Day in the LIFE OF A CAMPER: leaving home and setting up camp (PLUS new camping meal ideas!)

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do you hear that it is the sound of nothing [Music] today i am heading out for a little camping trip i was looking at the weather and down in southern utah it was supposed to be like 70 degrees i need that sunshine in my life right now so we're packing things up obviously we're here at home i thought it'd be kind of fun and different to show you this first day of camping where i actually start at home pack everything up drive to the campsite unpack set up camp that whole thing because usually when i start filming i'm already at camp it is just after seven i want to get an early start but we haven't started packing the car yet so we'll see i would love to be on the road by eight o'clock and then it's just a few hour drive first things first is definitely going to be coffee normally we make two mug fulls here is most of our stuff nick's already taken the bins outside so we got sleeping bags tents camera gear sleeping pads table all that stuff has got to go outside the next thing i'm going to do is pack the yeti usually what i do is i just lay out all the stuff that i want to put in the cooler i've already planned out all the meals that i want to make so this is really it there's actually not a whole lot that we're needing to take and then this is going to be for tonight's dinner over the campfire so i'm going to marinate this here and then put it in the cooler so that it's ready to go when we're at camp so this first meal of the day or the evening is just really really easy for the steak i'm just gonna do a little bit of this fajita seasoning some lime and some olive oil [Music] meat is now going to just sit in the cooler right on top of the ice block and it will just marinate all day while we're driving to camp and it's ready to go for dinner [Music] so we already have the bins in the car we got the stove got a bunch of firewood last thing i'm doing in the kitchen is just filling up my good old water jug so now we just need to finish packing the car and hit the road [Music] [Music] we just stopped to get some gas we're almost out of the city and we're also filling up our propane tank for our stove lastly before we actually head up into the mountains we're gonna stop and get some breakfast because i'm super hungry did not have time to make anything at home today so we're just gonna get some chick-fil-a which i don't eat fast food very often but chick-fil-a and in and out are the two that i do like so we're gonna stop there and then we drive up and over those mountains there it's so windy and cold here and i'm just really looking forward to actually getting out of the city and taking a deep breath of fresh air listening to nothing but nature breakfast breakfast so one of the things that i like to do while we're just kind of riding in the car if i'm the passenger obviously i wouldn't be able to do this if i was driving is practice my knot so in my glove compartment i keep some string and this knot tying kit so i'll link to this kids you can just get this on amazon it's pretty cheap and it's really cool it's got a bunch of these really common knots both sides and then i have two pieces of rope to practice these knots and it's a great thing to do while you're sitting in the car i found that knot tying is one of those skills that if i do not practice it i totally forget it [Music] this is what i have been up to so i got my coffee cup and this is a trucker's hitch so this is one of the ones that i always try to make sure i know how to do practice that one and then this is a bowline knot slowly as i get good i'm just trying to add on new knots as i go from this book eventually i will have them all down but yeah if you got some time in the car here you go here's an activity for you [Music] it is 11 20 so we're almost there we're on the dirt road now and we've camped in this area so many times in southern utah it's just on blm land so we already kind of have an idea of where we're going to camp so yeah it's a beautiful sunny day and it's not even noon so i have all afternoon just to relax at camp so excited we have arrived [Applause] do you hear that it is the sound of nothing so beautiful i just love the desert sunny giving me life so i usually like to set things up kind of right when i arrive so then i can keep my stuff organized and relax the rest of the day instead of like waiting until night time to set everything up and then you have to do it in the dark [Music] that looks like a good flat spot for the tent with a good getting view to find my reason longing for something greater than this and i'm right with anticipation [Music] a dream in my heart yeah this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] climb to the top [Music] just for this [Music] i am barefoot once again [Music] myself [Music] it has been just the best day like you could not have asked for a more perfect day so we're gonna get a fire going in this fire pit and then dinner is super easy because as you saw this morning i marinated the steak already so that's pretty much ready just to go right onto the grill and then i'm gonna do fajitas with that i will have a printable recipe for this dinner in the description below if you want to make it yourself you can print the recipe there i also i'm going to play around with the pie iron and maybe do some sort of dessert with this today and then this is the grill that i brought to cook the steak on but i want to do more pie iron recipes for you so i'm going to test a few tonight and that's going to be it nyx chopping some wood for the fajitas i am gonna do a red and a green bell pepper and onion and then i use the rest of that fajita seasoning that we used earlier today at home with a little bit of olive oil and i'm gonna cook it in my trusty cast iron pan right over the fire with the steak and that's gonna be it and i have some toppings and stuff which i'll show you later but you know at the core it's a very very simple meal [Music] peppers onions i actually think i might have to do this in two batches because it's not gonna fit in that pan but that's okay and i cut them in strips like this too they fit really nicely in the tortillas and stuff that we're gonna use when you cut them like that so that's how i do it [Music] veggies are ready to go so while i've been getting the food ready nick's been getting the fire ready i'm gonna start cooking the veggies first and then i will throw the steak on there because it doesn't need to cook for super long [Music] hear that i love that sound [Music] something about that sizzle [Music] i always feel so cool when i cook like this this is just how humans have done it a cast iron on on a fire for centuries this is the meat from earlier this morning which feels like a really long time ago but we're gonna just throw that on the grill next it's just completely ready to go couldn't be any easier [Music] barely fit [Music] that looks good last thing we gotta throw on the fire are these tortillas if you live in salt lake city or maybe in utah i don't know where else you can find these i think they're made here in utah they are so good these tortillas we buy them every single week so we're just gonna cook those [Music] these are the toppings at sour cream cheddar cheese and cilantro [Music] here's the whole spread [Music] veggies so easy so delicious [Music] what i'm making for dessert are little pies in the pie iron so i got some pie dough here and i'm just cutting that into little squares and some apple pie filling from the store so it's going to be super easy to assemble little pie ready to be baked [Music] these turned out so good i mean they're just crispy this crust and this delicious apple pie filling we're just hanging out around the campfire and then we're gonna hit the tent so that's been the day it was really fun to show you something different this first day of camping leaving from home i hope you enjoyed this today has felt so long and that's one of the things i love about camping is time slows and i think it's just because you're out of your routine even if you just have a day or two to go camping like that's enough that can still be such a fun valuable trip you don't need like the resources and the time to necessarily travel full-time and do these super long trips weekend trips are awesome and it does feel like quite a lot of time so i hope you enjoyed this if you did make sure you give it a like subscribe to my channel and i will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Amanda Outside
Views: 27,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, car camping, tent camping, tent camping setup, camping tips, camping vlog, day in the life camping, amanda outside
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 28 2022
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