Day One | Green Hell Gameplay | Spirits of Amazonia Part 1

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[Music] dear mia i know i should be there with you but if there is a chance [Music] the omalu promised that they would help you i just need to find the yapuaka [Music] i'm not in any danger you know they are friendly i just need to gain their trust like you did [Music] don't worry i'll fix this just wait for me and mia imagine how we could change the [Music] world [Music] um thank you so much for joining us game edge we drop you to green hill the spirits of amazonia as you can see super excited this is part one and now if you guys are not aware of this this is prior to the actual story so if you haven't seen it before go check out the whole story or watch this and watch the other part but this is gonna be so amazing to jump into i am so excited right now oh wow all right let's do this again if you guys like this make sure you hit like button and give it a comment feels always very much appreciative that is one way to start isn't it okay so we got ourselves uh this so we got unknown mushroom and we got another unknown mushroom oh we got a bandage nice we can make ourselves some more badges nice way to start okay i'll take that so they dropped them off here as a sacrifice or what is that that is so strange man it's that's weird i don't remember seeing this place at all either where are we right now i got my trusty watch oh my god they changed the colors on that there's a couple of things were changed you can see west and south now have been changed uh in colors to make it i guess easier for some players that would appreciate that and we're not going to jump down from there that's for sure we need to get our button gear there's so much to see oh that's a nice nice fine right there a little bird's nest right on the ledge okay uh can i jump this yep okay good good good good let's go check it to see this area here i think i see a rock on this side is that possible i seen that correctly i am all right let's harvest this baby up there's some caves back there we can go into i just wanted to grab this i guess we could have gone from here but then again i would have missed the bird nest so yeah good thing we went around that is a heck of a drop we do not want to fall down there oh man i'm super excited super excited so i guess we have to get ourselves at least some tools going here probably a smartest thing to do and we have a rock so let's utilize this here uh-huh come on oh i can't just shift click it shoot there we go boom craft okay once we find a stick we'll let's utilize and get ourselves something else at least we have something here i don't think we hit this they don't do anything okay there's some plants right here nice to have also some extra carbs right here we'll grab those i'm not sure where we are and what to do right now which is really fun all right we're going to craft this bandage up in case too so we'll make one of each we'll keep one of course if you remember last time where we left off it was a bit of a fuffel i kind of screwed myself over by not having one of the badges plain that they were here also good to make an ash bandage or a honey managed to kind of screwed that up but it's okay here's what happened let's see some more plants up right through i think it is just gonna do this really quick and make myself a sweet spear in case of emergency grab ourselves a stick right there and we'll make ourselves a quick little axe if we can so there we go and there we go craft a little stone axe perfect we'll grab this put this over here keep our spears up here if we can there should be another one a long stick there it is it's good to pick him up anyways stick stand and stuff popping up here at different recipes it would be a little different too because when you guys remember the boat when we went to visit we were able to find craft that expire uh yeah we were able to find ourselves a book and that's where we want to head to first i think i'm not sure if we should go in that cave that we saw two seconds ago before we leave might be some other stuff we need to go through here i know got to be careful these little buggers are everywhere who got shotgun who got checked out i can't stop this feeling of scorpions everywhere i don't feel like dying dog tall grass i'm hearing something maybe i shouldn't be out here but there's another one of these things here just gonna mark it down i guess by the map it would mark it down right maybe legend water is spoiled as the angry spirit is oh okay water is dirty dirty dirty now i'm not sure if i should be going this way or not but i figure we want to see some of the cave area go back out i feel like i've maybe walked past oh well i don't know this map very well at all so oh this is interesting this should be near the boat right i think let's double check 40 i think there's a the boats around here somewhere there's one right there perfect come here supper okay this is good it's actually really good so it does lead you out here okay it's not so bad it's just a little bugger let me kill him off afterwards search the