Day[9]'s Day Off Metroid Dread P1

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This was really fun to watch. I hope we get parts 3 and 4.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HeeroDresden 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen boys and girls misters misses and mx's welcome to metroid dread oh this game is gonna be as good as the jackhammering outside my window is bad so on this note sorry about that thing you're welcome for this thing one of my favorite genres is the metroidvania genre i love it so much the idea of a large contiguous world that you're exploring learning more about mastering oh oh so good and i have seen only this screen this is as far as i've gone into the game adjust brightness high gamma pro gaming you kidding me the image on the left is barely visible i mean i'm not going to go on this default setting are you kidding me there we go should i say these settings yeah and remember i have bright lights on my face so i need to turn the gamma up so i can see this [Music] hey look it's you metroid a virulent floating organism that drained energy from its prey through physical contact metroids were originally created by the chozo and named after their world for their word for ultimate warrior their value as a bioweapon sparked several crises and as a result all traces of them have been eliminated they're now extonked x parasite a gelatinous parasitic organism indigenous to los angeles california hi to the planet sir 388 it could absorb the dna of its host living or dead and replicate its form while infecting a living host could even access the host's memories ex-parasites were driven not by motion but by an instinctive need to be replicate and spread to increasingly stronger house their inability to be controlled mark them as even more dangerous than their sole predator the metroids like the metroids they are believed extinct [Music] huh ah that's the system says the x parasite named after the letter x with no metroid surviving on surf 388 it became infested with the x horrifying parasites capable of imitating any living being unaware of this i set foot on the planet got infected and almost died the mayo just kidding [Music] this is a go-gurt portable yogurt okay the only thing that saved me was a vaccine created from metroid dna was this perhaps known as an mrna vaccine vaccines they work i'm vaccinated if i told you this you should all get vaccinated which also love me uniquely able to oppose the x this ability was tested immediately when i went to a bio biologic space went to a biologic space laboratory's research station investigated distressing [Music] there i battled many powerful x forms including the sax which was the x mimicking a saxophone in my power suit at full strength i eventually eliminated the x menace on sir 388 by setting the bsl research station on a collision course with the planet after that the x and the metroid there's memories you know or so we thought just when it all seemed over the galactic federation received a mysterious video transmission hello hi hello it showed an x alive into the wild [Music] thorough analysis proved the video was real thorough analysis proved that this tick tock was edited to showcase something that would only get follows although the sender was unknown the transmission was traced to a particular planet this particular planet consists of several numbers and even more letters [Music] it was called zdr it was a magic the gathering set zdr dude does doesn't that just look like the code for something like zendikar rising right if the x had somehow escaped extinction out there they would pose a threat to the entire galaxy the galactic federation dispatched a research team of seven emmy to investigate oh wow that that posture reminds me of some one of the broadcasters on this channel an emmy is a large research robot with a hunched back designed to capture field samples and extract their dna while browsing on his phone while the samples finish analysis their incredible mobility and protective plating made out of frankly layers of blubber from eating pizza made of the strongest stuff in the universe practically guaranteed the mission's success [Music] but not long after their arrival on zendikar all communication was lost what is happening on zendikar is the planet really infested with x as the only one immune to the parasites it's up to me to go there and find out can i just say i i really love like really love games that are not focused on these cut scenes that zoom in on people and have voice actors talking and it's an over the shoulder camera it's an over shoulder shots and over the shoulder shot i i am quite a fan of when a game just has some text written for the story so i can get through this you know what i mean i just want to get through i want to get to the game and i recognize that sometimes things like this are necessary to give a big punchy impactful moment the bounty for this mission does not seem appropriate samus doesn't care oh it's pretty sweet this is far too ominous in ai voice this is a pc game now it's a switch game lady who's sam is speaking to who he's speaking too gemini's i think it's a ship telling samus okay that makes sense i'll concede that point that makes a lot of sense you know not saying that i was dumb to think down the first place i'm just not going to say that i agree with that point but you know i think that's very safe oh we died dang crank this up on my computer [Music] oh my god that elevator leads to the depths of an undercover facility you always gotta have a good explanation for why you can't get a cell phone signal you always gotta do it this is increasingly becoming a thing in all media this is gonna be a cooking drama it's like now i wanna remind you when we're chopping onions this will definitely mess up the cell phone signal which means we can't look anything up and are stuck with our own thoughts god look the not like the nozzle of my gun is so cute oh my god do we have cutscene after cutscene we're charging we're releasing hope you hate to see it it's turning red though it's working kind of beginning of this game are we going to have is it going to be that you lose all your abilities and then after a game do we get all xed up is this how babies are formed [Music] it's a game all of a sudden all right so i have the jump button i have a shoot button oh i have i have the uh amy amy button i don't know what this does all right i have a melee shoe jump cool cool cool cool cool cool but yeah dude let me tell you something like i appreciate that a lot of games want to include a lot of voice acting and a lot of sequences and i don't mind a dramatic and climactic sequence at the start of a game i i don't mind that at all oh yeah but i love when a game lets me get to the game you know what i mean [Music] when tilting l to run press zl is this one nice use l to hold free aim just killed that man damn right i did can i aim at this oh look at this guy this controls very nicely oh i see ammo already at maximum capacity ah yes you're not gonna believe this but uh so um reminder that on a switch controller follow me switch controller the button on the bottom is b and this right button is a which always feels really weird when you compare this to the 360 controller where the invisible button is green because we have a green screen here but this is a and then this is b so like the thing this game does that's blowing my mind the bottom button is jump like b like the like the the normal jump button on other controllers though okay hold r to ready missiles oh i see all right some destructible blocks are hidden if you run to a dead end try shooting at your surroundings fighting some blocks with missiles may reveal how to destroy them okay so we have 14 out all right uh so let's see i do this all right all right cool taking up the hose so can't get in here yet wait really [Music] so hold this and hit this that controls a little weird i feel like i do not understand what it wants me to do oh my god did we lose the tutorial you hate to see it huh but oh you know i think it's i figured it out all right give me this back i have i have some i have some thoughts i have some thoughts you know we like pain here on this channel we like not knowing where to go so we aim at this and we shoot i have i have two thoughts the first thought is that maybe i was aiming too high yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so that's that's my first thought because can i actually shoot and see i saw that there were uh these kinds of doors before so i was like maybe i'm supposed to just go go back stick it up stick it in uploading your heads as well if you run out of rockets in the dead end i assume that the game uninstalls itself because you're an idiot i have reviewed your vital signs and video a lot from the data you uploaded hey adam i've run a full analysis but i cannot account for what you lost consciousness my meetings indicate dramatic physical changes in you i i can't this is probably the start of an advertisement for either a fitness uh patreon or something like that perhaps it's an nfc it just seems to have stripped you of most abilities you might call it physical amnesia amnesia that brings me to your essay i knew it i am checking the federation database against your video lock it appears to have been chosen identity is not yet clear did your pal denied call it or what you know there's there's there's tropes we see them the cop who's retiring but then he gets brought on to one last case you know common one in games guess what you've lost all your stuff you need to regain it what's the game that is happening castlevania symphony of the night alucard begins with all sorts of stuff and then death is like unlevel good way to communicate to the player you can be this powerful now you're a chump and then you work your way back right it kind of clarifies the degree to which you can become awesome excellent excellent we have fiscal ammunition i have determined that you are somewhere within the depths of cpr zandacar priority should people return to your ship on the surface this situation is precarious trust your instincts as you navigate upward oh we're going up this planet appears to consist of multiple areas multiple zones several bosses of transport connect them keep an eye out for ways to reach the surface the ship's location is marked on your global map check it for yourself you may encounter pockets of low temperature your metro's dna renders you vulnerable to such environments spending time in cold areas will be harmful to you also you cannot jump into water and the enemies in this world seem vulnerable to bullets and being jumped upon the head there are many such cold areas scattered underground do not enter them with your basic power suit [Laughter] what are some other game mechanics we've equipped you with a backpack that we are calling an inventory one final thing underground interferences preventing radio transmissions check in with me at any network stations you find remember active reload allows you to reload factor if you faster if you time it well by the way i'm gonna be tripping over my my words a lot i'm a little low on sleep this week a little low on sleep and when that happens i get all gobbly mouth press this to open the map press that to open the