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what an afternoon the sun is popping through the clouds but the best part is that we are building our sauna finally I was so excited so many weeks maybe months but we are finally get to build our sauna how excited are you scale one to ten uh 12.95 look at this thing though I know and it's beautiful and glass and it didn't break look at this and it's big I just wanted to start today's video here because it's so good easy the other piece of my heart goes slow [Music] when I returned from the Afterglow Carry Me [Music] wait hold on the sun is racing down but our sauna standing these are the beautiful little details where is doing the handle what are you thinking so far I'm thinking that I want to get in there already it's bloody cold right now it's cold it's the perfect time to be setting up sauna good morning today is such a chilly morning I think it's around three degrees which I did not sign up for that's not why I moved to Australia but the boys are fed Bowie is playing somewhere here Bob is running around but last night we finished building up the sauna so I thought I would show you on the daylight so you can see we still have all the boxes everywhere but this is our sauna it's just in time for this winter so we can go and warm up somewhere it's obviously still waiting for a Sparky to come for the electrician to come and install the heater and the light and stuff I just almost tripped over Bowie Bowie out of there before you will be in our new sauna and it's not for you this spot here is temporary it will go eventually under our pergola but obviously we still don't have the concrete and the pergola is not finished and we didn't want to wait so long to be able to use the sauna because it's getting so cold so that's why the sauna is there temporarily but I think it's gonna be so good I can't wait for the electricians to come and set everything up and install it and make it work and also it's been a while since I listened to them running it's been a while since I've taken you for our morning egg collection let's have a look if we have some fresh eggs for this morning what do you reckon boys so this morning we've got two eggs and one of them is an amazing size and every time I show you guys those laying boxes in the video there is always someone telling me that I forgot an egg or two eggs and then I'm blind and I always in every video I'm telling you that these two are not a real X they are fake eggs it's just for them to show to show the chickens where to lay eggs and for them to make sure that they are not gonna pack the real eggs when they lay some because they can't obviously pack this one so these two are fake eggs these two are the only real eggs and I'm so so happy with this huge one good job thank you good morning look the monster egg we got some new chicken is lying egg that is [Music] I'll be like w okay that's huge hey compared to that little one now that's like a dove egg yeah this is like a bigger size than we buy from shops I reckon no that is bigger than here look I'll show you what a normal leg looks like that's a bought egg that's our egg that's eggs better that's so good and this is the other tiny egg oh here I am cooking bloody cooking bought eggs but we've just got these amazing egg well it wouldn't be enough it's not good eh yeah we're getting there coffee delivery for Mary and a fence update for you guys hot coffee delivery for the hard-working that's good timing thank you you're welcome how is it going oh it's so good do you want to give us an fence update it's good it's coming along is it going good is it hard work so this is what I did originally you guys would have probably said in that last episode we concreted these Corner poles in and um that's not the right way to build a fence so what you should really do is you should do like a box section on each Corner which is a box section is where you run another pole along this one's buried in the ground and then you've got this High tensile wire on the inside which then stops your fence from pulling over when you strain the wire up so I've done a couple of fences in my time I'm not a professional at it but I've done enough to know do it once do it right that's what we're trying to do around this property you do it once you do it right you don't have to come back and fix your problem so that's what we're doing went back to the store picked up a couple more logs and that's what we're doing we're doing these boxes on each corner of the fence now if you go down there Mac 10 you'll see what it looks like I just want to say appreciation for your hard work our baby goats are definitely costing money and time oh but I would love to be mud crabbing surfing something right now but yeah they're worth it in entertainment we get out of these little fellas is incredible oh wow look at this this is basically what the fence would look like on this side that's awesome so you already put the wire here the fence yeah it's only equipped on the top rail but you can see how strong this is like it's super strong thick we also had to go get the most expensive wire that the market makes because of these goats so these little gaps you'll notice are tiny gaps in The Wire here they're not big gaps so goats are not the smartest animals in the world and they're renowned for putting their heads through fences and then they can't pull their head back because their horns get stuck so we wanna went and got this real fine wire mesh sort of fencing it's um it costs five times as much as normal fencing because there's five times as much material but when we're finished it's going to be bloody good it's safe for them it's gonna be another run of wire up here then it's going to be an electric wire here and another electric wire there so they shouldn't get out if they do get out and straighten the camp oven that's the only thing hey that we are putting so much money you are putting so much time and effort and everything into building this fence and we don't even know if it will keep the goats in or if Bowie who is literally an escape artist if he's gonna get in look around and just just jump over it and raisin the only reason they're going to want to jump out is because they don't want to be in here like they have so much food in here so I reckon it's going to take him a year to eat this down so once they eat this down and there's nothing left in here they're probably going to want to get out to that pasture over there but maybe we'll just