Day 1 Keynote - GitHub Universe 2019

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Once they added the caching action, now down to 1 and 1/2 minutes. That's a 5-minute reduction in their builds. [APPLAUSE] And this isn't just for Ruby. You can cache anything that you need. Any packages that you have from any language, binary outputs, anything like that. But finally, it's not just all about packages. You can also deploy to the cloud, as well. So what I did here was I created a multi-cloud deployment. As you would expect, I have a couple of different workflows that can deploy to Google, Amazon, and Azure all right there. And then also, right in my pull requests, I can actually see the environments that these are going to, as well. So you can get one-click access right to that environment right from the pull request. Then if I go back over to code, you'll notice, just like your packages are there, your pull requests, everything else that you expect, you'll notice we now have a set of environments right there, as well. So I can see a history, an activity log of all the different deployments that I've done to all my different environments, as well. So let's jump back to the slides. So that gives you a quick look at everything that we've been doing recently. You know, recently we just announced artifact caching, as well as self-hosted runners with ARM support and X86 support, as well. With Packages, you saw that we now have Gradle packages in addition to everything else I showed, and we also have proxy support. So if you want to port your NPM RC directly to GitHub Packages, we'll go ahead and look on GitHub Packages if there's something. If not, we'll fall back and grab it from NPM directly. And if you want to learn more about what's going on with Actions and Packages, feel free to stay right here in this room, and then Simina and I are doing a talk immediately afterwards. Thank you very much. [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC PLAYING] NAT FRIEDMAN: Thank you, Dana. Thank you, Jeremy. We are so excited about GitHub Actions and GitHub Packages finally being available. Check it out. Go to your repo. The tab is there. We can't wait to see what you do with it. Now, while we've been hard at work and busy extending GitHub to cover these DevOps workflows over the last year, we've also been really focused on investing in the core daily of experience of just coding and collaborating on GitHub. And so to showcase some of the work that the team has been doing, please welcome my colleague, Neha Batra. Neha. [MUSIC PLAYING] NEHA BATRA: [AUDIO OUT] is Neha, and I'm the engineering manager of the GitHub Desktop product, which simplifies your daily workflow by helping you visualize your changes and share your code easily. So before I go into that, I kind of want to walk down memory lane with you. So do you remember the first time you were in Git and you had this five step recipe? Yeah, I did too. And I actually had a posting on my desk just to remember all of the steps that I needed to take. And that was years ago. Now, I'm pretty good at Git. I mean, I would hope so as the engineering manager of this product. But what I think is really important is that my co-workers and I are fueled by the fact that from setting up your machine to pushing, it doesn't have to be this difficult. That's why, from the moment that you download Desktop, we have a tutorial for you that helps you connect your editor, invites you to clone and add your repository. And then from that point, you get to do what you do best, which is writing your code and gearing up for your commits. So let's take a look at how Desktop lets you commit and push your code without having to type anything into your command line. And this video plays in real time, and so I have to keep up with it. So let's see. Wish me luck, all right? OK, so what you're seeing here is that the minute you tab in you get to see your diff. You get to add the lines that you want to add. You get to add the files that you want to add. And then we have emoji support and you can write your comment. You can even add a co-author and share that credit. So right here Amanda's writing two commits, and all she has to do is she is to push her code. We push the code, we fetch the latest from your repository. We sync it up. And all you have to do after that is create your pull requests, which we have a support for as well. So I know it's hard to see. But in those 30 seconds, I showed you 12 features of GitHub Desktop that aren't built into the Git commit flow. [CHEERING] Yeah, isn't that great? We do this for you because as advanced developers you deserve to save your brain cycles for real problems, not Git problems. And you know what? For your coworker who still has that Git posted on their desk, they deserve the same thing as well. And for your manager, who still thinks they're cool and can code, like myself, GitHub Desktop extends my shelf life a little bit longer and I'll take it. So, that was just the Git commit flow. But GitHub Desktop gives you a lot more. So, you see these Git commands that you might be using on a daily basis? These are the magical incantations that you don't have to use anymore in GitHub Desktop because those are built