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hey there and welcome back to my channel today we're going to be doing a sunday day in the life i want to thank squarespace for sponsoring today's video i'm so excited we're gonna be doing some cooking some cleaning some getting ready for the week ahead and i'm gonna be sharing lots of mom tips if you're new here definitely subscribe if you're returning it's so good to see you all right let's jump into this video okay guys so here is my list for sunday it is almost 11 i think yeah we had fun donuts had a fun breakfast with the kids this morning and i want to this is the place here in our town it's called buttercream it is amazing if you ever come to napa definitely check this place out they have the best donuts ever and the best breakfast ever so today i just started making a list it's um sunday january 30th and today is uh there's a couple football games one of which is the 49ers which is the team from the bay area where i live here in northern california so it's kind of a big day for us i need to do um weekly grocery haul i'm going to do that now i need to prep the kids backpacks outline my schedule for the week do lunch and dinner menu that way i know what i'm going to be ordering so i get all the right stuff and then the game i'm going to do one sheet pan nachos today i'm going to do an amazing we call it k bueno but it's like um a tex max kind of cheese dip and then veggies i'm going to do chili but i'm also gonna do it for dinner outline everything for charlotte's birthday which is on friday and then i got a soda stream the kids are actually really excited about this so i want to get that open and kind of create a space for it today my oldest son has football from 12 to two i need to clean the house and do laundry and then i need to order some more bento boxes and a larger lunch bag for two of my kids so i don't have a ton to do but you guys know on sundays i like really like to get the house prepared for the week so i'm gonna start by getting food order that way we can do a grocery haul in this video and i will also share what my uh lunch and dinner will be for the week i also have a bunch to clean up in here so to get started we are going to put our order in for the week and get the kitchen clean kind of get the house reset then we're going to start cooking for the football game and then we'll get ready with everything else okay guys let's go so to get started every sunday morning i do a weekly meal plan and i have a grocery list that i also use with that as well i have added these on my website at and i want to take a moment and thank squarespace for sponsoring today's video and making my website so easy to function there are so many things i love about squarespace i'm able to use outside extensions where i can add free printables for my recipes i also can use a downloadable feature where i can add all of this stuff you can go to my website now and download my weekly planner and they make it so easy i can link my social media add pictures i can do comments and all kinds of things to stay connected with you guys and i absolutely couldn't recommend squarespace more if you are looking to take that next leap and start a blog or a website i recommend heading over to lauren nicholson to save 10 of your first purchase of a website or domain name using lauren nicholson i absolutely love squarespace i've talked about this a ton i like to share all of my recipes there i'm not a big writer that's why i love using youtube as a medium but squarespace makes it so beautiful to add photos and a little bit of text and some free click downloads that i share with you guys all the time so definitely head over there and check that out if you're interested in starting a blog today [Music] so now that i have most of my list filled in i'm going to use my grocery list to start to order the things or put on the list of things that i really need for the week this really helps me stay organized so i'm not getting groceries that i'm not going to end up using we also have hellofresh that comes every wednesday so i always add those days or free days so i don't have to worry about anything i can just use my hellofresh those days which really helps out on a busy week but once i get my grocery list set i will go into the pantry and just see if there are little things that maybe are not on my menu list for the week but that i need to restock on especially when it comes to the kids lunches i need to always have little snacks and things in there for my weekly list i only add the items that are they're made in their lunches and then i let them pick out their sides so i'm gonna go through this and then we are going to get our grocery list completed and i'm gonna get everything ordered okay so i finished my weekly meal plan which has what i'm gonna make for the kids lunches in the mornings what they'll have for breakfast and then all the dinner i have hello fresh coming on wednesday so i was plugging in the days when we're gonna have that when i order hellofresh i usually do a steak a fish or like a beef of fish and then a chicken so i have three of those i'll share that with you coming up and then i also have what