Day 24. Continental Divide Trail 2024. Snazzy on Trail. Leaving Pie Town, TLC Ranch and Dirt Roads

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good morning day 24 CDT it's about 6 o00 I am packed up I'm ready to go I'm finishing my coffee I'm finally hitting the trail after waiting two days in pie town for my water filter that never showed up so uh yesterday was a long frustrating day waiting for nothing so so maybe it was a blessing in disguise maybe my feet will be a better little better off today but I got 17 miles to TLC Ranch my first water source and then just see how things are feeling and see if we want to keep pushing beyond that but ready to get back on trail today definitely feeling the pressure of timing and all that just uh taking too many time too much time off and not enough miles in the day so I really got to start pushing here if I think I'm going to finish this thing this year so time to get moving [Music] lady just drove by me in a truck and stopped said I recognize those pink shorts and that shirt I was like oh hey it's the post to work lady she's like hey how are you it's like yeah finally leaving she's like well good luck like that's so nice stopped wish me luck people in Pie Town are pretty damn nice [Music] he [Music] just about to the TLC Ranch pretty uneventful morning so far I saw a few deer and some elk first thing but then pretty much been this most of the day today but uh going to get to the ranch eat some lunch rest up for at least an hour there and uh drink some water while I'm there and then load up for six miles to the next water source I'd like to make it there tonight that'd be a pretty good day 22 miles so um yeah going to go rest up a little bit hydrate and there's Tac of fruit there every once in a while so hopefully that's true and I will partake in that and then keep moving [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] made it to my water I am at Camp I am all set up it was a long hot day actually knocked out those miles this morning pretty good and then crashed out at TLC Ranch on the floor for like two hours I was beat uh and then I only had like six or seven miles to here so water situation wasn't that bad today but uh just sick of this dirt road I'm ready to get on some trail I've been on the same dirt road for like 60 miles so hopefully tomorrow we can uh find some trail to get on but got dinner going going to cook it up relax rest my feet they didn't feel as bad today as they normally do but they still hurt and then uh yeah just another day on the CDT going to try to get up and get out of here early tomorrow and uh I don't think I'll get too much sunset here I should probably get some nice colors on these clouds back here and then Sunrise should be right over here 2 in the morning so um yeah another day on the CDT going to get rested up and do it all again tomorrow [Music] m [Music]
Channel: Nobo Stone
Views: 316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yo5HUIsuInc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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