Day Trading Secrets You MUST KNOW (The Puzzle Piece You Have Been Missing...)

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are you confused when you're placing day trades are you placing trades based off different entries are you inconsistent because if that's the case the today's video is going to be extremely helpful for you and let me tell you why in this video I'll be sharing with you three separate strategies that can help to provide consistency when day trading and what I mean by that is at the end of this video if you watch the whole thing by the end you will no longer be confused about when where or how to place a day trade and for again in this video we're gonna talk about three separate trades that I took live today I'm gonna show you each of those trades and then I'm gonna break each of them down so that you understand the strategy I used on each of these trades and that way you can take these strategies test them for yourself and decide if there's something you want to include in your trading plan to make you a more consistent and better day trader so if that sounds good to you go ahead and click that subscribe button down below the video to the right-hand side smash that like button for me to help out with the YouTube algorithm follow us over on Instagram we actually released this video on Instagram two days ago so if you want early access to some of our YouTube videos following us over on Instagram is a great way to do that I'm gonna let the intro in displaying a roll and I'll be right back to share these three day trading strategies with you talk to you in a second [Music] welcome back guys the first trade we're gonna take a look at is on the dollar canada before we break this trade down i'm going to show you the live trade that i took this morning using the strategy i'm going to teach you in just a second so let's take a look at that lap trade and I'll be right back hey guys just got involved in two trades one of them is right here on the dollar canada it's pushing down pretty quickly i literally got involved in this less than three minutes ago and we're already pushing down towards targets but I wanted to show you the entry I'm gonna explain the analysis to you afterwards and show you how this trade actually plays out and just like that guys banked in about 600 bucks here only was this the dollar canada that literally was less than five minutes didn't expected to go that quickly but i'm gonna show you the analysis behind this trade now and let you see what i was looking at and the reason for actually placing this trade here on the 5-minute chart there was a lot of work that went into this trading opportunity and i want to see i want to show you my entire mindset and show you the exact strategy i was using in order to get involved in this trade so that you can see how to start testing and eventually placing trades like this on your own once you decide whether or not you want to include something like this into your trading plan so let's go ahead and do that right now alright so here we are back on this dollar canada chart and we're on the five-minute chart right now but what i want you to understand is this trade didn't start on the 5-minute chart i didn't look at the 5-minute chart and just go oh I'm gonna start trading this and that might be something you're doing you may just be placing random random trades on the 5-minute chart and that could be a big contribution to why you're losing money trying to day trade what we're gonna capture with these three strategies is moves from a higher time frame major level of structure that we can catch on lower timeframes in order to get a large amount of pips in order to hit profits that normally we wouldn't have hit on higher time frames let me show you what I mean by that so what we're gonna be looking at for starters is a 4-hour chart I'm not gonna look at a daily chart because I'm day trading so in this case I'm gonna look at a 4-hour chart and if you'll notice here on the debt the 4-hour chart we are right up against what if we look left this is a structure level that has been tested multiple times one two three four times as resistance five times if you keep line pushing back so this level has proven to push the market around heavily on the 4-hour chart if it's pushed the market around heavily on the 4-hour chart what are the chances that it's going to be used again as resistance you see here's where you may have been messing up when you're day trading you may just be looking at the 5-minute chart or just looking at the 15-minute chart and that may be a big reason why you're not losing imagine this with me what if the only time you ever placed day trades is right as the market went to a higher time play frame level of major resistance or support and that's what we're doing with this first strategy and that's going to be an incorporation in all of these strategies using major levels of support and resistance on the four-hour chart and then going down to the 15 minute and the 5 minute chart in order to place actual entries so in this case and on this trade on this opportunity what we were looking at is this level of structure looking left on the 4-hour chart that had been tested multiple times so strategy number one is find a level of resistance or support that's been tested multiple times as resistance or support so in this case we have that level right here on a 4-hour chart when in the market comes back up and gets close to that level that's when you're primed for possible day trades that's when you need to start going down you put a horizontal line on the screen or a zone it's not going to be just a line of resistance this was really an area and if I take hold my drawing itself and actually put another line on there probably make it easier this was really an area that looks more like this and what I had to do is wait for the market to get in that area and then give me a reason to actually enter the trade so this