in. So how exciting is that? Yeah. [APPLAUSE] I bet we forgot some of those features. So Twitter, I know you're listening, just let us know what we missed. So out of those, these are the ones that we shipped in the last six months. So yeah, we're busy. We've been listening to your problems, and we're shipping regularly to make sure that your daily experience is better. GitHub desktop is a GUI that connects Git and GitHub. And we make it simple and efficient. We make it so that when we know that we have millions of users out there, we want to save them a few minutes over time because that really adds up. So we don't just shave off seconds off of each commit. We make sure that you don't end up in that place in the first place. So, we're building the experience that you deserve to have, whether you're on a Mac, Windows, or using GitHub Enterprise. And we know that once your code is done and you're ready to gift it out and give it to the world, you want it wrapped, packaged, reviewed, and shipped as fast as possible. So no one wants to spend more time wrapping that gift than on the gift itself, right? So for the folks out there who just want a faster, more efficient way to work every day, this simple, no-hassle gift bag called GitHub Desktop is for you. [APPLAUSE] Did I mention it's free? Because that's exactly how important our daily experience is to us. So check us out, download or upgrade to the latest version. And we're open source so you can always come and check out our repository. And to you all in the audience, come visit us at the Ask GitHub booth and show us your daily workflow. We'll chat, we'll download it together, and we'll see what your day to day could look like on GitHub Desktop. And we genuinely want to know what you think, so come with your thoughts. Let us know what you're curious about. And I'll see you there. So GitHub Desktop is just one way that we work to make your daily experience better. But to tell you more about improving the daily experience on please welcome my colleague, Mario Rodriguez. [MUSIC PLAYING] MARIO RODRIGUEZ: Thanks Neha, and hello everyone. My name is Mario Rodriguez, I am the lead Enterprise product manager. Like all of you, I spend a lot of time navigating within and across GitHub repos, searching for bits of code, finding instances along way. Now, we can all agree that sometimes finding exactly where you're looking for might be a little bit challenging. Well, let's talk about how we're changing that. So let's start with code navigation. I am in this scientist's code base. And imagine I'm exploring it, reading the code. I read really, really fast. I'm a fast learner, just believe me on that. And I get to this piece of code. And I'm like, I wonder how this method is actually being used in this codebase? Now, cloning the repo, building it just to answer that simple question is a drag. And it's really a waste of your time. You know, you want it quick. You want it in line. And you want it in the browser. So what if you could just click on it and right there see, OK this is the definition of the product, but also final references? So that's right, starting today, semantic code navigation in your browser. No IDE, no need to clone, no need to build for all Ruby, Python and code repositories. What do you think about that? [APPLAUSE] We're really excited about this. And we're actually doing this for all us techies, we're doing this without having to build your code. It's based on a semantic library that is open source. So amazing, props to the team to get us this. So really excited about it. So let's do a jump to def to code search. And in code search, let's be honest, you need great code search. Many times as a developer you're really looking for a needle in a haystack. And you need quick results with high relevance. So let's take a look at Robby's oh-my-zsh repo. You're here, and you know you want to actually find something, something specific. So what if you press F on your keyboard to actually launch a new search experience. Very simple, very smooth. Let's search for which zsh because with my accent that gets tricky. So I put that in there. And boom, you found it. First try, we get the exact match you're looking for, nothing else. Two search results instead of hundreds across the current GitHub search. And I can see that you're a little bit skeptical right now, meaning, is this really better Mario? You show me search results, right? So let's contrast it. And then I really expect you to clap, by the way. So these are the results with the old search engine that we had. So same search, 70 actual results back. Highest relevance was what you're seeing in the screen right there. And again, let's go to the new one. New engine, two matches, two matches. [CHEERING] We love you too, don't worry about it. So, our new code search experience supports high relevance with exact string match and option modifiers. It's actually going to go in beta. We're learning more and more. So please sign up. And we'll get you in as soon as possible. But we're really excited about this as well. OK, now let's switch from individuals to teams. Because teams is really where the magic happens. Code reviews are the livelihood of software teams. Around 87 million pull