Day in the Life of an Introvert Product Manager

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[Music] so [Music] it's time [Music] hello good morning i just fed yogi i finished my run and stretching so now i'll just get ready and we'll have some breakfast [Music] all right so it is now just after 9 15. i had my breakfast and my coffee and now it's time to go to work now the beauty of my job is that it's fully remote so my commute is no longer an hour to an hour and a half but rather it's let me just let me just show you and i am now at work [Music] so [Music] hi everyone uh it's been a very long time but i hope you're all doing well and had a very happy new year i have recently started my job as a product manager at a unicorn startup called coda and this is actually quite fitting because koda is a productivity app so it's it's a pretty good fit but yeah it's been three months and i've just been dedicating most of my time to ramping up learning about this whole new world of being a product manager and just becoming more acquainted with my team and our product but yeah today is a friday and i have a somewhat lighter schedule than usual so i thought i would take you along for a day in the life right now it's just about 10 a.m and i've been working for about an hour one of the beauties of my job is that it is remote and most of my team members are in a different time zone so what that means is that i have this beautiful block of time every single morning from around like nine to 11 11 to 11 30 where i can do my solo work now other pms will probably relate to this that it's very hard to find large chunks of time where we don't have meetings and so having this morning chunk is really helpful for me to get work done that's not a meeting so that's either replying to slack messages or emails it might be preparing for a meeting or it might be preparing a write-up for different projects that were kicking off so yeah i did that and i just spent some time doing a quick write-up tutorial for one of my upcoming meetings today yeah um yeah okay i'll get back to work and i'll check in i'll check in in a little bit [Music] [Music] so it's almost 11 o'clock and i'm preparing for my few hours of back-to-back meetings these meetings are really helpful to make sure that you're seeing people face to face and actually you know making decisions on things and moving forward for me i am an introvert so sometimes having back-to-back meetings can just be a bit draining in terms of my energy especially when i started my job like i was not used to zoom and i was not used to sitting in front of my camera well i was not used to sitting in front of a webcam and talking to people live all day now i'm a lot more used to it i know how to kind of manage my energy levels so i don't get drained by the end of the day my slack is going crazy oh my goodness [Music] so [Music] [Music] i it is now just about 1am and i am midday through my meetings so far i had one meeting with an agency that we might be working with as well as a one-on-one and just now we had a team stand up so now looking at my schedule we have a pitch with a let's just say a prominent influencer that we're doing at coda and then after that one of the meetings i was preparing for this morning we're gonna have uh which is walking people through how to use user testing um i'll i'll get back to you after the meetings are over [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay just finished most of my meetings just one left which is the friday demos and the kind of interesting and challenging aspect of being a pm from my experience at least is that there is a lot of context switching involved in the role for all these different meetings i'm basically meeting with some people who are in the best of their field whether it's design or engineering or marketing and they're coming from you know the most prestigious companies like google and facebook and so to step into a meeting as a product manager and to kind of you know drive a decision or kind of lead some product vision i need to you know in preparation kind of come up to speed with what's going on and be able to you know in the context of that meeting ask the right questions get the right information to kind of drive at least what i think is the right decision which can sometimes be also challenging because there isn't always a right decision so yeah that's a somewhat challenging aspect of the role as a product manager i think it's a skill that you build as you become more and more experienced so i'm still at the very beginning but yeah i think that's also why sometimes having a day full of meetings can just be so tiring because my mind is like jumping from all these different like projects or sides of my brain so it can be sometimes a lot which is why i like to take a break sometimes and just like go outside or have my coffee or play with yogi but yeah 10 minutes until the next meeting so i think i will go to the dining room just to take that last call before it's the end of the workday [Music] and we are led oh no okay one sec let's try again can you guys see this [Music] [Music] you
Channel: harshibar
Views: 41,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harshibar, day in the life, harshibar day in the life, day in the life of a product manager, day in the life as a product manager, product manager day in the life, product manager, product manager role, product manager first day, startup product manager, day in the life as a pm, day in the life of a pm, harshibar product manager, pm day in the life, product management, day in the life product manager, wfh, day in the life introvert, introvert pm, introvert product manager
Id: TRt6foWXpT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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