DCMWG Talks Death Of Gangsta Boo, Eerie TikTok Trend, Romeo Calling Out Master P + More

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foreign my titties are out it's 20 23 and I got a bang there's my camera it's definitely cleavage out in the building right now and Daddy loves mouth don't look good Phelps you look great today thank you babe so do you happy New Year Phelps happy New Years Happy New Year Dre happy New Year happy New Year Gary Gary's here crowned by Ray and he cut my hair and I must say thank you Gary I hate every minute of it you know how it is get raggedy but your hair feel long all my fellow black girls know you know you get that little hair on their arm you get to feeling a little look watch you see that thing like that my [ __ ] was like here and he cut that edge it was that long it was like exaggerated a bit but it was a little see-through right right you know what I mean and I don't know if you know Phelps but if your hair is like that it'll shred up like it goes up instead of down okay so you gotta get it up out of there yeah it looks good though because if you cut it Drake Dre only likes my hair when I wear not real hair when I wear wigs he looks like he smells poop I could be like okay but I buy my real heroin and I actually smelled like poopy stuff but like you look great at the moment because he likes natural hair you know um how was your New Year [ __ ] did you have a good time um it's chilling the day was good but my apartment flooded so oh my god did you see it no oh my God you have to see it right now it was amazing it's like the Titanic it was literally like it was like the worst flood I've ever seen in my life and I was really like you know how somebody sent you something and it's actually really bad so it's like you don't know what to say that's how I was look at this it was horrible like it was actually horrible wait when you open the door yeah oh no it was horrible yeah and so that was New Year's Day no it was that was like a few days before that so we're living luckily the apartment building had a furnished apartment in the building so at least we still in the building yeah but all of our like I took a lot of valuable stuff I should have threw something in the order like do some stuff in there I had to save all this stuff I couldn't afford to wait for the insurance check to get any of this stuff but they had to redo floors I'll talk to you later all right all right um so yeah everybody pray for drain if you want to donate to him getting the canoe so you can go back in his closet and get his stuff we appreciate it um Phelps called me on New Year's Eve and was like I love you bro like if it gets too late I gotta tell you that I love you it was like eight o'clock he was [ __ ] up and I was like I love you too I chopped my hair off and he was like [ __ ] no you did if they sound was like yeah you better not cut my hair off I called you at like 11 30 and you said Phelps I'm gonna call you back and then when I went to call you back you didn't pick up I love you my phone died I had a good time did you have a good time yeah it was chilling I was relaxed I ain't do nothing did you stay in the state yeah yeah I just chose some friends we just ate you legal party yeah yeah equality was with us yeah we love quietly the mostest um no I was not with Claudia I'm high I'm lying I was no you know what though I wasn't with them New Year's Eve I was with a New Year's Day that's why I was [ __ ] my head up I don't [ __ ] know what happened these last couple days we getting [ __ ] up I was with Claudia and juice on New Year's Day okay boom so also you went to that Lounge I won't say the name of it because we want to do no free promo yeah [ __ ] them though cause they ain't giving me my food that's a [ __ ] language I Don't Wanna Be You got to go I don't want to deal with all that [ __ ] stuff I've been there the food is good so I can only [ __ ] with it when it's not an event right no then they turn into [ __ ] [ __ ] I ain't with it they forgot about my food never gave it to you no did you pay for it no what'd you order uh fish mac and cheese greens that's her two hours damn I forgot about the kid I know you was pissed he don't take College um first of all I have to straight some things up with you [ __ ] Mega stallion comments you took them all the way wrong one thing I'm gonna say for sure is when I say about she's not the kind of girl that people protect I'm not the kind of girl people protect either from my own ways I'm not like me and Maxine don't really have much in common um but it's the whole thing of a strong woman not needing any help okay that's the thing I've been through things in my life I don't feel like people ran into my rescue even if I was going through [ __ ] with men people left it to me to handle on my own even though I did handle my own kind of well but I wasn't saying that like that was the right thing I was saying like that's what it is and some of the stuff if they would have put it out like her rehabbing her foot or whatever to make the people feel for her more than maybe so but of course it's wrong to be shot in your [ __ ] foot sidebar one girl wrote me and was like you know how you were saying you you wonder what he ate that night and what it's like [ __ ] he's found guilty he's about to do his time right what do we want him to get the death penalty like that's what I'm saying you [ __ ] don't have any room for Redemption that's the part that irritates me he's in jail this is America how do we handle [ __ ] America you go to the courses then you go to jail you do your time so I can't have a feeling for him if he's eating like what the [ __ ] not to mention if I'm fans for both of them you know like to be honest truth is when you go compare to music wise I'm a Tory fan so if my connection is with Tori then even if he [ __ ] up and that's wrong you're a piece of [ __ ] I still want you to have a like it's just your make me sick I have been a jailbird I've made mistakes people have gave me Grace and Redemption God forbid the people treated me like how y'all want to treat people y'all want people just to do off with the person kill him and throw his body in the river [ __ ] y'all I think people are just real serious too because it's a gun involved and they just not understanding it's like he didn't like uh you feel me no I'm not taking no sides I'm saying that's I feel like that's one of the things why people are so driven behind it because it was it's a gun involved you know what I mean because even when he's already a man yeah he's already stronger than me you could have beat me up because you use the gun and because