Day in the life of commercial electrician

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hey what's up guys this is the second video of the channel um i'm actually gonna be showing some actual work in this video i wanted to show some of the brackets uh that are very commonly used or just mounting ways that uh you use on metal framing uh this is what your typical commercial building would look like in the bay area i don't know if it looks different anywhere else but this is what the bay area looks like you know still in the rough-in stage you can see they put up all their walls uh no boxes yet uh the red tape on the floor that's got what got laid out that tells me at what height you know if it's a single gang two gang if there's data next to it what circuit it's dedicated and it gives me useful at least enough information for me to rough it so that bracket you see that i'm using right there that's uh called the tsgb24 i think that stands for telescoping something box i don't know what do you guys let me know what it actually stands for it's useful when you gotta you know be very specific on the location of the foursquare box um they also do make them in a 60 sgb 16 i think it would be called and that's when the studs are 16 inch on center most of this job site that i'm at is all 24 on center you know i'll run into some that are smaller and you can actually just cut the the tsg b24 to size actually i recommend cutting it with a bandsaw sometimes i'll do it with uh snips but uh it's really hard to get them back together because it kind of warps the the ends um so the way i mount these you know i measure my first height and i make a line you see i don't know if you saw me get my four square i mean my four squares my uh my uh my square out my framing square um you know and i make a dash across and the tsgb24s have a little center punch that'll let you uh see where the center is at so you match your centers shoot a screw and the other side you just really just level it out shoot another screw you know then put your box at your measurement that you needed it um so you might have a better view of this one that i'm kind of about to do um it's a lower so right now i'm putting my ground pigtail you know uh i'm not sure what i'm doing here there you go okay this is the big it's a monday it's the beginning um you know i haven't been working for like two months like everybody else so it's hard to get rid of them and then this face mask thing is honestly better than i had one of the other face masks but it was very i felt like i was hyperventilating the whole time and these i had bought them back in the day when uh there's a lot of drywall in the air i used to wear these because i feel like i could breathe a little better i'm still not as good as those uh other masks that's supposed to block off a lot more germs but i you know it works you can see there's nobody around me so we all have to keep our distance um so this one's here i'm just setting my i think i'm actually screwing it to the side i'll show you guys a little later what i'm actually doing there i do it again uh later i don't think i'm using a bracket here but as you can see just shooting some screws to the side and then i'm gonna put my mud ring on there i'm like on this video i'm actually working off that milwaukee uh pack out uh if you guys saw the first video and it's taking some getting used to because i'm so used to working out of a cart and it feels very messy i'm kind of just tossing everything into that breakout box i think i'm just labeling everything i label the top so all i'm doing is setting the boxes these are the brackets this is what they look like um all i was doing is setting the boxes and you know a guy is going to come behind me and throw all the mc up above uh this is all t-bar we know the height is just sitting um throwing whips up at 10 feet landing into a box we like to just land them directly to a box and put a foursquare cover on it already with the circuit number and it just makes life so much easier you know right now we're doing all the roughing and then later we actually bring power we know where what circuit's there what wire we need to bring in there so on this one see i i think about using a bracket and i switched my change my mind because i decided i want to show you guys how to mount directly onto the studs they do have bracket boxes i don't have any you can still do it with these it better be if you had a bracket box there's two types of bracket box you can use but i don't have either so i actually use the two little holes on the side of the four square box and it helps you have a long bit like mine that milwaukee six i think it's six inch bit that really helps do this um i like that bit it seems to be a perfect size to do everything it's short enough to get in between studs and long enough to do what i just did right there you got to make sure it's pretty flush with the stud so that when you put your mud ring it's not going to be too recessed into the the framing once they put sheetrock you're going to see me fail i think one of these i failed i can't seem to put a screw in because i try to put a third one down the middle just to give it more support you can see i always try to label my boxes uh this is more for the guy uh running the mc he can easily see it and label the mc up top once it's labeled up top and landed