requests got merged on GitHub last year. So as a team, you want to avoid burnout. You want to minimize time to review. You want to minimize time to merge as well. Well, GitHub can now help your teams achieve this with code review assignment. So let's jump in again. So I'm over here in the team. I go to Settings, and I go to code review assignment. I enable auto assignment, and then I want to switch my algorithm. I don't like round robin. I'm actually going to go and pick load balancing, mainly, because I want to make sure that no one is over taxed, so I do that. And I click Save. So what I'm expected to happen now is next time a PR is assigned to my team, they make sure to actually write it to the right person and do a load balance. So in this case, I want to select that, and boom, it's right there, again. Just to highlight a little bit more and zoom in, it went from my actual team to now me, and then we removed the team. So all of this is now built natively into GitHub, so what you think about that? You don't need to install anything else. You just go to your team, set it up, and start using it. But we're not done yet. You also want to make sure that your PRs get reviewed in time, and actually, your project keeps moving. And we've got you also covered on that, and to do that, we have a feature called Reminders. So again, I go to my team, and in my team, I go to my settings. And instead of assignment, I'm just going to say reminder, so I don't have any reminders set up right now. I click on it. I select my slot channel, put a couple of other things with the standards at 10:00 AM. So 9:00 AM on the default settings are perfectly fine for me, but I actually do not want all of the repos. I want to actually go ahead and select one of them to be able to do better, so we're going to do an awesome universe demo repo. And then I'm going to press create. And then next day at 9:00 AM in Slack, you're going to get this, which is reminders of your pull requests. While it's actually outstanding how long it is and who it's assigned to. And now as a team, you're going to be able to review it. Again, this is available natively into the platform, and we're super excited to actually bring it out of beta. So please sign up whenever you get a chance. Thank you. Now daily experiences also expand to our enterprise customers. In fact, GitHub gets used by over half of fortune 100s, and we are heavily investing in bringing the best tools, workflows, and open source technologies to its enterprise customers. You saw a little bit of this. Actually, you got a glimpse on it of our razor sharp focus on enterprise on our Satellite conference we made in Berlin. We announced around 10 to 15 features, and we put in beta that we're mainly targeting our enterprise customers. And I'm happy to tell you that over the last six months, so since May up to today, all of those features have actually gone to general mobility. They're all available now to our enterprise customers, which is great. We've never done this. I was actually very surprised I was able to get here today and do that, because we were running on it on all of that. But we made it, so we're really happy about it. And it shows our commitment. We're kind of humble. And it shows our commitment on that, which is from an enterprise perspective, yes, we have an amazing community. But we got your back in enterprise as well. OK, so if we fast forward, we also know that we're not done. And we need to deliver. GitHub Enterprise Server is a tier one application for many of you, which is mission critical. It cannot go down. So we're also heavily investing in giving you the best tools and technology to administer GitHub server, which is our on premises offering at scale. So things like best in class oberservability and remediation, high availability across songs and sites. So you don't have to be just in one data center, and you could kind of have a logical GitHub spread across. And then cloud native disaster recovery, because you need that to actually achieve your goals. And with that, I'm also going to announce today our newest release of GitHub enterprise, which is 2.19. This release focuses on fundamentals, like Triage and Maintainroles, security with Nuget, as you can see over there, support for dependency graph, and many other developer productivity tools. Now everything you heard me said today, so from navigation, search, reminders, will also be available in GitHub enterprise early next year. And with that, I want to thank you all, and turn it over to Becca. REBECCA ZANDSTEIN: Thanks, Mario. Hey, everyone. I'm Becca, a product manager here at GitHub, and I'm here to talk to you today about notifications. For over a decade, we've been handling notifications of nearly every kind on GitHub. And with 40 million developers doing more than ever on GitHub, we needed to refresh our system, so you could more easily distinguish the signal and take action on the work that matters to you. We know managing notifications on GitHub has been all too painful, but that changes today. This is the new notifications experience on GitHub, so how about we dive in and see just how powerful this is? First things first, let's take a look at these notifications. In my notification