options okay so i always look at that plus button and think that it is this d-pad here but no it's it's the they should have left the buttons to start and select that's what they should have done alright so move and this is [Music] all right this is interesting this is interesting already because as you can see this is as far as it lets me go which is a nice way to tease that i shouldn't trust this uh does everyone know the greatest twist of all time all right what is oh place markers i see this is back this is close okay um uh yeah the upside down castle twist in castlevania symphony of the night so uh in in castlevania ah oh god everything oh god he's opened up paint oh he's the same oh this person just drives me insane oh god yeah in castlevania symphony of the night when you open up the map screen it's it shows that the area that you've explored actually starts you more like here you've explored this much but you the the player go like oh my god look at how far this is and one of the first things you have to do is you have to go to the long library which causes you to basically snake your way all the way up here into the long library which again makes you go holy crap look at the expanse of this and then you start to descend downward and you start to ascend upward and then you you know you begin to get a sense of how all these various places are connected how this connects back to here at the start and whatever and the the the subtle trick that castlevania symphony of the night did is that it kind of clued you into the idea that the map was this tall and the map was this wide purely through having this be the start of the game and showing you a bunch of negative space and there's a percentage mirror that says how much you've explored but if you beat the boss in that castle the correct way an inverted castle comes down from the sky you enter that and realize you're only halfway through the game best twist ever oh it has a little auto aim energy now [Music] what no if this was fierce as that's how i felt back in link to the past when i suddenly realized the dark rolls thing oh yeah using made it like count at the right time taking the attacker okay yeah i mean there's been stunners resulting to drop more items all right oh nice see if i can time this holy these things do some damage oh my god all right okay okay okay okay okay okay okay it's good to die it's good to die i'll continue they'll drop more items i see it looks like i can't kill them with the melee counter [Music] all right no make melee countering for the slug of us don't worry i'm good at this [Music] all right i'm bad at this so it actually flickers when i should hit it got it oh okay because i was trying to mail it to death can i can i get this off the screen please oh my god kill me okay so i think if you wait a quick second oh i see that that little that little circle above its head that thing indicates that it's done then when i zap it like that we're all good okay wow this this game is not around oh you don't take fall damage hell yeah hell yeah jump king that's a game that i should probably play at some point am i shy about cheesing people no not a chance getting some frame rate drops here but what can you do on a switch [Music] press x while running to execute a powerful dash melee attack oh unlike other melee counters the dash melee will damage the enemy okay that's what was confusing me so much because i was hitting them and i was like it seems to be dealing no damage oh yeah all right why did it open this up if an area on the map is blinking then it indicates a hidden item is there that's right no need to discover things on my own could it be maybe here missile tank acquired missile capacity increased by two yes all right i hold this now i do that [Music] launcher right here oh my god you know i i've been enjoying age of empires 2 so much this year that whenever i'm in the mood to play an rts i play that say hello oh what an emmy's attack can be countered by pressing x the exact moment of the flash however the time he's streaming to both gauge making this a desperate move i want to see this okay that's not at all what i thought okay i wanted to have the engagement i wanted to have the engagement this turns out the game was like die i don't want to go i don't want to go it's not easy to hit you i don't even see it i don't even see the flash [Music] all right give it a few bumps i've done it zero times past the tutorial yeah oh it seems to be two frames out of 60 but what is it that's flashing i get i guess i don't i don't understand um what the signal is it's like it happens on the flash oops oh i quit the game okay it's funny because it uses the uh traditional version of the buttons uh to control but the menus are still nintendo 5. so i accidentally exited because i thought i was hitting the confirm button it's the right button it's the right button it's the right button dave nine says hello don't worry out of time with the controls too also good to see you dave knight how are you man [Music] oh all the way back here this content creator is trash now you're gonna see how good he can truly be oh oh you would hit me face gamer can i do this while hanging oh i can you game oh content creator these blasters are illegally obligated never stop again once you get there might be [Music] all right here we go all right now what what is the flash because i think it's his eye but what is the eye color that i'm looking for is it like when it turns is it that yellow that like yellow yellow is that it okay it goes yellow get me out of here it's an emmy some people want to win these things holy it can climb oh my god look he's coming so it's missing an arm oh my god all right hey man this is on now it's cute an energy from the central unit transform the arm canyon into an omega cannon soon enough i'm gonna learn that that's trash out my eyeball oh no ah omega blaster online hold ld all right hold r to charge the omega [Music] so if i release it cancels if i release that it cancels too so if i release either trigger cancels oh i did it sorry it changed my camera angle kind of at a random time so i assumed that there was importance there and i guess i was wrong important thing is that day 9 true gamer never doesn't get it mega cannon depleted an offline referring to regular on camera this omega cannon is just trash by emmy won't be missed [Music] so this is where i was huh i worked my way up here and kind of came back down for a little bit of uh so i can go here i'm also it's not lost to me that this is a place to go and that this is a place to go to you know a holy save point has been unlocked look at these little guys dude what is it with these people in games seeing alien technology that's humanoid body shape then just stepping in i wouldn't do that i would throw in a stick first [Music] it's water dude dude dude i can do it i can actually be in water nice nice there's a little bit of environment for changing things hi it's me please come in [Music] little post-processing effect these are safe spots oh are these just very bouncy all right this area's cold [Music] oh it's emmy oh me too me too you hate to see it man things are so robust here all right we're doing it oh crap oh dude this is sick oh i will say the the audio is is incredibly intense it's almost a little too intense it's just basically dan was kind of surprised to see you on the new world bandwagon i tried it and i did not enjoy it that's all there is to it on my eyes i'm gonna be real curious what their concurrency is in like three months it's one of those things where i if i'm if i'm not getting it can i skip this oh is that just yeah all right that's this button alright so let's just carefully aim seems like there were a couple places i could go to oh this is the only place i can go to all right why did it open i understand why it opened that's fine all right slug butts missile tank required almost could no longer fall useless ended pursuit and the doors unlocked oh [Music] these guys do oh they just kind of grab and stab let's take a peek at whoa where i'm at [Music] you know one thing that i really like about um what this game has done so far is this is something i've i've spent a lot of time talking about just this year where i feel like up here is the strategy of a game i'm going to use like a real-time strategy game like starcraft as a really simple example here but like there's a high level strategy like build orders and counters and techniques to get an advantage at the very bottom there's like the mechanics you select command center you click this button to build a worker but it consumes that resource that's in the corner stuff like this but there's a thing in between that i feel like is what i'll what i keep calling the model of the game which is it's above the mechanics but below the strategy that's kind of like the gist of what you're supposed to excuse me the gist of how you're supposed to enjoy and think about and play this game for instance in um an rts game you're actually supposed to never stop building workers it doesn't tell you this anywhere you just have to learn that and also getting more resources is the core of how you win and that's not actually intuitive when you first start playing starcraft when you watch newbie players play they'll build workers until they have as many as will saturate one base and then they'll go alright cool i'm done i guess i don't need to expand anymore i have all the workers here already and so um you actually have to explain to a player and never stop building workers you have to yeah my hair is poofy today if you explain to a player never stop building workers you have to explain to them to expand a lot and then once they do that then they get to start having some fun they get to start feeling what it's like to defend multiple locations in in metroidvania games imagine you're someone who's never played this kind of game one of the joys is exploration is this tease is saying things like yo wait a minute what about this door over here what about this door over here or or this spot over here or like there's this little entryway there i wonder what that's about right it right away in this first very linear sequence creates three little teasies as you're moving forward and then we step into this area and i i don't know what this is it's probably a boss it looks kind of interesting then there's this large area and then we're in a chase sequence you know the chase sequence does it opens up this um visibility albeit briefly to all these areas that we haven't been able to explore yet and i feel like this is an extremely strong way to kind of present to me that hey the fun of this game is going to be in a whole bunch of really compelling exploration experiences i think that's really smart i mean there's other metroidvania style games trying to capture you they may have been hacked if so it's reasonable to assume all enemy will be possible you got it i played other um metroidvania style games where it's not exactly clear that this game is going to be about some massive interconnectivity and about exploration like when i think about bloodstained ritual of the night you start off on a ship and then you exit the ship and that ship did have a little bit of the loopy explorationy kind of feeling to it once you've gotten to the