boat absolutely part of the plan for me oh yeah poor pedro oh pedro i don't even see you dude hold prepare for a ritual what i don't know what i just did i i did something to write this mattress there we go sleeping all right this is the book that we had to read and creep dryer is the best seller sorry that's funny on top right you'll start seeing all the stuff pop out now which is great hello and it's broken great at least they know i'm here you know wherever here is whatever this could be all right we got a can of food and we'll take that right now because especially we don't know where we're at and what we're doing is that container can grab now it's all dirty water of course not the best thing to grab there is some fish right there pretty cool and we have a place to sleep here okay i'm not sure what it did to his body prepare it uh but that other thing should have unlocked quite a bit of abilities here for us to learn some stuff here there we go we have some frames and some all the main stuff we need to build with uh water collector good that's not a bad thing to have we'll do more once we grab mud and stuff oh they got actually gives us the ability to make spike traps right away interesting all right i also log bed and stuff really early on that butterfly scared the bejesus at me okay some stone stuff and also this stuff here we'll just clear it out so i don't have them all popped up i know it's new and what's not new okay we'll make a fire starter for sure and we're gonna have to fire saw some vines for that so i'm not sure i think i prepared his body for that it's uh i don't [ __ ] no no no don't want to lose it he was close though wasn't he he was really close i got him oh beautiful please only be any kind of caimans in here i didn't see any is there anything else back here i think there's a can or something in here dudes nets can two cans oh should we be looking around on the all over here too hope there's no piranhas shouldn't be throw some stuff here oh boy this is a nice way to start so we do have to look around here too okay that is good news a few extra supplies never hurts i don't know if i can grab anything else from the top of this boat here nothing else here right no anything in the front maybe something new no some cloth and stuff no all right oh that's what's going on okay we need to get logs and stuff all right there's some stuff right here you can get that and also need some rope so let's grab that can i grab it thank you interesting all right so we are going to prepare his by for reals okay lucky if we can find some blue mushrooms on this tree would be nice oh there we go i'm not sure if we're gonna need these uh these vines perfect oh yes give me some fats there i'll take that again we'll fill up a rope too because we're gonna need that most likely we'll have to stay here for the night is that a turtle i'm sorry turtle i'm gonna need you for water hit food i'll take you bad luck for you good luck for me oh yeah okay all right so how many ropes i have i think i have almost a full stack i do perfect uh this is actually not bad too little carbs in this i gotta probably break this axe i should use my where is it there it is unknown bulb oh my god look at all the stuff we have sickening cool very nice all right timber let's get the logs going all right i've been collecting sticks thankfully enough i thought i could oh don't get too tired dude we're about to build something here we could sleep there actually on that boat too tonight so it's not so bad i would love to see some extra rocks though here if you don't pick up rocks when we found that one there oh my god don't be bad probably something right next to me just haven't seen him all right grab the sticks we just chopped off here probably gonna do also is drop off stuff for water right here as fast as we possibly can so if it does rain oops that's not good uh spill there we go okay we want to keep that dry as possible palm leaf okay actually i saw a tree over there which is a nut tree i need the uh i'm gonna need this stuff here i also need dry leaves for now and i need these ponies so that's fantastic works out great for all of us here that's good well bad for the dude is dead of course you know what i mean by that okay two more logs are you kidding me okay so we don't lose this stuff here again this little nice dry leaves nice and early would you ever a course of bird's nest it wasn't so bad of a start of course for that but uh still would like to have a couple of those in our inventory so we need to start a fire we know what to do we got all our stuff here we'll drop down here sell yourself a couple more logs and at the same time since this one's going to drop some more stuff we're going to do is we'll make a fire starter right so grab two sticks here tribal fire starter excellent we'll chop down the street good stuff stop hitting it thank you grab grab everything you can dude everything matters and planks balls man that's pretty freaking a lot of crap oh pedro was nice dude i guess respect for the dead that's for sure okay grab full of those ready probably should get a fire just up here and