list, you'll see icons displaying the type of notification being received and their current status. Further to the right, there is a label appended to each item letting me know exactly why I was being notified. And for those fast moving conversations, you can see just how much unread activity there is for a single issue or pull request, as well as the current participant list. Zooming back out, we can see that there are still many notifications here, right now, for me to focus on. So let's navigate to where my team really needs me right now, which is my mentions folder. An app mention is a pretty high signal event. Someone wants my direct attention and typically requires some sort of response from me. We include mentions as a default filter for you here and the new notifications experience, so you can quickly access where your team needs you most. Here, all the notifications that have had a mention of my name. Thankfully, I look pretty caught up here, but let me quickly dive into one of these to unblock my teammate. Now with the all new notifications experience, the complete issue timeline is previewed with in the notification experience. This means that while I'm triaging my notifications, I can take action immediately without switching context or slowing down. So for this issue, I'm going to assign myself, add it to my project board, and make sure folks know, I'm going to be taking this work on all within the notification experience with no context switching. Since I'm still working to unblock my team, there's a few other locations I probably need to look at. There are other default filters that we include, such as T mentions, reviewer crusts. But for now, I'm going to jump on over to my custom filter for the notifications steam to be sure that there's no other work I'm holding up. With the ability to add up to 15 custom filters, I've added one today for my team's product feature work, so I can easily Zoom in to progress and blockers specific to this feature set. I have a couple of notifications here in this custom filter. But since these notifications all look to be closed or merged, let's just select them all and mark them as done. Awesome, I'm at inbox zero for this filter. Pretty easy. Since I spent some time cleaning up some of the high signal notifications, my inbox looks to be in a pretty manageable state right now. To further accelerate your triaging workflow, we have a familiar set of keyboard shortcuts to help you take action on any set of notifications. As we continue to build on top of the new notification experience, we're going to continue introducing more shortcuts to further improve your daily experience on GitHub. Now before we wrap up, I need to check on one of my save notifications. Save notifications for later allows me to further add a visual treatment to high signal notifications within my inbox, and it gives me an easy way to quickly return to the tasks that I still need to get done. So with that, let's select this one. Here, you can see that the team is pretty excited and ready to start shipping this new notifications experience. So how about we get this train rolling everyone? I'm going to let Ryan know that we might need him here to help us out, so let's see if we can ping him and get him on stage. RYAN NYSTROM: Thanks Becca. Hi, everybody. I'm Ryan Nystrom, director of engineering here at GitHub. And it is so exciting to be here to share with you a brand new product, and that is GitHub for mobile. That's right. Today, we are announcing new fully native apps for Android and iOS. Like Nat mentioned earlier, there are over 40 million developers using GitHub today. When GitHub started over 11 years ago, everything revolved around Git, and that meant you needed a computer lugged around with you. Nowadays, we don't just write code. We collaborate as team members, and we review each other's code. Today, it's too hard to keep things moving without a computer, and that's why we built GitHub for mobile. Now, you can truly take GitHub with you anywhere in the world. We put so much care into this app, so that it fits your workflow. And I'm really excited to walk you through some of our favorite features. The first thing you'll see when you open GitHub for mobile is the new home screen. Here, you have access to all of your work. At the top, we have issues and pull requests that you created, were assigned to, and more. Jump into repositories and organizations that you interact with. Scroll down, and you'll see a new section we call favorites. For those of you that contribute to tons of repositories, we added this section, so you can pin favorite repositories and jump back into them right from your home screen. Scroll down a little more, and you'll see all the recent activity on issues and pull requests that you created or commented on. It has never been easier to pick up on your work from where you left off on your browser. At the very top of home, you can tap this plus button and file a new issue to any repository on GitHub. We also have a new tab for your notifications. When you're done with notifications, simply swipe them away. We partnered with the notifications team here at GitHub to build a unified experience everywhere, and that includes iOS,, and Android. All