to that box you know that can get covered up these glasses i recommend these glasses i just got them and they they don't fog up they're the best honestly they're the milwaukee they're 9.99 you guys should get them okay so back to the the tsgb 24s let's see i'm measuring i think i'm just making sure you guys can see me i'm measuring um my center i measured the top because i thought i was doing a bracket box but i forgot i'm using a tsg b24 i you only need a sender for that um when i'm putting the bracket boxes directly to studs i like to measure the top of the box because it's easier to references the top than this too um the middle it doesn't have really have a mark some boxes do but some don't have a middle mark so it's just easier to measure the top because then you know you're right where you need to be so see i'm leveling that out shoot the second screw third if you want fourth just to make it nice and scoop them um so see here would be there's another type of bracket box that will work perfect for this kind of that whole wasted bracket just you know i was kind of working with what i had at the beginning um but we did eventually get some of the other boxes and i'll show you guys those boxes too eventually on another video you know you set your foursquare box make sure it's level label it labeling label labeling well this one looks like it's gonna be l six thirty so that has to be number ten so that's why row l six thirty because then the guy behind me doesn't accidentally throw 12 number 12 in there that wouldn't have that's too much amperage for number 12. let's see this one see i'm doing some more sides see how i measured to the top it's easy and it says butter why did it look right up against it so it's really easy to tell if you know i'm like the correct height these boxes didn't have a center mark some have a little arrow but these don't and sometimes if i measure center i'll measure the box and it marks center on the box and do it that way but just measuring to the top makes makes my life a whole lot easier excuse my phone i'm trying to make sure you guys can see what i'm actually working because i'm working and i'm not paying attention uh if the gopro fell or filming something else so you know getting ready for the next guy you can see that measuring tape i showed you guys on the first video um i probably need another one see this next one what am i doing here i think this might be just another uh bracket box i'm gonna put um eventually i'm gonna use something called rbs 24 and those are for when uh you have a power and data next to each other um you know these are offices that we're doing so a lot of times you know they'll have uh power data gonna you know down at 18 inches or they'll have tvs which you'll need power data and av and um those uh rbs 24 give you anywhere from three to four you know locations where you can put up to four things so obviously your power would be one hole and then your data the second hole and your um av wouldn't be that third hole i've never had to use a fourth one but it's there or if you need to choose on what side of the stud you want to be close to it it gives you that option uh i'll show it it'll come up in there so there's that uh famous uh pack out with my vest i'm not wearing my vest because uh it's hot i don't see i'm avoiding wearing it and you know i'm really just using my screw gun uh it's i'm getting better at working with this uh milwaukee pack out system i still wish i had like an extra table on there or something because uh it feels a little cumbersome um see they're choosing the tuna and eighth of depth um that's the most common one really i think i've had to do a deeper one once before the you get the shallow boxes i don't really use the shallow boxes the whole often if i have the space i rather you use the regular four square box let's see so it's just mounting my box oh see those that bracket down there that's the uh rbs 24 i messed up because i didn't see that there's data see there's that's this tv on there and this power and then you can't really see it under the box the screw box is data so see how these have four holes on it sometimes this happens i don't know they measure the studs wrong i'm not a framer i don't know but it's easy fix so i'm usually mark it and then all you gotta do is flatten it out you can do it just like that i like to cut it so it doesn't warp the rest of it uh these i just grabbed my tin snips and see like you give it a little cut up there a little cut at the bottom and then alignments just squish squish it flatten it out get a better angle than this one um sometimes yeah this just the studs don't line up you know sometimes in the walls it makes sense why they wouldn't line up because they had to get out of the way of something or have to frame around something but this location i didn't get why it didn't line up but anyways i just made it work sometimes you just got to make things work so this is the rbs 24. like i said they do have them in the rbs 16 and i think that one only comes with three holes it doesn't have four but it's same concept one thing i do recommend on these that i see a lot of people make mistakes including myself is that when you put this uh putting all these up in different offices if you're gonna start and put power on the right and then data on the the two data's on the left be consistent