running on the side uh near pedro sorry pedro i'll open up here i'm going to get a structure going but i just need a fire where can i build a structure just so i can keep this dry afterwards let's make sure be quiet your birds gonna put that here put it right next to pedro okay good so same time what i'll do is i'll put this and i wanna need to sleep here because like i said we have a nice bed in there but i will need a fire so i'll put this here temporarily this way i'll have all sticks i can't at the same time right afterwards if i need to boil water too very very important okay talking about that let's give ourselves a little jolt here i kicked it up a little bit good okay um we have to chop down some more here those planks [ __ ] seriously forgot about the damn rocks there's a big rock here oh good stone so we need it stones right here current location by the way is 40 by 40. if you're wondering there's a bigger boat back there we're going to deal with that afterwards let's open this up stick and as we craft again if you guys are not aware we will craft even better as we go through this even more than better i think is this one i was hitting right believe so come on timber then i won't harvest i want oh no i do do i want yeah i do on plank i can't flick that on me is there no room whatsoever uh huh it seems like there's room those is the badges anyway okay come on right click we'll bring this over there okay another one there i really don't want to lose this wood probably be my lifeline for the night is that another one wow okay an anti-car side say it too got tons of those this is just a stick tree we need something a little bigger and thicker than that to get pedro on his way here there's so much to start off with i have to put away his body game kind of leads you this way anyways that's pretty cool all right i don't need that i need these things okay that should be pretty much it okay let's try a long stick here too running out of room here oh that [ __ ] got erected okay throw it there blank banana leaves are you kidding me dude that's a heck of a process for this dude okay ah banana right here let's take our knife out for this one which same thing would be great because i'm gonna need to get a couple of these for armor too as we remember last time we've been very helpful to have the armor on us i have to make sure to do that before we go any further okay let's do one more i think okay where are you i'll just chop up the other one here let's grab it all hopefully i'll find those too this sounds like a storm coming in good stuff okay i need an amber it looks like we need to catch him on fire too god thank god i didn't build my base next to him hopefully i'll put him out in the water then uh you know leave it like that please tell me it stays lit when it's raining rest in peace i'll just get rid of it dude i'm sorry to say that man that's that's sad pedro all right well i thought we're gonna put down the water but i guess uh it's right next to our base all right well we gotta keep ourselves alive here unless we possibly can which would be great if we could find some palm trees and stuff here get some more water on us we're gonna need proteins and stuff i don't want to cook it on pedro but i'm gonna have to uh i'm not sure how long that lasts i need to go to sleep or something i don't know we'll see uh okay i don't need to inspect anything i need to get myself in gear and over here we can put up of course because we picked up some of those we can now make a stands for that we're not staying here forever i just like to build to build something so we can get our fire going for tonight now i don't know if because the pedro is there an issue but we'll go get ourselves a couple more logs all right more logs a little more silence for poor pedro oh wow right there all right yeah grab whatever we can here it's fine all sticks okay holy moly all right we should be okay for a bit that's gonna give us tons of goodness at this point we can even drink out of the uh the actual water over here we have enough anti-parasites between those green fruits and uh everything else we have those mushrooms and stuff okay something close by here there we go we'll get that done give me some armor like i said we have tons of sticks everywhere here we don't need bones or anything for the armor but we can still make them with sticks okay let's watch out walk on pedro he's almost done it's not a cooking thing i know it's a nice plant to have sometimes you get some nice fruits of it i don't really destroy it but it is my way okay uh do we have any crappy like this yep we could do banana if we want to but again i want to keep it for some armor too this doesn't be our main base just be good enough that's gonna give us quite a bit this is good i think we have a couple here too i'm mistaken so good let's get a roof on this thing good palm is good enough oops do not do it click it there we go we're hovering up and down on those things we're kind of hovering like a hoverboard it's pretty cool just a few more palm should be good to go i do have a couple here i found when i walked past i believe so