Day In Life With Arizona's Day Trader & Investor

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hey what you on team it's Ricky with technical solutions today is January 24th at a Friday and I'm going to be taking you guys along today with what it's like as a day trader hope that you guys enjoy okay what's going on team that's Ricky with a little plant profit what that you guys are all having a good good morning we're getting some consolidation right now on natural gas [Music] [Music] [Music] so right now natural gas just had a very aggressive sell off shooting D gas up testing the resistance just about to break about two seven two there it goes so just broke above five hundred dollars time to lock you in those profits there it goes all right there goes just sold my entire position at two seven two four zero there we go so it's still pushing up still showing signs of an uptrend on the day 542 dollars profit and seventy five cents and a total of eleven orders my first order at 7:35 my last order at 8:46 so one hour of trading 542 dollars so not bad very very happy with how the data has performed I'm going to be heading to the gym with Weston and then we're gonna get our day started time to have a productive day put these shoes on all righty we're gonna take them [Music] [Music] every child [Music] so the same to this [Music] so I just got done at the gym I was up nearly 600 Allah's prophet on the day I saw an opportunity on Diaz I took advantage of it and I'm gonna try to show you her I'll do a recap once I'm back at the house heard a little bit over $1,000 profit so it's a thousand forty three dollars profit and some change 40 cents really happy with that I also got a message from Lenny who's the real estate investor an agent that I worked with I invested $300,000 in one of the properties that he was flipping therefore I need to go to the title company signed some documents because it's scheduled to close meaning that he sold the property on Monday so today's Friday I need to make sure that I sign all the paperwork I'm off to fidelity title to sign that paper we're gonna get some food and then head back to the house because we have some work that we have to do with the tech buds apparel it doesn't need to be notice oh it's right they told me to come here thank you hanging above your name here I appreciate it thank you do that couple pies freshly baked this morning there's your copy I appreciate it thank you again so much all right team just signed the paperwork at fidelity title and how nice are they they just give me a free pie Magnus title does not do that very very unfortunately so the guys are gonna enjoy that I actually have to go back home there is a document that I still have to sign up just the beneficiary demand letter which pretty much just states has a hard money lender when I started it when it closes and how much I get paid and then the cost per day if it goes beyond that so I'll be showing you guys a little bit about that and hope you enjoy it's pretty boring stuff all right guys back at the house dropped off the pie got breakfast for champs so it's 11 o'clock right now the guys right now I went to go get food so I actually haven't seen them they've been here since 9:30 so I'm gonna take a little bit of a break I'm gonna grab some food and we're gonna get right back to it I'm gonna do an overall trading recap on the day showing you guys my entries my ignorance of what allowed me to make you know $1,000 profit in the stock market today and then on top of that I have to sign and send in the overall demand letter for the property that was just sold so if you guys don't really understand what that means is I pretty much invest money into a real estate investor himself so his name is Lenny he's one of the top real estate agents in Arizona he's also a real estate investor meaning that he buys rehabs right puts money into to make it look better and then sells them for a profit so I don't get a percentage of the profit I just get a percentage of the money that I lent out I lent out $300,000 at a rate of 12% again it's not a ton of money but it does better than just sitting in my bank account collecting very little interest in comparison to at least making 12% and also learning from one of the best real estate agents here in Arizona so it's kind of like a win-win I learn from the best and then I also get paid on top of that so I'm gonna send in that letter I'll show you guys pretty much what it is it's nothing special all right guys so we just finished breakfast wanted to do a quick little break down on this overall demand letter so yeah those three hundred thousand I just have to send this and it was a rate of 12% so the per diem which is like the cost well what it cost for them to have my money per day which is I was making 98 dollars and 63 cents per day again it's not a ton of money so the total interest due for the amount of days again it was from December 12 to January 27th of 2020 so almost about a month and a half at ninety eight dollars and 63 cents per day it's a total four thousand four hundred and eighty-five dollars is what I make off of my money so I'm gonna be paid that again I get all my money back and then on top of that the interest it's just something that I've been again wanting to do instead of having my money just sitting in the bank it's making me a little bit more money here I'm learning from one of the top investors and because of him I was actually able to flip a house myself and then Nick and I