and do that throughout the whole job uh normal anytime you have power data your power always on the right data on the left or power on the left date on the right be consistent on your job site throughout the whole job site let's see so this the data ones they really just screw on there's these two little holes on there i don't think you can see them right here you just put the screw through there and it levels it out with the other one and not always also so it's good to make sure you check that you're actually leveled with the other um mud ring because it's hard to tell when it's like this and open uh but once you put shiber rock you can tell if one of them is cockeyed and i'd like to throw an extra screw on there because uh i'm not sure if it's because those first two holes that you screw into are pre-drilled they got a little pre-drilled hole but sometimes they fall once you know maybe the sheetrocks are going to be a little rough when they push up against it and it loosens them up so i usually shoot an extra screw or two to make sure it holds in place you know that's just something i do because i've roughed them in before where they kind of fell off and it was all cockeyed uh let's see okay so here i have the first tv location where i was telling you guys you see i'm putting one of them for data one of them is for av and you know i'm setting up i think i only put two and i'm going to shoot that extra screw later because i want to make sure they're all leveled by the time they're all leveled when i put them up there so always have to have your ground pigtail and i used to like using just the screw i usually always kept them in my pouch and then once they landed mc i would uh you know loop around the ground but a lot of the times you know whoever was doing the roughing for that wouldn't leave it long enough and i had to just put a pigtail anyways so i kind of just gave up and just put in pretty pigtails so you see these look straight to the eye but they could be deceiving so i guess i decided to put the extra screw it's just a safety measure is that the street rockers they butt up right up against it and sometimes it knocks it out of place um what i wonder what bits do you guys use this one i just got this one um i always lose them like every month i'll i'll probably lose it if i'll put in my pocket i'll go home leave it in my pocket i'm going to it'll go in the washer and then i'll never see it again but i love those bits um i have bad luck with the dewalt ones though i don't know if any of you guys do uh but they seem to break real easily the not in half or anything but the the phillip part the little cross part um they'll snap sometimes i don't know if that happens to you guys and i don't have that problem with the milwaukee i do like milwaukee but you know i'll use i think that the wall ones are cheaper than milwaukee there's that famous pack out see how i just can carry everything and i wish i still like i said had that little work table that i can flip to the front or to the back i still haven't figured out how i'm gonna adapt that i will one day i'm gonna show you this cool guys this cool thing one of the guys that works working with me made um it's like a two a ladder tool holder i've bought one before and i lost it and he just made one for free and i'm honestly gonna i'm gonna keep using that idea so uh tomorrow when i go to work i'll i'll have him make another one and kind of show the process it's a i can't believe i didn't think about that idea so here i realized there's every room pretty much has a tv so i just started to uh prefab a couple of these uh rbs 24s um cool about that you can just prefab a bunch of them on the floor and uh you know then you just gotta knock you know all three of them in one blow you got do got to be careful though um i don't think i got it on this film but some of the offices have a back-to-back tvs and i think for fire reasons and sound reasons you can't really put those back-to-back because of uh like i said if you put both data's back to back you know you can reach from one the office your hand right through the other one um and i guess for fire too you know uh so you have to pay attention really if they're back to back you're gonna have to offset them a little bit um usually one of them the way i do it one of them would be like just like this one and then the other one on the other side i'll put just the power on the opposite side and the two data's on the other side of the the stud you know i try to keep them as center as possible sometimes it doesn't work but uh that's it guys you guys got through the second video it was all ad-libbed um thanks for sticking around if you're still around i'm gonna try to get more content of actual work and how you work with the material uh i got a couple friends that are you know they want to participate in this so if you guys uh you know give it a thumbs up let me know what kind of stuff you would like to know and uh yeah you guys have a good day i am gonna go take a nap because i'm a little tired all right guys thanks for watching bye you
Channel: AMPEAR ELECTRIC Ideas Worth Sharing
Views: 131,821
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Id: d_6psBugI5U
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Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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