it's a lot of times even when with the domestic violence things um that'll hit the news in somebody famous women don't always just jump to the women's defense in that case but I feel like with the gun it's just like automatic yeah I don't know at the end of the day it's [ __ ] terrible it's wrong you know but I'm wrong if I say with a [ __ ] 4 11. you know what I mean you know what I'm saying it's like I can't say stuff like that but it's wrong it's wrong it's wrong it's common sense it is wrong I never was saying that she deserved or no [ __ ] like that come on my woman I'm not that type of [ __ ] I'm not a pick me anyway don't get my [ __ ] twisted like that [ __ ] um it's a tick tock challenge out right now people been talking about it they're going crazy about Angela bassett's son just did it the challenge is you pull your camera out you hold it sneakily and you'll say like um you'll say um Megan good just died and he tried to catch oh I think okay yeah I didn't see that and you get their reaction Angela bastard son did it about Michael B Jordan and his wrestling but he looked upset ran up to the camera no no no sketching the phone on his hand can y'all just about to do that but don't want me away girl tongue stuff so if y'all what if I'm like 10 of y'all do that once I get hit by a train yeah don't do that please don't do it not to me did you do it on live or something like that who has the best design yeah I don't know it don't matter if it's posted because I feel like after seeing her reaction he could have just should have just been like I ain't gonna post that but the fact oh right if she did not you saw it yeah she looked really scared you want to give somebody a heart attack doing that especially your mom has a bastard you don't need clothes you're gonna give somebody a heart attack this sucks I don't know I've seen a lot of people do it I mean I guess it's funny I don't know uh I don't know I just it's not funny it's just a little like and I'm the power of the tongue is a real deal thing um and then speaking that we have two real deaths Barbara Walters died RP my [ __ ] Barb made it all the way to the non-tray respected uh All Dogs Go to Heaven uh rest in peace my [ __ ] big scar too big scar recipes big score and Gangsta Blue bro that's two Memphis people that's crazy Gangsta Boo die from a fentanyl overdose now let's get into it it's New Year's people like to get [ __ ] up for New Year's I feel like if a person wants to go out and buy cocaine Adderall Percocet Xanax why you can't just sell them to regular [ __ ] well you got to put this [ __ ] on this [ __ ] like God damn I mean I know most people will be out saying things like you should stay away from drugs but realistically people are not going to stay away from drugs but a [ __ ] know how many sins they can eat you don't know how many fentanyl pills you can I don't understand why people sell that [ __ ] and I don't know what the goal is when like half your clientele might check bro um I think I said this soon a person like Gangsta Boo she's not buying a fentanyl pill she's thinking she buying something else it's been found on ecstasy Adderall Adderall that makes zero sense I don't know I'm a real [ __ ] and I'd rather keep it real with y'all all y'all that want to test drugs want to know how I feel want to try something out it's really a dangerous time to do that [ __ ] because it's so many fake plated drugs and some of them look identical these [ __ ] are practicing how to make the how to make it right how to make the groove right the letter right the shape right the the smoothness right and it's hard to tell and if you're not a person in it do drugs on a regular basis you won't be able to tell so my advice is call your cousin the beginning all the time like call that crackhead cousin and get that [ __ ] to buy it for you and you have to pay her if she gonna steal one of them or whatever you get but seriously I don't care what kind of drug you in my [ __ ] food I remember my [ __ ] food a comedian the whole house died except for one of them they snorting cocaine fat and all in that [ __ ] my [ __ ] did not [ __ ] with no fat no he was more you know play a little book of sugar not Fentanyl and the people that don't do drugs at all are like oh that's what you get no you should be feel safer with the [ __ ] you buying if you buying off the street if you're buying it off a deal or you can trust or whatever but listen I'm telling y'all it's been found in weed is in everything cough medicine isn't everything you have to be careful fentanyl is dangerous fentanyl will kill you first pill you will die of that [ __ ] you have to be the [ __ ] careful and if you don't know what you're doing humble yourself excellent Uncle Junkie I always wondered that though I was talking to Bri about that the other day because she asked me about shrooms like would I ever do that but I was just wondering like if you guys if you have illegal drugs and let's say I want to try cocaine right and I want to make sure I get some good stuff without I don't want to get effed up or be out where do you go to know like where do you go I mean this is a great this is a great conversation and you know what I'm glad you mentioned shrooms because perfect example shrooms are old as [ __ ] shoes have been something popular I think in like white culture or some adverse cultures or whatever but shrooms has hit the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Twitter Instagram and all that and everybody's trying them and some people I know little ghetto girls and I'm thinking girl that's probably regular restrooms with roach spray because these [ __ ] don't know what the [ __ ] they looking for but shoes is a great thing to talk about because that's something that's getting River popular with us and it's like you know how do you do it safely honestly Dre on some real [ __ ] if you want to do Coke or whatever drug you want to do you do the [ __ ] you hit the person that you think does that and if you literally have nobody in your life that does that don't I wouldn't do it I feel like you so I don't do this or want to do this but I feel like I always thought of my head if I wanted to I would hit the people who like got money and also got something to lose because I feel like those are the people that's actually doing the right the stuff that I mess them up you know what I'm saying like a politician or something like that like the the drink they probably doing you know the thing is you gotta trust a circle but to be honest with you when it comes to that drug [ __ ] the people that you made in your head think you look like you want to avoid them