Day 1: Arriving In Afghanistan (extreme travel) - Life Under Taliban Rule 🇦🇫

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very very good afternoon ladies and gentlemen welcome to another video here from Afghanistan right now I am in kundus which is a city very close to uh tajic border and that's where I came from to Afghanistan I crossed the border by land and arrived to the city called kundus and I'm I'm actually staying in the hotel called kundus as well and I wanted to make sure I show you where I stay how the room looks like and what's the price of it and uh I'm super super excited to be back to Afghanistan as as it is one of my most favorite countries in the world after traveling over 40 countries now and I find Afghanistan still super unique and incredible country to travel and with amazing and loving people very delicious food and and I want to make sure that I take you along on this journey uh with me so you can see and you can feel if you are planning your journey then you would feel exactly how what it means to travel in Afghanistan but uh there are lots of people that I know will probably never make this trip happen we'll never even think about it or we'll never have any opportunities like this to be in this country so this is one of the ways I can show you the RO version of my travels from this incredible country I hope you enjoyed I hope I can change your perspective I'm not sure what you were thinking about Afghanistan or if you knew something about Afghanistan hopefully you learn and experience as we are traveling together in this journey so let's go and do the room tour which is a basic room that you shouldn't have high expectations here we are paying around uh 30 to 40 American dollars to stay in this hotel depends how many people people are here so let's take the number as average $35 American dollar per night and this is all the facilities you have so we have actually quite a huge room so if you are here two people and uh you would have a plenty of space for yourself we have this uh little window views uh to the Garden which is relatively quiet and nice so there's no complains about that we have a double bed right in the middle here and and little wardrobe on one side you can hang some of your stuff here uh here's my level eight luggage which I'm going to open it probably on the ground right here and on the one corner we have the fridge I do believe that it's actually functioning seems like there's some spices or pepper left from the other customers and this is the I section it's actually not functioning at the moment because it is not plugged in which is fine I don't need any refrigerator Ator for one night we have the TV just in front of the bed and there's also one couch right here for you to relax and enjoy your stay and we do have the air conditioning which is going to be necessity for the tonight depends um if it's cold if it's warm in both cases it can make the temperature much better without you opening the window actually and uh this room is also carpeted with beautiful pattern carpet here which looks nice and we shouldn't forget that there's also space here to work and eat if you do the room service if you like and you might be wondering how the toilet and the bathroom looks like this is little area where you take your shoes off as the entrance is right from here and then on the left side we will find our toilet and the shower area which is a common setup for um South Asian countries I would say there's always a heater which is specific to your room so you can actually manipulate it as you like and turn on turn off we have a shower right in the middle which is actually rain shower looks good on one corner on the left side we have the sink and we do also have our uh mirror right here and we shouldn't forget about the toilet of course on the right corner we have the toilet which is very interesting that it's not um it's kind of like like looking to to window side it's not parallel to the ground but uh I believe the toilet will be quite clean and nice looks okay for me so yeah this is all the toilet facilities you get and you also normally find bucket of water so most of the time there might be some problem that the water doesn't run so there's always a reserve water here and if you prefer to take a shower with the bucket you do like this and then you wash yourself that's a another way to do your cleaning process while you are in the shower if you don't prefer the rain head shower so approximately 35 American dollars this is the everything you get in this city called kundus in Afghanistan and yeah thank you so much for watching until this moment we're going to go and explore and show you more other sides of the city as we are spending the night here so most of the rest of the clip will be all from kundus today so thank you so much for watching and we'll see you later on guys he already ate the chocolate how you already ate it yeah that was very fast we we even we didn't know yeah do we go this way all right amazing Salam alaykum Alum all right what we're going to do actually go try out some places check out for topi that's our goal and seems like this is all the shops Alum maybe you also need a wcod like me uh maybe later if you see if it's cold then I will buy it but for now I think I'm good but in Afghanistan it's not for being cool or not it's for putting a lot of thing inside because it huge pockets and helps you to