Day Trip to Goliad ⛪️ (FULL EPISODE) S3 E5

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[Music] ah Texas 850 miles from Orange to El Paso 900 mi from Brownsville to Tex line and thousands upon thousands of Highways and dirt roads in the middle exploring Texas ain't no small vacation friend it's a lifetime Endeavor but what if you don't have years but just one single day well that's where we come in from the well-known landmarks to the completely obscure Dives and hiways and all within a day's reach so let's hit the road I'm ched Garner and This Is The Day [Music] Tripper [Music] this episode was made for y'all with the help of our awesome Partners check the caption for more info okay let's talk Texas history I say remember thee you say ah very good that was an easy one right but during the Texas Revolution that wasn't the only battlecry there was another city that played just as important of a role as the Alamo so get ready because today we remember go goad golad is 90 Mi southeast of San Anton and 120 M south of Austin a part of Texas few ever tread but for those that do especially Texas history Buffs the road to golad is well worth traveling but I don't just want to hit the road into town I want to hit the river into town so I'm hitting the goad paddling Trail a 6.6 M stretch of the San Antonio River starting just beneath Highway 59 canoe rentals are impossible to find find out here so you got to bring your own or just have canoe and friends like my buddies Brandon Travis and Richard these guys are my experts today and this 6 and 1/2 miles should be a breeze so what's the craziest thing you've ever seen in a river FR an alligator swimming across the river you know pretty far up River too like near Gonzalez you don't you don't think of an alligator but dude Gonzalez is like right there I know all right well maybe we'll see an alligator this will be fun man thanks for coming with us dude appreciate it and we're off Voyage begins next stop golad in this part of Texas the San Antonio River is a completely natural River uninhibited by flood dams and for the most part totally unchanged by man which stands in sharp contrast to Upstream Where the River feeds through the San Antonio Riverwalk now I love the Riverwalk but today I much prefer being out here in this stretch of beautiful quiet Texas this riparian Corridor where the Earth meets water is incredibly diverse large Cypress Willow and sycamore trees shade the river and Wildlife is everywhere hope child is don't foret and while there are plenty of reptiles there's absolutely no sign of Gators and unlike my last canoe trip in bont chances are pretty slim we'll see Bigfoot in this part of Texas we're much more likely to see a member of the area's native chupa TOA population just don't try to pet one they do bite just a little bit but regardless of whether you see the elusive goat sucker there's way more than enough out here to keep things interesting look at this thing that is the most gigantic clamshell I've ever seen too bad these things aren't pearls big fast and my buddy Travis is intent on finding a rope swing or Vine swing but eventually we find one that's tried and true hanging beneath this old railroad bridge and you better believe we are all getting in on this [Music] action round two this goes down as one of the greatest rope swings of all time despite not having the giant Splash at the end you know you don't always have to go swimming when you go canoeing although Travis can't seem to help himself I think what I love most about canoeing is that while it's always the same sport you do it in a different part of Texas and it feels completely new again we owe a huge debt of gratitude to Texas Parks and Wildlife for creating and managing these battling trails and this one here in goad is a great one but all good things must end and we've just arrived at golad State Park man that was a fun ride good water one of the best rope swings I've ever had but this day is just getting started time to say bye to my canoe and Buds and hit the town golad is a quintessential Texas small town with a population around 2,000 folks but the way golad looks today is only a small glimpse into who golad really really is yes to truly understand the town of golad you must go back way back before there was a Texas and even before there was a Mexico this town has history around every corner and in every Plaza golad is a town steep in history from Spanish rule to the Texas Revolution all the way up to modern times like this Courthouse built in 1894 yeah for golad that's pretty recent and even older than goad's amazing in courthouse is this massive Live Oak on the courthouse lawn which for decades served as the town's Hanging Tree Court was often held in its shade and the sentences carried out immediately appeals yeah right this was Wild West justice but we've got the rest of the day to dig into goliad's history that canoe trip worked up One fierce appetite and it's time for some lunch this is the blue Quil Deli a soup and sandwich shop on the Square always packed with locals looking for a tasty well-made sandwich of course but also seeking a cup of soup that's as famous as the town blue quell's award-winning cream of jalapeno soup and it turns out you can't even walk in the door without ordering it yeah the jalapeno soup's amazing yeah and you see it's on mugs and t-shirts and it's their famous soup so yeah yeah yeah yes it's very good it's worth coming to