is the first strategy I want to show you is how to enter the market or the the conditions we need to start looking for day trades remember what if you just day traded only when the market was at a major level of structure on the 4-hour chart that's the only time you went down to the 5-minute to trade do you think that would improve your odds or make your odds worse of winning it would improve your odds right so that's exactly what we did now that you know that condition we're waiting on the market to get to a major level of for our structure and on this specific strategy that structure level needs to have been tested multiple times as a resistance okay so let's go down to a 5-minute we actually went down to a 15-minute chart first and I missed my entry let me explain what I mean by that I did not get the entry that was our selling pressure if you've seen my video called the five-week rejection we have a five-week rejection here in a major zone of structure okay and what a five-week rejection is it's five weeks coming into an area and each time the market rejecting that area and that's what happened here on the chart but I missed that so with the first strategy I want to show you what I do when I miss the trade I missed the initial trade so instead of looking at the 15-minute chart since I missed the initial trade the first thing that I'm gonna teach you in this specific strategy is waiting for our level to be hit remember we looked out on our four-hour we found a major level of structure after that major level of structure is hit I want to see the market start trending down you've been a part of the trading channel for a while you know that for a downtrend I look for something called a one two three move all that means is that I have a leg pushing down that call that my one leg my pullback is the two and a break and closed below the structure support of the two leg is 3 so 1 2 3 equals downtrend so we ran into our zone condition number one we need to run into a zone of major structural resistance condition number two we need a one two three move out of that zone so we push down one two three at this point we're in a downtrend on a very low timeframe after hitting a major level of structural resistance on a higher time frame and I am looking for short trades on my day trading time frame this is the area when I can start looking for short trades so we pushed up again I got no entry in this area and I got no reason to actually enter the market we broke again breaking support one more time and this is when I started looking for sale trades after we broke resistance again our support excuse me after we broke this support one more time like so I started looking for possible selling opportunities and we'll push the market forward and that selling opportunity came with selling pressure right in here and that's what you just saw here on the dollar canada we had a position after seeing some of the selling pressure to pull back the little wick you see let me zoom in here we actually entered on this little wick on the 5-minute chart so our entry looked something like this but this is what our entry looked like and our exit was in the just right spot we had a stop loss right above the swing high but that was a breakdown of the full strategy that we used in order to place this trade we were waiting on the market to hit our higher time frame level start a downtrend because it was a level of resistance we were running into a level of support it would be the opposite we wait on the market deal one two three move a one two three move up from an area of support on a high timeframe high timeframe support one two three move out of that and then start looking for trend continuation trades moving up that's the first strategy I wanted to share with you guys so hopefully taking that just by itself can help you to improve your date rate now let's take a look at the second trade we had today and that trade was on the Euro Ozzy let's go ahead and take a look at that live trade right now I have another trade here on the euro Aussie that we just got involved in as well these are both day trades and I'm gonna show you exactly how I got into them in just a second but wanted to show you the entries first so I'll let you know how they play out alright guys there we are we've hit our profit the order hasn't been filled yet but I'm not gonna let the spread stop me go ahead and get rid of this before I buy back in and get rid of the stop-loss order we have hit the profit on both of these trades and now what I'm gonna do is break down the analysis on the euro Ozzy trade here as well to show you my mindset and how I got into this market and managed to make a little over $1100 this morning in less than an hour just on this one specific trade so let me show you how I did that let me show you the mindset and the strategy behind doing that right now so we're about to break down the Euro allsey chart but before we do I want to show you this on the dollar canada this is what we're taking advantage of by placing trades around these major levels of structure on the 4-hour chart on the 4-hour chart when markets run into these major levels like we pointed out here on the dollar canada they tend to at least have small pull backs now here's the differ and here's what we're taking advantage of if we would have placed a trade on the 4-hour chart this is something like our trade may have looked we would have placed an entry somewhere in this area who knows our stop-loss would have had to go above this hop probably above these highs way up here to get a one point five to one risk reward at minimum we would have to be right here at one point 408 to we're nowhere close to that target right whereas on a five-minute chart taking advantage of a lower timeframe and a day trading strategy that I just showed you on the dollar kanda we ended up getting a one point five to one risk reward on that time frame because the market doesn't have to move