Day of Dayz - Shipstern Bluff, 2024 Slab - Tour Part 1

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so the sled tour starts with 2024 and here home of course with Dyan long bottom and we're right in the middle of a storm we're actually leaving the storm and we're leaving to an area where the weather will be beautiful sunny offshore but it is raining look pissing down out there and uh who knows if we even going to get off the tarm I hope so [Music] [Music] wooho want sh [Music] be hey we're back we're back we're back and guess what the sun's out it's [Music] ring for this time of year it's kind of warm 9° normally it' be about 12 yeah [Music] you have gloves to yeah minute what are you thinking I reckon it'll be a good day for the Long Haul like we just ease into it just like leisurely Saturday morning and then it's just like it's going like lunchtime I reckon hopefully not lunchtime like 10 or 11 well it's the last day of Daylight savings as well so we've got all Lao I didn't book The Late flight I booked tomorrow morning so we can stay there as long as we need looking pretty fit there are oh BL oh man it's got three boobs now look all you need now is you your reading glasses and they'll look perfect fit for a 50-year-old mate oh yeah I got my reading glasses now that's on my age hopefully building swell from yeah yeah I mean the swell dropped right out yesterday hasn't really hit or made a move yet so I mean fingers crossed it swell comes in Tide's going to be low wind's going to be offshore so yeah it could all come together and and happen if it doesn't whatever Sun's going to be shining and we'll still have a good day yeah I don't know I've haven't had any going go wrong yet so you put it won't be as big as it was last time you oh true that's good I know I've heard different things so well we'll see yeah you want Che that lock you turn it on that's we had an offseason swell but this is the first proper swell of the season and it's reflected a lot of people know about it and it'll be there'll be a lot of waves today and a lot of waves getting taken and it should be really entertaining looks like a bit of a turnout but hopefully there's plenty of waves to go around right we're ready to go it's been a long time coming to come back here I mean it feels like yesterday when I was here last only last year but I'm expecting some good waves and the weather is as good as you get it norly wind right nowan as you could imagine it wanting to be we got all the talent we got Dylan Laura summer we got some real good hot shot Surfers are actually actually they've gone camped in overnight so I'm expecting a really good day we've got DJ DJ the driver Danny turn the camera around yeah mate yeah I think we're in for a very special day going you summer yeah good okay first like before you first run I'm always like a little bit like I feel like once you get one all the kind of nerves go and then you're like more ke so right now I'm just like you just need to get one and you need to get flogged on one get out of the way like we both need to get we might as well just paddle into the inside now and just get it out of the way and then [Applause] [Music] oh yeah everything was [ __ ] perfect you just put like save the fin yeah those things lost like 800 bucks these days more than the [Music] board [Music] w [Music] [Music] I'm the [ __ ] spot she's down the sh should thank do you want to are you done she just too much speed a yeah she come right sweet just on the steps just landay on the Hills oh yeah you you just got to land more flat you can't you [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] go [Applause] that's two who is that I need to bring my two boards down SN them all I'm just going to back corner and tell Sam we go [Music] music look at [Music] this [Music] music good music tell me you know this thing go that one I felt like I was going too slow again I was like No by deal best best team manager ever deal it was crazy for a while I thought it was not going to have like where is Brook Brooks I thought for a while it was going to have like the endall on it and I was like damn like it's just going to be like a mellow one then I like went over the step and I was like oh no here it goes and it just I wasn't very deep but one step at a time in this place put it in my again at least I got to like cruise through it not like sey stairs like last [Music] [Music] time [Music] wait what [Music] you [Music] go that was [ __ ] nuts yeah holy [ __ ] I just remember saying that thing and I was like what the [ __ ] do I do with these I don't even know what the [ __ ] this is even we were like where she going to go was that was ship STS right there that was like a proper ship that was like a [ __ ] go monster sorry I want to get up first cuz like there was one in front and then we just see you gra that holy [ __ ] your camera bag orever that is that was that was a [ __ ] monster did you kind of like a spot or you you yeah no I'm good I'm like absolutely sweet it can't