really depends yeah they're gonna have you straight and narrow cause that [ __ ] you ain't gotta go get it he gonna go get it for you because you don't really want to be in the mix of that there's so many things that can happen you go there the wrong day they're getting some [ __ ] it's a shootout you go to their own daily police day I mean I know it sounds extreme but it really happens it's people that died that first day they went to go try to buy some [ __ ] because if you're not used to being in those same environments you don't even know what it looked like to get away you might hear the [ __ ] your money he said hold on I'll be right back certain [ __ ] could happen right there that means [ __ ] the money I'm out and you might not know that I just gave this [ __ ] a hundred dollars you know at the end of the day I remember being young like 16 and because um in Philadelphia just like New York City those Corners are ran like an operation so one [ __ ] grabbed the money somebody else directing you and they aggressive get the [ __ ] move out the way handling this whatever and I can recall going out there and being like what the [ __ ] but I just tried to pretend like I knew what was going on and I remember sitting on my girlfriends out there and they wouldn't even server because she just looked stupid and they like nope get the [ __ ] out of here you know what I mean so it's like you know and then it's like this is a different time than it's ever been this Fentanyl and people using it and masking it as it's never been like that you know what I mean so like now more than ever do you need to be safe if that's something that you want to do like flat out you can't risk it now and I don't even know people that have brought their own drug tests and test their own [ __ ] because it's like how the [ __ ] do you know you know what I mean so I don't know I like to keep it real with y'all I know how [ __ ] are I know how people I know it's a lot of young girls young people listen to me and I know it's a lot of old [ __ ] they never did drugs and for some reason you want to do them um whatever the case may be you need to find a vet somebody is used to that lane and if you're talking about buying prescription drugs drugs that are prescribed with somebody it's best for you to get something from somebody that got it from a pharmacy and it's easy ways to figure out they got it from the pharmacy they have a bottle with an up-to-date date on it they might have paperwork from their doctor or something like that but if you're buying you know let's say Xanax or Percocet or whatever off somebody and they look like Dusty out the Stick of pocket he might end getting them out of pill bottle you know what I mean so um y'all just need to stay focused and [ __ ] you got good health insurance just ask your doctor he'll give it to you they don't give about us fentanyl is a downer is the opiate is used in the hospital a lot like they'll use it when they're trying to put you down for surgery it's super strong but it has to be it has to be observed by a doctor it's so strong it's like the strongest person it's at the top top and um like it used to be popular Fentanyl patches they would give you that for pain and people started taking them off their bodies and chewing them [ __ ] would have them want to nurse song was a fentanyl patch to last two three days for the demeanor Jermaine it would be nurses peeling them off their back chewing them because they people get addicted to it you know what I mean it's super addictive and it's super strong and it's super potent and it's not something they will prescribe an appeal to a regular person you know what I mean it's like you got cancer you really [ __ ] up you know and they'll give you patches or whatever but in the hospital they do give it out but this new way but like people shooting it and being so addicted to it is just it's the next step after that over prescription of opioids now what do I mean by over prescription I mean in the 90s these people would make so much they would they had these able to go around to help health insurance they've come from the health insurance or wherever but able to go to different doctor's office trying to pitch this new drug they got to make money and the drug was Oxycontin and they saw how good it was and how you could still work with your back pain but they are pressuring people to give it out so then you get this wave of people for 10 15 years just giving it to everybody teenagers grown-ups making up lives then it's me talking about pill Mills with some doctors were greedy where you could come pay to 300 get 100 pills of each each month parking lot be booming like a real drug spot you know um and then people got addicted to it and then people in the suburbs got addicted to it so now it's an epidemic so being that white people are suffering Nails epidemic nail might be hard for your grandmother to get it who needs it you know that's just how things are but that is a problem that was created out of greed period and nobody went to jail for it they lied to those people they never told they never explained how addictive that stuff is to people you know most people that are on heroin will tell you I broke my leg and then I took the medicine and they took me off the medicine and I was so I felt so bad that I just went out and found what I could and I ended up doing heroin that is like 80 of the story and still none of the white people went to jail so to America next and I told y'all this before I'm gonna tell you all again you know what mark my words the next drug is going to be epidemic it's gonna be Adderall because they over prescribe Adderall and Ritalin so that's next you just gave your son a ruling to shut the [ __ ] up didn't you no shame no shame in your game no that's listen no hyper-ass kids were hurt during the taping and filming this podcast if you had to get your baby out of raw villain that's on you you know no judgment here Adam rolling so popular because you can get a lot of stuff done and you'll lose weight so like a college girl that's perfect or a college boy is athlete you want to stop eating honey buns that's good um but yeah R.I.P Gangsta Boo I hope I'm not incorrect but that's the last reports that I read and she died from a fentanyl overdose she was a real [ __ ] I'm assumed she bought something that has something in it and it's so crazy because I always think about it do you get your people phone and look and see who brought that off of do you chase that [ __ ] do you call them do you call the police on them what do y'all do because I guarantee you baby if you smoke a blunt you pass out and look