may 26 dollars profit overall the margin was like $50,000 and we did that in three months so it's been a lot of fun again I'm still learning I'm still a complete beginner when it comes down to the rental properties and the overall real estate investments that we have but I funded another one yesterday and that is my fourteenth property that I've had the blessing to you know be an investor in so okay that's it for the real estate part now let's go ahead and do this overall trading recap as you guys can see I did nine hundred and thirty three dollars on ticker symbol D gas and I wanted to show you so I just want to show you my overall trades one thousand forty three dollars and forty cents a total of twenty four orders all my positions are closed as a yes could see so my first buy at 7:35 and my last sell at 9:50 it's about two hours of trading again there's an hour gap because I was at the gym when I took my last couple of trades but it was mainly on D gas and that's what I'm gonna be showing you guys right here so if we go here I can click on show trades and they will actually show you where I bought where I sold and why there's a lot more activity but after hitting the thousand dollars again that's more than my you know double when it comes down to my overall daily goal so I was very happy with that so when I was at the gym this is these are the trades that they took as degauss was showing signs of an uptrend I then began to sell my position again all amounting to nine hundred and thirty three dollars so those were my overall trades on the day I had a lot of fun trillion it's been a very effective and efficient day this week we only have four days of trading because of the observance of MLK Day right so that was on Monday it's only four days of trading this week and last week we had five days of training so in the past just two weeks our or you know nine days of trading I've been able to make as you guys could see here right I've been able to make seven thousand two hundred and twenty six dollars and thirty cents the one thousand is my overall profit today right and the seven thousand two hundred and twenty-six dollars profit is what I've made in the past couple of days I'm again all I've treated is really you guys in de as I've treated you WT one day but again a majority of my money is coming from Diaz as you guys could see and then to $2,500 on you guys so seven thousand two hundred and twenty six dollars profit in just nine of trading and to think about the percentage growth that that is that's again I trade on average with a 40,000 dollar position size putting that into perspective that's almost 20 percent in just nine days of trading again that's not normally average I have not had one red day in the past nine days again that's not average either I'm bound to have a red day but it's all about how you manage risk it's not that I have not had a red trade it said I have not had a red day I have been getting better at cutting losses short and then again when an opportunity does present itself I do a pretty good job being able to execute and lock in profits right away sometimes yes I do leave some money on the table as I tend to sell a little bit early but again my biggest focus is to consistently grow in my account and being profitable and not trying to make it or break it that's just my approach but what I wanted to end the video on is the overall idea I hope that you guys first enjoyed this video I hope that I earned your thumbs up I'm gonna be heading on over to the dealership the guys at Carson Morgan that's the dealership that I invest in that I'm a partner on we're one of the youngest people here in Arizona to fully run and own a car dealership so again I'm a huge car guy that's really cool that's really what I'm gonna spend the rest of my Friday doing nothing special if you guys like the way that I trade and you like the way that I explain things and I think that the lone pine profit course can be a good 50 if you want to inform yourself more about the learn plan profit team and to see if it's a good fit for you all you have to do is click the second link down below learn a little bit more about it and if you would like the opportunity to watch me trade live every single day then that is only exclusively offered for the alarm time property again second link down below I'm gonna leave a little bit of a coupon there for you for those that want to take advantage of it over the weekend I'll open about 10 spots $40 off the learn 5 profit course and I hope that you enjoyed it don't forget to join our free investor group that's the first link it down below again if you want my help of my attention in my time that's gonna be that second link down below really do appreciate you guys time and like always let's make sure that we in the year on agree now take it easy team
Channel: Ricky Gutierrez
Views: 176,704
Rating: 4.8725133 out of 5
Keywords: millionaire, millionaire lifestyle, billionaire, lifestyle, billionaire lifestyle, rich lifestyle, millionaire lifestyle magazine, millionaire lifestyle uk, millionaire mindset, billionaires lifestyle, billionaire list, billionaires, millionaires, how to be a millionaire, rich people lifestyle, luxury lifestyle, young billionaires, lifestyle of the rich and famous, day trading, day trader, day in life, ricky gutierrez, arizona, youngest millionaire, stock market, success, penny
Id: RCD5N11WoCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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