i will do for charlotte's birthday at school and then also what we'll do for her birthday party here at the house and then from this i build my grocery list i will put the order in for this stuff to get delivered to the house and then today i'm going to be making my smoked brisket chili i'm heading over to my favorite barbecue pit here in our hometown and i'm gonna pick up two pounds of their smoked brisket i don't have time to smoke my own like i did in the video if you guys want to check that out definitely check the links down below i'll link this recipe it is the best smoked brisket chili you will ever have in your life so i'm gonna head out and do that right now when i get back i'm gonna put my grocery list in and then we are going to start making everything for the football game that starts at three o'clock it is currently it's currently 12 o'clock so we got plenty of time i'm going to get everything going for this and we'll also start the laundry when we get back but i'll see you guys when we get back [Music] okay so i've got my shift order done all i need to do i'm going to mark this off i am going to i've already kind of got my schedule done lunch and dinner menu we're done with that um prep for the football game i think i want to get my chili ready so i went to the store and got that let's take that into the kitchen along with my recipe here i am going to get that started then we'll start doing everything else since jack is at football with his dad right now i'm gonna clean the house um get more bento boxes okay i can probably do this while the game is on yeah this will do p.m schedule we need to do this now and let's head into the kitchen i've got my weekly schedule and this is everything we ordered um i just wrote a reminder down here laundry cleaning pantry kids just to make sure i went through all their stuff to make sure if they needed something or i was missing something i had it but let's grab this stuff and head into the kitchen i cannot wait to make this chili it is by far one of my favorites let's do a little cleaning in here real quick and then let's get cooking i think i'm going to start to turn on football now so that i can start to listen to some of the pre-game and get rolling [Music] all the scars [Music] tell me in the comments down below what you guys have been up to recently we have been so busy here at home with school i don't know why i just feel like school is so much harder for the kids this year than it was last year homework has been insane and i just feel like there's been very little down time to actually be together as a family how do you guys manage the homework versus good quality family time i'm still really struggling trying to figure that out i feel like every night i'm in i need like one to two more hours the kids have been going to bed super late because i have so much homework for them to catch up on and i don't know tell me in the comments down below if you guys have any tips on how to kind of manage the kids homework versus family time [Music] [Music] this time i know it for sure [Music] oh my god they are so sweet they gave me all their sauces this place i will link it down below but this is like my favorite sauce in the world yes please oh my gosh that's so exciting here is the brisket i picked up from my local pit place i want to eat all of this right now but i can't look at this oh my god that is so gorgeous so gorgeous so we're gonna chop this up we're gonna be adding this into our smoked brisket chili i'm gonna go ahead and get all the ingredients out we're gonna get this thrown into a large dutch oven and get cooking [Music] this is a super simple recipe to make i made it i think a year ago in one of my fall uh cook with me's but i'm gonna do a quick prep of all the onions and garlic open up the cans this literally takes five minutes to make you get it on into like a dutch oven and then you let it simmer for about an hour or two uh don't put the meat in until the very end otherwise it gets super soggy but we're gonna go ahead and get started definitely head down to the links down below and you can check out my squarespace website where you can download this recipe for free today if you're interested in watching the video of how to cook this i will also link that right next to the downloadable as well once you've stewed your onions down i throw in some really great seasonings i think the core seasonings you're going to want to use is cumin but i have a bunch of little ones i use especially with a little cayenne pepper i'm gonna throw in three different types of beans and some corn and let that come to a nice simmer i also like to add fresh jalapenos or you can also do poblano peppers if you don't want the spice and then once that's all kind of mixed together add some tomatoes some tomato paste mix that all up add a little bit of chicken stock and let that simmer for about an hour okay guys so now i've got everything kind of mixed into my chili i'm just going to put the top on it and i'm going gonna let this actually simmer for about an hour i'll clean up everything over here just make sure my heat's good might be a little high yeah i'm gonna turn that down just a little okay so we're