through that phone I found out I'm busting at that [ __ ] I'm good yeah I'm serious I mean wouldn't that make you want to like go through the phone and see who he talks to where did he get that [ __ ] from do people really do that I don't know it was a it was a YouTuber that was famous he was an um comedian he started do you want a burger get that burger do you want some french fries if you don't remember you'll remember it he sold fake perks him and his girl were Fentanyl and him his girl so fake versus white girl she dies they looked through the phone finds names name saying [ __ ] Instagram name they call him said the love him his girl pull up with like four thousand dollars in fentanyl pills he got 12 years and Instagram's still up for two million followers but he's black and she's white so you can do yeah swatting is [Music] what's up I'm telling what it is folks just tell him oh cause I didn't know how to say it the way you said it with the game part oh well that's how it started with like uh kids on the video games like you know like [ __ ] be on the headset talking [ __ ] to each other and you mean the white boys say [ __ ] all the time that's all I ever really hear you [ __ ] [ __ ] you burn in the wall [ __ ] I was telling Dre that a lot of them are like computer Wizards as you feel me they could hack they could hack into your um yeah IEP IEP IP address um and find out where you live and what they'll do is they'll be like talking [ __ ] and they'll be like [ __ ] I'll find out where you live it's better than [ __ ] be like oh no and next thing you know they better call the police told them some crazy [ __ ] to where they serve the SWAT team in and they'd be a lot of times like you said they do it while they're on their headset so they can see it witness it whatever right right and the thing about it is it's called swatting because the goal is the SWAT team the goal is like some special not just the police checking it out they want them to come deep so they sell a type of [ __ ] Andrew take I think they call them the most headest man in the world but Andrew take just got arrested um for like sexual trafficking and that's what it is they swatted him they told that he had women locked up in his house they couldn't get out and they've been locked up there for months and um they ran into this I was locking up the newscasters all out there it's really a thing with me I think about it because I'm famous you know what I mean people play games like that and it's so [ __ ] dangerous because cops are so [ __ ] trigger happy and they're not trained well and somebody did die from swatting um where they ran out they ran up on them and they just you know shot the guy or guy moved too fast or whatever but I was talking about you and I still figure oh this is so old I probably won't see this again there's another documentary I need y'all to watch with me everybody in this room I need you to watch I'm gonna give you the premise somebody will call a fast food restaurant right it has to be the manager and they'll say hey um a customer in there was just robbed her purse was just throwing them about one of your employees I need you to get the brown hair girl in the back and search her this guy sounded like a cop would convince the guy to search this girl and fondue her sometimes it's been done over a hundred times is that crazy you seen that documentary oh my God that's crazy itself doesn't it that's how I was now CJ thank you that's how I was that makes no sense right the documentary that I watched they end up finding the guy taking the child didn't have enough to to convict them and they need to let them go I gotta hear these phone calls because what could somebody say is going to convince me first that they are anybody of authority and that's gonna get me to go and search and fondle somebody the one guy at the end because he tells her to do all the stuff he ends up saying no make her put your penis in your mouth he went to jail though she he ended up getting fellatio from this girl mind you we talking about 17 year old girls we're talking about kids so I understand the employee doing it but what the [ __ ] is wrong with the manager and I feel like for uh dude I'm talking a small town dippy [ __ ] kind of you know nothing that's what I'm saying I I when you said fast food restaurant and then when Dre said well why are they I was like dumb he was smart enough to know who the target did that exactly to be able to manipulate that but let's say Dre any of y'all you fell for the initial walk in when he says now put your finger in her vagina you should know so in my opinion those people because a lot of those managers went to jail some of them went to jail for just following the directions that it didn't necessarily get too crazy but the guy with the fellatio went to jail would I remind you to do with the play show his wife was the manager and she's like I can't do this and gets the husband to come in but my thing is you have to be some kind of freak to do that you know what I'm saying cause how the [ __ ] does that make any sense it don't it's the same thing with the um if people respect authority then they just want to follow true true but that's for I feel like honestly this way but as far as the manager [ __ ] you're the authority here because my thing is yo you gotta come search it yourself I keep running back you come get it yeah yeah like you said they had to choose the right people because that just don't make no sense all of them got him to do jumping jacks make them now she's naked make her do jumping jacks and they would do Japanese this is the police he would say he was a detective all young girls no cat and it's McDonald's too like no shade but I ain't getting undressed for a minimum wage like as far as the employees I know I'm not doing it I'll walk out after this it was girls that literally were still in therapy 10 years later this one girl was like it just made me question myself for being so gullible but it's like yo you 17 I don't really think you're that dumb to get in that position that's not your fault like you really you really don't know but it's like yo that's why I talk to my kids I'm so over with my kids like my kids know everything I know a lot of people were like oh you should put man [ __ ] that they ain't gonna fall for no dippy [ __ ] you know what I mean like I tell them you know like I tell them many things like if somebody tries to kidnap you right you might as well fight them as much as you can right there like bite them scream piss [ __ ] flip out punch whatever because when he gets you somewhere he's gonna rape you and kill you I don't know if that's