of the amazing features you just saw Becca demo will be available across your devices, save, done, and so much more. You can find the notifications that you care the most about with filters, either by repository or all the custom filters that you create on They will sync and go with you across all your devices. Now one of my favorite features are push notifications. We know some of you get tons of GitHub notifications, and we don't want your phone constantly digging and buzzing. And it's too easy to miss sometimes the really important ones. We will send you a push notification whenever somebody mentions you in an issue, pull requests, or comment. That way, you know it's important. Now let's drill into a pull request. Here, I can see everything I need to know, the author, status, branches, and more. I can scroll down and read comments, reviews, and other timeline activity. I mentioned before that these apps are all native, and that includes this rich markdown rendering you see behind me. We put a ton of time and care into this to make sure that you get the best possible experience on your phone. If you want to see more information, just swipe up from the bottom. Here, you can see reviewers, who it's assigned to, labels, and tons more. If I want to see what changed in this pull request, I can tap into the files changed view, and here, view all of my code changes in the pull. Again, this is all rendered natively, including this gorgeous syntax highlighting. But we're not done there. You can also swipe up from the bottom and leave a review on any pull requests right from your phone, comment, approve, requests changes. It has never been easier to unblock your projects while being nowhere near your desk. Now if you want to see the status on your pull requests, we also include all of that information. You can view if you have approvals, if there are conflicts, and more. If you're ready to go, tap the merge button, and you'll trigger all of your CI or CD from anywhere in the world. I'm telling you, this app makes me feel like I have superpowers, and we are geeking out so much over this thing. And speaking of geeking out, I'm also really excited to bring GitHub into the dark. We built an incredible dark mode experience for both iOS and Android. For you night owls out there, this is way easier on your eyes during those late night hack sessions, and we didn't just stop with dark mode. But we also built an amazing iPad experience. We didn't just make things bigger, but we built entirely new user interfaces and custom gestures. We even have most of the same keyboard shortcuts you'll find on This is the best GitHub experience for iPad. And we designed our iPhone, iPad, and Android apps to have absolute feature parity. They share a design system, so they look familiar. But at the same time, we want to respect each platform's design conventions. These apps are built native. We want to make sure they feel native too, so that's just a taste of GitHub for mobile. There are tons more features that I don't have time to go through. GitHub for mobile is the best way to be connected to your work, stay up to date, and keep your projects moving without needing a computer. And all of this is available starting today with a beta on iOS. Just head over to and sign up. When your invite is ready, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to install. We have an Android beta in the works coming very soon, and you can look for both apps launching together early next year absolutely for free. And I cannot wait for you to try it. If you're interested in taking more of a deep dive into GitHub for mobile, please be sure to join me later today for a session. Thank you so much. Now back to Nat. NAT FRIEDMAN: All right, thank you. Neha, Mario, Becca, and Ryan, what do you all think of all that? Pretty good stuff, right? I'm really excited about putting GitHub in your pocket, and also, excited about the huge investments we're making across nearly every aspect of the daily experience from GitHub desktop, to notifications, to code search, code nav, code review. This is something we take really seriously. We know those little moments, those bits of friction can really drag you down when you're experiencing them, again, and again, and again. And so we'd love to hear your feedback, and we're going to keep making these types of investments. OK, now bringing it back to the heart of GitHub, the open source community, last May, we introduced a new program called GitHub Sponsors in beta. And GitHub Sponsors allows you to financially support the developers whose work you admire or depend upon in the open source community. And so for an update on GitHub Sponsors, please welcome Devon Zuegel, Devon. DEVON ZUEGEL: Thanks, Nat. Hi, everyone. I'm Devon, the product manager of the open source economy team here at GitHub. We are building GitHub Sponsors, because we envision a future where open source is a professional, lucrative career path. These developers maintain our critical digital infrastructure, which is only becoming ever more important every single day. Open source developers build the tools for the rest of us, so it's our job to build the tools that they need to succeed too. As a reminder, sponsors is a