mainland part of me went oh is this just like sub segments of levels i don't think so because i've read the reviews and i understand that you know um the kinds of i understand the kind of experience it's supposed to be but it's important to do that in a game and i love that this game has presented that to me i i really like them send out a policy to detect vibrations in the air within a certain range essentially essentially they can smell you detecting vibrations an enemy enters surveillance will detract their source stay out of its line of sight when this happens otherwise the danger to you increases from an enemy that has seen you will begin pursuing part of the pursuit protocol is to seal the unison exits you will be trapped inside ah that's what happened to survive you must leave its range of pursuit if apme and it will disengage also unseal the exits an enemy never leaves its assigned zone their control system must permit them to operate only within that range i estimate a 99 probability of death if an emmy captures you because it's a 100 frame rate mission in every one frame you can counter it that's where i'm getting those numbers but exploiting this window will be virtually impossible the enemy are immune to your current weapons you lack the unique energy used to defeat the first enemy i love that it makes me run simply to survive oh um did any of you play the original gears of war yep original gears of war i loved that monster that could hear you and would charge you i thought that was one of the best designs all right oh you're responding to someone else a long time ago all right okay all right bang bang bang bang bang bang for some reason i'm terrible at aiming with this thing oh this tease by the way if this were hollow knight if you went and picked this thing up you would absolutely have an entire zone on the other side of this ah wrong thing yes we will go dude this this game has oh jesus christ oh god i hate being scared i think this guy's coming for me can i get out of here [Music] oh okay ah man uh by the way i actually think it sucks the uh length of the reload time dude that little chirping thing oh it is just so damn scary oh oh give me out of here oh god damn it why can't i be the most powerful one here flashbacks of subnautica stream oh yeah i hate being chased man i hate being scared give me give me that difficulty give me that action fine no problem being scared and terrified and running from no or last of us oh that was a good one wasn't it uh pursuit music is intense to say the least oh my god you're telling me man sam would breathe underwater of course just can't ball it up because you got a complaint from a neighbor on that screen that's right bye oh crap oh ah probably can't even get to it right now oh dude you know it's a game i rewatched a speedrun of uh recently is guardian they're not guardian heroes gun star heroes excuse me gun star heroes is so tight remember gun start hears me there's just not enough action games these days [Music] this game does some really cool stuff with water like i was unable to get up here and until i you know flooded the water out that's like a really interesting i've not really seen that use very much [Music] [Music] area map downloaded save your progress yeah i guess i guess uh orion the will of the wisps did it right well i even want to go here so these are flashing because there's an item hidden in here is that right am i understanding that that correctly so i can i can't really go anywhere go up [Music] yeah i think that so there's some up here also something in this area here huh keep hitting the a button hit the b button way too early wow it should not have let me have that result capacity increased nice i did it i completed the area nice oh oh so good stay involving t.i shenanigans is here uh one time ti host day nine will simply be staying up late to watch the matches from the comfort of my et phone home oh this is not a safe spot yes it is safe spot you charge beamers a single shot only let's see maybe this whoops i'm hard versus wish the ti chat was better behave well i mean if you want you can go to our discord a lot of people are watching over there hanging out oh get the get out ah you oh oh oh oh my god i think i see the puzzle [Music] oh get the off there you piece of oh get off the thing that chirping scares the out of me i hate this oh it it tricked me that piece of fell ah it's not fully oh oh oh get the up there come here come here you bastard get over here fill it up with water oh come here come here come at me come here you roll ah number one one time ti host day 9 knows how to deal with situations of a high intensity little chirping bastard get nsfd not safe for day nine oh i like being afraid ow what is this what is this little jack player i know this game is called dread tell me about oh and that's cold that's why it's blue it's cold it's really interesting this this this feels very amazing bastards wait what am i understanding oh i think i actually have to i see okay um if you look at something like ori in the blind forest it's interconnected and it's beautiful but it plays kind of linearly you know like um and then you play something like hollow knight and hollow knight very much so is interconnected but also feels kind of amazing wait i can shoot these i have no idea i've been like using my rocket does this this rocket door what oh okay i thought that the other doors were rocket doors as well all right that's actually super good i'm that's so lucky that i shot that thing uh by the way um i just looked over at chat and i see uh john alderman's red doors need missiles the yellow ones just need beams um don't spoil stuff for me please because part of what i um what i wish to do is i wish to figure out what's going on you know i should understand what's occurring in the game because i actually find a good amount of pleasure in being stuck and learning being like oh okay and occasionally i will just ask and be like guys might it's understanding something really hard charge beam some old school stuff young roller misses my bad not a problem in the slightest focuses uh focuses beam energy to unleash a powerful shot press and hold gun charge shots damage enemies immune normal beam shots such as robots and bosses they can also open charge beam doors in addition samus can perform a charge charge attack by spin jumping when the beam is fully charged i don't know what that means listen this is a charge door figure it out see on roller man i've never needed help i don't need help oh god all right look let's pick a goal here yeah this game feels very amazing in how it's constructed dude look at look at how this game just ran me all over the place at the start i mean this is this is astounding where do we want to go all right so i'm actually gonna head i'm gonna go here i i think it's really kind of fun to be stuck in a game like this when you're still hunting and figuring out what is even going on because then part of the pleasure is like the organization of all this in your head increased by a hundred i'm like a boss ethan that says you think it's amazing damn right let's tell you guys but cc is amazing go back this way gonna mess that up countless times climb all the way back up here there's an item in here oh you can see it right there i actually do want to go this way huh yeah the groomer for cece the first time we got cece all doggy groomed and they called us then hello is this the owner of cece yes yes is everything okay oh cece she's and i was like amazing my dog is amazing yes one second i don't get the groom yes hello is he honorary yes oh cece she's amazing i've never heard people so hyped about my dog before i felt like such a proud parent sweetest people in the universe and now it's just like a staple staple in the house oh i don't even care look deal some damage to him i don't care anymore and god i'm gonna keep opening that on accident aren't i the the backtracking that i've had to do so far has been so pleasing holy crap leprechaun says and here i am with my cat that needs to be sedated in for a standard vet checkup oh my dog loves the vet just an absolute huge fan of that loves getting in there going on those bad trips i want 80s i'm ready i'm ready oh god it's just frightening what it didn't do anything nothing happened ah i like the sequence one bit let me tell you that much this is a horror game i know not as horrifying as neotica which is the scariest game i've ever played for sure oh dude what what am i supposed to do okay so is that maybe not the place i'm supposed to go all right let's come with a little bit of a plan here i believe it's the only place that i can go don't tell me don't tell me it's a rhetorical question if anyone says you're banned from my channel forever god [Music] let me if i if i am here you go down this way so if i so i can't get up here maybe i'll wait we need to like go over this way oh i need to get this bastard down here huh i understand you little spaceship beast what the up there get [Music] oh there it is there it is oh you little you bastard i did it oh my god [Music] all right that was too intense for my body i'm sorry what okay all right okay save your first switch game it is i'm playing it on the swatch you guys want to hear a story of me being an idiot sure you do metroid dread up this was an incredibly challenging game to get to work properly now i've been streaming some ps5 games this year but my switch has just been not hooked up to this computer uh now we have two switches in the house with two switches in the house and so i was like all right i'll take my switch i'll hook it up make sure everything works last night couldn't get it to work couldn't get it to work because the way that i have it set up here is i have something called a game capture card where basically i plug my nintendo switch into the game capture card and i plug capture card into my computer and then i actually have this application look at this it's a monitor i can see what's going on right seems good seems straightforward let me tell you a little bit about the story of me trying to do this i just couldn't get it to work and there's it's actually quite difficult when there's something going wrong with a capture card because normally the way that we debug things in pretty much any other program is that it's visual right if your windows isn't loading you go into the bios and you see what some settings are and oh my god something's overheating wait it's not detecting this hard drive like you can use some visual debugging but with this my capture card is just blinking and nothing i couldn't see anything so you know i was unplugging it plugging it back in again obviously i should work in it very sophisticated initial approach i started plugging it into different ports in the computer because maybe one of my usb ports died maybe this is a usb 2.0 lens of usb 3.0 because his capture card needs usb 3.0 and yada yada yada couldn't get it to work side go to bed get up today had some stuff i had to take care of this morning between 9 and 11 and right at 11 started trying to get it to work again wasn't working was getting no signal start to switch settings on this little you know piece of capture software i have over here there's this various like okay do you want to do various upscaling or