Day In The Life Of A Monitor Tech + 12 hr shifts

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[Music] so my day typically starts at 6:30 so I go into the monitor room which could also be considered a war room I set my stuff down get my lunch out and then I take it over to the refrigerator once I'm finished I get report from the nightshift tech and this report consists of sharing information about different kind of heart rates any kind of abnormal activity on the monitor that I should be aware of and just anything you want to share that can give any kind of insight to what your day can look like so these are the documents that we use every day so we have a call log and we have a monitor log so the call log essentially is just us writing down the room the person who called or recalled what they call for and then the time this lovely piece of hardware here is our visera which basically is a walkie-talkie for us to be able to communicate with the nursing staff when we have a problem [Music] this is the device that we put on the patient so it has six wires attached to it and they will be hooked up to the patient just like this picture here so I'm going to show you how we admit the patient's into our system so you'll click admit on the screen into the patient information I'm going to use a fake name last name Doe first name Jane and once you finish typing that information then you're going to add the patient's room number and the box number and this one is eight five to seven [Music] after you add the patient's information and click admit and if there was a patient hooked up to this box their information will be shown right here on the screen once the patient is on tele we have to measure their rhythm so we have to measure the PR interval of the QRS interval and the Tartar which is the heart rate so after you finish getting the measurements on the computer the printer will print out a strip for you and this is what it looks like so it has two leads on there so you can see a normal rhythm and it has all the measurements down at the bottom you see the heart rate is 69 so an up-close view of what every rhythm should have is a P wave QRS and a T wave so these are the things that we're looking for when we look at these strips and if not we need to notify the doctor take the next step is to add the rhythm interpretation on this trip which I decided this was sinus rhythm and then I'll go take it over to the box and went for the nurses to come pick it up so another part of my job is documentation so we are supposed to be recording the patient's heart rate and rhythm every other hour and this helps us keep track of what the patient's been doing so if anything comes up and someone has a question about what's been going on we can always look back and say well yesterday the patient went into afib or sinus rhythm [Music] so this is a quick glance at the kind of rhythms that you'll see on telly this is a patient who has a pacemaker these are three runs of v-tach that one patient had during our shift [Music] adult psychiatric your attention please all clear continue hurts again and occasionally we like to have fun on our shift so sometimes we'll have a visitor and they will come in and take this for a while [Music] [Music] [Music] and then finally I am recording my five o'clock rhythm interpretations and then I wait until 6:30 when my relief arrives which is the night shift and then it's finally my turn to give report to her [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TeachQueenQ
Views: 50,874
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Keywords: monitor technician job, ekg technician day in the life, telemetry monitoring, monitor tech, ekg interpretation, telemetry monitoring in hospitals, ge telemetry monitoring system, monitor tech jobs, 12 hr shifts, day shift, day in the life, day in the life of a monitor tech, ecg intepretation made easy, ekg rhythms, ekg technician, ekg crash course, ekg techician day in the life, ecg interpretation made easy, ekg lead placement, monitor tech test, monitor technician salary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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