Day-12 | How to Configure HA in Fortigate Firewall | Fortigate firewall Full Course

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Hello friends welcome to my YouTube channel tech net guide friends in this video I am going to tell you how to configure ha in 40gate firewall so you can see friends this is my firewall one and this email parallel 2. okay so we will configure HIV between them so you can see Port 1 Port 1 is my management interface okay mg Port one is my management and Port 2 Port 2 email LAN and Port 3 is my van okay now friends you can see Port 1ip is now friends you can see my viral 1ip is 1.101 firewall 2 management ip102 1.102 okay so Port one I put two IP Lan IP is 10.1.1 and when I page okay now we will configure and this is Port 4 is my HR interface okay for sync h i interface this is my h a so uh in h interface I have configured IB address here 1.1.1 okay 1.1.1 and here one to two four four okay now friends so here we will configure active passive so one firewall will be active another firewall will be in passive mode okay let's configure so friends you can see here this is my parallel one and this is feral two now first we will configure your firewall one let me show you its configuration here go to interface configuration interface so you can see Port 4 is my H interface and Port 2 is my line interface here Port 2 and Port 1 is my Management Port one is my management interface here okay this email management database and Port three is one interface Port three is one interface okay now let me show you so friends go to viral one and let's start configuration here okay so you have to go to system and you can see h a click here h a okay now here we will select active passive so now we have to select here device priority so we can select here 128 highest priority will be active Okay now we have to promote group name FW h a it should be same okay now we have to change password Here we have to remember password group name and password okay now friends we have to select here session pickup if we enable session pickup then it will also sync its session okay maintain the session with other firewall okay so that if firewall one will be down so user session will not be close okay now friends you have to select here monitor interface means if any monitor interface goes down then firewall will be detect as link failure and will switch over okay failover okay so we have to select here our monitor which interface you have to monitor or Lan and one interface okay so our Hardware interface will be Port 4hf interface okay now friends click on ok now friends it's getting sync with synchronize okay it getting sync with other firewall so now we have to enable a chain other firewall also so now login on parallel to so now we have to click on system and then click on H A also we have to select here active passive and priority here we have to provide a low 127 now group name we have to provide Group H A FW and then we have to produce same password okay now we have to enable your session pickup monitor interface now prints in firewall 2 we have to also select here monitor interface Lan and when to interface and Hardware interface Port four now click on OK so friends it will take some time actually to synchronize With viral one let me replace here just refresh it it will take some time actually okay if is taking some time to synchronize then we have to run here one command here let me show you execute as a synchronize start okay now it will be synchronized where we can run this command on both firewall okay execute h a synchronize sorry synchronize start okay so let me check here status refresh it no Prince is taking some time actually so you can see so friends you can check here get system as a status primary for all one second deferral to so friends now you can see it's synchronized both parallel has been synchronized here okay my primary firewall is uh 3r Vani and secondary serial number GP and 01 okay so now friends let's initiate traffic from inside to outside so you can see so you can see this is my outside Zone when Zone here so let's debug ismp enable debug icmp debug IP icmp okay so now ping from here 20.1 Dot 1.10 press enter now friends you have to create policy to allow traffic from inside to outside to have to allow traffic from inside to outside here okay now click on create here now then to when okay incoming our land port to outgoing Port 3 when source so now we can select here now friends we have to select destination destination IP select it and okay now print service should be all service you can select all now no new to enable net okay except now click on ok now friends we have to initiate traffic from when line to when and check our connectivity just ping gear so you can see we are able to Ping gear okay so now let's initiate again traffic so now it's friends we have to uh perform HS testing failover testing we can perform okay so what we can do just we have to run here uh repeat 100 okay repeat hundred so okay we have to repeat 1000 so let it now we have to down this firewall down stop so now again let's check connected here so friends you can see firewall has been down and we have only two drop here okay so primary fire volume down here so we have only two drop and traffic is still passing there so so failover testing is done and it's working here so friends you can see we will we have only two drops here okay means our failover both firewall is working fine failover testing done here okay let me go to fire overlayer firewall 2 let's login now friends you can see this parallel is become primary okay synchronized now friends let's start our primary parent then see what will happen it will become primary or remain secondary so let's see here this is my firewall 2 and become primary so let's reboot other one replace it now friends let's check here just refresh it and you will see still this is primary okay now viral one is came up so friends in this video we have seen how to configure h a in 40 gate firewall so friends thanks for watching this video have a nice day
Channel: TechNet Guide
Views: 8,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, technet guide, ha configuration in fortigate firewall, how to configure ha in fortigate, fortigate ha configuration active passive, fortigate high availability requirements, fortigate ha best practices, fortigate ha failover, fortigate ha priority master, how to configure ha on fortigate firewall device, how to configure fortigate firewall in ha mode, fortigate firewall full course, fortigate firewall for beginners, fortigate firewall tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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