get any worse now that was like a [ __ ] I actually came back to get my GoPro I think you just that's why I'm actually on the boat I need my [ __ ] it's at the top in there come on [Music] [Music] oh oh back you [Music] [Music] later [Music] w [Music] [Music] h W woo [Music] [Music] a go give oh nice de oh [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] sandwich holy [ __ ] up that like no I'm just like I'm losing my [ __ ] [Music] [Music] oh oh thata [ __ ] W this is go w [Music] w [Music] w yeah so you didn't know I can't believe that whole thing worked I was in Las Vegas on my way home from from D aino I had a flight already booked to Melman but I just like I didn't even know that there was swell and then um I check I just like was randomly checking I was like oh that actually looks like a fun shiy day but I would never make it there and then I texted Rossy I was like Rossy you got to go for this one so all day offshore go down and paddle you're going to get some bombs didn't want to bring any of your [ __ ] and then he said I'm going and then I was like oh I got to try and make this happen and when was the last time we serve together down here 18 years ago 2007 I told Noah on the way that's how old we are man 18 years ago Noah hassard picked us up from the airport and I told him on the way in yeah I was one then so he was it's been a while and he got the best wave that day and he got the best wave this time as well the old boys I went from Vegas to San fran san fran to Melbourne had a half hour turnaround to get a flight from Melbourne to tazzy landed in tazzy my mom just happened to be camping like 3 hours up the coast drove down picked me up from the airport drove me down to Weiss Beach he came around the corner on the jet ski picked me up off on the jet ski had boards ready everything for me and then dill and whip me straight in the first wave and that was the best wave I should have wrapped it after that cuz I wiped out in the next five [Music] waves [Music] [Music] oh w oh my that Mark that [Music] one [ __ ] [Applause] [ __ ] [Applause] W getor yes Lo yeah c and then he went back out and got the best wpe I've ever seen at SHI AB you got worked at the beginning couple of padle waves that were didn't really look after you yeah got flogged at the start just thought it had good lines and then just classic shippies surfs it once every 17 years and gets the best way freak you can take that to the bank forever do Rosie this thing real [Music] yeah ni that [Music] [Music] knock me down I'll get up again my life come for me violence is my friend you told you you were going to lose don't say I didn't want you say I didn't want you o ooh this is real life this is not a game ooh you're going to know my know my name you're going to know my name with me can be dangerous fighting me could make you famous nobody hearing what you saying I always win cuz I'm meant for greatness ooh this is real life this is not a game ooh you're going to know my know my [Music] name you're going to know my name you don't know what you I'm not just anybody you don't know what you done you're going to you're going to know my name I know that you ready I'm not just anybody I know that you ready you're going you're going to know [Music] my [Music] you don't going to know my [Music] [Music] name [Music] [Music] com you're going to know my name so [Music] well yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] n [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a [Laughter] really well there you have it that's one of the Great great swell chases it was the literally the day of days I've been going to ship stones for over 25 years now it's probably about my 80th Tour of Duty and this was on the top of the list of some of the most exciting most spectacular surfing action at slabs that we have in Australia if you liked it give us a thumbs up subscribe Please Subscribe very important write a comment and I also want to add there's a safety Initiative for the service so if someone gets hurt they've got a couple of skis up to two skis in the lineup looking after the well-being of the surface if you surf down there please subscribe to that it's on my page the information you can go to that and if you just want to be a punter out there and want to donate some money so you actually really do enjoy the action and you understand that it is dangerous out there then put in whatever you feels good for that because we always like donations and the locals will be a lot more happier to know that the uh the kitties up to date is petrol the the well-being of the skiis all that kind of thing anyway as I always say we'll see you on the next swell Chase
Views: 86,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shipstern Bluff, Tasmania, Australia, Surfing, Tow Surfing, Big Wave Surfing, Slabs, Laura Enever, Dylan Longbottom, Summa Longbottom, Outdoors, Mark Mathews
Id: XB3MxYJ93Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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