nearly as much so that's what we're taking advantage of I wanted to show you that really quickly but now let's go over to the euro Aussie chart so I can break down that strategy for you show you the second strategy of this video let's go and look at that right now okay so for strategy number two here only euro Aussie we have a similar situation but the difference being in this case the level of structure doesn't have to be tested multiple times so what do I mean by that well if you look left with me here on the euro ozzie you can see that we have this major level of resistance this is a level that pushed the market around a lot let me show you the difference would this be a major level of resistance right here no we pushed the market down two candles that that's not pushing the market around a major amount it the more experience you have the better you'll get at identifying major levels but whenever I say this I mean we are looking for a major level of resistance a level that's pushed the market around a good bit so we definitely have that right here this level pushed the market down a very large amount so when the market gets back up to that level this is the time that we're looking for possible day trades so again looking for a major level of structural resistance this time the market doesn't have to have hit that level multiple times but we do need it to be a major level and now let's go down to the 5-minute chart so I can break down this trading opportunity with you so here we come up and touch our zone right this candle big candle touches our zone we don't get an immediate entry reason of any kind but then something that really intrigued me about this opportunity is that we push down heavily from our zone breaking below and closing below our previous level of structure support and if we look left now at this time after we breaking close below that level I'll put a red line there let me make these a little bit easier to see okay I'll put a red line where we closed below we just closed below that level right well if we look left from there you can see that this is a level that's been resistance and support in the past this is what I call a swap level of structure and those are very important so for strategy number two I'm gonna be looking for a swap level of structure that was the second way of looking at structure on a 4-hour chart that we just looked at it needs to be a major level that's pushed the market around a lot the second way of looking for possible entries for me is looking for a swap level of structure that's been resistant and support all at the same time and then looking for the market to push down from that level give me some selling pressure so if we move the market forward now see what we get we get a nice doji candle to the downside when the market started breaking down past that candle I actually went ahead and entered this trade and as you can see we push down and soon after hit my targets as you just saw on the previous video right in here so there's a breakdown of the second strategy let's so now let's dive into the candidate yen trade the third trade we had today the third day trade we placed and what we'll do first as I'll show you that live trade and then directly after that I'll do a full breakdown of that trade and teach you the strategy behind it so let's go ahead look at that live trade right now see in a second all right trader is looking at one more trade today it is on the Canada yen we just got our entry here on this pair what we're looking at here is that what I call a loss of momentum trade and this loss of momentum happened let me go and put my stop-loss in order actually in case this market goes crazy put a buy stop up here so in case this that excuse me that's not what I was talked about a lot of momentum trade we see that we have this big wick here so that tells me there's a lot of selling pressure in this area on the Canada in the black line you see we will discuss this little dotted line might be a little bit hard to see right here we'll discuss why that's there in just a second but what I'm looking at after this long wick we had a push down that didn't quite move as far as you would effect from this much selling pressure right so with that being the case I'll wait for a push back up into our wick zone and in that wig zone I wait for the market to round out I wait for a loss of momentum as you can see here this market had big candle even bigger candle tiny candle small candle and then we have an engulfing candle to the downside so this is showing me a nice loss of momentum and rounding out of this market I'm gonna see if we can get about a one point four to one risk reward here out of this trade and come back down into the support level another day trade just like the other two trades we've taken so far today my stop-loss is just above that wick because the market starts to push up here that I don't want to be involved in the trade anyway so we will see how this plays out and I will keep you updated see you in just a second alright guys so there we go we hit our target here only Canada Yen trade as well so what I'm gonna do now is go through and break down this entire trade for you I also need to delete this buy stop order so I don't get involved in the market for no reason so now let's jump over to a higher time frame see what this black line is all about and let me explain this entire mindset an entire trading process to you that I used during this day trade here on the canadienne let's do that right now ok traders back here on the Canada again chart let's go over strategy number 3 we just talked about the entry a little bit but let's zoom out to the 4-hour chart and check out this next structure identification that we're gonna use remember every time you day trade what I want you to think of is only day trading when you have the highest probability of creating an edge over the market and when do you have that highest probability it's