Day[9]'s Day Off - Demon's Souls P4

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i i'm sort of uh i i believe in positivity and encouragement and the power of that stuff but i also believe that um dick jokes are very funny and i think foul language can be very funny corps examine coop mcmish happy 33 years yeah i was drinking water and if i was thirsty and then i died as far as sucked know be gone hydration's a crime it's a danger in fact it's liability man it's so cool to have voice actors and artists who participate in the remake of demon souls working here that's so terrific that's so sick that's solid and tight where do you think this goes to huh i feel like this map forks right because there was the weird windy wobbly wiggly path that i went down that led to spider hell hey what up alice shortens this fun fact they also ended up using my grunts and groans for npc enemies as well so often you get the sound killing me that's great i want to be as you and kill you you know what i mean it's like really kind of twisted but it's like i can't help but want that you know so i don't think i went this way before oh are you kidding me wait a minute i i need to go get my souls and there's another path this one oh my god this is like so twisty and windy your dogs are spending valuable gamble points so you'll see this one day on stream you have to try lost world beyond the page beautiful and lovely will make you cry and it's a blast your dog i've never heard of that what is that game so so i feel like there's three pads right here's one path there's uh the path down the elevator and then there's the path that goes to the right to that weird twisted going down thingy because there was what looked like a boss gate what just happened oh i can aim for its head oh you ah okay these guys are he's gay oh he's alive oh who's popping out now huh i'm gonna go what i think is maybe the more correct way the dog says here's the trailer also email you this i think you're a bit distracted oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah i'm a little distracted for sure okay so maybe that that actually is the way i'm i'm having a real hard time tracking where the hell i am in this which is kind of cool cuisinaro's asking i'm doing this fine date man i'm i'm i'm just in heaven i am in absolute hog heaven well kind of me i'm dying a lot but dying a lot in a great game getting chunks with my hunks huh what do you know okay let's switch to the let's actually eat this and switch to the sword here nope this is it oh my god is this is this my life now do i need something with a blunt attack it's getting closer all right so what am i doing i'm hitting start looking for something blunt iron knuckles yeah i'm punching the out of this guy holy all right let's let's just try the pick maybe yeah let me let me just finish stabbing you know why not i seem to be doing it got one oh all right that took forever but you know there you go oh oh perfect um it looks like ghost stalker ooh girl stark said well i die at all in the next hour well wow i didn't realize that ghost talker had two become i hate it holy uh getting this thing out oh sorry everyone this is this is the content now oh i need something that's blunt huh because i think slash and stab don't do anything but i don't think i have anything that's blunt do all i what about this am i not strong enough i think these guys are just invincible because i tried the knuckles and the knuckles didn't do any extra damage jesus man this is about as fast so i figured out how to make it go oh my god it's incredible how good the content is why is it 16 now holy oh my god it's just like i get so impatient and then i just start to die why why did i go from dealing 19 to 16 does anyone know why i went from dealing 1916 so so instead of uh because i mean some people are making guesses about durability i'm wondering if anyone actually knows the answer look it's crazy not worth it well this is this is the game leprechaun says there's a bar next to the weapon that looks like durability no no that's absolutely the durability in the game and i'm not asking for theories i'm asking for like does anyone know exactly um i think for exactly if someone knows what's going on because like the durability is down a little bit it doesn't appear to be broken what's the question the question is i was just dealing um 19 damage and now it looks like i'm dealing 16 damage and i don't know why opposite durability is not your problem do you do you know what the problem is then optiplex games why i went from 19 to 16. this is actually this is actually incredible to me oh jesus god we almost walked off the edge and all the haters would have won by the way this is actually one of the most incredible experiences as a broadcaster my question was why when i was doing 19 damage did i suddenly start to do 16 damage that was the question right it's pretty plain and then there's maybe it's durability maybe it's this maybe you should try a sword maybe you should switch to this thing i did this area with magic it's just like everything except the uh question it's incredible all right we're doing it this is this is a demonstration of the power of persistence was it heavy attack instead of light doesn't look like it either way it's not a big deal i mean it's not like i'm gonna be doing anything different than going up and hitting the guy and backing up oh my god jesus i was staring at two and two for so long before it occurred to me that maybe four was coming like for so long oh my god oh unrolling majority says was it 19 on the smaller dude yeah maybe that was it looks like it's 20 on this guy i actually have a little bit longer range than i thought this is so boring this is great oh my gosh we're doing it i'm a god gamer i gotta run past all these nerds next time oh they coming oh she is this was was this the way that it was in your playthrough of this game these guys are impossible to kill can you imagine if i just walked off the edge how terrible that would be like so they're pretty weak to magic like most things in the game yeah i wonder how you learn magic in this game all in a day's work stab stab stab stem incredible you'd love to see it all right let's examine this c word this is a curse i probably should never say that again huh ah yes now i bet you this goes to that elevator so let's go this way i was actually genuinely asking on that question like if anyone knows yeah good it does connect to here perfect perfect perfect perfect yeah sorry ghosty ghosty i was uh i genuinely am curious how magic works in this game i should have been more clear on that that's my bad ghosty uh by the front of you were just timed out uh typically in this oh my god typically in this here little corner of the internet here we uh have a pretty heavy anti-back seating policy which does result in uh you know just deleting some messages every now and again oh this is actually kind of a funky and bizarre roundabout then right because here's the elevator yeah so then there's that weird path that way and i'm not going to worry about this this is good two different ways connect kind of in the same location but i need to be careful about running so i don't march off to my debt placements i just want to hold your hand i want to hold your hand too blank set it's so funny how philosophically different this game is from immortals phoenix rising where it's like go here it's marked on your map go there go anywhere here's a to-do list do this do that good job here's a coin here's a gem here's a rose here's a flower oh scares the out of me every time it's done okay sure play with nickelodeon gak absolutely i did tons of nickelodeon gameplay man