down scaling what is the format in which you want to display what you're seeing maybe some of the stuff isn't lining up wouldn't work so finally i start to go okay i have to make sure that it's not my switch is broken so let me go get the other switch dock right so i literally have a secondary switch dock trying to like see if this switch dock or that switch dock won't work and i'm plugging stuff back in and wait it's not working and then i realized that this uh where's the back to this thing this thing has an hdmi port uh right there that goes to my capture card i found out that i had plugged one dock into the other dock not very smart okay oh pull it together sean try to unplug the one dock from the other dock plug it in still not working and then i realized i plugged in the unplugged dock with no switch into the capture card and the one with the switch has no hdmi cable in it at all not very smart finally get the new dock hooked in have that dock connected to my capture card into the computer nothing okay i need to make sure that this is working um you need to make sure that it's not the switch or the dot i need to i know i'll get my ps5 okay so i go get my ps5 i bring the ps5 into here because you've seen me stream ratchet and client can return all we've done a variety of ps5 games here so it should work and i plug it in and it's not working and i'm like what the and i go and i check and guess what my ps5 is plugged into my switch the hell's the matter with me right so i finally get the ps5 hooked into the right spot and then i realized that i have the input that is going from my capture card to my computer plugged into the usb port of my switch dock i mean i've never made so many mistakes in a row i've never made so many mistakes and i'm getting like so embarrassed i'm alone no one can see me and like my heart is pounding because i'm ashamed to be myself right then finally i double check chord going from ps5 to the capture card good cord going from the capture card to the computer good good good doesn't work and i'm like oh my god what could possibly be going my ps5 has not been plugged into power it does not have electricity in it okay oh oh i see my ps5 wireless remote is turning on and the playstation 5 isn't plugged into anything at all it is plugged into the computer unfortunately not enough power can come from there so i plug that in and i get it going and as i test it it doesn't work and that's when i realized the following happened okay remember this program that i showed you this is a piece of software called elgato game capture elgato is the company i also use the elgato cam link for the camera that you're watching me on right now and if i set it to cam link you get an error message and i was like oh wait wait a minute like right now it says it's in use because i have obs open but if my camera's turned off as it was when i was testing it this says no signal because the camera's off because i'm on cam like and i went wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute and then it just worked like this right this is loading come on yeah there you go and it worked and it worked great and i i was like oh god so basically elgato uh that makes a lot of really great hardware um and other things elgato has a piece of software called this game capture that works with all of their hardware right it's working with their cam link it's working with their game capture card oh so great how wonderful that i am lucky to have it piece of software that just works it just works with the hardware as long as you have the right drop down menu so that was a good two hours spent on that that was a good two hours spent on that where are we going to we just got done running for our lives oh yeah look right up here missile yeah i am using the elgato 60s i wanna do this gotcha actually so if i do this yeah okay so i probably have to destroy that from below light of 74 is always funny to think that everyone has moments like that but we've also sent people to the moon yeah no i i i'm a big believer in the notion that what that like a lot of really amazing things can be achieved not through moments of brilliance or continuous brilliance for that matter now but through just effort focus you know like like okay like there's a dota player named looky looky who plays a lot of a specific hero and played it so much that he got like into top 20 on the ladder basically picking this one hero and i mean you'd watch luki play and you'd be like this guy like knows every single niche decision with this hero this is incredible and i mean you know lookie is like well i'm sorry has said like oh i'm playing this other hero i'm nowhere near as good with this heroes i am with paying oh i'm so bad et cetera and of course he's perfectly competent with the other heroes too but i mean it's kind of one of those things where it's like yeah yeah we all have had that experience we focus on one strategy we focus on one style of gameplay in our favorite game focus on one build and starcraft or one hero in dota and then you just start to develop some mastery i remember there was a period my brother and i were really young at this time so but um i made the switch to only playing zerg in starcraft and my brother uh wanted to play all the races just sort of continuously just switching between them the thermal fuels flow has been redirected what all right and it was really hard for my my brother to keep up um and we were like really young i'm talking like freshman in high school kind of age oh yeah you shoot it this was this was even during the era when there was not a wide agreement on whether using the keyboard was even necessary in starcraft this is how old [Music] so are there like thermal doors that are open or something find out what what did i even do well yeah like and so switches back everything's great switches wait what did i lock myself in here i don't know uploading data oh okay i see it they just wanted me to do this no record of your assailant in the federation database however there are records of the chosen warrior tribe there is a strong possibility that you are connected chose a warrior tribe oh my god well yeah i know it comes to like people going on the moon well you have some people that you do focus diligent effort on the same thing again and again and again and again and again until it works it's incredible it's incredible i believe that if you have a clear focus you can take some mediocre effort uh put in a mediocre amount of time and then you can move mountains i prawns day nine man we drunk as hell but we love you man i pran good to have you here make sure you get some water get some water prawn make sure you're drinking some water as well i know you all up into arteries and stuff but we love you man keep it real with the blood cells happy to provide happy to provide you have seen the warrior tribes architecture and artifacts on this planet i conclude that this was one of their settlements but why would someone lead you here and send the emmy after you the footage of the ex-parasite may have been staged oh uh oh this tech talk was edited this guy is not nearly as good hey trap door spider 98 months in a row 98 two months shy that juicy three-digit game priority hasn't changed you must return to the field you have activated the magna supply system that has restored power to the closed thermal doors seat them out to proceed continue to search for the unique energy you employed against the first enemy it is the only way you can confront them outside of that you must run and shriek at the top of your system is limited you may have noticed it disappearing after an enemy is destroyed can i just say is there any survival game that has this style of enemy like i played a little bit of um valheim and it has like some basic little bastards that you can kill with a sword then it has like a big troll it's quite tough to kill but like what about something like the emmys six remaining enemies you have no means to confront them remember that alien isolation yeah alien isolation i would consider like a single player experience i'm talking about like a proper survival proper survival crafting kind of thing ah all right that's where that's where we're going this is going to suck a lot of ass okay are you ready i'm ready dead by dale actually dead by daylight might be oh i went the wrong way let me the in ah nice actually this is so clever to like hurdle you down here because now i'm just like ah i need to get back to there to do that thing like it just runs you by this is like great why am i going this way all right i'm going the right way look at this oh oh i'm on the wrong thing [Music] oh am i doing anything i mean it looks like he's hurting ow oops i'm not paying attention i'm starting to look around look i'm not charging up i keep like just barely not charging oh i think i'm doing anything am i oh of course okay so i was you know i think i actually just was dealing damage to it but for some reason i couldn't tell oh god what all right let's give it the shielding sharpener [Music] what is it what the does this mean old wide fighting ice cream oh oh oh [Music] oh okay all right emmy [Music] get the off oh dude i literally missed i literally just missed him [Applause] all right so do i have to then god damn the amount of buttons i need to hold in this game is ridiculous all right so [Music] [Music] come at me man so oh man it takes so long to charge this is 100 how i would die in real life this game is as realistic as it comes okay soon enough i'm gonna shoot the cold blaster to remove its frigid outer brain stem then you need to use the magma omega stream to melt its little face off then you need to charge it after which you need to encourage it to pursue poor financial advice at which point its shell will become weakened and vulnerable oh you idiot what get the in there this is unrealistic i would never succeed at this in real life that's why this is a game and it's real you did it your laser sucks again spider magnet acquired [Music] oh to attach a blue magnetic oh yeah now we can climb up and down on those wet walls baby this is moving attack while in the state see this is omega can deplete it in offline your gun sucks again see oh actually this is so i think this is so clever because like we had to do this absolute mad dash through this area right we were constantly freaking our ourself out but in the midst of getting all freaked out is this a nerd producer what do you do all right in the midst of like running around i now by eliminating the guy i now am exploring some kind of familiar territory oh that's fun i think that's really clever i think it's i think it's really really good and get up there all right so so what where are some items there's one right there okay all right go up here to my climby daddies that was a profound waste of time wait what figured it out absolutely gamered oh [Music] oh that feels fun i did it oh oh look at that inverse kinematic baby by the way um uh everyone everyone know inverse kinematics all right so so look at both my feet look at my feet look at my feet see they both go down all right both of them go down all right that's nothing normal or nothing out of the mirror but now watch when i half step on it watch when i half step on it all right uh it works better on the other side i