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hi can i get a tall flat white with two raw sugars please i need my sugar thank you thank you have a good day she's at my peak come here every day [Music] so guys every day is different from the next for us i mean sometimes we're bouncing around from project to project or you know i have design clients or we're packing at the warehouse today we're actually going to first i got my coffee so that's good and now we're gonna go to my custom furniture place because i have to play some orders for my client and actually my client is going to stop by for a second uh just for me to review some stuff with her and then after that we're going to go to a brand new project that i got and which i'm so excited about and these clients are so amazing and so sweet so we're gonna go there take some measurements i've already given him a little bit of a design concept of what i'm thinking and he's totally on board so we're gonna go there today take measurements chat a little bit i'll show you the house actually it's in one of our videos that we had styled and they totally loved it so now we get to design it yay [Music] [Music] you're always busy can you also show me the sofa no not her sofa the sectional the pull out oh it's in uh oh what absolutely beautiful this is for one of my clients it's uh custom made to size chose this beautiful vibrant fabric it's really going to pop in the room very nice i like it so what's happening here not finished yet yeah this just no no he's still got to put an edge on it so guys this is computer engineered on a cnc machine which gives you the perfect round effect you can't get this on a regular machine so it's top quality stuff right here perfectly aligned it's all interlocked just yeah the strength is just fantastic yeah so he says you can throw it off the cn tower and nothing will happen to it exactly that's how strong it is so this is what we want right this chair is getting built right now [Music] so that's the chair we just showed you is being built wow how many of them are you making these are dining chairs no it's a lounge chair how many are you making making one for the show and four for a customer for a cigar room oh nice very nice okay so this is what susan wants right now something similar to this beautiful wow look at this this is stunning love the weather the leather it's like a distress distressed leather it's so stunning this one over here yeah that one this one is nice too yeah that new one at the front disney oh okay okay so that's the slope arm remember we were talking about slope arm and you were wondering if it's comfortable do you want to sit on it i did you did you're comfortable you like it oh this is so comfortable you're just going to drop the arm a tad i think the other one because it's smaller and it's leather right that's why it's a little bit more stiff yeah this is more well there's no the way this is giving and i love the swivel yeah the way the chair is built because it's perfectly round and with that big board there's no springs in there it's just plywood with some wood oh i see what you're saying but this one has the springs which adds more of the yeah uh susan okay so let's go with this configuration but a different design okay yep right so the ones that you ordered that are coming in is it like comfortable like this oh you don't know we took the specs off because i really like the design of that for my next client these yeah this is stunning but we picked this fabric for her that fabric is it hers for her bedroom beautiful isn't it gorgeous well you're not as deep as that but isn't it nice yes beautiful yeah this is very nice you don't have to worry about small spots right even though we're going to get a scotch guarded of course right we'll get it scotch guarded because we want full protection but i think that works actually i think so too so and the two whites don't like the light cream doesn't like conflict there's not too much contrast too much break between them there's continuity between this and this and this and this right i like it yeah i do too i like it a lot good okay good perfect we did it teamwork with ali included on the background no i think that's gonna look lovely i think so too okay good let's go place our order okay guys we're all done here client has left we're leaving now we're gonna go to the warehouse check up on how things are going there and then we're gonna head to an appointment later so let's go we're gonna go to the warehouse and do some prep work for some projects that are coming up tomorrow we have two of them there is a lot of details involved in the staging process that not many people know about and this is one of them it's not just the consultation we go to afterwards we go we spend a few hours we source out the pieces we need and then it's the staging day where everything gets executed and then after that once the property is sold we go and we de-stage so it's really like a four-step process if it's just a simple styling project sometimes they need more stuff like lighting and we have cleaners and painters and you know some other traits that go in to do work but the ones for tomorrow are pretty simple so bring your hands okay guys we're at the warehouse right now this is our sanctuary this is where all the magic comes to life where we do all our planning and prepping before any styling project so we come here we brainstorm and we pick our pieces pack it all up get it in the truck and take it to the property so i'm here now to do some prep work for projects that are coming up tomorrow so welcome to san jose's warehouse so i know a lot of you have been asking if we rent our furniture or if it's ours and it's 100 ours we don't rent anything from outside companies i have been accumulating my inventory and just growing and going and growing and sorry about the mess right now but we are in the process of moving to a bigger warehouse so it is a little bit cluttered so don't mind let's go through and i'll show you around [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Applause] so i'm giving you a private and exclusive tour of the warehouse we generally don't have clients or customers coming in here this is our own private space so you're getting a first tour of what san jose's warehouse looks like so let's go through so our selection of furniture really ranges from modern contemporary traditional transitional we have all sorts of stuff from ottomans to tables to chairs and sofas and rugs and accessories so this is where we keep all of our larger furniture and they're stacked on the shelves where my guys go up and they carry everything down they're amazing they're super strong i can't do it myself and then we go to the back of the warehouse where we have our chechas our accessories where we make the space actually come to life my accessory room is actually overflowing so to be honest with you this is about 30 percent of the stuff that inventory that we have a lot of our stuff is out right now i have over 25 houses out so what you see here right now is stuff that we will be using for future projects and we have everything like we have all of our gold accessories we have all of our whites which are so popular right now books flowers bathroom accessories to anything and everything you can think of this is my own personal home sense i have a lot of natural stuff that i like to use because i feel like the like stuff like this really add life to the space so whether it's in a kitchen or in a bathroom in wall units and we have like rocks and sand i like to do things a bit differently you know like think outside the box add like little accessories to like the glass vases add some moss as you guys know i love to use moss in my projects because i really feel like it makes the space look so much more vibrant and then i have a lot of like dried stuff like pastas i have these like wooden accessories again they're neutral but it's just like space fillers i like to call them okay guys so i have about an hour to hour and a half of some prep work