gay but that's true you know what I mean he's not gonna get you nowhere and call and say mommy or it's a ransom like a movie he gonna rape you and get rid of your bodies and go about his business so you might not fight to the death as soon as he touch you and she's like but [ __ ] it we know what's up you know what's the other option you be oh you you know what I mean with your [ __ ] foot and it's so sick out here now I get these [ __ ] ready and my daughter was five I had a stepdaughter she was five and somebody on Soundcloud like FaceTime them with his penis insane grow me knew he was talking to five-year-olds the SoundCloud had turned into a um Snapchat using SoundCloud no baby it wasn't Snapchat or SoundCloud you know what it was Tango I was about to say I ain't no I'm sorry I'm sorry everybody it was back when if you didn't have iPhone you couldn't FaceTime so you would get tango to do it and then when more phones got FaceTime Tango kind of turned into like a snap chatty kind of thing so you could upload pictures you know and I it never crossed to me that random people could add you right and I called back shirt up he ready for this five-year-old to be FaceTiming it's me I went the [ __ ] off he just hung up on me and I could do it over but I reported his page and then but these [ __ ] be freaky they don't give a [ __ ] that's crazy though when you think about it and it's like who's the most easiest person to get a kid so you got an arm your kid with [ __ ] I'm the same one that's selling the spot I guess and said that I swore smoosh if they shoot the school up and it's a dead kid on the ground lay under him a white blood on your face and y'all talked about me and then a kid who came out yeah she did it and it went by file the moon and said it first [Music] so it's about survival for sure check out my database I'm going to Dark Side of DM moving right along and I don't appreciate you looking up y'all looking up that um six eight Baddie I didn't actually do that whatever huge I didn't appreciate that some people look that girl up she gotta change her whole [ __ ] bio now God damn did people find her yeah when you're back with your DM's doing your [ __ ] says such as such bad heat it's kind of easy you know what I mean [ __ ] hold on y'all cause I got a lot of DMS I'll be telling myself that I'm a lookout and really answer more than one person wait a minute I want to know what y'all thought about um Master P and Romeo that's kind of old now but what did y'all think Master B came out and says Dad don't give me no money Romeo said that Romeo yeah Romeo came I said he's never been paid for rap snacks he's never been made for nothing oh damn I believed it I always believe [ __ ] like that why are you online in those situations I just hope that they come to you yeah that's like to a like resolution with both of them because that's family business and it's it sucks because I feel like on the parent side they could be so blind especially Master P was who he was already and he probably looks at everything Romeo probably even got was because of him and everything that he did everything all the work that he put in so he probably even feel like what you was making from that you wouldn't have had it without me and that's not the right mindset because that's his own individual but I feel like sometimes when you have a certain generation they have a certain mentality and I just hope that they can just come to a resolution and you know that's Father and Son you only got one one dad and you know I hope they just work it out but it's sad that they going through this kind of yeah I mean about meal 37 years old you know and it's like it makes you think like are you not satisfied but were you at as a 30 year old now you looking back on because you would do that you know what I mean at the same time what the [ __ ] is the point of making your kids work if you're not gonna set up some money for them to go get it yeah all the way out there is I agree he didn't know you think he had a choice to do that exactly and they get crushed by Bow Wow over and over because nobody [ __ ] like Romeo wow I won every time it's like Mommy I'll get the [ __ ] out of your headband too [ __ ] no no no no one then he did just like Mike it was over oh like Mike it was like that's it nobody [ __ ] my checking for Romeo now you got a bag of chips out I don't wanna now people know Romeo so what's the what's the school called I see DC I mean it's just kind of like like she said it's like his dad put him in that position you know for what reason like yeah yeah I mean yeah this is sad overall especially if Master P is this master businessman and he didn't did all of this and had all of this it's like I just always think about what point it had to reach to where this now becomes a discussion a social media thing you know what I'm saying like this is how it started let me tell you how it started Master P's child and Romeo's sister committed suicide yeah and Master P made a post about who just committed suicide reason oh yeah I forgot twitch that's sad too we ain't talk about that but yeah twitch um Ellen's DJ so Romeo was irked by it like you ignore my sister her issues I think she had mental health issues and drug issues and you gonna speak on about another [ __ ] and then he just took that being again you know in his feelings that's the thing it's like yo I may not do it I don't know I have done it I have totally went at somebody in my family online before I have so when people when I see people do it I don't look at them Strangely I look at you strangely when you get irritated when they ask what happened or where's it at now or mind your business that's weird um now after doing it so many times it doesn't really do anything does it make you feel better it just puts everybody in your business and most times more than none people give your opinion that you don't want to hear you'll be honest you know this high horse talking all that [ __ ] and then you get 50 DMS of people telling you wrong you shouldn't say that about your father you know so it's like it's a waste of time um unless you really care what all your peers think about everybody around you thinking most people we don't I'm not offending on [ __ ] like that however it's like in the moment he he probably like the thing is we don't really know their relationship like that so for him to come at his dad like that publicly and said [ __ ] not paying him he might not talk to him like how we may assume they might not have that relationship so he might have been like well [ __ ] you act weird you don't give me no bread you I'mma put you out like [ __ ] are just