i i keep messing it up but that's fine um when you stand one foot goes down and the other doesn't see see that that back foot isn't that nice see watch the foot see that back one that's really good so um the idea of kinematics is like okay so i'm an animation model if i move my shoulder everything down the chain moves and then if i move the elbow everything down the chain moves and if i move the wrist everything down the chain moves you know the fingers everything down the chains and so on but inverse kinematics is the idea of doing that in reverse to where like let's say this was a cup that was on a table and i want my character to like reach and grab it it's computing the end point and then bending the rest of the arm in the way in a way that looks natural so it's i mean it's not really a noteworthy technique in this day and age i feel like everyone just does it and there's like built-in tools and unity to make it more straightforward but i just still think it's really nice oh [Music] oh cool [Music] even as i heard someone say recently that small details like that are important in the game you're right ethernet it was me uh-oh hey look it's you there you are and i want you to sign this sir holy [Music] oh did this hurt and all right [Music] i dodged this shut up gotcha gotcha shot chain your hot sack there it is oh was this game made in japan we'll find out if it has a third phase oh i see [Music] oh oh oh oh oh this was not outsourced this was definitely made in japan that's three phases [Music] i fault you i fault you it's all your fault i love you though you gotta let me pet you [Music] okay okay okay look have a seat look here's a cup here's a cup [Music] hey it's down there all right excuse me all right i think one shot flop's gonna get at this time i think he is i guess so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yeah christmas i believe this outsourced to the spanish studio mercury steam really this was made all this is made in spain makes sense makes sense it's the ass oh oh oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh i see it's it it's a state-based boss oh i see oh oh am i supposed to block that one oh you're such a dick [Music] oh [Music] so hello shoot please okay some help man [Music] oh my god oh yeah this guy has hit points oh we're charging up all right time for phase two [Music] [Laughter] oh all right you now have tentacle shot oh he dead phantom cloak acquired i i only took me one try it's too true all right let me get my things up here all right i did it i did it i did i did it you know one thing that i always forget upgrading suit for ion compatibility oh phantom cloak sounds invisible to enemies perfecting light she must move soundly i'll be at a slower speed all right where are we at stealth missions let's go this game is unlocking stuff for me this is great here i go [Music] [Music] oh [Music] what do i even want to do okay i probably want to go here oh dude oh yes hot in there huh no i hit the button oh i hit the button oh i did it bad okay come on me oh god it's my white whale i can never get it hardest boss in the game is down on some rough stuff whoa no not a chance i've mastered this it's too easy now it's too hot in there oh oh i'm getting oh ah gotcha give me one bit give me your bits all right oh just dropped me it was game game oh pretty bad at that i think this is hayden i just see jaedong is out of the army the dong is back he is is he streaming oh god oh my god i hope he's streaming man i will watch that holy okay how does this work [Music] oh that's awesome being fresh that's awesome here i love j-dogs check phil says how many viewers you think we'd get of a stream of sean watching jaedong streaming what no no i think i cannot do that because doesn't doesn't jadon stream on africa right because if he streams on africa then i think twitch terms of service doesn't allow me to rebroadcast other platforms i think is right i think i think i'm not 100 sure on that wait a minute oh look at how far away my ship is okay you're doing something transformative with it um i mean i don't know i don't know i'm conjecturing uh um on africa it is generally encouraged that streamers watch other streamers within the platform and i i don't really see the same behavior in twitch i don't see like twitch streamers watching other twitch streamers ow there's a lot of a lot of stuff all right let's go to terrace alicia's back says all there's a lot of big variety streamers that watch each other yeah i mean i don't really watch a lot of the large variety streamers i oh my god i want so badly for companies to have ways to plug in to their events you know like for instance um with the international i can stream myself watching the games and that's fine and i think that's fantastic that's amazing um it would be amazing for instance if you had like [Music] every tournament had a special way for you to get the feed of the game and you just do coaster i think that's amazing that's awesome right back i'm gonna go with can you feel it water and coffee stay here so so water and coffee has been acquisitioned all right dude okay so you know it is you know it is awesome i don't know if you guys have a dog we got a big old dog what is this my god the hit points on this flexor we we have a little dog named uh cece aka old bone eyes and uh i love tucking this doggo in i love tucking that pupper in oops um [Music] so maybe we just don't even go here yet huh i wonder what those symbols mean that's rhetorical question goddammit wait do any traditional sports allow restreaming or co-streaming like it'd be amazing if i could just like open up the nba and restream myself watching an nba game and everyone we get to hang out and just enjoy the conversation okay so it looks like we need to find some way to get the heat stuff turned off i'm gonna go down and let's come up with a little plan here seems to be a bunch of stuff over here [Music] okay i see so this this was the green symbol this was the red symbol is this so we go down and up and over great mm-hmm it's this one he always gets me defeated tap says you can stream anything on amazon prime live or record it i don't think that's true i think my understanding was well let me make sure i'm understanding you as well like i'm talking about like imagine if this game was a korean drama that i was watching and i am streaming that actual piece of content i think that there's like an extra layer of restriction there whereby like you have to have your twitch hooked up to a twitch prime um account and if you have done that it means that you are an amazon prime viewer and then i have to have an exclusive broadcast only for twitch prime subs doesn't even include regular subs i think because typically the way that a watch party works is i do out like um i think the way a watch party works is there are two feeds that you see one is literally me the other is like a full screen watching where you're watching on your own so it's kind of like we're all just going to watch at the same time together you know and it's i don't know i want to actually like i want to i want to be in it yeah yep that's right so so it's really a way for everyone to watch at the same time simultaneously but it's not a stream of the content what is this shove it in so it looks like it's just a synchronization kind of thing all right so i'm going to go up and over wait what i can't go this way oh so i actually have to descend down this way yep see i i actually quite like that this amazing feel to the game slider roll unfortunately couldn't one of the ways that it's clearly gating me otherwise it's clearly gating me listen this way like oh wait what the do i have to go all the way down and around see things like this are a real problem see has like a little tiny hex there [Music] so i guess we'll have to go to the right and go all the way around huh [Music] [Music] [Music] you've got to be kidding me ever living out of me so what the [Music] so i can't get through here and get through there and get through this or either of these oh i i might actually have to like go into this all right cool see i actually find this compelling i feel like there was a period of time where in user testing you'd have big companies be like oh no our our player didn't go in the right direction immediately how do we disable the ability to do that how do we force players to go in the direction that we want i will go over the top wait did i oh that's right i'll this i kind of like just trying to figure it out a little bit on my own oh yeah i keep forgetting to shoot him afterwards because it's nice because what i basically identified is i think there's a bunch of stuff that i want to do over here and much stuff i want to do up here and there's this very enticing thing but i realized this is prevents me from going through here this prevents me from going through here so this entire top lays out what if i went this way well this i can't get through and similarly i was like oh let me go through this door well this won't let me get through so really it's like this forms a huge wall here so now i'm just locked out there's apparently a hidden wall over there so i'm gonna try to go to them and it looked like when i went to um the second world it was too hot it's too hot to handle because it was too hot to handle i decided to come back here because i didn't realize that i was locked out over here now that i'm back here i'm realizing that i'm locked out so it appears that my next goal is to be able to figure out how to make sure things are reasonable enough to handle i can't get in there all right disregard so i want to go in one of these hot spots that's probably not the right way okay so i'm wondering if one of these hot spots because it looks like if you're in the lava it burns way faster than if you're just in the air by the lava this is a bit where i'm supposed to go maybe no no that burned too much maybe this is uh the way i'm i i'm postulating sneaky sean that if we can find a location that is equal my god can we please get on the thing is there a heat upgrade that's what i'm looking for okay so sheriff sheriff come here all right so i think i'm concluding that there actually is no yeah i'm starting to think that like um let me just briefly scan around here this we went to yeah it looks like that i've done everything this is the interactive device aka what change these thermal doors [Music] i have shown all the areas that i have access to [Music] uh jacob phil um um i'm just gonna i'm just gonna play the game so again i would appreciate uh no back seating we like to be back seating free we like to suffer and even if you haven't played you're just trying to throw out suggestions to help you know i like to i like stuff you know that's what i'm into i feel so sorry no no worries there's nothing wrong you're engaging you're happy you're going oh this is interesting oh my god all right all right not at all what i thought so again i kind of am in love with how this game is hiding for me a little bit give me a little lost a little confused feels good uploading data uploading data cpr appears to be powered by verbal energy albert says maybe you should put uh novak city in the title selection of spoilers it's there not in the title but uh below the stream um and the fact of the matter is alberto as it