Day in the Life of a Customer Success Manager [WFH/Remote]

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in this video we're going to walk you through a day in the life of a customer success engineer i'm going to document my entire day from start to finish so that you guys have an understanding of what this role actually looks like and what you can expect if you're looking to transition into this kind of role anyways let's get started alexa what time is it [Music] so usually the first thing i do every morning is pull open this google sheet here and this tracks my progress on all the lead measures that i've set up for myself on a weekly basis and it generates a score at the end of each week i get a score and i shoot for an 88 or above and this allows me to kind of gamify my life and it's based on a management methodology called four disciplines of execution which is similar to okrs and what's cool about google sheets is you can extend it with your own code so i've done things like hooking into the aura ring health device that i wear and it will pull in my sleep scores into my google sheet which ultimately does affect my score for the week so you end up with this really cool like biochemical software application that basically if you get a good score on a weekly basis you'll end up generating the results that you're looking for so this i think gives me a really nice advantage and it's it's quite literally a way for me to use my software programming and technical expertise to improve my life [Music] good morning good morning how are you doing all right there were some events that um needed some optimization like the decimal place wasn't in the right place and it was thrown off the numbers so um as of yesterday afternoon pretty much every metric looked good to me obviously it's not retroactive so real quick i just wanted to provide some details about what a customer success engineer does and like where that role fits into a larger a larger organization so i would only be working for a company that is selling large deals to like the fortune 1000 companies like say for instance um you take zoom video conferencing software zoom sells to consumers prosumers and also businesses but because they're selling to consumers like it wouldn't really warrant a whole you know success team uh to support that client because the lifetime value of that client you know is so small but if you're like for instance salesforce and you're selling deals that are you know six figures and seven figures per annum to companies then it makes sense to create a small glorified support team called customer success that team usually consists of an account exec which is the sales rep that's sold into the company an account manager whose job is to get retentions and renewals and that sort of thing usually a business consultant or customer success manager who's more in the day-to-day um of like prioritizing and or organizing um that that client's needs and that sort of thing and then there's a technical role which is uh referred to as customer success engineering that's my role or solutions developer solutions engineer that sort of thing there's kind of some interchange there with the nomenclature but you know what my job is is say i'm say i'm working for salesforce and we're selling to you know nike you know salesforce uh requires a bunch of configuration that i would help with i would help with any sort of technical related issues uh regarding onboarding i would help with triaging and troubleshooting bugs um third-party integrations they may decide that they want to you know move the the salesforce data over to another data lake or maybe they want to uh create some bespoke integration with some other tool i would be doing that engineering and what's nice about it is instead of working solely on a code base you know day after day as i would if i was strictly in an engineering role i get to work on these kind of bite-sized projects and i also get to kind of be where all the action is because i'm working with the customer and i'm seeing them in the field derive value from the software so you kind of have this nice vantage point where you get to kind of see everything that's going on [Music] at the tim we had a chance to look at that yeah i was actually just looking at it before the call i'm going to do two things one is i'm going to sync the rules from prod into it just in case there was anything missing there and then two i'll just i'll monitor sessions and i'll let you know maybe it is net new and we haven't covered it but my guess is it's it's there in prod and just hasn't propagated over it so i'll let you know the verdict on that all right i'll talk to you guys later you know where i am all right awesome thanks thanks hey guys so i wanted to give you a little behind the scenes on my work set up here so my apartment has like this kind of odd um alcove which i've designated as my office you know i have this painting here in the background which kind of adds some flair to my zoom meetings my workstation here i do use a standing desk from nine to five uh if i end up working before or after nine to five i kind of allow myself to sit on the couch it's kind of like my little treat um but very good for your health to stay standing and i have back issues if i sit all day so it works for me i have my primary workstation under here which is my macbook pro and it's just connected through a a usb hub a usbc hub and i have a like a 33 inch screen here which is a really nice i have a phone charger readily available i have a jailbroken iphone that i have to use for certain aspects of my job i have some books here and then a nice kind of view outside which gives me some nice sunlight and um you know one thing i would say is that sometimes people talk about like uh this digital nomad lifestyle where you're gonna like work out of coffee shops and stuff like that and i personally don't think uh that is realistic i think um you know dropped internet connections like noise in the background not being able to get food and go to the bathroom like this is all stuff that like you should not be contending with it's going to slow you down and like you want a workspace where you can just come in and focus on your work and go and like you really want to optimize that because like where else does productivity come from right so you can't be dealing with like trifling with little issues and things like that it just it's just going to slow you down so [Music] basically what i think is happening is like i think it's it's the it's the client javascript that ends up uh enforcing the three-minute threshold i think i think the server or firewall or wherever the request is get is hanging i think it would hang indefinitely but i think our javascript like this worker.js file um that has logic that says if the service worker exceeds three minutes then terminate the request and then it throws the error to the console okay that's all i need for now um and i'm hoping that's the option of tied to a very specific tcp stream at least i don't know what exactly was talking to and okay thanks sir [Music] so this is just beef corn and peas with this guy taco seasoning which does all the heavy lifting in this recipe [Music] you
Channel: Data Slayer
Views: 16,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: customer success engineer, customer support, customer success manager, day in the life, customer success engineer vs sales engineer, customer success, what does a customer success manager do, engineering, sales engineer, customer success manager interview questions and answers, saas, Chief Customer Officer, csm role
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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