new way to financially support the developers who build the open source software we all use everyday. For example, I really admire Mariatta's work on the Python core team, and I used to used Python at my old job. So now, I can go to her profile, click the sponsor button, and show her my support. With GitHub Sponsors, developers can sponsor each other directly from their everyday workflows. When we launched the beta just a few months ago, we also announced the GitHub Sponsors matching fund. Doubling the contributions you make to open source developers jump starts the program. Meanwhile, this empowers you, the members of the community, to decide where the funding goes. Developers have already begun doing some amazing things with sponsors, and I've been really excited to see some of the great projects that have been in the program. I was personally thrilled when Daniel Stenburg joined Sponsors. He's the founder and lead maintainer of Curl. With 10 billion installations worldwide, Curl is one of the most widely used software components in the entire world. Like many developers, I've used Curl for years, so it was so cool to see someone who I've depended on for a long time find my work useful too. I'm also learning about loads of cool projects that I had never heard about before. I recently stumbled across a profile for a guy named David, who has this really cool project. And then in his profile, he said that he's been coding with his voice for five years, and that blew my mind. Because I'm someone who really likes programming, and I also use voice to text all the time. But I had never thought to code with my voice, so I was really excited to check his project out. We've heard a lot of great feedback from this project throughout this entire summer, and we have seen some amazing things that people have been doing. And it's been really exciting to see people be able to sponsor individual developers. We've also gotten a ton of great feedback. We've gotten feedback that teams want a way to sponsor their work as well. So starting today, teams can receive funding through GitHub Sponsors too. If you're open sourced project has a corporate or non-profit bank account, you can apply to receive funds as a team rather than just as an individual. We're thrilled to partner with amazing open source projects, like Homebrew, NumFOCUS, Babel, The E-book Foundation, and many more as we kick off the beta. And we cannot wait for more to join. You'll see their sponsorships when you go to any of their team's projects or to their organization page. You'll see a sponsor button at the top of the page, where you'll be able to see how to sponsor them, whether it's through GitHub Sponsors or through other awesome funding tools, like Open Collective, Patreon, Tide Lift, and Community Bridge. Project level funding is the natural next step for GitHub sponsors, and it gets to the core of what open source is all about. We're all standing on the shoulders of giants. With new features, like Meet the Team, project level funding reflects the deeply collaborative way open source is made. This is still just the beginning, and we are listening closely for more of your feedback. We're committed to helping the community fund developers who work in open source, and we're excited to keep building new ways to make that happen. So head to to get started. Thank you all, and thank you especially to the open source developers. You are the heart of the open source community, and we couldn't do any of this without you. Back to you, Nat. NAT FRIEDMAN: All right, thank you, Devon. I'm really excited about Sponsor projects, and I'm really proud of the work that we're doing at GitHub to try to help open source communities continue to thrive. Now we've been talking this morning about the importance of open source, but to put it in context and maybe a larger historical context, I wanted to tell you a short story. This is Florence in Italy, and this is the dome of the Florence Cathedral. It's the famous Duomo that was created at the height of the Italian Renaissance, and the story of how it was built is interesting. At the beginning of the 15th century in 1418, the leaders of Florence set up a contest to find a builder who could create this beautiful dome. And at the time, no one knew how to construct a dome of the scale, because no such dome had been created actually since the Roman Empire, since nearly 1,500 years earlier. That engineering knowledge that came from antiquity had been lost, but then a man who was named Filippo Brunelleschi, who lived in Florence and wanted to win the contest, took a trip to Rome. And he went there to study the Roman ruins and some of the ancient texts from Vitruvius and others to rediscover these ancient engineering techniques. And he learned from them, and he was inspired by them, and used what he learned in the construction of this beautiful cathedral. That ancient Roman knowledge that he was able to find in Rome helped power the Italian Renaissance. Now when we think about our world today, the knowledge required to build a dome is not that different from the knowledge of how to build a container, or how to create an accurate machine learning model, or to make an app that works for a billion people. There