turns out no matter how many different ways we have ever tried to do this in the um description in an overlay people will just do it um so you know there's always going to be some moment where people are you to tell people what's up hi the sheriff the cat she's the biggest backseater of all and by the way happy friday everyone does anyone have any fun weekend plans for me it's going to be doing nothing i have located the central routing system for the magma it is here in catarrus samus your current suit cannot protect you as you explore tatters the extreme beat of the lava is too much for it under no circumstances should you enter high temperatures commander night tonight yeah nesm27 says metroid dread right here hell yeah link says i don't fit in the back seat typically okay if i ride in the front seat we'll link yeah once you fire that stream up and welcome to the front seat you know to me i know the shuttle somewhere above here use it to find a path forward there is one other thing to discuss it is your new phantom folk ability oh my god dark strike x this is my first ever message in day nights chat long time viewer from the starcraft days my friend got me assigned my ice pack for you at gamescom 2015 2016 or something that must have been gamescom 2011. that's the last time i was there phantom quote prevents the enemies maybe 2012. thus far your only option was to run now bypassing them is also an option use this to reach your objective note that using the phantom folks of your life decreases your mobility oh correct contact with an enemy will still result in capture what what did they just say i just zoned out i zoned out the phantom club is useless once an enemy sees you you will need to evade capture until it give the phantom folk can remain active after your aim has been depleted it will consume your life energy instead consider it a desperate measure remember it cannot drain your energy down to nothing judicious use of this technique judiciously become invisible and then get hurt until you can't hurt anymore i like this music one bit so [Music] do you appreciate slash notice good audio design or visual design more um what in the absolute is that launching squid doing in this game can't believe it uh i don't know i i i wouldn't necessarily give any answer that's what i do i shouldn't answer the question audio in many many games is very functional it's very functional it's like for instance all those like it's like whatever you know um frankly a lot of things visually are very functional what and that game game did everything possible all right it struck me as what was going on this is good morning everyone i ended up three hours late because i was playing this until 3am last night i realized i'm too bad at this game to beat the final boss oh welcome mossy mossy it feels like every time there's a good game on the switch i hear about you playing it oh please jump off the wall oh that eating squid get out of here coffins what's the reason why all these guys are attacking us aren't we the heroes saving the planet oh yeah oh yeah this is this is very american everyone's the bad guy which makes us the hero you know what i mean so amazing in american media where it was where it's just like american media straight up is just like all the evil bad people are generally like british russian occasionally german but pretty much russian and british there's never been a french villain in american media ever it's never happened i will kill the hostages it's never happened it's never been a thing and then uh you know you watch some some british tv and uh americans are the villains straight up man that's so funny hey good night great googly moogly i mean i'm sure i'm sure you can find sure you can find examples where i'm wrong but let's just assume i'm not because i think i'm totally correct you know what i'm saying i mean like look oh no oh in terms of general um trends it's just hilarious how in um foreign media americans are presented i mean oh dude okay you know what the funniest depiction in all of media is is business people in korean dramas man and you all got a little taste of it if you watch squid game because in squid game i i mean like the way the lines are delivered is so korean business person oh my god it's so good oh it does hurt me you squid game spoilers uh no this is not a spoiler at all it's not like here's the thing when i say american business person i just mean like a character who's from america or you know europe who speaks english kevin's watching this weekend well believe it or not at some point there will be non-korean people in the korean drama but the thing is like when i watch kdramas um often often so here here is the theme that winds up in a lot of the korean dramas i watched now you think that when i say k drama i mean a drama from korea that's not what i mean all right for instance squid game is a dramatic korean made television series that is in no way a k drama a k drama is about love it's about romance about two star cross lovers that just they want to be together but there's something pulling them apart and they have feelings and there's a second male lead who gets screwed every single time oh it's incredible and in korean dramas a really common archetypical structure is that there is a korean woman who's down on her luck working a bad job um or maybe just getting a break in a company where she's maybe gonna have her like you know rise to fame story and the male lead is rich as like billionaire rich like created a business and is now the number one company in korea or is the son of a billionaire korean every single time and so and of course this is just playing into the fantasy the idea of like being down on your luck and meeting a dream man who's wealthy i guess or some it always works i'm i keep watching they're amazing so at some point always there is some foreign deal that happens where our hero has to call someone or do a business meeting with some american speakers and this is when you get to hear dialogue not presented by an english-speaking actor who lives in korea it's just literally a white person who probably someone in production went hey team over here just like be the business person he's like yeah sure no problem maybe for a day's work because the delivery is so it's always like yes we are very happy with the numbers and if the numbers continue to be good then we are okay with the deal like no one talks like this i love this so much mandy britt i always talk about the american businessman and decatur that's the best depiction ever man now which is if you watch one class watch about half of it it's a great show it's fantastic oh yeah that's not how business works no the way that the way that business works is you'll have someone who's like yeah okay that's really interesting all right well let me circle back with you next week um and thanks so much for your time if you have any questions feel free to reach out that's how actual business squares communicate with each other or if you have a friend and you're discussing some sort of business proposition it'll be like but wait how does that work i don't know if that's i don't know if that's a good idea i don't know man it's hard for me to figure out how to make the numbers work right they talk like people in korean dramas they do not they talk like some weird alien it's fantastic oh what what what what is this oh my god oh guys should mario at me man oh my god oh concerns this is someone who frequently ends emails if you have any questions feel free to let me know i'm offended oh yeah oh that's the thing it's not that saying yeah i know let me know it's like no problem not any of these phrases inherently ah it's inherently bad it's not at all but if you were to try to write the dialogue for oh my god it's an emmy you were to try to write the dialogue for an accurate business person you would use those things if you have any questions feel free to reach out nothing needs to move like this light it says i see they have taco bell on this planet i'm ready to become the all ball unemployed shock who happy 109 months in a row man and gifting us nine subs in a row oh my god goblin lackey managed to sneaky snacky one up man so [Music] well jax is just wanted to show some love can't watch much spoilers briefly how is it i am loving it [Music] i am really liking it a lot leprechaun 5000 gifting 10 subs what is it monday water was monday this is cheers happy friday hey cheers to you leprechaun 5000 hi sheriff my little poofy cat how you doing poofy girl this is a really good time to just take a break and if i take a break i'm still going to be here i'm still going to talk i'm going to put the controller down remind you boom on october 19th we are beginning the fall dk 30. and here's what it is you ever have some project you want to get started but you never quite found the right time maybe you wanted to write a book or maybe there's just a game in your backlog you've never sat down to do or maybe you got to do some cleaning or some chores or some redecoration well the idea of dk30 is think of a one month version of this i think you can get done with in one month maybe not your whole book but maybe do some outlining in week one and do some writing in weeks two three and four or maybe you wanna work on a game maybe just work on the character controller for two weeks and then make one level for the other two weeks right just get yourself started on it we are all starting on october 19th with our one month project with our 30-day project all beginning at the same time so that way as is the case with many projects it's hard to do projects alone and keep that motivation up but if we're all starting together we can be nice and kind and supportive and encouraging to one another and share our delays and failures and successes and confusion share all that stuff while we're doing it we have a discord you can see that link below the twitch or just look up day 9 tv discord on google and you'll find it our discord is really the home base for you can also go to our website at day 9. tv and you'll see dk30 is one of the tabs at the top we encourage you to join in with us because the whole point the whole goal our wish is for you to be farther along with your project than when you started that's it if you want to write a book and you have a goal to write 10 000 words a week so you have 40 000 words done maybe you do 10k 10k and then you have a terrible week and you get 2 000 words done and your last week you get 1 000 words done dude you wrote 23 000 words that's amazing yeah you can go to our dk30 website and get some inspiration from other people's projects common ones that we've had before is a lot of creative stuff like writing book game dev goals but also things like i want to apply to more jobs so i'm going to focus on submitting 10 resumes a week for four weeks in hopes of getting a job also every fall we do a game jam concurrently with the dk30 if you'd like to sign up for that you can go to our website and again it's just a link right there at the top and you can have no skill whatsoever and we are going to do the job of pairing people up i shouldn't say pairing we're going to be doing the job of creating groups you might work with four to eight other day nights or if you want just do it by yourself i'm actually