Goan full just for the soup just for the soup no matter what sandwich no it comes with the cream jalap with the soup it is a must you know we started ordering our food she says you have to get the soup we're like she brought over some samples of it and all three of us were like okay yeah we'll take the soup yeah it doesn't seem to be an option you know the soup usually is like an ad you get the soup and then a different kind of sandwich whatever else you want right is it spicy sometimes it makes you tear up and sometimes it's just right everyone loves blue Quil Deli including one of goad's most beloved citizens former Houston Oilers coach bum Phillips you're goad native now yeah 16e native 16 years you live out in city or out in the country I live 16 miles out 16 mil out that's great what do you think about goad I love it we looked all over Texas and this is the place we figured it was the best place to live and today coach Phillips even brought some friends so another man I did not expect to finding goad Mr McCoy thank you thanks for talking to us I know no kidding well what brings you to goal at uh we've had a great morning here at the school system and uh then they came and bought lunch for me so I'm in pretty good shape that's good that's good first time here actually no actually I I ate here once before so this is my second time been good both times yeah it's been good both hey two for two not so bad woo I got caught up talking and am now officially starving yeah I'm definitely going to need the soup and the sandwich wow this looks delicious it's cool to walk into little places like this off the square and it's cool to find something other than barbecue I got a deli Club homemade wheat bread ham turkey really good wheat bread blue Club Deli actually makes all their white and wheat bread inh house it's good and then the homemade cream of jalapeno soup wow similar to maybe a cream of broccoli soup but it's spicy cuz it has jalapenos in it really cheesy the jalapeno hits you up front but then it kind of disappears with the creaminess of the soup leaving this G Bueno taste in my mouth the jalapenos so good so good you think I could dip the sandwich in the soup I think I will that is delicious are you kidding me how could that be bad this is great and I think I'm about ready to go in explore golad but first I'm going to finish this soon now after I'm well fed it's time to dive head first into the history of goad so let's start at the beginning all the way to the year of Our Lord 1749 it was this year that Franciscan monks from Spain established Mission Espiritu Santo here in golad charged with spreading the gospel of Christ these men of the cloth boldly traveled into the Uncharted Frontier often risking their lives to accomplish their mission and to build incredible missions Like A spiritus Santo today this Immaculate piece of History sits inside of golad State Park to learn more I found some help okay so this is Beth who is an interpretive park ranger here at golad State Park and she's going to show us around Mission Espiritu Santo which is short for I'm gonna let her say that first established in 1722 near Matagorda Bay mission of spiritus Santo moved to this location in 1749 where it operated for 81 years when the missionaries got here they realized this was the perfect spot to locate this Mission the population here ranged anywhere from 300 people to fewer than 50 the Spanish abandoned this mission in the 1830s and for a century it literally fell to pieces that is until the CCC and later Texas Parks and Wildlife restored her to her current day and past Beauty we want people when they walk in the chapel doors we want them to feel like they have stepped back 250 years it works I can vouch for that this Chapel truly gives visitors a glimpse back in time to what life was like in an 18th century Spanish mission and the park museum goes even further this is a representation of what the mission looked like at its height wow we got the chapel here around the interior perimeter were the hakes the homes of the Native Americans this wall was originally 10 to 12et in height wow they had a Bastion in each Corner uh that had a cannon to help protect against the Apache and the commi so while the town's official Fort was down the road which we'll get to the mission often had to play Fort to protect its people among the artifacts inside the museum are an old Copper Still and a Sund it's a wonderful example of the interaction of two different cultures with two totally different mindsets the Spanish are like we are obsessed with time all the way down to minutes and seconds sure sure you got you got 10 seconds left so wrap it up okay okay I'm just kiding the Native Americans are aware of time as well but on a totally different scale they were worried about the changes of the Moon the changes of the Season you can imagine how difficult it was for them to understand the spaniard's obsession with we have to do things now at this time and the frustration of the Spaniards dealing with people who are going what's your hurry yeah but despite any cultural differences airus Santo was hugely successful at raising cows and holds claim to being the birthplace of Texas ranching we are the first mega Ranch in Texas people want to say it's the King Ranch no we beat the King Ranch by 100 years well done we get asked quite often were these missions a success or a failure and it really depends on your perspective um if you're