to do for our project for tomorrow so i'm gonna let you guys go i'm gonna go back to working and then once i'm done we'll go through our next appointment together i'll catch you soon [Music] it's like five degrees pretty cold three times the charm let's get inside okay guys we're in our beautiful house that we styled a few months back and it sold to now my client who i'm gonna be designing the house for and furnishing it for him you guys might remember the video and it's called how to design a modern living room well this is the house empty so let's take a tour standing in the um office right now which we're gonna kind of replicate the exact same concept that we had with the desk the chair nice area rug and then you come here and oh my god doesn't it look so different without furniture this is why we style homes because when you add furniture you're actually bringing in so much warmth and you're bringing so much character into the room and when it's empty it just kind of looks boring and blah so that's why we have a job now the living room we're going to do something very similar to what we did with the styling because they loved it so much and they've actually told me a few times that my styling was the reason why they bought the house don't say that to the builder even though i love you guys and so we're going to kind of recreate that same image that we had in the living room and this was our beautiful dining room that we had with the eight seats we're actually gonna do the same eight seats again but again different furniture different finishes and then come here if you guys remember we had our big sectional here and we're going to do another sectional something nice and big and comfortable so this is like the family room and then we have the kitchen area on this side so i'm here to take some measurements because i need to start ordering furniture for my client so you guys can watch how i do this okay guys we're all done here taking our measurements we're gonna head over to one of our projects where my team is staging right now it's actually on the other side of the city so we have about a half an hour drive let's go get another coffee and let's go [Music] okay guys so this is the house that we are staging today just west of toronto and it's a custom house so actually i see something really interesting here come and take a look at this i've actually never seen one of these live before but wow what an effect it gives here this is stunning what they did here and i encourage people to do this because this just gives such a beautiful feature wall between the dining and the family room let's go have a look at the family room i see something that i really like my bowls are here my gold bowls that i love putting on walls instead of artwork yes for the foyer let's give them a hand while we're here pretend like we did something these are actually [Music] yes i can do the pillows okay so i guess we're actually here to get down and dirty and do some staging let's do it i'll do a final walkthrough once the house is finally styled and completed but so we brought in some warm tones into all of the grays you know how i always talk about mixing stuff well gray with gold tones gray with cream tones beige tones brown tones is absolutely stunning if you don't want to be totally on the cool tone you can go and add some warm textures some warm fabrics to really make the space feel nice and complete let's grab more okay so one of the other tones that i picked out of here out of this part was the nice deep gray it's kind of like a velvety fabric and it really picks off this one so now we have the three different tones going ta-da and a throw we need a throw let's do a throw get perfect and yes i do love to karate chop for those of you that wonder okay so this is our accessory pile usually what we do when we come in we offload in the kitchen and we put all of our accessories down arrange them room by room and then they get dispersed actually uh for this house we decided to use a lot of raw materials like these black bowls absolutely love them they can be used indoor or outdoor i love to use them on the dining tables coffee tables just as nice punch of color with the moss and the black obviously goes with absolutely everything so this is it what to do now check upstairs let's go have a look hey okay so the master bedroom is looking phenomenal very nice so we have a king bed two night stands coming usually i ask people not to put the sconces because we put table lamps but these lights are really nice so i opted for the light fixtures versus the table lamps king bed and i can see here my team has left some pillows for me to put away and she says gotta do something around here yes i guess i should so we like to put up our pillows do them in different tones different textures these ones have a little bit of bling which will make the bed pop okay so it's been a busy day today i'm so glad you guys got to join in on all the fun and see what i do on my daily routine so it's pretty early and it can go on pretty late so always got to keep a smile on my face and just keep going and then the final touch of a nice throw adds a lot of warmth and dimension to the bed and we're going to finish it off with a bench that's not here yet so we'll wait for justin and mike to bring that over let's go have a look at the bathroom okay and the master bathroom nice and clean looking so you have our accessories oh one of my favorite things i love to do instead of using soap when we're styling i use rocks so they come in all shapes and sizes and different colors so you can go neutral and then we put nice uh accessories in the wall units with some rolled up towels makes it look very spa-like so if you have the shelves at home try it out it really makes the space look pretty okay guys bedroom number two so the reason that we styled this bedroom is because sometimes the rooms don't show their full potential when they're not styled and we'll take an irregular shaped room or a small room and furnish it and actually show the size of the room and what the potential buyers can actually do with the space so this room most likely somebody would have walked in here and said oh the room is too small but we fit a double headboard with a mattress and a nightstand with a lamp on it and it just really gives you insight onto how to really style the room and how to use the room to its full potential okay looks good not done but looks good we're almost there hey guys check this out it's raining outside and my movers are amazing at what they do and they're covering my stuff when you're hiring people to move your stuff around make sure they're reliable because 16 years in this industry and i have it down pat with my guys thank you for covering [Laughter] yay brownie points can i get a high five can i get yeah and he's strong it was so much fun going through my day with you i hope you guys enjoyed my daily routine and you got some insight as to what i do because i know you usually see me on camera and i'm explaining the room and what we did but today was a much different experience so look out for more of these vlogs i really enjoyed it and be sure that we will be making more of these don't forget to like comment and subscribe to our page and check us out on instagram guys we have so much going on there at sana's design underscore interiors and i'll catch you guys next time see ya
Channel: Style With Sanaz
Views: 318,879
Rating: 4.92521 out of 5
Keywords: day in the life of an interior designer, daily life of an interior decorator, what do interior designers really do, what is interior designing all about, what do interior designers do, what does an interior designer do, how to become an interior designer, daily life of an interior designer, day in the life, choosing furniture for your home, my interior design process, my decorating process, how to make money as an interior designer, how to have an interior design career
Id: w_AoAkr7eqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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