __ ] a picnic give a picnic on kisses the beach that's what you should do get you a Louis Vuitton picnic blanket and take him to Kensington Beach and do a picnic on kids in Allegheny once again women can't decide where the [ __ ] the girl what to do that's weird doesn't that weird I think that's so strange and she looked like the type is she get her job well she look what she do for a living [ __ ] got money she could take this [ __ ] anywhere she got money look what she did I told you I said you take people out of track oh yeah getting money you're asking me where to go I don't think I ever been on before I believe we need to say like what date like what was cute that I did in Philadelphia don't know um the food out front of them of course yeah he's sitting there with you you pick it up in the flops go to South Street [ __ ] go to South Street [ __ ] is not the response this girl looking for it's literally what you mean her bio you could you could you could shop at least say Penn's Landing I said Penn's landed first not South Street they all know y'all come on bro but it's but it but it's not it's not summer South Street no more it's a little more you feel me it's going it's going to look more like how it's supposed to it ain't gonna look crazy okay so when she say date activities what's the activity on South Street they got the condom stores Fat Tuesdays date nights when you're not from somewhere you're just supposed to go do what the city got the offer what we got the oh we got cheese steaks good drugs um dirt bikes you feel like people are coming to Philly and get Philly [ __ ] like he literally said the most ghetto combination come on bro we got a lot of stuff you can ride them ducks on the water right on um Spring Garden you know like little ducks when they got the um the hand mix they got the big um you know Tick Tock what is it tic-tac-toe what is that called Penn's Landing that little that little like what is it called Spring Gardens that is [ __ ] funny [ __ ] but that's something you can do in Philadelphia yes it's cute as [ __ ] I've been there exams okay helicopter and then we got museums that's cool can't even tell you about none of them because it's in Beach you just keeps saying that yes bro don't answer that question bro don't answer that question to get the joke Google Kensington Beach yeah yeah you ain't no Banger [Music] don't say that wow what happened another [Music] truck oh my God foreign people yeah so and it's you can't do the helicopter ride thing and you go around that big of a horse ass while they poop and walk around the city that's very nice she had no ideas five minutes ago you see how they'd be like I thought about little old dates for Megan crazy Boosie I thought about old days from back in the day okay I have a lot of things all them days was right as much dead he was a gay guy we want to be like twice a year maybe see unless I didn't get it life's hard have I took you on more days than your boyfriends no I ain't going that bad but God damn we were supposed to do whatever reason you're like back and forth yeah Steven Seagal made our food that time yo Stevens of all signal signal he works at the rest of our envelope I'm gonna tell you exactly how I go you ever watch a movie right and it'd be like the one white [ __ ] that be off and some other subculture that he don't belong in and then when they and then when he like leave his day job and he go back to his crib you take his shirt off and the [ __ ] he looked like one of them bro he was dumb he was a bit it was a strong ass white [ __ ] cutting Sushi like come on bro what is you doing in here like we gotta go we got to work thanks so much for joining us we love you so much we'll see you next week watch BSI you can watch a little bit we don't give [ __ ] you mean free Thugger that's it [Music]
Channel: Breakbeat Media
Views: 137,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Erica Mena & Spice, Chrisean, DCMWG Episode 104, The Breakfast Club, DCMWG Talks, Don't call me white Girl Show, don't call me white girl podcast, Don't call me white Girl, don't call me white girl episode, best of don't call me white girl, DCMWG, DCMWG talks about, Breakbeat Interview, breakbeat interview, Breakbeat Full Episodes, Breakbeat Media, breakbeat media, Get your real life advice from Mona
Id: bqx4mFwKJ6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 0sec (3900 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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