a Spaniard today it's a failure Spain doesn't own this land we are not Spanish citizens right on the other hand and I think this is much more important the new world Hispanic culture was born out of missions just like this one so The Roots Run deeper much deeper than just the flag that's flying over the land yes yes um that's really neat uh I like to describe these Mission these missions as the Cradle of the new world Hispanic culture that's cool people often don't think about that no they don't so Texas owes a great deal of its modern-day Spanish culture to missions like espiritus Santo but we perhaps ow an even greater part of our Texas culture to a place just down the road we now interrupt this programming to remind you to like And subscribe now back to the road you know so many Remember the Alamo but too few remember golad this is prido labia the historic location of the golad massacre but a place that goes back much further than the Texas Revolution prido is Spanish for Fort and while Mission espiritus Santo was for outreach precidio lahia was for protection the precidio has had a number of important roles in both Spanish Mexican and Texan history and during its time as part of Mexico labba heel was the birthplace of one of Mexico's greatest heroes General ignasio zaragosa the hero of Cinco de Mayo born here in an adobe house in 1829 ignasio moved to mam Morris Mexico before the Texas Revolution and became a general in the Mexican Army and on May 5th 1862 his outnumbered troops fought back the invading French superpower in the battle of pbla the victory we all celebrate today as Cinco de Mayo as you see goliad's history is incredibly rich but also incredibly complex which is why they need all these museums to explain it but back to the precidio inside its Museum visitors get an in-depth look at the Nations people and artifacts that have inhabited cidio labia today the forts walls stand as they did back in the 1700s but this wasn't always true and for over a century following the Texas Revolution the precidio was neglected and fell to Pieces it was in Ruins until the 1960s when Mrs Katherine o' Conor decided to raise and spend Millions on the restoration because of this incredible generosity visitors can now walk the walls of the Old Fort and look out from the turrets that help protect the people of [Music] labia protect the fort at all costs the only part of the prido not rebuilt because it never fell down is the Our Lady of Loredo Chapel which is still still an active chapel and continues to hold services today while the Spanish and Mexican history of laia is incredibly interesting it pales in comparison to the Texas history this cannon believed to have been used by Colonel James Walker Fannon and his men during the Texas Revolution was excavated from inside the precidio walls in 1936 wow piece of Texas history right there in the fight for Texas Independence for Mexico the texian Army took control of the this precidio it was renamed Fort Defiance and came under the leadership of Colonel James W Fannon Fannon was from georia he had attended West Point but dropped out and eventually moved to Texas over time he was appointed a colonel in the texian Army however Fan's leadership was often plagued with indecision and poor judgment leading many historians to conclude that he may not have been the best man for the [Music] job nevertheless Colonel Fannon was the officer in in charge on that faithful day when he and his brave men lost their lives for Texas in the golad massacre but to tell that story properly we must take a quick detour from the precidio to the nearby town of Fanon Texas the story of the golad massacre doesn't actually start in golad but here on the Fannon Battleground where Colonel James W Fannon and his men surrendered to the Mexican Army after the fall of the Alamo Fannon and his men attempted to retreat from laia to join Sam H Houston however they showed no signs of haste as they made a leisurely Retreat across the Prairie but General urea and his Mexican troops were in Hot Pursuit and eventually caught up with Fannon and his men here on this field while the outnumbered Texans fought hard and were able to hold position against a much larger Army many including Fannon were wounded in the fight the long drawn out Skirmish ended in a texian surrender Fannon and his surviving men were marched back to prido laaia to await their [Music] fate for a week the men were held captive in this Chapel waiting patiently but confident that if they just waited longer they would be released General Ura did ask Santa Ana that the men be granted clemency however after suffering huge losses at the Alamo Santa Ana was in no mood for mercy and ordered that all prisoners be executed on Palm Sunday March 27th 1836 the men were placed into three columns and marched beyond the fort walls each column took its own direction from the precidio escorted on each side by a row of Mexican Soldiers the marching ceased and from Point Blank Range the Mexican soldiers opened fire on the unarmed texians the wounded men including Colonel Fannon were executed one by one here in this Courtyard Fannon was the last to die after seeing all his his men killed the wounded Fanon was set in a chair and as he awaited death Legend says he made three requests that his personal belongings go to his family that he'd be shot in the heart not the face and that he' receive a Christian burial soldiers proceeded to take his belongings