gonna let that simmer for a bit i'm gonna keep cleaning the house let me go back to my list here i know i gotta get the kids rolling on lunch but okay so oh i can make my queso fresco okay chili is done it is 104 so i want to do nachos and cheese dip my son's game's over in an hour so i'm going to start the cheese dip at 2 30 p.m nachos at 3 30 p.m the game starts at 3 30. so i'll just throw those in as it really don't take much time at all then i need to do the i'm going to do some cleaning in the kitchen and then get some things ready to do our craft over here i know charlotte my daughter is so excited so right here oh did you make that yeah charlotte this is amazing is this the sun coming up or the moon coming up the sun it's beautiful can i keep it forever my whole life okay are you gonna do some more painting okay how about when you're done painting we're gonna start our candy counting uh project okay this is all we need i'm what i'm gonna do is have them count all the candy probably eat a little too and then i don't know if i'm gonna have time to decorate today it's kind of a crazy day here and then once they get it in place i'm going to hot glue it with them and then we'll write on top teddy's 100. this is really beautiful charlotte is so talented with art okay and i can put this somewhere where i can see it because it is just magic [Applause] give it a 3d vibe okay i'm going to keep cleaning the kitchen and we'll just keep moving on with the day [Music] i guess our dreams fell asleep there's no passion in the comatose baby going down down down baby going down down down down tried so hard to stay afloat we keep moving like the going river down down baby going down down down down [Music] i wanted to tidy up the kitchen before our groceries get there i always like to clean while i'm cooking i've always been that way it just helps me stay a little bit ahead of the curve when it comes to stress and a dirty house so if that is something that could help you definitely use that as a hack to just kind of keep things clean while you're cooking so by the time you're done with lunch or dinner the house is not that dirty i'm also going to rotate the laundry i was able to do a ton of laundry the day before so i didn't have a whole bunch which is awesome i'm going to get this folded and put away shortly so i just ordered everything for this week's meal plan which is here and i will put that in like a little plastic thing but first i'll show you what we ordered for the week i did we use about two to three gallons of milk so i have some milk here four things of bread we do a ton of sandwiches grilled cheeses and then in the morning i have these wonderful little i love these thomas english thomas english muffins they're so yummy the kids love them we also have bagels one day this week for lunch the kids will get bagels i have one thing of mozzarella cheese and mexican style cheese this is actually going to go over here with our chili and then the mozzarella is going to go with one of my pasta dishes i did this popper deli which is one of my favorite types of pasta it's super thick and buttery and really delicious and then i did um just two different types of pasta for the kids lunches i did two bags of grapes here cinnamon rolls we'll do one um i think i have it let's see we have cinnamon rolls on wednesday and then again charlotte wants it for her birthday so i got two of those kids are getting extra lucky this week i got some ham some salami two things of strawberries two things of raspberries these are for their bento boxes hot dogs buns sour cream i'm gonna do some sour cream on these wraps and roll these up with some ham in them i like to use sour cream instead of mayonnaise for the kids during school just so it doesn't go bad and they don't notice the difference it's pretty good i did hummus during the day if i'm home working i like to do a little hummus with these veggie straws and then some celery sticks i'll cut these up on the side of dinner or in the kids lunches they tend to like those i also love these mini cucumbers these are awesome i use these all the time if you guys are on my instagram i cook with those all the time they're so good cilantro this also needs to go with my chili so then we have cauliflower florets and i also did broccoli my kids love these and i wanted to get all of this from the grocery store but they wouldn't deliver until nine o'clock tonight so i ended up even get everything i needed this week at target which isn't normal for me but i did chicken nuggets pirate booty these are great this is the kind of stuff i just throw in the kids lunches so i did pirate booty this week did apple sauces a couple granola bars cheez-its some protein bars for my older son and then some peanut butter ritz crackers kids like these and then some crispy thins i love these are so good these also go really well with hummus if you guys are looking for just an afternoon snack then i did some yogurt covered raisins some more ribs for my little guy for his lunch he likes to have these with a little bit of cheddar cheese so making like a little lunchable for him i did some more vitamins for the kids and then these chili cheese fritos i like to