Day in my life | homebody routine, life as a content creator, what i eat in a day

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right all right this is my first meal of the day and as you can see it is a smoothie I feel like maybe some of you can relate to this but I've never really had an appetite in the morning hey want some smoothie sorry my cat's here um because I don't usually have an appetite but I need something to sort of Kickstart my system and get some nutrients in the morning usually what I'll do is just drink a smoothie and I play around with what I put in them a little bit just because I've been drinking smoothies in the morning for like the past 5 years but it usually consists of some Greek yogurt some form of milk I use soy milk and then some frozen berries and Grains or granola or something like that sometimes I'll throw in like some spinach or other stuff if I need like some nutrients if I'm feeling a little bit sick highly recommend this for anyone like me who either doesn't have an appetite in the morning or if you're really pressed for time and don't have time to make breakfast packed nutrients I think it tastes pretty good and then also super customizable based on kind of what you want to put in there hey Eric this is Caroline from business of home how's it going we are a trade magazine for the interior design industry I apartment inan Francisco social media um and then it really started super organically I think because we had found such a nice space um I was sort of like incentivized to make nice in terms of design for me I I really care about yeah like interacting with my audience like reading like both compliments and criticism on my Tik Tok videos on my Instagram videos recently I've also started making videos on YouTube and that's really been a process of sort of interacting with my community on a deeper level than I had been before there is never a morning in which I wake up and I look at my phone I'm like oh my God I have like a million people following me across all my platforms it's always more like going through the comments and seeing like on YouTube like a few weeks ago for example I had someone comment on my video saying that oh I moved into my apartment and I'm living alone for the first time and like I was cooking dinner and I felt really lonely and I turned on one of your YouTube videos and it felt like like I was having a friend over for dinner and so like those I know it's like those comments are really what makes me feel like I'm providing something of value it's never about like the numbers but it's much more for me like about the authentic interactions and just like the overall impact that I can have on people's lives because like I mentioned before I was working Consulting and so like it was crunching Excel numbers and like there are so many days when I felt like oh I'm not really making any sort of meaningful impact and so for me I think like having those human interactions is really like the beauty of what I see as my my platform was there anything else I didn't ask you that you were eager to talk about I say that there's no like secret formula to grow very quickly but then there also like you'll see one or two or like a handful of creators that like grow so quickly to the point that you think like oh there has to be some sort of way to like game the system but I would say like something that I've learned over time and that I've come to kind of accept is that such a cliche thing to say but like comparison is like truly the thief of thief of joy in content creation and like like everyone's journey is so specific to themselves that like if you try to compare yourselves either in terms of like how fast you grow or number of followers or like amount of Engagement or like number of brand deals that you see people doing it quickly becomes something that's very not good for both like your mental health but then also not good for like your own creativity because then instead of thinking about like oh what do I want to create you start thinking about like oh what are other people creating and how can I sort of like either emulate that or like kind of utilize trends that I from their success and so yeah I think it's just it's it's much more about figuring out what you personally like to do and what connects well with your audience rather than trying to compare yourself to other people and seeing what other people do thank you so much Eric this was so fun awesome thank you so much really appreciate it have a good day you too bye-bye bye so I just hopped off the phone with someone at the magazine publication business of a home I'll be sure to leave a link in the description for their site I think they have some really cool and insightful things about all things home decor and sort of the business aspect of it but yeah I don't know it feels like crazy that I'm being interviewed for things like this just because I guess in my head it still feels like I'm just a kid or a person who I guess I'm not a kid anymore I'm tur 24 just someone who likes sharing the things that they're passionate about on the internet and so it's it's really crazy to see that people are sort of recognizing me as sort of like a voice within the interior design Community or within the home decor Community you know I guess just being interviewed just like the concept of being interviewed is like pretty wild to me like I don't think of myself as someone who like is almost like worthy of being interviewed necessarily so I yeah just like a super surreal moment for me that I guess I just I don't know I just feel super grateful [Music] for and good and I'm put and butter like a picnic on the sh line with a toast and jelly just like how sweet it is that your mind and you don't reply my heart [Music] [Music] go my flowers made in your light and I'm bloming by your side you know I've been waiting for too long right now sunshine on the shoreline feels like a Super Trooper is this the true man show right [Music] now [Music] Tom um yes the weather got really nice in San Francisco and it's finally super sunny all the windows are open and I'm feeling something a little bit lighter or at least like not warm or cooked so I'm going to make some sandwiches with some basic materials I got this Pacha bread some cold cuts some avocados and then tomatoes lettuce the normal deal should be [Music] good [Music] [Music] [Music] a so I just got these packages in the mail I think I know what they are and they're both home decor related items so super excited about that let's unbox them together all right first up I got this amazing pillow from my friend Ed at NY Collective as you can tell very unique and high quality pillow the same brand as these checkered pillows back here which I got a lot of questions about and are definitely some of my favorite pillow so super super excited to have these ones I do want to show you guys one really cool thing because I think this is like so so genius and I was so excited when I saw that this was a feature of the pillows as you can see obviously super awesome throw pillow even has like a little pocket here that you can tuck a remote or something into but then if you take the insert out you can see that there's actually some Handles in and you can use the pillow like a tote bag which I think is super cool I've never seen anything like this before and you guys know I'm a huge fan of multi-functional like decor furniture anything and so yeah I just think it was so amazing and smart how he was able to integrate multi-functionality into a pillow which is usually just you know a pillow on a couch d all right next up I got these three stacking stools from the brand tiptoe design I probably sound like a broken record by now but I absolutely love Furniture like this which is like sort of multi-functional stacking stools they take up super little space they can be used as seating plant stands side tables whatever you want to use them for and these ones are definitely one of my new favorites as you can see they come in a bunch of different colors and they stack so seamlessly because of the interesting assembly mechanism these legs sort of slide directly into the wood which leaves it completely flat on the bottom so they can stack on top of each other without any gaps which I think is super super satisfying I believe tiptoe is a design company based out of France I'll leave a link in the description for their website I'll also leave a link in the description for the N Collective pillow which I just got so you guys can check that out as [Music] well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] do oh [Music] nice oh feels weird I don't remember what it says on the thing but I use I'm [Music] sorry tell you're doing yours a lot more [Music] oh right I think one of them is one of [Music] themar the belong to the mother [Music] an
Channel: Eric Wang
Views: 80,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AsHYUGisLt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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