Day in the Life of a Boutique Owners | $1,000 Saturday

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hey guys it's Jan short a and I'm back again with another video so today's video is gonna be a day in the life video um more of a vlog I guess my keys just feel so today I got a ton of inventory in I got a little bit of it um just throughout the week and then I just got like 5 or 6 more packages so I'm getting ready to photograph everything and then edit it all and get it up on my website so I can make some sales over the weekend so if you want to tag along with me for the afternoon or the day or whatever stay tuned alright so first and foremost I like to pull all my boxes into one spot just for the sake of organization so first I go through every single box and first you know make sure that I got what I actually ordered because sometimes these vendors make mistakes and then secondly I start to pull out one of each style in my size so that I can prepare to photograph them I also pull out my invoices so that I can put them all together in one spot for the sake of organization as well I got about 10 to 12 boxes and there were a total of like 65 items so that amounted to over 300 almost 400 pieces of merchandise alright so now I am taking a quick video of some bodysuits that I just got in stuck I like to show my merchandise in different ways besides you know just me modeling the item which can get kind of boring sometimes so here's me taking some photographs and there is a little photo of what that item actually looks like after I've edited it and everything and then this is me taking some more photos some flat layers I love doing flat layers I used to do them all the time for my old job and I have inserted some pictures so you guys can see what those pictures look like once I finished and edited them so yeah this one was really fun I really like taking pictures of these tank tops they came out really cool alright and then here's another video so that's what the video looked like on my phone and then these are what the pictures look like alright y'all so it is now 723 p.m. and I am finally done taking all the pictures I started editing some of them about 30 30 to 45 minutes ago I literally me and my husband we literally photograph almost 65 pieces so I think about sixty pieces today we photographed this is my biggest drop that I've ever done so this would be the most items that are ever released at one time I'm debating if I want to release I'm not gonna release them all at once I'm debating if I want to release like half one day and then a few days later release the other half before I want to break it up into like groups of 15 I don't know I haven't really decided but I know I don't want to drop all of them at the same time while it would be super exciting exciting to see all that money drop into my bank account at one time I am not anticipating having to package so many orders at one time so I'm going to spread it out over the course of a few days I just need to decide what those increments are gonna look like so people always ask me am I still taking my pictures with my phone I am so I just want to show y'all so the ones that are down here these are the ones I've edited already but this is all pictures that I've taken today so I'm still scrolling because these are literally all from today so I'm literally about to take some time like this goes on forever I'm literally about to take some time and go through all these pictures pick out the ones that are considered to be my favorites and edit those then I will work on getting them up on my website and I will probably schedule them all the posts are not all of them but whichever ones I choose I'll schedule them to post tomorrow I'll plan my email out tonight because I like to send an email out whenever Arbor Lee's released new arrivals and I'll also send out a text message to everybody who subscribed to my text list so I like to send those at the same time just for the sake of being able to see all those live viewers on my website at one time I just think it's really cool and yes so my house is a complete mess right now I have like tags from all the clothes that I had to take pictures and I have my invoices everywhere so I need to go through those that's one of the things that I try to do beforehand before I get the merchandise I go through my invoice so if you order from fashion go for example you can see your invoice on line so I go ahead and print that out and I plan out how much I'm going to price everything at I try to put in like a name for everything and all that stuff so that I can have that out of the way depending on how much time I have like in my week I will also go ahead into Shopify and actually input you know the product itself so put the name and I put the price I put the description as much of as as much of a description as I can without me having seen it yet um and I save it so literally when the item comes all I need to do is photograph it edit it and upload the pictures everything else is already set in stone um so yeah I'm debating if I'm gonna clean my house tonight I don't foresee it um because I'm tired my back is killing me I don't know why you would think I was like doing some manual labor I don't know but anything you have to have all those boxes back there I am NOT going to go through those boxes because well I will go through them to make sure everything is that I have the correct numbers of everything but um I won't be taking anything out of those boxes until I start to package some orders because it does not make sense for me to organize it in my bins and on my racks and everything like that where I'm just gonna end up shipping it right back out so that stuff is just gonna fit and um yes so I'm gonna go ahead and finish editing these pictures