crackle these up on top of the chili we should check on our chili actually oh that looks good okay i'm just gonna stir this up i'm not gonna add the meat in for probably another 20 minutes i'm gonna wait for some of this this kind of watery stuff to come out but right now we can take the lid off it looks very good it looks very spicy and then what i'll do is i will go ahead and add our brisket and then i will top it with a little bit of our mexican cheese some cilantro chili i'll put like a whole bunch of this out so everyone can pick what they want i also like to put some fresh jalapenos and onions so i'll chop that up chop these up and then put these all in little bowls so that people can kind of make their chili how they like it when i made it on youtube last year i did just like a little jalapeno with some sour cream here's everything we will need for the week and to keep me organized i'm going to put my weekly meal plan into a plastic cover which i keep over here [Applause] and i'll show you how that works and then what i'll do is just put that just right over here so there it is i have it all week so in the morning i know what to make for lunch i know what to make for breakfast and then i know what i'm prepping for dinner i usually highlight if there's something i need to pull out of the freezer but i'm not cooking anything out of the freezer this week so i won't need to do that but usually i do and then my weekly grocery list a lot of times i will keep this i'm not going to keep it today because i already i already bought enough for the week but if there are things i still need i will cross out what i already purchased or start keeping a running list of what i need and then i'll put that on the back side but i don't need that today so you can put that in the garbage so now what i'm going to do is go ahead wrap this up we're going to finish our chili we're going to make our ca bueno and then we're gonna go watch the football game [Music] i guess our dreams fell asleep there's no passion in the comatose baby going down down down baby going down [Music] i always love to organize all the kids snacks this helps me when i know what i need to order i can see that one of these bins is getting low i try to mix it up every week with different snacks but here's how everything turned out i always keep their lunches down below i've got everything they need for breakfast i'm also incorporating those english muffins which the kids have already eaten and loved which is awesome something new i'm so excited but i have some fresh fruits some bars some juice and some grab-and-go snacks now that that's done i'm going to make some chili for my husband and i and i'm gonna get dinner on the table for the kids tonight they are going to be having just a really simple dinner with some chicken nuggets and some vegetables but here's how the chili turned out it was so good i highly recommend if you like chili download this recipe it is so simple and so good and i'm going to top it with a little bit of cheese some sour cream some jalapeno cilantro and some fritos is [Music] okay so tonight the game is over we lost but whatever so i'm doing a little bit of annie's pasta i have chicken nuggets doing a little celery and carrots for the kids and then i just have a little bit of ketchup and some barbecue sauce because most my kids do catch up with their nuggets and one of them does barbecue sauce so we're gonna get them fed get everyone happy my husband and i had chili last thing i need to do is do prep the kids backpacks i gotta outline my schedules i kind of did during the football game already done with that i can knock that off and then outline charlotte's birthday i gotta finish that i pretty much already know what i'm gonna do um and then gifts for charlotte's class i also finished those with her so we're done with that and let's just keep going on with our sunday night [Music] [Music] remedy [Music] [Music] i want to get everything in the kitchen nice and tidy before i start to set up for the next morning if you guys have seen my sunday kind of day in the life or my sunday routines i always like to set the table the next day especially on a school night so that i can wake up early get breakfast out and not have to worry about the little things especially now at night my husband is upstairs at this time getting the kids ready for bed brushing teeth reading stories getting jammies on some of the older ones are taking their night showers so i like to sit down here and make sure we get everything prepped for the morning so it's nice and smooth and stress free [Music] i ain't gonna lose [Music] i ain't gonna lose [Music] the last thing i'm going to do is wipe down all the countertops i use my robo rock pretty much every single night i put it on the vacuum and then mop feature that way while i'm sleeping i have the entire floor being vacuumed and mopped which is super awesome if you haven't checked that out i will link mine down below i absolutely love it so i am going to lay out everything i need for lunch in the next morning i also like to set out what we're going to be having for breakfast since i know we are going to be making pancakes the next day i like to