let me tell you [Applause] is it weaker on the butt all right well please enjoy this content or is it faster to just one-handed stab it a lot arrow somebody just looks like a glitch into the wall perfect i thought this was just fine put some stuff on that weapon now the only thing i'm going to put on this weapon captain's patience yeah anyone who's like i think day 9 will die sometime in the next hour didn't know it was going to take me halfway through to kill each enemy well amoral zombie a happy wednesday to you how are you like everyone prepare for content i can see eric already messaging the editor being like get rid of the part where he stabs the stuck enemy chum bucket says my faith is rewarded you know okay there is something i want to talk about a little bit that is a very faith cult related once upon a time i thought that it was very interesting uh what was going on with the gamestop you know the number of people that were just like oh my god if we if we just keep buying and making the price go up a bunch of headphones lose money because they're shorting the stock and all this stuff now i don't do any investing because i have a job that kind of eats up let me be more clear i don't do any like day trading stuff because like i have a job and i have stuff to do and i'm relatively conservative investments because i'm a complete degenerate business person willing to do risky like say yeah i'm gonna play video games on the internet for 12 years and try to figure out how to make that work um get them isn't it weird this is my job this is very bizarre to me even still i feel like at some point the lol isn't this funny what's happening to the stock turned into like an almost cult like it's almost like an ethical decision to purchase game stock you know what i mean it is like these posts tonight that i keep seeing pop up j ryan taylor says do we actually have to kill these guys hopefully not i don't know i'm sort of fascinated at like when that transition happens where it's like okay so i have a particular belief about something and i'm using gamestop as an example because it's really recent the sort of obsession with this um i'm curious like when that transition happens where it goes from um we wish to try to exploit some interesting bit of information or something like this to like anyone who says anything that is in opposition to this is not only incorrect but they're malicious because i've seen this happen with a number of other things where it's just like nope covering my ears closing my eyes if you think otherwise you're a jerk etcetera etcetera etcetera you're malicious you're just trying to bring this down you're against the philosophy that sort of thing about it i find really interesting because like you know professionally one of the core things that we do as a business is trying to cultivate a really nice community and i i don't think we've ever been a situation where anyone here has been like if you ever think that day 9 is doing anything wrong or bad then you're a hater and you're just one of the wow that's pathetic you know like there's no holy that guy's got some hsp man let me consume this i'm super interested in what like causes a community to go from flame resistance oh my god it's a flame resistance ring you uh cling ring in the ring of herculean stir yeah i'm gonna put on that flame ring my friend oh you you're no joke are you is that is that patches you you're no joke are you is this patches it's patches stay back dude all right kill patches man oh there's my blunt weapon okay so let's see so here's where we descend down the cliff here's where you ascend up the cliff since i came from above i'm going to explore the upside first hmm [Music] this area reminds me like crazy of blighttown i'm increasingly viewing this as the wall of loot um i don't know yeah i'm sort of fascinated in like how communities work and what communities do for people and how often um you know because there is a certain amount of being part of a community that is about like supporting something that's very immaterial right like i just believe in the goodness that this community brings period you back off patches anytime i'm like walking out to one of these things i'm expecting patches to like kick me off ah wow and like i think that there's a lot of sort of emotional satisfaction emotional meaning they can give uh the communities can give people to where they feel like the community is part of their identity i mean i like i very much so feel that with like the day nine tv community with the starcraft community you know like this is my home and this is what i um this is what i care about i almost just rolled right the hell off this cliff deliberately because i saw i saw the money man and i was like i'll write them all in it's like a safe disembarking location but i'm really curious about what causes that transition to this like and almost uh it it's like an extreme fervor to where it's no longer sort of this emotionally positive thing it's like this desperation oh my god every time it scares the crap out of me what what the is this where does this go does this go up here oh i'm not going that way man go around the bend a long way baby oh jesus hey what up i've got plenty of wheels i hear the flapping flyers holy it's right there oh they're popping out here aren't they no no no no no the head behind the head the head oh my gosh i mean like those are some areas where i'm like i don't need to go there it's gonna pop out huh all right i can't believe this guy doesn't know about the three clam shells oh i love making them references oh my goodness i've been to the tomb of giants before man bro okay where where are we i'm taking this guy out through this areas of content [Music] this area is actually wild we're gonna say what's your vision on the state of rcs genre my friend um can you ask me something more specific [Music] i mean believe it or not we have time emerald zombies what's the color of your bed sheets it's pretty boring just you know easy still says what secrets can you spell about the inner workings of frost giant oh he's turning oh he's turning so let's see here i'm gonna say nothing new in the rts genre makes me think that the entry barrier for new players is pretty high and that's a problem you know i actually think oh oh no oh lo is she coming i think uh there is a huge here's my assessment on what makes um rts like working on an rts game really challenging is one of the most difficult things is that in a oh in a multiplayer game see look my damage went down by one why oh one of the really challenging things in a multi-player game is power growth like that's a really really hard thing now i'm doing more damage again like power growth is really really really hard because what winds up happening is if i start growing in power um i want the power as a designer i want the power to have meaning i don't want it to be like oh yeah you you you're now level 100 your opponent's level 50 but being level 100 means you deal one more damage right so for power growth to feel good it needs to be relevant but if the power growth is relevant you wind up with this one inflection point matters now because i'll say that that our guest games have two types of snowballing there's what i'll call upward snowballing which is like the more money and power you have the more money and power you can get and there's downward snowballing which is kind of like the worst i lose this fight the worse i'm gonna lose the next fight so you not only have a genre where growth of power and growth of capability is sort of like what players expect and kind of what they want and frankly what you want to give them we also have this problem