should be able to finish this am i off by one really it's getting late dude i need my beauty sleep i have leeches on me okay that's what just popped up oh grab you two come on oh i know you're a little we do have of course those nice mushrooms there vitamin mushrooms can use those okay so can i put this over here i might have to get rid of that plant it's really irritating to crap i usually don't like doing that this plant as you guys know it's one of my favorites but um we'll have to deal with it pedro's gone now so sayonara pedro we're going to cook up some food here so let's get this going pretty timing it's going to rain yeah in the water good job gimmick good stuff all right let's uh harvest this up in a second once we get rid of these stupid leeches robin leech i'm not sure no that's good good stuff all right let's harvest you up i got some fish too which is really nice so let's harvest that up we should get some bones from that there we go fish bones fish bones we have two spots for that right now we can use that and am i needing any carbs right now i am needing some carbs i'm also going to need to wash myself a little bit we do have the anti-parasite things but at this point why not which one of these is going to go bad first 12 hours 12 hours would be ashamed to lose any of these what's gonna give you a little hydration too at the same time we're gonna have these two foods coming up and running we have all these cans again like i mentioned that's quite extensive amounts and this bulb is nice too it does have a timer on it by the way you can make a soup out of that if we need to i would love to find a biden to make yeah i don't see a coconut here i don't see anything up here dudes we're gonna have to go a little further out to get coconuts and stuff but we do have a lot of protein on us i'm not uh definitely very useful you want to burn that there we go and like i said it's it's pretty extensive about stuff we have here this is a really really good start so i think we end up like to sleep tonight we got ourselves a fire starter up and running we have still one bird's nest up in here that's good our tools and stuff how is it going with that this has one percent left on it so literally that is time for changing oh what's this scale i don't know what to do with that craft it gives you a crafting option with it maybe you can make armor is that possible i don't know whoops you should probably do the armor thing before going to bed too that'd probably be a good idea let's do that okay this is tortoise meat we're gonna let it cook up uh i don't know what to do with this just yet so i don't know where that went but it went flying there it is on the ground okay let's make ourselves some armor might not be the greatest but it'll be something and we'll put those on the top oops there you go stick armor i should be able to put this on directly but whatever it's not let me do it and this is 23 so we'll keep it on arms for those ones keep this with us to dump this okay and the lower part of my body is where i want to be safe with the most so we'll try and do that okay this is gonna go bad this is gonna be here rock rock some nuts you can actually harvest those they stay good until you harvest them but you know harvest that give yourself some room so we can craft okay let's do this again stop moving okay more rope i gotta grab that meat before it goes bad here uh hurry up this is what 30 now good the more crafting better off we are good stuff and i'm going to need some more rope which i know i have some here i know it's dark i'm sorry but uh do i have some more rope around here some more banana leaves too sticks banana leaf but i'll leave we're going to need those there's any more rope around here we can grab oh that's uh that's honey i'll take those and that bone you never know my rope goes down quick doesn't it is that more for plants oh my knife where is it did i make my knife i thought i made it no i didn't make it i got to sidetrack didn't i okay okay i'll make a storm blade any more badges too i'm not sure what time of day it is right now i have to go check out my watch and see okay craft craft that get one more of the lilies we'll keep some more the other badges we're good good stuff that's pretty good oh i actually came here for uh this probably finish up the armor in the morning i think unless something attacks us that's what i'm worried about the most oh hello tobacco very nice and probably grab some of that these are gonna go bad ourselves up here with a good night's sleep yeah let's go and get some sleep here we'll fill up the fire when we can we get a harvest up again getting more sticks we need to okay bedtime we'll finish up the rest a bit oh like a snail can't grab him though he's stuck okay up we are how we doing on everything of course fats and stuff are going to be needed usually nuts that should give us more than enough yep and some more of you these have 14 hours left on them this is fully loaded we full and water we are excellent okay our fire is about to go out that is a shame uh but you know what it's all good uh we need to go out and about do some