they shot him in the face and they burned his [Music] body 342 men lost their life that day in the golad massacre months later after Texas won the re ution General Thomas Rusk and his men returned to golad they picked up the bones of Fannon and his men and buried them here that Palm Sunday was one of the darkest days in Texas history the story of golad in prido laia is a sad one war can bring out the worst in men but The Bravery it brings forth is strong enough to literally change the course of history these men lost their lives but inspired an army to fight harder and stronger as they shouted remember golad at on the sanjino battlefield without this sacrifice it's impossible to say whether or not Texans would have won at sanjino so for these men and for my state I shall forever remember golad amazing Texas history standing right beside incredible Mexican history two countries one location the cultures of Texas and Mexico mixed together to form one intricate TexMex story M TexMex and at this hour I can can't think of anything more appropriate to honor these rich Traditions than with a giant combo plate of TexMex and no restaurant could be more appropriately named in labaha Restaurant and Cantina this spot has been a golad staple for decades labia closed for a spell but recently reopened under the guidance of longtime cook Mr Dantes using the same time- tested recipes that have kept laia around for so long and serving the same time tested TexMex classics for a Texas boy like me a plate of warm TexMex is as familiar and comforting as any country cooking wow wow I guess this is all mine the labaha special bean and cheese chalupa how could you go wrong and this shredded chicken guacamole chalupa plate number two rice beans and cheese enchiladas delicious guacamole is really good just good classic text speex comforting cheese enchiladas the kind that I grew up on cheesy gravy covered enchiladas chalupas tacos rice and beans you know as you can probably tell I'm not Mexican but I am a Texan and in a lot of ways this is home for me and I got to eat right because I may have a very long night ahead of me now this may look like the end of my day trip but I got something very special in storm so sit tight and hold on to your Bridges a long night indeed now I know this is the Day Tripper but how could I pass up a chance to do a little night tripping inside of the prido laia you see by day it's a historical Fort but by night it's a single sweet hotel where guests sleep inside of the old priests and officer quarters and as soon as the sun goes down the tour guy sides in the public depart leaving us with complete and total reign of precidio La Bahia but I should clarify you see we're not completely alone and as you can imagine when the place like this has been through something as bloody as the golad massacre things are never quite the same and more than history resides Within These Walls among the tales are stories of infants screaming a woman in white wandering the grounds and a frier chanting ing Latin prayers as he Paces the chapel now we are not a crew of Ghost Hunters but the stories the locals tell of precidio laia will make you wonder enen Goosebumps straight up your spine this is a day trip I'll never forget whether it's for the canoeing the soup the people or the history I shall forever remember golad this is absolutely incredible I haven't seen any ghosts yet the night is still young so I'll see all y'all out on the road if I survive by conos amigos what was that seriously what was that did y'all see that the story of the golad massacre doesn't actually start in golad but here in Fanon Texas on the Fannon Battleground where Colonel Fannon and his Fanon Army and his Fanon men came to Fanon it's hot out here can I get a Fanon [Music] they're everywhere this is where you [Music] die vono Amigos and I got to eat right because we may have a very long night ahead of us I might because I may have a very long night but before we do what we're doing tonight sorry I got a little something special in store and [Music] you're if I lose it I I'm gone wait and I got to eat right because this because this may be oh how you lift your rusty [Music] [Music] bre howy y'all follow along with my Adventures @ chat Tripper on Instagram and at the Day Tripper TV on Facebook and YouTube or head to the for travel guides past episodes and info on our mobile app and team Day Tripper this episode was made for y'all with the help of our awesome Partners check the caption for more info how do y'all chat the Day Tripper here thanks so much for tripping with us uh remember while you're here like this video subscribe to our channel so that we can stay out there on the road and keep on tripping did we miss anything in this town leave us a comment let us know we love finding out about new stops with all your tips and if you love epic Texas day trips remember to check our Channel we got a lot of them on there also don't forget if you want some sweet Day Tripper merch or another cool Texas made product come see us in Georgetown at the Day Tripper World Headquarters you can also shop online if you check the link down there in the caption all right y'all bye conos AMZ
Channel: The Daytripper
Views: 33,259
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Id: emT3qgyvjTs
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Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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