where like it's just really hard to have i know this excuse me it's really hard to have power growth happening in a game at all without completely poisoning and i think that for that reason um it's really challenging to do anything where you're like oh cool i have a really sweet idea on a really neat unit it's like well okay well how do you make sure that like you don't have this out of control snowballing problem because like mobas i think did a brilliant job when you die you come back there's no downward snowballing you don't lose power you are always gaining in power and the uh amount of differential between you and your opponent and power is not that extreme because you can always get experience i don't mean like you know conceptual experiences in-game xp gives you power in addition to gold giving you power [Applause] [Music] this is content right here and so this like i think mobas have done a really good job of mitigating the problems of power growth while still presenting the idea of power game being relevant holy all right i'm gonna stay topped off against this bastard all right great what wait did i just run the wrong is this all right going this way so i think that this is this is like a sort of core pickle with the genre where rts is just a genre where there's just this like expectation of power growth but there's just out of control oh i see there's out of control power uh growth and plummeting that happens so right away there's this sort of core issue in addition and i think many of you have heard my rants about this and see me talk about this in my lesson starcraft series rts games are about the multitasking and the juggling of all these little different various pieces that's like what they're about and so this can provide a real barrier to players wanting to sit down and just you know quote unquote just enjoy the game just enjoy the experience of the strategy of units and stuff like this it's really hard to feel like you get to enjoy that when you have to become an expert at the controls and so i like to describe that starcraft is a game that is basically like playing a rhythm game like rock band but the easiest difficulty level is expert is this where i just was where is this well i'm lost i'm completely lost yeah my cat's gonna be observing my progress from here on out dragon long sword plus one yeah what kind of damage is this bad boy oh my god maynard's here maynard i'm so lost and confused and sad and worried and woeful dragon long sword plus one yeah i'm fully lost and so as i'm wandering around super confused and lost you kind of have the this core combination of things that's like oh oh well i found my way back okie dokie you know what [Applause] all right so let me do this okay okay okay okay okay do this all right everyone get ready for some content um yeah so so it's this combination of the power growth the way it works with the upward and downward snowballing in the game makes it incredibly fragile and then there's this control barrier that makes it incredibly daunting for new players to get into and most of the solutions for what it's worth that i've seen uh developers try to do for instance try to make the game uh more i think i actually just stand here and the guy can't hurt me trying to make the game easier more accessible ruins the fun of the multitasking so it's kind of like this weird pickle where the feeling that i need atm is wound up in the fact that rts games are about juggling multiple games at once so if you remove the feeling of multiple games at once [Music] if you remove this feeling of multiple mini games once you actually remove a lot of the fun i can try to remove a lot of the way the economy works to prevent snowballing you run the risk of removing a lot of the uh a lot of the um oh you piece your total piece of you stabbed me who stabs people honestly and so i think that for that reason ooh 20 damage yeah i think that for that reason a lot of developers shy away from the genre because it's a lot of the attempts that people have made have appeared to make backwards progress probably one of the one of the clever rts games out there that i think really did some smart stuff was tooth and tail so i think that um [Music] i mean one approach is to throw yourself into the abyss of gosh i hope i can find something that's completely different from our guests [Music] like so why are we reinventing the wheel you know because um what was the game it's an old game it's like armies of exego i think it was it was this game that literally just like directly pulled warcraft 2. and they l if they very very clearly went like oh blizzard ideas are great let's just make one of those and it's like it's an old old game but like he's playing it plays pretty damn well um by the way is just have a quick question while i'm delivering cutting-edge content for my my viewers that know and love that this is exactly what they're going to get um is this kind of what your experience in this area was too because this area just felt a little uneven for me [Music] [Applause] outside of magic not really sean oh it's so funny off please give this is my my playthrough was pretty similar to yours you walked by that hell yeah i knew i was gonna get stabbed i'm topping off man i'm not messing around here excellent i hope these guys don't respond man lanterns you know i love your approach it's good good to know that lantern oh oh no screw you man okay so this is a way that i was facing and am i oh what the no i'm not doing it this is not the way that we are going no no siree i've never felt more lost in a souls game hold my shield up walk forward and hope for the best holy this is what this is the same place that i fell down last time oh i'm doing a little bit differently this time roll fat roll you yeah so like we're actually going in basically the correct direction before okay this this area feels very very different from like every other zone in every other souls game um like every other area and every other souls game has some feeling of progression and almost like a a sharp control over where you go this was just like here's two different paths to get to the same place okay let go let go there you go there you go right all right is that our first fast demon well i sure wish i could equip that fire resistance ring how many souls do we have we have ten thousand well this sucks i was staying close to him he just goes slammy whammy so now he's gonna back up and then he's gonna run at me huh oh found the lava i'm just kind of investigating move sets for now so i think i should get him after he does this slam down oh oh man all right so i mean maybe i just win by doing this huh i'm like almost out of stock yeah i need a back roll there [Music] slam please oh i walked oh i dodged that i lost myself i found myself excellent delicious oh oh he's hot oh he's hot why is it so hot now i need to go hard left here oh i'm not getting staggered by my maneuvers anymore this is going to be so slow and so boring y'all are going to get absolutely sick of my techniques a little incorrect range for that i got my distance [Music] ah that's the one i need to watch for yeah that one where he doesn't do the swipe first uh nice left-handed huh that's the one that keeps getting me so i can take damage one more time okay now he's gonna go left-handed no he's not he's gonna run away ah see it's when he just comes forward and doesn't do that see two-handed i'm okay it's when he just darts up and he does an overhand oh i guess his yes there he goes yeah all right so i think i have a strategy i don't know if it's the best one but you see that's the one that's normal against me i'm gonna use one of my final something