when the markets at major levels of structure we just talked about two ways of spotting those major levels of structure and this is the third way and the third strategy I'm going to teach you in this video and that is looking at major levels of previous support that were broken at the point that a major level of support is broken it's highly likely that that level will become resistance at least for a small amount of time and even if we have that as a level of resistance just for a small amount of time on the 4-hour chart it gives us plenty of movement and plenty of time to capture profits on a smaller time frame like a day trading time frame remember we don't need this for our chart to continue in a downtrend in order for us to hit our profits on a 5-minute chart we can hit our profits quite easily with just a small amount of movement or what would look like a small amount of movement here on the 4-hour chart so now let's go ahead and drop down to the smaller timeframe and take a look what at what the market did remember the third way of identifying structure is the previous level of structure a previous level of major structure that was broken and when the market pulls back to that level we're looking at it as resistance to push the market lower so on our day trading time frame now back down to the 5-minute we just talked about this a little bit this loss of momentum trade let me go a little bit further into detail I was at this as an area that now I know has selling pressure this line that you see on the chart is that for our level of previous support turned to resistance well at this level we get a long wick to the top side meaning tons of selling pressure right here right well when we get back to that level I didn't place a trade on this candle I didn't even see this chart at that point but what I did notice is that we were pushing back up into my area of selling pressure if we look at that wick as an area of selling pressure we're pushing back up into that area we're pushing up there with two pretty large candles but then we're seeing a loss of momentum with smaller candles so that's what this mate let me to believe that's what made me decide to go ahead and place a short trade here on the Canada yen an expectation that we would see this market fall and here is what happened at that point the market did pretty much nothing but fall all the way to my target as you just saw on the previous video this trade hitting targets quite easily so that was the Canada yen trade breakdown that was a full video of three different strategies that you can implement into your day trades right now I really hope you enjoyed this video but if you are ready for some more advanced training then we just had a few graduates come out of the EAP training program our flagship program here at the trading channel I'll post some of their testimonials on the screen and that is incredible news for them and that's also incredible news for you because that means that we finally have some spots available in the EAP training program and while you glanced through some of the comments on the screen I want to tell you that if you're struggling to profit right now then I've been where you are too I struggled for over a year before I found a way to be consistently profitable I made every mistake you can think of I've moved stops I used poor risk management I've traded strategies that didn't work I followed a signal service that ended up with me almost blowing my entire account but after that first year and after nearly blowing an entire account I found the real path to trading success and consistently profitable trading became as easy as accounting to six and that is what I teach in the EAP training program I created a strategy that only uses six simple rules to create an edge over the market so once you memorize these rules trading becomes as easy as counting to 6 these rules are completely objective and easy to follow and although just having a strategy is only one part of the equation it is a very large part of that equation in the EAP training program we also have lessons on risk management and discipline to make sure that you have everything you need to get on the right track to becoming a consistently profitable trader and here's a look at some of the things that are included in the course as you can see we have beginner lessons that teach you everything you need to know about technical analysis in terms of what you're gonna learn in the course we have a transition course which is meant to take you from where you are to becoming consistently profitable and after that we have an advanced course that is meant to take your trading to that next level we also send out 3 to 5 email alerts every week these are not menace signals let me clarify that but instead made to show you exactly how I am looking at the market and we also do a review video at the end of every couple of weeks to show you how the strategies are performing and you can check those out right here so if more advanced training is something that you are looking for then we do have a few spots available in the EAP training program this program also comes with priority email meaning you can email me at any point that you have questions and I will answer you ASAP so if a trading mentor is something you are looking for then look no further go ahead and click the link in the description for the EAP training program and it would be a pleasure to have you aboard and to have you join us in the EAP training program if not that's totally fine to make sure you're subscribed here on YouTube make sure to click that like button for me if you enjoyed this video follow us on Instagram at the trading channel and I will see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: The Trading Channel
Views: 469,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z65_nm_G1XU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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