boot another fence give this one a year to breed up then we'll put a swap them over or something but but this is so many square meters of just thick bush that surely this is like decades for them to eat it I am going to get lemon and we are going to cook something as always I am cooking you are doing the hard work and I appreciate you oh you're gonna laugh what I'm gonna cook yeah and we are getting lemon from our lemon tree this is our lemon tree and we have a couple to choose from we could take this one I reckon this one this is it oh let's go make something yummy and healthy I've got the lemon from our lemon tree and I've got grass-fed grass-finished beef bones they are the knuckles so they have heaps of collagen we have heaps of bone marrow inside of them and I'm gonna be making broth while methi is building the fence this is going to be a 16 hours long slow cooked broth and after that I'm gonna make stew which is my very favorite thing to do especially in the winter broth is amazing source of collagen as far as I know you cannot get collagen from any supplements it's all just advertisement you only can absorb a proper collagen from the beef bones that's why we are gonna do it it's great for your immune system it's great for anti-inflammatory it's just overall super food and I love it and I love the stew and I'm gonna show you how I do it maybe little tips and tricks and let's just start first step is that I'm putting all my bones onto a baking tray and I'm gonna be scraping all the bone marrow and put it aside because I will need it later on this is my bone marrow and we're gonna be using it later on so I'm just gonna put it into the fridge for now to help release all these holes and Knuckles I'm using lemon you can use apple cider vinegar as well I just prefer lemon and I'm gonna squeeze the lemon all over the bones and then we're gonna put it into the oven for 20 minutes [Music] I cut up the rest of the squeezed lemon and I'm gonna Chuck it in there and straight into the oven try in the oven with the Buns I'm gonna add half of onion heaps of garlic two little carrots and one celery stick this is very roughly cut up I'm even leaving the skin in there it's just gonna go in the oven with the bones for some additional nutritions this is how the tray looks like so far a homestead broth in the making I just took it out of the oven it was probably approximately 20 minutes and now it's gonna go straight into the slow cooker put them inside all the veggies all the skin we are not gonna be eating this veggies anyway for this amount of Bones I added two and a half liters of water a little bit of Himalayan salt and I'm gonna put it for slow cook the maximum amount of time 12 hours for now and go because the broth won't be ready for another couple of days I'm just standing here by the heater I got an idea for a recipe I have never done it before it sounds good in my head let's see if it will actually taste good too but I've got some ingredients in the fridge that needs to be used up so let's try and let's do together a little experiment I'm gonna need broth for this meal and obviously our broth has another 24 hours at least before it will be done this is my broth from the freezer I always make more and then I freeze the pure broth in the freezer just like a one portion size and then we can always just heat it up have it in a cup you can drink it if you are feeling you are getting sick or if you need a meal with a broth we've got this one ready I'm thinking to make like a Asian style prawn noodle soup foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] oyster mushroom Pak Choy and fresh ginger I've got the Frosted broth and I am defrosting some prawns olive oil I'm putting the garlic the red onion and the oyster mushrooms in as well as the ginger salt cumin well it definitely smells beautiful and like an Asian meal it's starting to get a golden color so I'm gonna give it few more minutes make it a little bit slightly Brown and then I'm gonna add prawns I added some water into our broth and I'm gonna bring it to boil and into our pan I'm adding our noodles a little bit of soy sauce our broth is boiling so I'm gonna add the Pak Choy in there for just like a minute or two and if you add little bit of olive oil into your broth it will help to keep the Pak Choy its green vibrant color after one or two minutes I'm mixing everything together and I will let all the flavors to mix together for another minute or two and this is done I'm adding a little bit of fresh Cracked Pepper a little bit of chili and a sesame seed on top it looks pretty good I wonder how it tastes I still haven't tried it I'm gonna make Mary our guinea pig and he can tell us how is it lunch break oh wow look how much fence you've done hey try this oh what is that I'm not sure it's like a prawn noodle soup that looks ridiculous it's hot bro yeah it is I just made up the recipe in my head and I didn't try it so yeah let me know what you think looks good I'm not even going to attempt to try to eat it with the body look at that here we go doggies all the flavors man that's good is it good it's very good it's like an Asian prawn it has poison it it has a ginger and chili do you like it that's bloody delicious awesome how are you boys are you helping Dada they're being very good really you've been good boys how are you liking your friends you don't even understand yet I think it's time for this carrot to be pulled out it looks big from here but last time they looked big and they were just those tiny someone called them in the comments which fingers and they weren't wrong it was really weird shape let's have a look this one oh that's good let's see let's see short that's so good we are growing food guys we are growing food almost cried when I found out that Bob jump on here and broke my dragon fruit such a big piece this is like weeks and weeks of growth and it's gone I've been editing inside while those two have been free-ranging have you been good boys I heard that someone has a request here yeah what is it are you thirsty four o'clock in the afternoon is it a beet o'clock all right but I want to get this done I'm gonna go get them for you we are putting the gate in is this red oh okay this is the gate gotcha sick yeah it's gonna but it has to be level because it problem is I can't stand looking at that's not level and the front door is right there so they're gonna come out of that house and look straight at the gate and if it's not level it's gonna piss me off when