probably gonna be doing something with lee uh they and i are just gonna do a little buddy jamming uh over the course of the month so however you wanna do it feel free to participate feel free to not use any of the tools and not be social at all just kind of think of it and you'll hear me mentioning it the game jam topic for the month is funny physics because as you know i really love physically based games physics league based games dude episodes hey daniel on your dk30 motivated me last year to upload videos and start a channel yesterday i reached 1 000 subs and i couldn't be happier no help no boost from anyone no advertisement i did everything myself thank you for being most motivating person out there besides my girlfriend you are the best yes love coming in silver yep sorry ah this redirected the flow this means that some of these thermal doors should be so maybe we don't [Music] there it is see this gigantic pipe there it is allows us can you explain more about the game james for skilled people or can you sign it without any knowledge absolutely you can sign up without any knowledge or you can be a professional game developer who's fully aware of exactly what it is that you want to do oh i'm so dead ah ah where he says haven't played metroid in a while this reminds me of the gameboy advanced version does that sound accurate um i've never played them nice uh but i mean it feels very old school feels very very old school oh i always forget to shoot it holy you're back oh wait i do this i love this correct no dude epl says i'd rather not advertise my channel here because it's considered bad internet manners my god flesh your internet manners are astounding i warmly invite you to share your youtube share a little bit of your content with us warmly we request ah we'd be happy to do it and i greatly appreciate the thoughtfulness around that because like dude i gotta be honest i i've been doing this as my profession for like 12 years like the amount of times i kind of feel like people should cut the out but it keeps happening man this like 89 really good to see a great news i have a way that you can just do a bunch of stuff for free for me and i'll know in a general sense that's not bad right like for instance we all have skills that our relatives friends and family go oh your skillful deck you help me with this hey you're a plumber can you come by and like fix my sink and sometimes you'll be a plumber and if you want to help your friend you'll be like yeah sure don't worry i'll just come over we'll take care of it'll be no problem hey i'm having a lot of i.t issues because i'm your grandfather sean can you fix it yeah no problem um and if someone's like you know hey like i had a friend be like hey i'm thinking of doing a kickstarter uh you know like can i can i ask you to take a look at like what i'm doing and i was delighted i was like yeah hell yeah i had a conversation about that right but there's this thing when you have [Music] an audience where there are some people that just think oh i can perceive that oops i can perceive that it's easy for you to do it and because i think it's easy you should just you should do it your simple example hey 89 hey tweet my kickstart okay so let's see so this is this open now perfect because i basically did this little right around the roux in order to open this one and is this one open as well perfect could doing says understand the audacity of that well here's i mean i i wind up being forced to think about this with some frequency which is it's it it is for a fact trivially easy for me to retweet a kickstarter why wouldn't i do that well um tell you in a moment excuse me go okay we have a turn on event down here oh me i ran out but there's a kind of person who perceives that it's easy for me to do therefore i should do it it is very easy for me to do a tweet thank you my channel is uh very niche it's me niche i'm covering warhammer 40k content but i do plan on firing up the stream and do more gaming related time my channels are empire of war games for 40k for gaming it's empire pixels where i cover lesser known old school games thanks give me the opportunity of course the question you've been a long time hangout or in these here parts oh i can do this nice okay so that's good me this controls this game god damn it my mind says maybe follow the next path and charge money for tweeting again i it's i'm not talking about is there a way to make money off my social media channels that i mean that's that's the whole business i completely understand that um but what i'm saying is the kind of thing where someone could be like dude just do it for free it's like not a big deal just do it so i'm not necessarily talking because if someone came to me and said hey can i pay you to do this that fixes one problem but like the deeper problem with it is you know what if i don't know you very well what if i look at this kickstarter and i don't really know right what if you are someone i trust and you are you know still frankly you're still asking for money oh i see how this works okay oh uncloak you piece of you piece of yeah but the thing is that like there is a real cost to asking my audience to pay for your thing you know what i mean juices is different if someone offers to pay for it well even then i'll i say no most of the time to things because i just don't think it's a good fit [Music] all right and where where on earth am i going this way it's funny i saw this a lot in poker 2 where you'd have someone who would have a really good session where they would like make several thousand dollars and you get these frankly moochie people who would be like dude so like lunch is on you right because it's like it's just like 20 bucks man you like made a bunch of money today and i mean i don't know it's just these kind of people that think like this or they're like well again if i can imagine it being low stakes for you then you owe it to me [Music] gotcha oh it's hot in there but depending on the day i'm fascinated by this phenomenon or really annoyed by this phenomenon say this is someone who works in healthcare in the us right now the entitlement of people is insane it's insane it's it's like absolutely legitimately insane i mean it and and specifically i'm talking about this because eplesh eplash you'll note at plush a long time viewer here whom we've known about i actually feel like flesh i even spoke a little bit on uh air a while back about your wish to make your youtube channel i think maybe i didn't or maybe i did either way i know of your wish to do that and i recognize you and you've been here a long time and you were just like oh well i just want to thank you i don't want to i don't want to talk about it my channel it's really thoughtful and is the exact opposite of what like a shitload of people do and the fact that you did that i was like oh we're going to promote this which by the way manipulators take notes um all it takes to manipulate me is to be a long time viewer who's sincere and shows up and hangs out a lot and builds a relationship and follows up showing dedication and event where i try to encourage people to pursue things and at that point i'd be happy to support you extra planetary multi-form mobile identifier its ability to configure itself to fit into narrow spaces is a standard feature any enemy you encounter will likely do so as it pursues you you are not capable of destroying their armor plating this will be true even at your full capabilities you are faced with overwhelming power accept your helplessness thanks adam happy friday to you too study you can be carefully and use the phantom quote to advance there are risks even here the phantom folk reduces your mobility and consumes more aim and when you move for shoot it is still your best chance at survival do not hesitate to destroy an enemy whenever you discover more unique energy this was not one of your original priorities however i see no other way to accomplish your goal in addition to loading and reloading and saving and whatnot oh yeah like it's it's just it's it's ridiculous the number of times where what are you all right so it's not the blast that was giving me that notification it was just the charge up i see i'm gonna charge but you know i understand a lot of people get really excited about their projects really excited about things and i don't know it's just like it it again i've been doing this for 12 years and it's just never really not been that way sometimes it's better sometimes it's worse it's just like so weird great news sean i have been watching your stream a lot and i saw what you were doing with educational starcraft content so i started doing educational content for game x and like i know that it would be so great to like have you on as a guest and um teach you the stuff and then that way you can bring your audience and you can promote my stuff and i'm like oh well i mean i don't i don't really think i have any time or interest in doing a collaboration now again there's a lot of what this this fictional person has said that's not bad but it's like then it starts being like well dude i would make it really easy for you no i appreciate that but you know i have a lot of my own stuff and i mean if it's any time i actually don't have that much time because i have my own streams and i'm doing my own stuff but dude this is like right up your alley like you should totally at least check it out at least just give me a shout out about it because it's exactly like your content and i'm just sitting here to this stranger that i've never met who and and i'm paraphrasing too but i've had like multi-minute conversations with people like this or it's like oh but i just thought that you'd be just doing this huh and i want to stress this happens to every this happens to every content creator all the time my so [Music] ah crap beep oh god [Music] so scary man you little bastard all right frame perfect i i still don't quite know what i'm looking for was that beeping the robot oh yeah that's the robot that's the bee booper eg pg stick it in there [Music] sure [Music] snuggly sadist talking about some of the struggles man how are you holding up snuggly says working in healthcare in these insano times i don't care what anyone else is going through it's all about you right now you say this man how does this work [Music] countering actually feels really good one of my favorite moments in all of daniel tv is the subnautica place where shawn first yells is this a scary game getting some of those vibes in here yeah it's absolutely the same [Music] this only says this is rough mental health headroom pandemic turns out there's an upswing in my mood with a switch in medications though oh my god it's terrific to hear oh oh i see dude oh what good tutelage it has a thing that i have to duck through next to other things i have to duck through to teach me to duck through it oh my god yeah i mean you know because like i i can handle a lot of um pressure and a lot of stress in life and frankly i like a lot of pressure and stress i find it interesting and fun and compelling and invigorating more often than not um i remember i was like like having i thought that i was having like a heart issue they were telling you i'm telling y'all i went to a i went to a doctor who was like yeah that's stress um it was um