get to they they Breaking Point that's why I said at the end of the day I just want people to figure stuff out like just you know on a family because you don't know the Dynamics of that relationship everything that's happened over the years every conversation has happened like nobody knows and and two like when you get grown and you start to like really learn who your parents is you know it ain't that same thing when you was like yeah you like oh this is what the other one was talking about about you you feel me like you learned that [ __ ] so if he getting grown and he really starting to see like all right [ __ ] that [ __ ] was saying about my dad or whatever I'm starting to see it like and it's affected me now he probably was like [ __ ] it for sure for sure um but I guess you guys get it straight you know whatever I just got to fix that though either way that's I feel like they got to fix that I just blocked my father for the 50th time but I mean it this time and I'm not unblocking them I wouldn't say I'm on the pie but I'm not I shouldn't write you know nah because because we ain't gonna do the whole dad bashing right now my dad's a piece of [ __ ] let's move on um I have a couple dark sides of the DM um hold on this one was from Twitter I usually ignore my Twitter ones but I want to address it today because I want to help you guys out um what's good Mona I love your podcast and you and Phelps relationship my brother snuck me while I was holding the air fryer in The Shoe Box loading the truck my mom wants me to press charges because he's on probation he needs to be told a lesson I want to bust his head open to with a tire iron and never [ __ ] with him again what are your thoughts love y'all be safe and I also wanted to read this one because she wants to know what Phelps thinks go back to the let's start over remember is going to try to get it again where's the contest what's good Mona I love your podcast and you and Phillips relationship my brother snuck me while I was holding the air fryer in The Shoe Box loading the truck my mom wants me to press charges because he's on probation he needs to be taught a lesson this is in all caps I want to bust his head open with a tire iron and never [ __ ] with him again what are your thoughts love y'all be safe first question half brother all the way brother don't have to say Mom or the same day or both y'all got the same mother bust them in the head with like a shoebox not a time because tired like me do you it's because all right so this is the thing you know me getting him off right why why are we talking about it now so basically after he snug you the air fryer was supposed to come out the box this is the thing though guess what I thought [ __ ] can't fight that's why you ask the morning you know what I mean you can fight you'd already throw your hands up when you got hit and a lot of the air fryers got to hit like you could have you if you move and you got wild items to get at him with you right you got a whole you're a loser and if you lost that one yeah and it's like the context of that as well why are we calling the cops to be home but make sure you're gonna go back to jail what did you do to get snow that's why I said the context is she's just wearing the bust his head open it's like oh my brother that that but see you know what you got to be careful people like that because that's that one side of story [ __ ] like ain't no [ __ ] that's in trouble just gonna punch you for no reason unless on his side so unless mommy hates the other son that's what it is y'all got different dads she don't like one of y'all because of the dad it all just came clear yeah you were supposed to get at him get out right there that was supposed to be a fight this matches for the [ __ ] that snuck somebody you tired of being treated like the black sheep lead them alone they don't like you because what your father is that was easy all right one more hey Mona first off I love you so much I tell everyone to support you you're really such an inspiration I have quite a dilemma on my hands and would like some advice if possible first off way too long I don't need that intro what's up Mona get to the point I keep telling you I'm not gonna listen you see this my whole cell phone's covered in your in your words it's too much head to toe I can read now so I'm good oh god I've been with my boyfriend for almost five years he's 29 and I'm 25 for reference he's my best friend and I really believe we're soul mates we have had our ups and downs and a few let me see we have better upside downs and a few months ago we decided to take a break I Don't Know Why Y'all [ __ ] play them breaks and them [ __ ] got dicks we got back on good terms and we recently found out the woman he entertained during our break let me close it is pregnant pregnant right with twins double trouble and she intends on keeping them of course she does [ __ ] she want that [ __ ] back unit took him after the break and then she can't get them no more come over here Rodney I'm pregnant um he's only known her for three weeks what a [ __ ] your man is I'm devastated Mona and I'm hurt and my hurt lies in the fact that we've had five miscarriages together this [ __ ] gets worse and worse or we're playing and we're having a family together has always been important to us I also found out he was also planning on proposing to me soon but this news has been shambles I love him dearly but I don't think I'll be able to get past this your advice would mean a lot okay that's definitely a Tyler Perry movie number one if this you're not going like people never listen if you don't think if those miscarriages if you if you're tired of trying then maybe the twins aren't a bad thing because you still could be a mom hmm and you call me a contrarian but I'm serious if she really can't carry and she love him like she said that's his best friend he [ __ ] up that's the thing when you're in a relationship with a [ __ ] it's it's I mean I know his marriage is you know for death drawers part or whatever but [ __ ] going to happen so if he would have came to you and told you I [ __ ] this girl on the break and she went and came out for four years and said she had a baby then what you still knew this [ __ ] was [ __ ] on a break y'all had a break misfiring at the crib and then going outside for three weeks and getting somebody pregnant it's crazy that's wow that is not make two kids Gary she probably all [ __ ] up in the head so what y'all think she should leave him I didn't know you do with your heart for years no you're such an optimist people is crazy listen I'm not even saying I'm an option this is what I'm