and I'll probably insert like a little time lapse situation so you guys can watch me edit just a little bit and then I'll come back probably tomorrow and share some more footage with you guys so we'll get back to editing [Music] okay y'all so I lied it is now 11:07 at night my hair is a mess um I'm still editing pictures I feel like I'm never gonna be doing as you can see it's night time I know so I just went out and got me some food because every left I hadn't eaten all day so I got me some KFC and I got Wendy's because I needed two meals and um yeah so I'm going to finish eating and edit pictures until I fall asleep so I'll see you guys tomorrow all right so now it's Sunday I completely forgot to vlog Saturday which is when I released all the new arrivals so now I am packaging all the new arrivals that I put up on my site on Saturday I made some good sales so you can see the pile piling up over there so I'm on my computer helping my husband package some orders moving some things around on my website as things are selling through and just making some changes and then this is all of the packages from Saturday's sales which I'm super excited about because a lot of them were larger packages rather than the small ones and I packed them all up so my husband it can transport them all to the post office and then here is a screenshot of all the sales that I made from Saturday when I released the new arrivals so now Sunday I released all my well not all of them I released a portion of my new arrivals yesterday and it went really well so I made just over sorry I made just over a thousand dollars so now obviously I'm still trying to sell the merchandise on still posting on social media now I'm taking some time to look at my marketing from this weekend so my email that I sent out and my text message that I sent out to see what my results were from that and basically I'm looking to see what I've accomplished how much money I've made what my profit was how much money I have to reinvest back into the business and I already have a car of merchandise waiting to be purchased I also have merchandise that's on the way so I usually use Sunday's kind of just for planning purposes my husband just left he packaged all the orders for me um I helped him just a bit and he's gone he always leaves right after packaging these orders like that's not other work to be done but whatever that's neither here nor there um so yeah so now I'm gonna look at my analytics and excuse me for moving this so much you know this vlog situation is new to you girl all right look this down and I move my computer closer you guys probably still can't see let me move this down okay don't don't mind my screen apple the Apple store is closed so I don't have a way to get my computer fixed or see if it is even fixable okay so this is the email that I sent out yesterday it got sent to about 1100 people and I believe three over a little bit over 300 people opened it so this is what the email looks like it just has a banner at the top with a few pictures of my new arrivals just an explanation of what this is button to start shopping and then I always include a couple of pictures or a few pictures of some of the new stuff so that's what the email look like so I'm gonna go ahead and view the report for this email to see if I made money from it and all that so this page and if you guys didn't know I use Miller Lite for my emails so this page tells me how many were sent what percentage were open so 28.74 percent of the audience I sent this email to actually open the email so three hundred thirty four people and out of the three hundred thirty four people that open the email only sixty six of them actually clicked a link inside the email so that was that accounted for five point six eight percent so I'm gonna go over here to this ecommerce tab and I'm gonna see if I can I can I know I can't I was trying to see if I could if I could zoom in so this screen shows me my results from this from this email so I got four orders from this email which amounted to three hundred twenty three dollars in one cent and it's telling me that point three four percent of the people who clicked actually converted into a sale so it also will show me you know what they bought and stuff like that yeah really cool so after I go in and look at my emails I like to go and look at my text marketing so um quick sidebar if you guys have not thought about including text as part of your marketing I highly recommend it this screen shows like year-to-date so I've only been using text marketing for about two two-and-a-half months two to two-and-a-half months I've only spent forty seven dollars forty seven dollars and seventy one cents and that amounted to twenty nine orders which brought me in 1062 dollars so I've made a profit of over a thousand dollars from a forty seven dollar investment so I know there's a lot of like anxiety around spending money with the likelihood of not getting it back but I started this email lists are not email as I'm sorry this text list from zero like everybody else would start and like I said I've only been using it for two months I think I've only since maybe four or five text messages out now and I've made over a thousand dollars from a forty seven dollar investment so test it out guys all right so I'm gonna go and look at my text message from yesterday so of that thousand dollars that I've made this year two hundred and twelve dollars came from yesterday so I got five orders from my text messages which amounts it to two hundred twelve dollars and I spent $11 to get that $200 I had over two hundred dollar profit from my eleven dollar investment so yeah I liked it on here and just look and see you know how things went whatever it'll tell you like who bought wood and how much they spent things