the next time another strategy is to get really close to him when he's starting forward i think i need to keep a middle distance because i think he encourages him to do this move which i can get him at wow that knocks me down okay okay okay okay okay okay so i think that i'm gonna make some changes here i'm going to oh we're almost at heels okay so let's equip what does this even do davis macarena five giftos thanks davis macarena five subs for the haters oh the haters love it the haters are so happy that i've died um you know i'll equip this this is full moon grass do i have any other grasses i think that there is a bit of a pickle here one two three four um let's see i don't remember where that one yes good lord yeah so i think i need to go back and just farm those things like crazy right farm the knights for the grass this is something that life yeah this is something that like i i don't think i quite get this area which is like i don't think i it feels like there is a long roundabout less safe way or something a long roundabout safer way oh i really gotta use these i'm just here to back way the hell up man hopefully this bread themselves out it feels like there is a oh i what dude those things detonated so much faster than i thought they would well this is not good oh yeah yeah i can actually just run right past those nerds dude it feels like there's this long way that you can go that's a little easier a little slower a little gentler and then there's this impossible way to go which is the way i'm going it's like more safe it's faster you gotta throw your body off the cliff unless i'm just remembering how this all links together because i have no heals yeah the layout of this level like confuses me not as in like i don't understand how the link the things are linked together but it's like i don't quite understand why the designers built it this way like i feel like i'm not under quite understanding the gist of it i guess i go is this the right way there's over here it's over here product guitar so this level makes lost izalith look good damn that's that's a cool evaluation man oh so i don't even know if i can afford to do the shortcut path like at all oh that's it we're dead okay so i guess we're not gonna do that we're gonna just we're gonna go farming we're gonna go a farm and farming well the good news is i have this club as well um let's get some of our souls pumped i can forge weapons for you yeah that seems like the good thing to do upgrade vpn uh oh this guy does not actually work oh you only upgrade the wing spear okay do you have a sharp stone star shard sharp stone shard sharps sharp stone sharp stone do come back your alive you will come back alive do you wish to touch the souls all right let's do this i can't do anything around this joint all right it's farming time okie dokie yeah i think this is maybe the uh this is one of the weaker aspects of the game is this uh i loop that the area that we're in i mean like the area is kind of like intellectually interesting to me but i think like i'm a little bit like and on it you know all right no cmgs for the boys did i really only get two half moon grasses from this maybe i got too late whoa hey leaf wrassler happy 110 month anniversary whoa yeah sound effects in this game are great good for asphyxius thanks the brolitarian place how's the story in the game well i don't actually know super concrete um what the hell is going on and it's very soulsy and that it's like very mysterious and interesting all right just hanging out getting half moon grasses i just keep being so sick everyone off so sick oh my god so i think that i'm actually literally nowhere near close to being able to beat this game anytime soon because i it i i recall there's like six archstones do you want to try this well i mean this is not as upgraded huh [Music] nice isn't this a short game i mean it i thought that it was like half the length of dark souls that's what i thought it was um but it appears that like i mean there's it seems like there's six areas because there's six arch stones or maybe there's like five areas like a final boss or something like this um and we're in the second area on the second day and we're not done with it i don't even think we're done with this area because i need to defeat an archdemon to progress oh yeah oh strike me down heavy breathing nights you looked up world tendencies i gotta be honest i have been getting spammed like crazy about people asking me if i know what tendencies are i don't let the game tell me what it is this is kind of what i mean by backseating which is like um if you say something like hey does danai know about dumbledore's death you know it's like oh come on let me know oh i don't have any more stamina i have a lot of tendencies what are you talking about but like for instance if i'm like hey how does how does casper's spells work and you give me an answer like that sort of thing that i'm like a little bit yeah to process in defense of those people the game doesn't communicate very well at all but i mean again this is this is a little bit i'm not paying attention am i close to death whatever come on um it's one of those things where like um i can't know that you know what i mean i can't know that so it's like hey there's something that's hard to explain that was or there's something that's hard to discover that you wouldn't have known about uh and i didn't know that until someone told me so i want to tell you about it like i mean a lot of the time i'm sort of okay with that and i like the experience of discovery and it feels a little bit like this whole idea of world tendencies has been a bit spoiled for me you know what i mean i'm sorry i understand it was well intentioned but these are sort of things that i want oh and get out of here ah that's a great way to put it it's not malicious spoiling but it's still spoiling aramos yes oh goodness mr gray screen every twitch stream now has a number underneath it that tells you how long i've been live before [Music] mr grayscreen says that's correct yeah basically all the features that people were implementing bots for they just implemented that time is playing out yeah yeah all right so let's let's go back and let's uh let's just get some more video i messed up follow it i never understood why anyone would ever want to know someone's following i never understood that what was it that i was doing ah right where's the lady oh god i found you my art yeah i mean i kind of uh i actually okay so this is this little bit of my opinion i think that too often there are streamers who are interested in getting into the space or new streamers and they just look at what other people are doing and then they just copy that you know like the for instance the latest sub latest gif current you know like tickers of stuff and i don't know i just never really like tickers i don't really think it's necessary [Music] oh you can upgrade this huh i don't have souls i need soul oh my god i don't have enough oh my god i used all my souls i'm an idiot yeah but but i remember like um over the years just like little bits here and there here and there i just had people be like why aren't you doing like the huge giant spammy thing where's your bot command that has like this thing it's just like i want that i don't think that that's i think it actually makes for like a bad experience okay so i'm gonna go this way or like v whenever someone oh it's you now i remembered what it was i was doing i remember what it was i remember what i was doing holy i need to go back i need to go back i needed to deposit all this garbage be it like the whole someone subs and their name just blares across the screen and like