stuff too here so let's uh craft actually let's harvest this baby up here i'm gonna need myself some more sticks i don't want to go too far so since we have most of this stuff keep the rest there okay craft this up to craft good stuff open up this put a flag here which is 40 now durability very nice we can craft you up too make some room grab these little leaves there we go let's keep going the ground now we put one uh oh put one oops perfect so we have two of each and i think we have one of these right so we're going to look for a little more and keep that going craft the last one we need for ourselves okay what a day found our friend he's dead but i'm not doing diet you that easily so i'm going to make sure fully loaded and this is where 46. so we're doing pretty good in crafting craft that baby up i think i got to get another stick right for that is it shards or is it stick i keep on forgetting everytime i do this craft and that rope there you go little bone spear 26 16 goodbye all right we're kind of ship shape here we're doing pretty darn good i'm going to let this actually burn out to get some ash for it i think we're going to head out towards that direction and see if we can find the boat now the thing is i have so much stuff on me it's freaking me out just a tiny bit um so i don't know if i take mud right now this is gonna give me what i need yeah we need a mud mixer for us to get through and get that stuff going for us some storage would be nice we could actually store some stuff on the boat i'm just saying but uh yeah we'll try our best to carry we can back and forth we'll do our best over here and pick that up so yeah is there anything else on you i don't need you to leave some stuff behind here there we go throw some of that stuff over there hopefully it sticks around we're gonna make our way through here with at least one bone spear that's good and i believe we have to go around this edge here i think i don't remember this too well i don't remember this waterfall either yeah it's all mud window mud everything is showing up right now that's really nice grab you actually i need to stay near the water but i'll take some more fats here i don't know if there's any caymans in this area that's what's freaking me out oh hello i dropped off the last rope i had on the ground oh my god what the heck oh hold prepare ritual oh come on really i mean it's respectful of shite okay well we'll prepare the ritual i mean it's it's a nice thing to do oh no yeah that's just sticking yeah i would and now i was really thinking the same thing too because i don't think i have any more rocks right i didn't think about that okay i need rocks i need to remember this area too oh and i dropped everything off okay i didn't say it's gonna be a fast uh there's a cave right there too right next to us i need a rock dude some sticks ah crap just need a rock if possible there's a waterfall back here was there any stones nearby definitely making this bloody hard to find stones oh there's one here harvest grab that more rocks here no okay well one's better nothing ow freaking piranha ow holy crap that made me jump like a foot one stingray are you kidding me i have antibiotics now that is for sure so where is it it's like the other one scared me i jumped off my screen there the sad part of this is that i don't have a uh some extra water and stuff for us to grab so we're gonna have to drink this and i'm probably going to put some stuff down here for us to get some water i was going to use a binder oh hello sorry buddy jurassic measure drastic action oh wait a second you know what i do have those freaking pills screw it yeah the script i'm gonna take advantage of that okay okay i need to find your body there it is wow craft i think it was a stingray hit me there most likely this is pretty close by to all the wood we need okay so we have rituals to make here wow that's gonna be interesting to do i guess the peas and have uh of course the respect that we're gonna suppose we can make friends with uh the locals but i think we need to show respect before we do that i think these are the kind of things we need to do they might be watching us grab all that put that here for now don't need those ones i don't want to make a fire here i want to go back home okay palm leaf gotcha good two logs so we have pedro and he was fine poor lady there that was stuck on a tree and looked like tribal arrows in there didn't it though they look like tribal okay and we're gonna need it's actually a pretty good location to build too here it's close to a lot of stuff i think this is more of a travel across we're gonna have to do a little bit of traveling in this game so we'll have to hold off thinking we can build anything right now there's two i was thinking today was gonna be a day we're gonna go and find the boat which is not too far from here but i don't think it's gonna be today we have too many things we have to do okay oh yeah i forgot to put you down really planks are just too big all right throw that here okay hope they know i'm not cooking her up holy okay bananas i'm just like bounce up and down here right next to