a few weeks after the death of a friend and like ah and i mean i was just like oh my god there's something wrong with my heart oh my god it was just dude oh i'm like not paying attention got him is this the one that's charged up [Music] i wasn't paying enough attention what got activated used um i'll have to go back this way where do we think i need to go but i'm going back there let's probably turn off some heat but yeah anyways i went to this doctor and i was like i'm worried i'm having chest pains and it's just like i'm worthy of something's going on with my heart oh my god and the doctors listens to me say some stuff and goes yeah it's grief you're stressed you know well well i mean i i i wonder do you think that my diet has anything to do with it because i've been eating a very unhealthy lately that has some contribution she's like no it's grief stress it's like well you know i there was a point where i i was actually taking a b vitamin supplement i just i literally it was just i don't know how it got my rotation maybe that is true and she's like no it's grief stress just like again and again and again how does this even work and it was so funny i mean in a morbid kind of way that afterwards i was just like huh yeah okay yeah one quick second all right harvard story's a classic oh yeah it's a different story it's a different story [Music] okay quick question when am i supposed to hit the counter swing yellow flash i i i don't see when it does it happen like health where am i trying to go here man maybe these things are up right now yeah maybe that's what's going on holy ah yep this is where i gotta go i'm smart man i'm a gamer no not squigglies oh actually i need a counter some guys what wait what [Music] what what are we doing we're doing what's the point of this oh turn me up oh i always forget about squigglies oh my god faster this used to be hot right he's got some hot heat in here master i love calling things bastards like my favorite ah that's where i was before oh oh sick oh that's that's super sick no come here oh i'm so else dodge this you bastard ah no it's cooking oh uh ow dude this game has no object permits this guy's off screen he's gone energy part acquired collect four to increase energy all right so now i need to go back to here my health man oh yeah oh sick give me whatever this is baby this is so a way to go you know you can hear it the clown [Music] i gotta be getting a new weapon soon you know what i might re-watch tonight i might re-watch dread oh my god i have to hold half the buttons on my controller it's ridiculous yeah you know i'm thinking about dread oh it hit me again oh hit me again ah i always forget to hit this dang button dread is one of the better movies i've seen huh both red movies are excellent for different reasons i i've actually never seen the original judged red where are we where are we are we is the original judge dredd good because it's trash oh by the way um there was a question about dk30 that someone asked earlier i can't remember who it was and i didn't get a chance to read the entire question there it is adam babel says hey sorry to the left topic i really want to do the dk3 this round i think i want to do programming project i am a td uh at a vfx studio so i've been uh around code a lot and i've authored a few tools i assume you mean technical director via next studio um although td and production means tech director um not entirely sure it could be tools developer i wonder what you think what kind of python project you think might be good for a newest programmer thanks for everything you're the best day night adam i would i would i would first just first ask yourself what sounds kind of fun i like to think a little bit about um or tower defender i don't know what td means um i would first follow the fun like i funny physics is the topic because i love games that have a physics c um component um like rocket prime model example so i might just try to think of something that kind of feels kind of sounds cool you know like some sort of pinbally controlly type thing and then i might just start messing around with some controls and this is before even dk30 i'll just like begin to fiddle with stuff and maybe the first date that you have to fiddle is sdk30 is kicking off which terrific so maybe just like fiddle around maybe like look at some games that seem cool maybe do a twist on a game that you've played before and see if you can also make it feel cool there's a lot of different ways to start but i think that um [Music] right there's there's plenty of different ways to to get started but i think that the uh one thing i'd really recommend early on is just thinking about like a mechanic or two and just focusing everything around that for instance if you want to make like a metroidvania game just make some movement with jumping don't even have combat that's it it's the k and dk nate we call our community the day nights over here day night three-day project whoa easy [Music] me thoughts on something you might want to pick off take the damage holy these deal 40 damage a shot what it's crazy yeah there's a little something to work with is kind of interesting how these really big open oh i walked right into that whatever nice hit points yeah i hit the button word of the day's wrong lion bird lion ass bird lion ass bird oh you thing looks like a muta those things do oh oh oh me [Music] oh oh oh i can i can damage it that little bastard not the right way but this is shrimp that hey if any of you been uh watching uh what we do in the shadows it's so good deep added i actually like the bats because they like they consistently do a charge that you can counter so i can heal a bunch everything's powered down gee i wonder why oh mr adam bubble man i'd be happy to hear any little thoughts you have any starting places to be out of battle powered up perfect what question what what was that um hannah and the bridge of spirits i think it was that ps5 game i kind of forgot about that game wide beam wide beam oh yes iron ross i don't even play mtg but i'll watch sean play because it's so relaxing somehow even aura of calm sean thank you for sharing it with us i do it widely press y to fire really this is just my default weapon now holy um help oh holy triple the damage triple the fun oh my god [Music] oh oh jesus oh god it says it seems like canada bridge of spirits came out critical claim but i've never heard of it yeah no it's one of those games that i feel like might be a little slow burner i actually think that the world is hitting a game saturation problem oh no not you again holy that scared my back oh i'm back back baby blablabla bomb player i'm here says we can't be saturated on games until eleanor comes out oh adam also thinking like a simple game but i'm not sure where to start with that at all or maybe some kind of app that tracks all my plants based on user input like when i just last watered them and when they need to be watered uh next since they all have different schedules and i'm doing that mentally now yeah yeah you can actually um i i saw a video of someone that got an arduino so this is this is a triple door i can also go back i'm gonna go back why not you can get an arduino that can detect um the water uh levels in your plants and then you can use that to like basically notify you via phone you know i think the plant one sounds really really awesome this is a remake super method no it's brand new brand new game metroid tread if you wanted to do the the game one you're not sure where to start um i don't know what's this grand battle says oh that would be so cool i'm obviously feeling more passionate about the plan yeah i knew someone who basically had one arduino and then had um i don't know what it's called it's like a hydrometer that that detects what what the water level is moisture level is in all of them and would insert it into the plants and then would have the sensor feeding back to an arduino and then that would feed back to anything that you want that they had it um attached to a twitter account so it would just tweet at the moment they needed to be watered nice oh i'm so powerful oh oh i didn't mean to do that that was awesome so i mean you could you could have a light strip attached to your next to your computer and it lights up whenever there's a plant that needs water and that way you're just hanging out and you just oh run you piece of run oh thank god it's this that actually sounds like a really fun project dude i love that sort of light oops oh yeah i'm gonna shoot it i love things like that it sounds so awesome i love just the lights and meters and sensors and stuff i'm completely newbie with it but it's really fun to just google people's random arduino projects all right what are we doing oops [Music] what [Music] oh wrong wrong thing i up so badly get oh ah stop twisting i think it has to be actually out of this oh roll oh my god clutched uh i will now touch you you have become unusually [Music] bendy types remember you did some sure projects you didn't quarantine sweepstakes or something even though you're essentially in a second quarantine any thoughts that's called dk30 yeah and it happens on october 19th morph ball oh my god we're a ball hold this well on morphball press b to jump where to now oh i'm going here out of here oh tuesday twitches danwells love peace juicer is it just me i'm not a peach juice uh gamer oh get me up here save now apple juice it's good fruit you know juice is the best fruit juice though you know the best one is grapefruit juice oh it does work this way yeah i'm gonna take so much damn damage missile tank plus acquired miss passing holy i know my name is dana ah ah oh what happens here where does this go where does this teleportal go man bloody mary that's that's a good juice yeah bloody mary's might be up there is one of my favorite pieces damn hello this is oh thank god i thought you were about to say pear juice is about to flip well pears are certainly one of the best fruits there is or certainly better than apples where are we wait a god damn minute oh my god that run oh always find paris too sandy i love pears oh yeah i love bananas but banana juice is probably the most revolting word you could say to me bananas uh actually you know what i i i i've decided despi i'm trying to be famous here please please no don't stretch get your butt out of the way ah no not my uh i'm gonna use the restroom when i come back and keep playing this because this is just this is just heaven uh this is heaven this is 10 out of 10 i'll give it a 10 i'll give it a 10. i love it i mean i'd actually probably give it a nine i would give it a nine uh i i have very few things that i'll give it 10. uh it's it's it's like a 9.5 we'll be right back
Channel: Day9TV
Views: 48,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Day9, Day9tv, Sean Plott, Day[9], Twitch, metroid, metroid dred, switch, nintendo switch, samus, samas aran, 2d metroid saga, metroid fusion, metroid dread game, metroid dread switch, action, adventure, sidescroller, planet zdr, metroid dread nintendo switch, day off, let's play, gameplay, metroid dread gameplay
Id: eBPbY4Rx6Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 4sec (12124 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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