Daz Studio: Shaders Change Everything!

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[Music] hello Daz Community this is not from this world and I want to welcome you to my tutorial series now this week I was trying to think of something interesting to talk about and it occurred to me that a little while ago I got a comment on my Daz Studio hotkey and keyboard shortcut video from Jeri 6605 who asked me about textures well let's talk a little bit about this now first of all in Daz Studio there are plenty of shaders that you can purchase and then use on your different props so uh you can see you know they're not usually that expensive they kind of range from about $5 up to about 20 or 25 and you can get all these different various shaders you can add to a prop now honestly there are several ways we can go about doing this and a lot of them I've already mentioned in some of my other videos uh the first thing that we can do is add an l l i e to our prop and you can find that in this video about l e that I made so if you're interested in going back and checking that out you can do that or you can find the textures of your prop go into a program like and add those textures directly to the texture files and just make an entirely new texture map for your item those are all kind of a an option it may take a little longer but you get kind of permanent results or we can deal with these shaders now uh for this video I want to talk about the shaders specifically so I have milica here and she's just kind of in a basic scene and I have her holding a vase of flowers just so we can kind of play around with these different shaders now to get started with shaders first of all I think it's important to realize that Daz Studio comes with some shaders that you can just kind of mess with and you can find them here under the da Studio formats just click on that go to my Daz 3D Library click on that and then scroll down until you find Shader presets and we've used this before in some other videos but if you look I have some downloaded but if you go to Ira and then Ira Uber you're going to see that there are some shaders that already are included in your Dazz so for example there's metal aluminum Cobalt copper gold um so this is really pretty cool and you can just use these shaders right into your scene you know one of the things that we keep doing when we're making things like lights uh ghost lights that kind of thing is I have been going back to this emissive this is a Shader and so if you've seen me do this in other videos I'm just using a Shader and so let's uh let's play around with these shaders a little bit I'm going to click on milica here and we're just going to select her clothing which is this um Su strapless dress so I'm going to click on it in my scene Tab and then go hit surfaces and then just make sure you have it selected in surfaces and then we can play around with this Shader it's kind of important to realize that a lot of times when we mess with things like this especially textures if you are in your texture view the texture shaded view which is usually where I work you may or may not see a whole lot of changes is until you go to Nvidia Ira but let's just see what happens here I've got this selected let's just choose Jade just for fun I don't even know what this is going to do but I'm going to select Jade o I better not select Jade okay we won't select Jade because it made her dress almost transparent and I don't want to get in trouble with with YouTube so let's try silk blue here we're going to just click on this silk blue and you can see it just changes her immediately to Silk blue so you have some shaders already built in now let me also show you some of these shaders that you can buy so I bought a Shader from da studio and when you purchase one of these you are going to find it in this same folder that your Dazz Uber's in so in this case the one I purchased is called the MMX nylon and satin this gives us a lot of different options now the first thing I need to do is make sure that my object I want to change which is the dress is selected in my scene Tab and in my Surface Tab and then I'm going to in this case it says I need to apply this base first so I'm going to do that and it gives this weirdo kind of texture to her dress and this is strictly a texture view because if I go to iray you're going to see that it is a solid color so just remember that some of the things that you see in your texture view is not what actually is going to render and I think this messes some people up but um let's just go back to texture keep us out of iray for a few minutes cuz my computer Compu gets noisy but if you look at this we have a lot of different choices we have um opacity we have color shine tiling and then patterns and so this is actually a really cool set of shaders all right now what we're going to do to play with this is let's just go into Ira mode and we're just going to kind of mess with this so you can see when it went into Ira mode just a minute ago she kind of has a solid black dress on if I select a different Shader we are going to change the opacity so I can change the opacity by selecting these now I'm not going to go down to the bottom opacity because it's going to make her dress seethrough and we can't have that in YouTube but you can change the opacity now this is kind of cool but I could change the opacity in a couple other ways as well where I don't need this tab another cool thing is color of course so this particular set of shaders comes with a lot of different colors so I could make her dress um a variety of different colors let's make it green for example so I can just select whatever color I want make it that color so it has a whole array of different colors pretty cool I can also determine the shine of this material so I can go all the way down from zero all the way up to 100% so let's just click on this and see what it does you can see it just made her dress very shiny also uh the tiling is going to start at a 100 and it goes up to a th000 so let's just click on that and see what happens the fabric tiling I think gives you how many little weaves of fabric perhaps that you can see within that dress and then what's cool is we've got these different patterns so if I hit patterns I can select a pattern and this particular Shader comes with quite a few patterns and then I can increase the pattern strength so if I increase it to like 100% it makes this really cool pattern pattern on her dress so this is something really easy that you can mess with these shaders are are pretty straightforward and so this is an example of a purchased one now what's cool is if you are done with this and you want to go back to your original dress all you have to do is find that product in your menu and then just go back to one of its original textures so in this case this dress is in my Daz Genesis 8 female figure under clothes and dresses I just have to scroll down it's the strapless Su dress so see now I can just go back with that selected and I can go back to the original dress and you all know that um there's different materials that you can use within your prop so basically your shaders are just doing the same thing thing another thing we can do with the textures and I might have shown you this in a different video but we can select our dress we can go to surfaces and then just select your dress and go down to base and you're going to see base color and you've got a map that shows you the textures that are on the dress right now if I select that box and go to browse it's going to open up the tab that has all of the different textures for the dress now I have a texture file folder on my computer that I use for all kinds of stuff and if I scroll down you may have remembered I've used this blue plaid texture that um I found off the internet and I can just select that and see it changes that texture as well so your shaders can change change props whatever but so can your surface maps and so that's just another example of how we can do this so really by using this kind of a a deal there are infinite ways that you can change the appearance of a prop or clothing and see we can do it even with the the vase here that's why I have her holding a vase is if I select the vase and just go to the vas's uh texture under the surface just going to select base see it gives me the color and texture map for the vase if I just click on that picture I can go to browse and it's going to show me all the different ones that the product came with of course I can go to my saved texture map and I can make this vase any texture I want now you know there there is some issues perhaps with seams and matching you have to think about but generally this is really pretty easy we can also change the vas's shaders the same way that we changed her clothes so if I go down my Shader preset folder I can add any kind of Shader that I want to this vase so if I want the vase to be this midnight blue I can just click on it I think the key to this is making sure that you have whatever you want to change selected in your scene and in the surface Tab and then you just have to realize that what you do is going to be different in your texture shaded view than it will be in your eyay view so let's set up milica here I'm going to change let's let's choose one of those nice shaders for her dress we're going to go back and change this all right now you can see that she has a really cool looking dress on so this kind of shows you what the whole thing looks like and so I hope that helps you with shaders they're not hard you just got to kind of play around with them the ones that you buy just add them into your scene just remember that you may need to keep it on the iris gray preset and that you have to always have your surface tab selected what you want all right so I'm going to just set her up kind of like this camera a little bit better than that close one so I'm going to just set this up and let's do a quick render and see what we get I hope this kind of helped and answered your questions and uh let me know if you have some better tips on shaders or just some things that you use when you're playing around with shaders so little crash course here don't forget to like subscribe and shoot me a comment or two I love to hear from you and until next time have a wonderful day [Music]
Channel: NotFrom ThisWorld
Views: 457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz Studio, Daz, GIMP, Digital art, Genesis 8, Genesis 9, CGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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