Day In The Life Of A Systems Administrator

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[Laughter] [Music] hi guys memes here and today we're going to join johnny g at his new facility this is kind of a rush job because we have two days to set up an entire office um from my understanding nothing is set up so we have to get the network going we have to set up the workstations get the wi-fi going and i believe the construction workers are actually still there setting up the desks and the cubicles and stuff so we're going to have to work around that grand opening is actually in two and a half days so they contracted me for these next two days and i have no clue what's in store for us but i'm gonna get over there uh as soon as possible and we can check out you know what's been done i am hoping that the isp stuff like the internet is already set up and i'm hoping hoping hoping i don't know for sure but hoping that the patch panel is already punched in so i'm gonna head over right now i'm gonna meet him we're gonna kind of scope out like what needs to be done and make a game plan um because we have a lot to do and not a lot of time so let's head over there we bought ubiquity some 6a's there's patch panel we got ups poe switch here's a few more parts here's the workstations little mini workstations and a unified dream machine all right buddy what are we going to be doing today so first we're going to set up every cubicle of your office so we're going to have to put all these monitors into place have them attach these uh monitor stands and make sure that you know while each computer is connected to the network and working whoever finishes their desk first it's going to start working on servers so it's a race right now yay competition sounds good all right getting a quick status update right now we have let's see there's one two that's not done yet and there's three i'm currently working on this one so we have three and a half left how's it going hey just got this is my third one once i'm done with this i'm getting over that other weird yeah looks like he's making more of a mess than progress oh dude that rhymed do you have a power tool huh you have a power tool what that screwdriver is um yes it's enough so someone counted the workstations wrong over here because i only see seven workstations up right now and he says there's eight sir would you like to comment on that i'm still winning on my fourth desk okay first of all where's the eighth desk how am i supposed to even have a chance if there's no eighth desk i should probably finish this i'm going back to work now bye okay so we're going to start running the cables from the top all the way down to the cage so let me flip this over here all right i'm showing them what we just did we ran these cables from up here from up here and i pulled them from down there and now they're here ready to uh do we have to terminate those yes okay okay all right so we're gonna try and patch these right now uh the patch panel is configured for both t5680b and t5680a standards there's a guide right there as you can see but depending on which one you're using in our case two five six eighty b i'm gonna put like uh the orange ones on one and two [Music] okay so we're starting on the network now i just unboxed the dream machine which is right here and then if i don't drop anything we have a 48 port poe switch so these are ubiquity i believe and we're going to start racking up soon all right guys day one is finished uh we didn't get everything done of course but it's getting late so we're gonna go through and see what we accomplished today and what we have to do tomorrow we got the workstations up pretty much they're set up we do need to get some uh extension cords for these guys and then we're gonna figure out once the table gets here tomorrow we'll put that up there but for the most part these workstations are up and then we got some of the networking things finished we have that up there we're working on the patch panels and uh all the internet stuff's up there so tomorrow's another day and we'll complete the rest so we found another port which is there's the fridge up there i don't know why it's there this genius was like four foot tall didn't even decide to look why would it be up there first of all and i'm not four foot whatever the hell you just said all right it's on let's see if it reacts once we plug this is the last one nada but i just wanted to take the time just like point out that there's a port up there what are you gonna do with that you're gonna rack something up there i don't know is that you're gonna work up there there's another one up there is this a workstation hi everybody it's day two and i'm still trying to cut this cable so the plan here is we're going to finish punching down those jam cables all right so since this facility does they don't have anything labeled yet so when we plug it in we don't know which port is being activated so i got this little guy here i'm just gonna run through the office really quick and see which one lights up and is connected and active and then maybe we should we should label them we should start labeling them one two three four and five so that's what we're gonna do right now let's get started all right just a quick update so we finally have patch panels up um and we plugged in all the patch panel to the switch and firewalls up so we went around to each workstation and plugged it in made sure that uh all of the ports work next thing we're gonna do is set up some unifi waps for the wi-fi and we're trying to figure out you know where the best placement is he was being cheap and didn't want to buy um already terminated cables so now he's terminating cables fun all right guys that completes day two um pretty much got everything done the network's up workstations are pretty much up all we have to do is just kind of have some cleanup tomorrow um took a little longer because construction guys weren't done and um we were kind of bumping heads but we got through it you have anything to say i'm overlooked i don't know i didn't hear you say it again i'm over here so here let's see around and let's check out what we did so far here we'll go through the cubicles pretty much they are up just have a little bit of cleanup to do this is where we were working and cubicles over there but pretty much so we have the network stuff is completely working it's all connected there's the wi-fi internet stuff um there's a server down here no so someone has some cleaning up to do but pretty much firewalls up switches up everything's connected to the patch panels so i was only contracted for two days so this is the end of my shift here this is actually his facility so he's going to be cleaning up tomorrow and getting everything else done he doesn't want to come and help hey i have a job to do all right bye guys [Music]
Channel: Mimz Techritory
Views: 16,842
Rating: 4.8435206 out of 5
Keywords: computer science, information technology, network engineer, systems administrator
Id: V3QMhneds0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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