saying if my biological clock was ticking and I'm like and the doctors are telling me I can't have and he and I keep having miscarriages and this [ __ ] about to had two babies ain't want to get married we about to have two babies and she didn't say that he was like a bad person then nothing wrong she literally said we went on a break she bought somebody else got him pregnant it wasn't like he was whipping her ass I know this girl don't want me to tell her to leave him because she loves him and that's her friend in him that's what I was going to say when you man listen follow your heart [ __ ] that because if if sometimes [ __ ] you'll be sick you feel me sitting there thinking like well damn it might not have been that bad helping Rick like damn what happened to when I got real Union situation on my line [Music] that's why I don't get the break thing like yeah we could break go ahead take a [ __ ] like you ain't winning I ain't never took a break with no neck break where where you going you're going to bed you laying down [ __ ] break from what the [ __ ] gonna take the trash out [ __ ] you don't want me to tell you don't want me to take I'll come back bring it [ __ ] and you know it Phelps put me on a break I'm fertile [ __ ] yo call me back pranking on your [ __ ] as well you should ask for a break that's right um yeah so don't come back now that's another thing what if the baby mom is one of them ratchet is I don't want that [ __ ] for my [ __ ] kids you getting that [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] look at the hair can we please give Gary some love look at the bounds ain't no tracks and this ain't no taping or just me that was gonna be pulling it later ain't you Daddy I had a man DM me the other day it was like Phelps is mine [ __ ] Phelps is mine that's bad at least then you say you make him throw up in his mouth I like that one better tops don't be like that okay let's check the voicemail my bad my bad you don't be like that that was wild though well men is fine if you left off albums but he only wants my [ __ ] hmm was like okay y'all ready so okay the champagne's from New Orleans from 27. um I was messing with this dude put in my I'm in a relationship and we was messing for two whole years then I found out a year later this [ __ ] got a whole girlfriend time has been moving together now this [ __ ] get married like I really feel some type of way so I sent the girlfriend all the messages and I don't feel bad about it like he got this [ __ ] making he [ __ ] Prince Charming [ __ ] you is a dog and you freaky too so now am I wrong or you know you're wrong first of all but I ain't get the beginning hey the champagne's from New Orleans from 27 your mother name's your champagne I knew a girl named champagne went to high school with a girl named champagne she's worse than Alize um I was messing with this dude put in my I'm in a relationship and I hear that part he was messing for two whole years then I found out a year later this [ __ ] got a whole girlfriend this is so she was cheating on her [ __ ] with her yeah basically that you was using regulars like that's regular the [ __ ] what happened her [ __ ] not really doing what my man on the side was doing you feel me my man on the side was putting his back into it God says you sound jealous because that's crazy just say you missed a [ __ ] but even not even jealous like you miss him you sound jealous like you're just envious that he's getting married and he got that and she got a husband you know because the one you wouldn't even said nothing have you ever done that like sent messages on a situation or blew up a situation okay this is what I did and this is like this wasn't even that long ago yeah I would I would that's what I wasn't here yeah I want to know how you going oh god listen a guy tried to talk to me he had been trying to talk to me for a little while he had proved how many messages he sent me whenever I go out with him I'm feeling them but he's saying all the right things that type [ __ ] now this is after the little Fame [ __ ] too so he's doing a little bit of [ __ ] that seemed like he kind of clout Chasey but I can't really call it but one thing he would do all the time is he would make up these arguments like we have a great day and then he would just get mad at me for something weird and storm I just need time to myself okay so that's I always was thinking like why do he keep doing that mind you I'm still [ __ ] up by my ex so when he would come around [ __ ] I wasn't ready to talk to you anyway you know what I mean yeah so it was like he was doing it for no reason because I didn't want to be able to under him every day anyway because I was still like hoping to x [ __ ] to work out I'm talking about literally I've been on the phone like oh my ex trying to kick the door and I gotta call you back like he knew stuff was going on you know long story short he okay he answered the phone he called me why you being weird to me I know I told that story before okay and I was like oh that's it so when he dropped me off I made him drop me off at juice house because I didn't want him to know whatever where I lived or something and because they never let him know where I lived and then I kissed him like on his cheek like all right and I remember Pat in his chest like let's see you babe like this lady like don't eat you know and I blocked them so he called me all these different numbers and or whatever and I'm like look I ain't answering the next day was like his birthday or something and a girl that I knew um posted it's my man birthday something something um he acting weird and I just typed his name and since then she said how you know him yeah so I ain't know about this I was thinking about another situation where you got multiple [ __ ] yo it's funny Ramona hit this little guilty smile like because I want to say no I don't do stuff like that but this is the thing y'all it's very strange the girl and me would get compared to each other sometimes she was like the watered down College version of me real outspoken you know and I feel like he was trying to talk to me so long he under got us something that was like me we didn't look into like our personalities with someone I feel like when I answered him back he had already been [ __ ] with her you know so it was like damn I ain't gonna miss my chance I'm gonna try to talk to her but all he had to do was be honest because I remember when I first met him I was like look I'm not a good relationship I just want to [ __ ] get rich with a [ __ ] I used to say all the time and back when I was half ass thinking I was going to be dating so it was like