kind of line everything up so i can just wake up quickly get the pancakes rolling and keep things smooth since my kids only have an hour before they leave for school and it is usually pretty hectic because not everybody is a morning person in our house so i like to make it super fun i always add something kind of exciting to the table so it gives the kids something exciting to look forward to so they can start each morning with a positive mindset i'm going to lay all of this out and then i will go into the other room and kind of tidy up everything that they need for their backpacks that's another major thing i like to do every night is make sure all the kids backpacks have been cleaned out all their homework is in it all their lunchboxes are laid out so i'm not scrambling the other big thing i always have to lay out every night is their shoes i am always like five minutes till we need to be in the car i am literally underneath every single piece of furniture in our house looking for shoes so i try to do that the night before just to reduce the stress for both the kids and myself i wanted to quickly do teddy's 100 he does need to color that in the next day he actually did it the next morning was able to bring it to school early but i'm going to lay all their backpacks out i like to go through their backpacks georgette had some library books that she needed to return so we are going to do that in the morning and i also have my 10 year old finishing homework he was supposed to do over the weekend but just realized he had when i was cleaning out his backpack so i like to get all that done i was supposed to do it on friday but we were having fun family time and i just totally forgot so you do what you can when you can and just don't stress too much about it so i've got my weekly meal plan here tomorrow the kids are going to do simple sandwiches i'm gonna do pancakes and then my husband wants steak tomorrow instead of chicken so i flop the two days here but i'm gonna just keep that over here with all the kids daily schedules that i'm gonna get tomorrow i've already prepped their backpacks i've outlined my schedule and then charlotte's birthday she and i just went over that obviously not on camera but i just went over like exactly what she wants to do she wants to do a cooking theme party so we're going to do kind of like a chef's kitchen style um giving them like a pasta recipe and then i'll do a sweets recipe that they can actually take home to their family and feed their family that night which i think is going to be super fun i will definitely film some of that so i can share it with you i've got everything out that will go in the bento boxes if you guys haven't kind of seen how i do those basically bento boxes look like this these are great i usually put like pasta sandwiches uh rolls burritos whatever in here and then i like to use these little silicone cups because i don't like to actually put the food inside of here i like to actually put these inside so i'll change up the colors and then if i have like a sandwich here and i have a little extra room i'll grab one of these and then put like grapes there or maybe like some shredded um carrots in one of these and then i also i need to order a couple more because the kids always bring them home but every now and then i kind of get low on some of them like this one's really cute i use that just because like it's valentine's day make it super cute so i can do maybe a vegetable a fruit some goldfish some grapes and then sandwiches a burrito kind of whatever theirs so um i have all of that done kitchen is nice and clean ready to go tomorrow i set the table let me turn the aperture down sorry guys so tomorrow i have the uh table set for the morning i'm gonna do pancakes so i want to make sure i have syrup out i'm going to do a little fresh fruit probably strawberries tomorrow or kiwis i don't know and then we'll do pancakes and a little bit of juice for them some morning vitamins and then over here i put out this is my pancake making pan and then i always make pancakes in this i love this because i can just pour the pancake mix right on top and i got pancake mix i have a spatula and a whisk and some butter and then i will start getting our tea ready for bed the kids are finishing up reading with daddy upstairs and they all just took their showers he did the hard job this is the easy part i've got the washer going and everything is pretty much set for the next day so i am going to call it a day i will start to make our nighttime tea and i will see you guys in the next video [Music] [Music] i ain't gonna lose [Music]
Channel: Lauren Nicholsen
Views: 29,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lauren nicholsen, Lauren nicholson, home decor, cooking, cleaning, get organized, organizational hacks, mom day in the life, DITL, GRWM, sunday routine, grocery haul, chili recipe, how to make the best chili, what we eat in a week, clean with me, cook with me, Cooking 2022, Mom vlog, Mom vlog 2022, Clean with me 2022
Id: aXibbKYpfu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 42sec (1842 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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