it the last time we were just shy a couple so miles have both same time i'll check to see my badge how i'm doing for my stuff here whoa a lot of lifting going on okay another amber start of fire [Music] trust gained peace for the spirit wow i'm loving this this is so freaking cool okay so we got a little bit of that and how we're doing on that well while we're watching of course we should show some respect here how we doing on armor here 23 i want to hit me down below 46 33 30. it's not the best quality that one is for sure we have extra banana leaves here so let's just do this okay since we have the extra sticks craft now we're 53 that's really good this is what 20 30. okay we'll craft up one more here just to say i don't think i just sticks for it one second now we do good good stuff all right so i'm loving this this is cool we're gonna leave the episode here we're gonna come back i'm gonna run back home i think and uh chillax a time bit and uh let this of course disappear it's appease themselves i think we're going to use the boat area back there as our back up kind of base kind of chillax them i don't know what time day is it actually 1300 yeah it's probably a good idea for us to get ourselves back home and get so prepared for the night and then come back in the morning and do some work we could also leave maybe a shelter here too if you want to a ford cap on this side uh i don't know what to figure it out i think it might be a good idea to have a four cap here hmm you know what let's do it let's make a ford cap really quick every time we do this we should probably use lots of resources we have here since we have so much of this stuff i do like the bed on your side better now so you know what i'm saying would prefer that but if we have to do we get stuck or something would be nice to have somewhere we can kind of relax on oh balls you guys hear that i don't know if they're happy we did that oh i'm not too happy hearing that at all some locals are in here i don't know if they're good or bad just a tiny bit here there we go have a missing one rope really there's tons here on the ground yeah we don't have the bow and everything else made i was going to make it but uh didn't have a chance to really kind of get myself all in order for that we silver two spears and stuff this could go here this could go there and this can go here so we can make our bow using this in a rope there we go cars have a nice little bow ready to go all right let's put the top on this thing really quick oh man it's uh it's a lot of building a lot of things getting yourself organized for just to get this area but i think the best thing to do is probably knock down another one of these trees where i can get some dry leaves because i'm not getting too much from here i could of course harvest some of those things up look at that full we're going to need a place to kind of chill how we do it on water she's almost all burnt up here okay let that gather up a time bit and we need to find ourselves some more i need to dry some leaves too so i need to get bundles of these things okay there's one i need oh balls i can't close whoa how you doing buddy light snack coming up oh i really want to kill me this game you gotta appreciate it so we do have ash back in the other place too uh the fire has definitely gone out on the other side we want to remember that we can uh of course unluckily find some snakes in this area here so it doesn't kill us just a couple left there there we go you can also harvest this stuff up if we need to for more leaves and stuff that is excellent okay can't have a camp without one of these wow okay i'm gonna need some more of these there go we'll harvest this sweet okay so we got all the stuff we needed pretty much here uh we can even build other things afterwards just like grill racks you can place on top of these if you want to which is nice to have we also need to get ourselves a bed across there somewhere so not the best place to build it but it's okay it could be like a late night kind of place for us to kind of chillax like i mentioned it's just cool to have if we need to and we can also build ourselves something else on the other side but not a big deal again uh we can uh look for beds probably a good idea but for now we're gonna hold off and probably head back home very shortly uh having just a temporary base is always a good thing to have in case we ever get caught but again thank you all for being here do appreciate if you guys are enjoying this please take time hit the like button if you're brand new please go and subscribe you guys are the best this game edged and i'll catch you guys on the flip side [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GameEdged
Views: 137,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: green hell, gameplay, let's play, spirits of amazonia, first look, day one, part 1, episode 1, first impressions, story mode, survival game, playthrough, walkthrough, gameedged
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 18sec (3018 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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