you know alert notification sound all right we're dead nice hoping i could just run past him it's just fine oh actually how does this no dude man oh by the way this is this is the one thing that i'm really annoyed about with the controls in this game compared to the other games is that in um in this game when you press and hold b you have to already be moving for you to start running whereas in the other games if you just hit the button like if i if i'm moving and i do this but if i want to start running and i'm like not already moving you just like a roll it drives me insane hello again i'm keeping it close let's do this organize storage storage storage store storage poison plague you have a heart of gold don't let them take it from you what dude what weighs so damn much in my inventory man throwing knife oh come on hello again i'm keeping a close watching what is this all right all right now we are gonna go try to stab that demon inventory weight was a mistake dude dude so true it's so true i think inventory weight is literally nonsensical oh it keeps the souls there oh i didn't know that one two three four one two three four nice set me on fire i'll set you on fire right back full moon grass okay so rather than go this way we're going to go down like here because there was also this other alternative whoops i don't need to drink it's really hard because this is x turn handle and on the playstation x is the bottom button but on like an xbox x is the left button my god my muscle memory no oh another one oh my god are these huh look at the vulnerability of fire oh my god wow nice hell yeah dude you get so many chunks shards and garbage in this game wow all right moving on all right what oh my god i mean i'm so scared to move forward into this area this feels like literally the biggest trap area in the universe i've played these games i know what this is like yeah steve told you there is very beautiful is this it is it actually so i guess i'll work my way up and try to get this and then just get the hell out of here all right pure sharp stone pure hearthstone gravity is so funny in this game all right well i guess there's nothing back here that we need really oh there's a damn thing okay you're twinkling loud noises but you know whatever okay so this just seems like it's a place where i can go farm for really really really good stuff really good like uh reagents so this should dump me out oh that was me that made that noise great i get to see where my fire resistance is 73 so we go this way and then we're going to turn the corner sharply and there's going to be a guy or something not a guy what a ball oh found the guy holy oh no more zombies honestly sean now that i bet for you you're playing it fast and loose i know i know my goal is to disappoint as many different viewers as possible so this should dump me out into the open oh the big boys don't respond little boys respond though okay so that's where the worm spawns so i went this way i think this is a better way to go um oh i almost walked off the edge can i go over there oh yeah i forgot i think you can go over there at least i assume you can maybe it's on the other side of the demon actually that should make sense right it's the other side of the game stop stop let me go ahead and consume one of these now curious how many all have played uh demon souls this is the right one i'm a reformed hater that is going to be unreformed no never be a hater man all right so this is where the big one was but we already took them out so there should be no big one here come on i think i now see why people go the other direction for the boss because this way as long as hell like i thought the journey to quaylag was long this game's like no it's actually really nice wait what oh crap which one ah is it left off this drop-off let's try left and left nice not nice left and left not it so this is left and right that's where we're going right now yeah and what the hell is this area about like this is ridiculous where even is this scare the out of me okay so left is just wrong so this should be returning us back to the drop off point right so we drop off now we gotta go go to the right huh okay that's good let's eat one of these so i guess the boss is on the other side of this thing okay come on out come on out oh no do i have to oh no i'm never going this way again come on out now you know what yeah i'm gonna use some resin let's switch to my the weapon i like more we do this we do this we do this here it's hot oh yeah look at that bonus three damage baby oh you piece of oh he's going back into the show oh my gosh it's like so annoying now he's an on fire lava bug all right no sean no no no he doesn't like him everyone says let me get this straight our solution to the giant fire demon turtle is more fire damn right it's out that's it oh this is horrible news you know i'm actually really curious if i get white stuff on here holy yeah i gotta buy me some of this garbage man oh yeah better get me out of here all right eating some of this dude i've eaten like all of my crap to try to go through here what a waste of time what an absolute waste of time wait what this is not the oh no is this not where i need to go oh this is where i need to go huh that's where i came from i don't know oh fat roll dude i cannot believe that that is how long it takes to get from a to b that is truly ridiculous okay what i don't even remember what it was that i'm trying to do here already up 50 it does no bonus damage all right so let's switch weapons but i'm too far against the wall so i got to back up so now i'm going to try to get a medium range which does what kind of damage oh left hand now overhead that's literally what i don't want to be doing oh my god all right i am totally not going to do anything like that before i'm not gonna do any research we're just gonna go spear first is this a good idea is it a bad idea so i'm gonna get myself killed here okay so that's not a good idea i feel like i i just want to try to go through this area faster because i find the run to this one to be excruciating no there's a fly in my room i hate when there's a fly in my room the guy behind me this guy's just so few souls so then i go this way go to this end right and then we go like nope we go to the other end and we no no right first time okay something died somewhere nice all right so now what i want to do is i want to go use one of these and i'm back i got my body baby there it is oh did i up am i dead ah man all right but i think we now have a faster route all right so now i know how to get through that area quickly okay so i go here and then i go here and then i drop off here and then i walk ahead and i drop off again yeah i see it i think that's the way and then i can't remember where to go here i feel like it's off this side thing is that is that where i came from the other time holy i almost died there whatever paul's retrieved here's where i heated my body i don't want to do that aha there it is a little too close for comfort it's okay we're just gonna keep going down okay okay okay okay this is the bottom of the pit all right cool that is this is the way to go keep eating some of these soul things crack that phrase etc all right all right okay okay one time he's gonna swing from the right oh all right so i should only do it once god this is so beautiful yeah this is what i can almost always get in here come at me my friend [Music] yeah that's that's the pattern that keeps getting me funky's going to change oh i think i think i see what matters all right and he's gonna swing okay so i basically the the error that i made was that i need to just be a little more thoughtful about ever hitting