I wake up so we're gonna get this beautifully Plum well we're going good it'll be done tomorrow flip the fencing on Chuck the goats in now we've got to build a cubby house it's gonna be fun I'm actually really excited to to build them the playground and stuff yeah it'll be good eh two lucky goats they are the luckiest goats on the planet eh they are lucky that they are cute Miss Chiefs Bowie Bowie whoa It's like a puppy hey he listens on his name so loving still needs cuddles Bob is listening more to Bowie than me but if we make it work Bob the outcast he is still new Bob come here Bob Bob look Bowie wants to come with me you wanna go for a drive Bubba you can come What About Bob I'm not driving with two gods all right nice and I see are you ready is it gonna feel really good thank you my darling very welcome thank you for building the most amazing fans ah what level is level can be listen to him screaming I left for one second come on Double Trouble crazy hey man I know looks like I'm not gonna edit video but instead I'm gonna be here with the boys so yesterday I was gardening and Landscaping and pruning some trees and today I'm gonna set it all on fire to clean it out and make it looks nice come on boys then so yesterday I have been pruning all of those low branches to give it a little bit of a shape all of those trees so now I'm just gonna clean it up and set on fire all those dry sleeves agree only Bowie Bowie's eating the leaves on the tree oh he was eating the leaves of the tree where the camera is and he knocked it down and now he's eating my hair all right let's clean up the garden a little bit for the next one maniac [Music] [Music] [Music] the Sun is setting our garden looks so much better already without the piles of the leaves and sticks it's just gonna smoke for a little bit before bed I'm gonna wet everything to make sure we don't start a fire and I think let's ask for today we're gonna feed those two and I'm gonna see you guys tomorrow good morning everybody I have been this morning pre-editing this video so I can get it out for you as soon as possible Maddie is already working on the fence for our goats so they have a new home soon and our broth has finished so I'm gonna show you how it looks like and the next step I do this is how we looking after 16 hours a strained broth and I am left with the liquid and we do bones with the meat and the veggie I'm gonna let both of it cool down when the liquid cools down the broth it will solidify the fat on top of it and then we can just scrape it off and put it aside and we will be left with the pure beautiful broth and from the bones once they cool down I'm gonna take all the meat all the gooey stuff full of collagen and I'm gonna put it back into the broth plus other stuff and I'm gonna make a stew back into the slow cooker I already put everything from the bones I'm gonna use and then here I prepared stuff for the stew so I've got sweet potato carrots heaps of garlic onion broccolini broccoli cauliflower celery and pumpkin heaps of mushrooms because I love mushrooms in the skew and a little bit more meat and this is our bone marrow and this is how the cold broth looks like so you can see this is just a layer of a fat so I'm gonna scrape that and then we have a pure broth underneath I put aside just a little two boxes of the pure broth so we can have it in the freezer if we want to drink it or if we need it for cooking and the rest of the broth I'm gonna add more water in it I'm gonna add all our ingredients and put it for approximately eight hours onto the slow cooker again I put away all the fat from the top of the broth and that's why we kept the bone marrow aside because bone marrow is basically fat and if we would put it in there before we would just dance throw it away and this is like a gold so I took all the fat away that was excessive fat and now we're gonna put this fat back in which is the gold healthy amazing fat the pot is full probably a little bit too full and then all the spices you want I'm gonna put pepper salt turmeric some herbs and other herbs paprika and cumin and this is after 12 hours in the slow cooker the stew is done oh I'm gonna have it for lunch this is so freaking yum this is what I call superfood I'm Gonna Fill some containers for the freezer and the rest is gonna be fresh for lunch and probably dinner and we are inside of the fans maybe finish this today it's not finished it's only in a temporary stage but boys can be already inside white pants in the Farmland that's living on the edge for you the fence still needs a little bit more improving and fixing it's not done yet but it's good enough for the boys to start getting used to their new place I put a box for them in here again just a temporary place with heaps of hay so it's nice and warm I'll put a towel there so they are really warm they've got water food heaps of hay and so much space to play around and to eat I hung some hay on the fence as well because they love to eat anything that's high up it tastes better than from the floor doesn't it I think they are happy here obviously they will have to get used to it it is a new place for them so they will have to get used to it but it's so much better for them so much Jose or bigger they have so much space to run around so much food to eat and I just feel so much better that the goats are now finally in a proper place for them it was a lot of time and a lot of work for Mary and it's still not done yet but we are almost there in the next video I'm gonna guys show you the finalized version of the fence and we're gonna be building together the box for them the little cubby house and playground and everything so stay tuned for that and for now I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you enjoy hanging out with us and if you like it you can like it you can subscribe you know all the drill and I will see you in the next video next week thank you so much guys see you
Channel: Maky and Matt
Views: 29,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maky, maky and matt, fielddays, field days, camping, off grid, remote, boat life, van life, living on the road, fishing video, camping video, travel vlog, daily vlog, couple, boyfriend, girlfriend, babyanimals, cuteanimals, farm, homestead, vlog, dailyroutine, babygoats, babygoat, petgoat, farmanimals, cooking, healthyrecipe, healthycooking, gardening, farmlife
Id: U_UU719t5_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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