that I'm looking for let me pull this back up so some of the things that I'm often looking for as I'm going through and looking at my analytics is one to see who actually purchased two to see how much on average they spent in those orders three looking to see what they purchased I'm also always looking for trends across what people purchase so like if I noticed that I sold a ton of sets but no dresses then that's an indication that I need to invest more money in to sit by vice-versa so a lot of dresses I would say okay I need to invest in more dresses so I'm gonna go now and look at my analytics and look at my fills from yesterday and I have made feels today but I'm just primarily focused on yesterday um all right so sixty six point six seven of my customers from yesterday we're returning customers meaning that they have purchased from me in the past yesterday I got twenty two orders to my average order value with sixty three dollars and forty cents so that means on average most of my orders were just over sixty three dollars which is pretty good that's the twenty eight percent increase from it from yesterday or is it I don't know it's comparing it to another time period but it's a 28 percent increase my conversion rate was three point one three percent so three over three percent of the people that visited my website actually purchased something which is cool other things I like to look for or social media or what amount of my sales resulted from social media so according to my analytics here $434 came from Instagram and $272 came from Facebook so that's cool and then it also tells me in the middle of the screen in this box it tells me the landing pages that the most people landed on so 382 of my store sessions were to my new arrivals page 216 those clicks or visits were from or to my home page and then after I looked at that that's usually the case that's usually my new arrivals in my home page they always have the most views I like to look and see what products had the most views so our products and collection so my sets had 19 or no 22 sessions yesterday my clearance had 18 sessions my lounge collection had 15 sessions my dresses had 15 sessions so usually what I'm going in here and looking at these I'm looking to see what what collections weren't clicked on at all because that's an indication of people weren't looking for that they weren't looking for tops they weren't looking for bottoms which is typically the case with my brand so yeah so long story short I like to come in here look at my analytics to see what's working what's not see what I can change what I need to do better things like that and oh and then lastly I like to look at my my profit margin so let me go find that profit by-product and I'm going to just look at yesterday to see what my profit margin was so yesterday my profit margin was 71 percent that is amazing so my average profit market usually sits somewhere between 50 something percent in like 68 percent so I have increased or yesterday I had a huge increase in my profit margin which is cool and that was literally because I sourced merchandise that was affordable that I could give a larger profit margin which in effect increases my profit so yesterday 71 percent of the money that I made was profits which is awesome so I like to go back in and look at the cost of that merchandise related to the profit that I made and typically I go off of the cost of the merchandise and determine that that's the amount that I will comfortably be okay with putting back into my business so for example if the says that my cost for the day before or for whatever time frame I'm looking at if it says my costs were $500 I comfortably allow myself to spend $500 because I know that I have made my initial investment back um based on the amount of profit that I have um so I am actually gonna go in and look at my profit for the last seven days to help me gauge how much money I made in the last seven days in order to determine how much money I will put back into my business so and like I said I have merchandise on the way so I probably won't put too much back in so let's see click click and next I'm gonna look at one month today so mom today my profit margin 62% so that means 62% of all the revenue I've made was profit so this week my cost were only three hundred dollars out of the are a little bit over three hundred dollars wait was that friend this week I'm sorry no I'm lying hold on week to date nope last seven days that's what I need last seven days oh if anybody's wondering I'm looking at Shopify as well I use Shopify alright so in the last seven days five hundred seven dollars and twenty-nine cents were my cost of the merchandise that I sold so that means that I can afford to put five hundred seven dollars back into my business because that was my initial investment in that merchandise and I made sixty sixty sixty six sixty six percent of the money I made was profit so I know that I have a very nice profit that I can leave in my bank account without I know that I have sixty six percent of that revenue was profit and consider my bank account while the other five hundred seven dollars will go back into my business so yeah okay so I've already packaged well me and my husband packaged these orders so now I'm just gonna go ahead and look in fact look into bash and go reinvest some dollars and start planning my activities for the rest of the week so I'm a time lapses next portion of the video all right so my last step after a really good weekend of sales is to go and order all the merchandise that's sitting in my cart waiting to be purchased [Music]
Channel: Jance Chartae
Views: 25,624
Rating: 4.9721737 out of 5
Id: 44bgXOn-g-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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