twice because he did a new move i hit him once he staggered and i was like oh then this probably means that what i can do is i can hit him again to re-stagger him but i think the way that staggering works is a little different than the other souls games so i think this is disrupting my understanding back attacked at 100 damage sure but i feel like what i'm looking to do is not to maximize damage but minimize minimize chance of death i think we're doing okay that's ridiculous man twitching for lawlessness greed kills well actually anytime anyone ever makes any mistake in any game for whatever reason twitch has decided twitch chat has decided that that's that's what greed is there's no consistency or like proper definition seems like a low damage build i have no idea i mean this feels very similar to all the other oh you learn about the word tendency yet ah gary you and all sorts of other people have been trying to aggressively spoil me about that stuff oh yeah so we've died to flame lurker two times three times maybe three times not terribly much it's just unbelievably hard to get to him both sides looking at it doesn't feel like damage build lots of things that i feel like should dying where two hits takes three or four wait have you have you not played this game because everything checks out as a souls game to me awful since i played ds3 that's what i'm saying industry i feel like the random miners should damage faster i see what you mean i thought you have never played a souls game but sure feel like these guys are dying slow yeah i would say that demon souls has a lot of it has a lot of brilliance and atmosphere it feels quite uneven actually [Music] oh [Music] well those deals are a lot of damage right now i like the um spear is a range item but the thrust with the i am actually curious to measure the distance for this so like here with the spear let's take a look i'll see what the difference is maybe actually the the fire sword is good enough [Applause] i have my distance here yeah i think the spear is still what i'm probably going to go for flame lurker [Applause] [Applause] i can't believe these guys are just still working when there's a whole ass dragon you know [Music] i guess he attacks faster than i do oh i got an ice shield man you let's check this boss thing out man i mean it weighs a little bit more but i'm gonna equip this oh i don't actually have enough i don't have enough to use it properly yet so let's equip this thing but hey oh wait hello again i'm keeping a close watch all right let's do this and then let's let's upgrade this i still have sharp stone sharp stone stirrers all right all right going back to the tunnel city man this this does feel like one of the harder runs to a boss i don't know if the boss is particularly challenging compared to other dark souls bosses but i mean it does feel like it just takes a long ass time to get there man oh consume this we're gonna have this one out yeah like um did this boss wind up being really challenging for you all to try to get through i'm curious we have about one hour left allocated for today to be playing through so then we jump off this forward side right no yeah yes okay this boss maybe quit the game it it does have that feel i'm trying to think of like any other boss in a previous souls game that kind of felt like that is this the incorrect way to throw yourself off this is right seems right so far and then we go like this i think yeah this is where i went nice no not nice at all maybe this is not where i wanted to go maybe it is where i wanted to go it's so hard to see it where anything is though please do not fall alright so somehow i took a different journey down here four kings i hate that boss four kings was one of the last bosses that i've used yeah dude when i played against four kings i one shot at four kings because i had on havel's armor man i was unstoppably enormous okay so i have mine shpia why not let's use that pine resin baby oh then it's the slam i have the most value how don't many if i do oh i hit the wrong button i meant to heal i'm gonna die no i'm not he's gonna let me move [Music] [Music] i shouldn't get my spacing right when he does this walk backwards here oh get that spacing better uh-oh [Music] runs forward does a double slam huh i've gotten better at the spacing and so i keep walking forward more than i should and it's causing me some issues because i'm feeling so confident about myself i have to scratch my lips yes we even got scratchy scratches done crash that's fast okay it's fine yeah nice i didn't overreact there feeling good ah so far so good so far so good it's that second swing was me up a lot last night thank you thank you very much finally finally jumps backwards oh that hit me all right i thought i was just out of range can't roll there huh i think i really need to start stabbing more to make him jump back more nice i'm going to do this double slam what's this this is a new thing see if these only double slams for the rest of my life i'm so happy all right so i'm seeing a new triple of moves this is the end i think i maybe was just incidentally not seeing a huge set of moves dude i feel like he did six new moves all right so now i need to go back to the nexus i need to just farm like crazy i don't i just don't understand i don't understand well hello did we win nah we lost we lost it's devastating all right let's just farm for some souls somebody says the boss is probably the biggest wall in the game i'm not surprised i mean as someone who's played like all it is actually kind of hilarious just how substantially much more challenging that is than like other other bosses what do you want sweetheart we get out of here so i also have some of these um uh souls from the bosses even with some of the i have some of the souls from the bosses but um i know the uh there's a thought that some of you all have shared that i should hang on to it for level myself up maybe deal a little bit more damage i'm kind of comfortable just continuing to grind against it because to be honest it this does feel like unlock on police this does feel like one of the um low points i don't know if that's going to be true but it it does feel this way jay pants is the prequel to dark souls or a new game both it's the original game from 2009 remastered 2021 there's another thing that i haven't tried which is the club i haven't tried this club at all all right i mean we're wrapping now we're wrapping in an hour oh all you all don't believe oh gosh i can't wait ghosty's been amazing about running the predictions tuesday twitch because i believe thanks tuesday i know you're new around here tuesday from our good old times at aoe i remember seeing you we're gonna do it mystic sounds there goes all my fish oh my god i wonder where i can get some more sharp stone maybe i can go to the blacksmith and ask him for some sharp stonies how much of these guys give 415s each runs about eight hundred is there a way to spend more than 10 points at a time yeah oh there sure is i've lost like hundreds of thousands of points in single bets man i don't think i have channel points on any of the channels i follow anymore man i've i've bet him all the way all right so i'm gonna do this run two more times two more times what's fire sorting from behind why can you hear me when i have a sword you is that a louder hotter sword i need one more run and then i'll actually have enough to be able to level up click any clock here we go ah okay we're finally gonna have enough points oh my god try the white goop on the boss i don't know where to find them let me check something so now we have enough to level up i don't know if we should you know i'm