is this long history on earth of humanity, where big things happened without software. Algebra was invented, gunpowder was discovered, empires rose and fell, and that's over. Nothing big will ever happen, again, without software. It's almost crazy or outlandish to say it, but human progress actually depends on open source. So the code you write is important. It matters, and it should be preserved. And so at GitHub, we decided, we should do something. And to be honest, we might have gotten a little carried away, but let's just see for yourself. PRESENTER 1: Deep in the Arctic Circle, an archipelago covered in ice, Svalbard, home to the northernmost town in the world, to thousands of polar bears. And it is here you can find the global Seed Vault. Millions of seeds have been sent here from across the globe for secure, long term storage in cold and dry rock vaults. Just down the road is a decommissioned coal mine that has taken on new life. This is where we will protect open source software for future generations, deep within the permafrost layer, which can stretch up to 400 meters thick. We will store the world's open source software on silver halide film. The data is encoded on frames with 8.8 million pixels each and designed to last over 1,000 years. In our initial deposit, we archived thousands of the world's most depended on open source projects. The work of hundreds of thousands of developers from around the world. We will return next spring during the perpetual light of the midnight sun to deposit every active public repository on GitHub for safekeeping in the GitHub arctic cobalt. NAT FRIEDMAN: All right, wow, little bit crazy, we know. So two weeks ago, we traveled to Svalbard to deposit the most popular and most depended upon open source projects into the GitHub arctic code vault. And they're there now, and the beauty of this place is just stunning. It's so remote. There's fewer than 3,000 people that live in Svalbard, but we actually met a number of GitHub users there, using open source software to drive scientific instruments and interpret their data to study the Aurora borealis. And I think one of them is here somewhere, Katie, wherever you are. And so it turns out, software is everywhere. Even this crazy remote place runs on open source, and so this is our code vault. And to make sure that your code is included, all you need to do is have an active public repo by February 2nd of next year. We will snapshot every repo that's been active in the prior year on that date and store it in Svalbard. Now this effort was inspired by many people, and especially inspired by generations of people who have made archiving their life's work. Archivists are so important, and so the GitHub arctic code vault is just one piece of the work we're doing to preserve and protect open source for developers who are here today and for developers yet to come. In the broader effort, we called it the GitHub Archive Program. And I'm really happy to announce that we've partnered with many of the people and the organizations that inspired us, who are dedicated to preserving knowledge to make sure that we store the actual code in different locations and different storage media around the world. Lots of copies keeps stuff safe. And so a few of our partners are actually here today, The Internet Archive, talking about how the Wayback Machine will give you full access to GitHub, the Arctic World Archive, Software Heritage Foundation, The Long Now, Stanford, and Microsoft Research, which is developing Project Silica, which is a 10,000 year storage medium. So they'll be here on the main stage at 4:15. Don't miss it. All right, it has been an action packed morning. Let's recap what we went through today. We've talked about how we added a complete code to cloud DevOps platform to GitHub with GitHub actions and GitHub packages. We've shown you the investments we're making in the daily experience of using GitHub, including native mobile apps, a new notifications experience, and much more. And we created sponsored organizations and the GitHub Archive Program to ensure that open source can thrive and be preserved for years to come. Tomorrow, you're going to hear about the work we're doing to secure software development and the open source supply chain from end to end. And you'll hear from a number of our great partners. OK, finally, I want to say a big thanks to everyone at GitHub for their incredibly hard work, and energy, and love that's been poured into everything you've seen here today. They've just put themselves into it. I'm really grateful to them, and I want to say thanks to all of you for joining us today. And I hope you enjoy the conference. Thank you.
Channel: GitHub
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: git, github, github universe, collaboration, programming, version control, open source, software development, octocat, innersource, github universe 2019, github code vault, github arctic code vault, github mobile, github mobile app, github notifications, github enterprise 2.19, github desktop
Id: 9EoNqyxtSRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 24sec (3744 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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