the fact that it was like you gotta be my main girl he's showing me or a house that would have said that showing me this you showed me where your mom lived at and all that she told me about it everybody she giving y'all some water down [ __ ] this [ __ ] that she We're not gonna go into it but the [ __ ] that she was really going through you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we almost missed a couple episodes behind that one did I send messages like she she made she the [ __ ] was coming to each other as women how about that however whether it's on a message or a pigeon [ __ ] you know what it's a lie because I didn't come to nobody as well my first thing was like I'll kill you [ __ ] so when did I act like a woman somebody came as a woman I came as a bro so she came as a [ __ ] woman and you came as a tough one that's all don't call me white girl I said [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] you don't call this [ __ ] phone I swear to God based on it but she was like oh my oh my shoes she was in the house curled up for days behind that one I was a little upset [ __ ] yourself I hate him don't you know what not to say on the show you [ __ ] [ __ ] but that's still some shows let's go back to the first story though I'll tell both of them but listen so um I it was spelled like me and her wasn't talking right like we was cool we didn't fall out but it was like she started to like DM me more message me more when I started messing with him so I feel like she felt it something about it felt it because I already called and put me he put me his close friends I caught him so it's like somebody in the city could have told her you know what I mean because she kept like saying a little [ __ ] to me and even with the birthday thing I remember commenting that's crazy or something and then she said something and that's when I put his name so I was like look and I called her and I just stopped like look listen this is what's going on I was messing up for this amount of time I didn't know you existed but I'm like you know and she kept like arguing me like not arguing but she didn't believe it like I had to say exactly where the house was and it's like she's like well nobody goes to the house number I'm like a [ __ ] you go to address this is what the key look like and it's you know what I mean and um and I just like do me my favor I said if you really want to [ __ ] with him you can because I'll never talk to him again like I'm totally turned off by that whole thing I said but if you are gonna [ __ ] with him or whatever either way can you just not put me in it you know just say you found out another way boy this boy called off 55 I'ma kill you you're trying to ruin my life [ __ ] we wasn't messing with y'all like it was yesterday he dropped me on it was just two days ago okay I always talk about him because I know he watches and I want you to know you were so disgusting without a shirt on with your little nasty ass belly in them long as them big lumps on their back or your back them titties on the bottom of your back get your hairy ass self your little short hairy ass you like a little possum short hairy possum ass [ __ ] lying ass [ __ ] okay y'all know how to pick them okay for Phelps trying to put me out there yes I did bug the [ __ ] out I don't want to go too far but it started with somebody said something to me first and I had a lapse of judgment and I FaceTime a [ __ ] 37 times that's a good job 34 times and I did have a stomach ache after and then when it wasn't answering my phone calls I'm into this podcast on this eye I want to that person I want to thank folks for joining us and being such a good help up until this far he's moving on to better things um congratulations all right I got glasses now you feel me listen one more thing before I go y'all a lot of y'all are working out and trying to be positive and doing the right thing for a new year and I see all these hateful as messages why you got a little bit in here why are you gonna you was going to change a bit it's been plenty of times that I use the new year to start things new and I've really kept up with them and [ __ ] and I have some resolutions I won't I don't share them I don't believe in Sharing certain things like I just think when you pushing towards stuff it's too much the evil eye like the Muslims say but you know people you know put that negative energy on you you don't have to announce all of it but stay positive girl put that donut down it's only the third when you get older though don't you don't your birthday feel more like a new year than the like January 1st kinda but I'm big on numbers so that changed from 22 to 23 it feels like why not okay something Gotta Give or something at least that you were dragging about because it's like with me I'm a procrastinator so it's stuff I'll be needing to do meaning to do so I'm big into like the you know and even if let's say you start the gym and you stop in March [ __ ] you just did three months of working out that you wouldn't do last night be positive did y'all watch me on Joe Biden's podcast I did and I must say I killed that [ __ ] I ain't watching but I was there um you want to manifest anything yeah I do I want to manifest me keeping my words to myself for the big things I want to pop off this year I'm gonna make happen this year um and I also want to manifest some live shows um and just connecting more with you guys because I really love you guys a lot and I really wanted one of y'all to make me a year like to put my year in one little video y'all ain't real fans because nobody did it you manifest anything else no all right we're done you answered it for me watch the Youtube click on me follow me man if there's more stuff just gotta do more that's all that's my manifestation more do y'all like my bang Gary did it you can't sleep they not they can't see it until Wednesday whatever Phelps we out foreign
Channel: Breakbeat Media
Views: 96,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breakbeat Media, Breakbeat Interview, Breakbeat Full Episodes, breakbeat media, breakbeat interview, breakbeat full episodes, DCMWG Talks Death Of Gangsta Boo, Eerie TikTok Trend, Romeo Calling Out Master P, Death Of Gangsta Boo, dcmwg death of gangsta boo, dcmwg eerie tik tok trend, don't call me white girl, don't call me white girl podcast, dcmwg podcast, dcmwg talks about, don't call me white girl episode, dcmwg ep 69, best of don't call me white girl, breakbeat, podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 9sec (3129 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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