just gonna do what my original plan was i'm gonna do my original plan now close watch in you i'm keeping a close watch oof if you have a heart of gold don't let them nice hello again i'm keeping a close watch you have a heart of gold oh i'm fancy now baby i'm fancy now all right tunnel city let's go this is going to be a toughy i don't even know if we're going to be able to do it today i want to be able to do it make no mistake about it i want this just as much as you do just as much as you do i gotta remember that when they're swinging they can't stagger [Music] okay so we got that and then we go and then we're gonna go forward off this one i don't really remember where to go from here so we just walked off this ledge i think i go all the way back to the end here and this is where the ah and then i go sideways nice and then it's like right here holy that's not the button that is not the button that is not the button it's here where i feel like there were some choices so i think i just turned and i went around this way now last time i went this way but i'm going to try to go this way this time right yeah ah nice so i go like this then there should be like a ladder oh boy i think i have the root you get out of here i don't care there's me in a past life all right i think i think i have the build at least the build to drop down no i don't want to use that sharpening stick body restored mind restored you know do you do you like grinding in games i i i'm kind of kind of a grinding fan like i found something very therapeutic about the difference between oh 51 damage get on something very therapeutic go into those and then he's going to swing very nice and just calming to just go get more and more and more i like farming and then swing off the left [Music] that's the one that i would mess up a lot bang and then oh i'm on fire oh certain moves all right nice just backing up to reposition now uh we're doing okay still 24 wow we're doing great looks like he's doing new patterns on the left and then he has new patterns now now that he's at like a third and left swing and then he shouldn't do anything here yeah yeah these are new these are new left and uh where are you going and then he does us oh oh oh god another swing i think here just a slammy seems to be like unable to handle me moving life so maybe we should actually just do some left rotation these now that we're at the second face let's give it a shot oh come on oh my god hello i can't go back to my usual nonsense i'm sure it's nice to have more than five estes blasts camera jesus christ man all right how many more of these do we have man man i might need a different strategy [Music] okay so we go down down we drop off we go forward and throw our body off go all the way back to this end and throw our body off so great so then we walk along this we take a step out on this we walk down this way then there's like a reverse tiny baby hole somewhere here no i guess we do this one and that's this one where we have where we have a baby drop off here yeah there it is you go baby drop off to here i think yeah towards the ladder and we can walk down this ladder great all right oh man the uh see what we have we have 2 14 16 nice we actually have quite a lot okay so i i wonder if there is an alternative maneuver that we should do man the the camera angle switch i find rough i feel like there's something to be said for just walking past i'm gonna huh i don't know if this go to the left build is good at all the camera's doing a difficult thing in this game during this boss fight and in the game okay so he jumps and then jump is backwards seems like i beg of you so actually be it like a mid distance like this that seems to be the most likely way to trigger like right about here that's the mid-slamming the double stacks no he doesn't no okay uh maybe a little late that's okay oops oh i was holding it ah all right thank you unplug the standing thing that'll be a back dash swings nice oh your bloodhead i don't realize that when he back jumped his hot button holy i'm just hitting the button oh my god stabbing twice that was a mistake he's jumping everywhere oh my god middle school is my favorite oh god i've been here twice oh oh can't touch that please jump back [Music] oh oh jesus it's this these like three hit patterns that are messing with me he's like let me show you one more one [Music] oh my god actually rolled in the direction i wanted to oh yeah that is impossible oh my god crippy uses having played demon souls how does this boss compare in difficulty to ornstein smoke from dark souls 1. it seems really really really really really challenging um ornstein and smo i felt like i could make progress on this one i'm just having an absolute you know what if oh knock down i'm just gonna take more clothes off taking off my clothes baby boy is it nice to have a mid-roll again my favorite kinds of ads for sure let's see here so if i unequip this oh my god i forgot what we looked like all right oh yeah okay move almost too well i can't know which way i'm supposed to be going again that's right okay so uh so i'm at 28 so what if i just put on i'd be at 41 no remove remove these if i put on 50.2 this looks like i got unequipped actually let me unequip this there we go nice all right this is how we're doing it we're not wearing pants to this fight um that's right when we roll we go here and then if we turn right back around there's a tiny little drop off that goes from here to here all right we finally getting fast roll kind of oh crap this is the only health that we have all right we are i do not think we're gonna get through this uh i mean i i believe in myself but that guy's really hard this guy seems really hard like really hard can't believe that like tomorrow we're just gonna be like doing this jerk again all right oh i didn't hit a button i just walked up to him and hit my roll yeah let's do this again oh all right thrusting with the spear still takes half of the bar it's incredible oh oh oh my god i got a metal wall yeah oh stabbing him get back get back oh we're killing it ah what i think i actually move faster now that i have this up oh oh my oh i dodged an hour i ran into the fire roll roll roll roll this might be the way just take damage there every time oh um oh those all would have hit me please jump back please jump backwards um oh uh we might be doing it huh oh please i hate the camera on that spot can't do it uh well i think that this was better having this sort of roll but now we got to do some farming well i guess we'll just go back to the nexus we'll just farm a bunch and that'll be it for today which really kind of sucks trying to ah that is so annoying dude the jump on you is so painful it is so painful because the camera just keeps like flipping around this does seem like disproportionately bizarrely difficult is that from lock on um i it happens when i am locked on [Music] collect some half moon grasses ah damn damn damn damn yeah i mean the the the journey to there is really how can they hear me now for losses flame lurker is the reason i never replayed it yeah no i i can see why i mean it's like the boss itself seems totally reasonable and totally like fine you know he's just a guy that jumps around sets you on fire and but it's like this combination of the distance that i have to go please the distance that you have to go is actually kind of crazy and then the uh camera issues are crazy tough to deal with and and i think that i don't really have very much maybe i should actually go to a different area and level up a little bit more that might be what i actually do because i mean part of what's making it really challenging is that it's very very very very small amounts of damage per whack and it's actually kind of funny the uh i told the story before but still it's so good um i was doing a playthrough of dark souls and i was walking up to quaylog and like right before i got to the bonfire that's by quaylog my sword broke and i had like no other weapons just like sold everything and so i had to do the quail ag fight where like each attack that i did dealt like 11 damage or something so funny i mean like when i won the fight the the individual fight in which i won was like a 45 minute long fight forever man come back to two because the game seems to imply to me that's that's actually an okay way to play the game because like here i the tower night i kill the tower knight and there's like this fog door and it's like you gotta kill an archdemon hello come fight me hello i'm getting real efficient with these actually it was also really clever of the uh from software team to develop an entirely new line of games but like hint at its connection to this game by calling it dark souls versus gaming souls because obviously the gameplay is very similar but i feel like it's like a subtle communication that i think is very powerful i love how it goes [Applause] cheap pantses i don't want to thank you i saw you do a five color jank caldheim draft the other day and inspired me to do my own five killer jank and got me seven wins oh yes still fighting flam lurker you know excuse ella the anther answer is both yes and i think i've played flame lurker five or six times like not even that many past the world tree and a prismatic bridge jesus j pass that's disgusting demonic bagel 89's dan i just wanted to spend the points i made to say thank you for all the wonderful years of content been a little rough the last bit here in ontario but you're amazing streaming and added laughs and smiles every day for me thanks so much man we're happy to happy to bring a little cheer to you especially with our pain see like i find this activity to be really cute i know that it's traditional gamer uh you know core gamer behavior oh farming filling in a checklist i'm above that i like struggling content like dude man i'm so not above any of that stuff dear envy oh dude i'm so glad you left shindex well going to the full new set of mgg do you do any research into the cards outside of the set review hell no full of tri-x z i mean i learned the mechanics and i've seen a few cards here there because i follow enough people who are magic on twitter that just like you know let's go chase is yesterday night again how's it going sir slaying demons this has been one of our slower days i find the second area to actually um i like the start of the second area quite a bit oh dodging by picking up loot i'm so sick um i found the start of the second area to be pretty awesome but then i just really did not like the second half of it like sort of um what is the scuffed blight town area with the hot beetles starting to do any favorite souls game dark souls 1. ds1 is my number one and then probably bloodborne holy are we serious if i die here i don't care because i'm just going to respawn and go get the souls again i think dark souls is my um certainly one of my top five favorite games of all time but one of the reasons why i like it so much is that the oh gosh it's just like i i i find the the the emotions behind the world is so moving you know the idea of like flame eventually turning to ash interconnected world design obviously but also like the stark difference between the areas in terms of how they play you know like the big wide open places of you know dark root garden and then the weird twisting infinite traps of um sense fortress and the sort of like very narrow unstable ledgeways of whitetown the curling level design in the great hollow oh my god i'm like the breathtaking beauty of anor anorwando you dual wield in this game i sure can look at me i'm dual wielding that's why i don't do a wheel that's why i don't do it i'm not gonna do it yeah i think that even even like bloodborne a lot of the areas kind of felt very samey to me ah the same is way too strong of a world because because or too strong of a word because the game is awesome this is a better way to say it is that i didn't think that there was nearly as much variety in bloodborne as there was in dark souls like dark souls every time i went to a new area i was like holy like i almost feel like all the great hits regions are in dark souls one what is it what do you want hey don't do that i'm literally gonna farm here for another 10 minutes stop no no no don't don't no no no here look you can sit in my lap here i'll scoot back she is like my companion shark do not do not know those are headphones here i'll put it over here there you go yeah i can give you attention all right she's she's making bread on them okay okay this is this is very cute and i love you a great deal yeah come here come here look here let me what are you doing why are you so weird come here yeah here look okay so now now i think i'm required to play from this angle here let me do this okay there we go that's that's her favorite angle yeah hi here hello okay hold on honey okay i need you to go there there you go that's a good baby don't try to eat that please okay don't ah yeah with cat is a new speedrun category oh yeah now watch this as if this little baby wasn't cute enough hi all right we're going to get her to say hello to the stream we're going to say her name and she's going to meow back to say hello this bee hey disney this bee come in ah it's not working all right we have to put a little bit more energy into the cat oh okay she's getting ready i can feel it i can feel the energy here it's gonna it's gonna happen it's gonna happen here it comes hold on just wait for it this p this b come on this b this b come on meow do it this bee do the thing do the can you do the thing honey there it is thank you i'll put you down you're a good girl all right look out cat all right all right stop rubbing against my stuff stop chewing on my no oh my god the cat is so cute you know you know mousepad is yours oh i'm gonna stab him i'm gonna die here keep timing this like poorly no reason to heal oh i'm here the reason why we're not healing is that if we die we just respawn go get the souls and we're just trying to farm for hp thingies so i'm gonna try to get two extra levels out of this i have a good night pegging us okay yeah you're cool last run last run oh i can't hold anymore i'll do one more oh you don't want to make the game too easy or i can farm infinitely glad they have a cap to that what all right ah yeah yeah yeah i went to the wrong place yeah yeah okay so um i have a question is there any boss that is quite as painful as flame face i don't know what his name is lurk burner lava hider i don't know where his all right so this this is like actually the legit low point of the game oh key to life i have a renowned hero soul i want to check another thing before i go find the game fun missing grounds i cannot recommend starting a ds1 um or jump into ds3 and mostly figure it out yeah i think that dark souls one uh one or three are amazing starting spots shard of sharps down or if it'd be a blast so one sphere plus five and then what do i need for this guy why not
Channel: Day9TV
Views: 13,138
Rating: 4.8601398 out of 5
Keywords: Day9, Day9tv, Sean Plott, Day[9], remastered, demon, souls, demon souls, demon's souls, playthrough, action rpg, Hidetaka Miyazaki, FromSoftware, part 4, p4
Id: aStz7JIHjrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 43sec (11083 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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