put everything inside it's like a modeling yourself oh exactly all right there we can buy that look I have my stamp here even a stamp it's a company stamp company stamp nice Salam alaykum how are you brother nice oh we have all the scarves here maybe let's go check out a little bit further first we can start with the Toppy and oh very nice really colorful ones Alam alikum very good nice to meet you these ones are very colorful is this uh from kundus where is this from it's from Mazar Mazar ma Mazar Mazar Sharif this is for men right it's very [Music] colorful this is called alucha yeah looks a little bit um weird looks not so [Laughter] manly for turban it's used for turban turban H for the turban yeah maybe for kids would be nice but yeah for the kids would be nice but there are all this different colors here what's the what's the most expensive one you have ah he has all the best ones up there oh be careful all of them going to come down how much 1,500 how much we bought this one I think 2,500 yeah I think so too yeah it was a little bit pricey do you like this something this is a little bit bigger yes for my head then uh if you want to keep it buy me one more yeah I keep this okay then buy me one one more to be okay you choose for my you choose there are different colors I actually like the one there maybe I give you back mine and brother can I see that one there h no no no left up ah yes that one oh the same I think similar to mine right I like all this color combination of it this looks like real Taliban hat oh yeah it's beauti oh I now I don't know which one is more nicer can you try this it's this one's better big big for me big and this one was big for you a little bit big okay let me try that try this how much is this one same price same same 1,000 1,500 same price 1 ,000 it's good size my for my head beautiful are you happy that I give you that pack or I buy you new one what which one is no no I am I am flexible I'm flexible which one is better I don't care you happy with this one yeah yeah not okay then I'm going to buy happy with this yeah but I give you back at the end okay no problem is it good toal yeah because in both way I win yeah it's yours at the end it's yours all right what's the last price you can give us 1,300 1,200 or yes okay okay okay let's let's do it thank you I like to always negotiate but there's a 1,500 thank you no no no change thank you thank you no no no no no change no no no no no really it doesn't accept no no no it was I was testing him tell him I'm testing him it's okay brother it's fine no please please please no no no please okay then uh then 1,300 thank you thank you thank you so much very kind thank you I give I give you this to someone now okay thank thank you wow very nice gentleman shall we uh have a look jackets why not oh maybe here that looks like a super fancy mancy falam Alum oh nice nice ones n you say no no I cannot buy not they don't have view size oh my size Noel XEL no XEL no l okay medium they only have Med medium no no thank you I was medium 10 years ago that's I was I was really medium for oh this this place going to have much more play much more options for sure wow super colorful ones I think I had uh something like this pamier this is the small option Alum how are you guys means are you fine you are all good are you all good you all good okay x large two x large three XEL large whatever biggest Exel Excel Excel is better and these are more like for winter we were discussing this and dayto day normally people wear this but this is for more cold but this is for more more like um modeling yourselfself right sure sure for spring summer this one is better people prefer it a lot yeah I think I don't like the color but I try the size of it try the size you mind please not ah this is a little bit softer texture than last time I had this okay I think last time also I couldn't close it if I close it them I cannot breathe oh this actually matching with the color very much actually it looks so so beautiful to you yes yeah it suits you yes suits me suits you how much is this Chand good good G 7007 $10 $10 is this as a local is this good price is this bad price as a local uh maybe 100 of G more more expensive a more expens it's okay 100 more expensive okay it's fine I think 700 is good uh should I try different colors or maybe one more color will show you two three colors then you can two yeah two color is okay I think between this and something else would be nice as you can see guys there are so many different colors here maybe even that black might be a good option like but I think this black absorbs the sun broad you know it will be more hot this is bluish bluish blue with blue would be too much blue I Tred blue with blue will be yeah too much blue but I try I try what he saying uh is he giving me modeling advice uh he's telling oh thank you ah this is called it's called dark dark blue oh wow oh I like my hat it's super nice I don't know I don't know if I'm super nice I don't know if I'm giving you back this one wow the color of it is amazing all right uh I think blue with blue is not bad if you buy green um and as a cloth M then we it will be matching good as wellum how are you brothering yes he seems very curious very cute all right 700 no no this one this one say yes any discount 600 600 500 no no okay 600 is the is the last what he say t tan he's asking me how much did youy this one 1,500 here he was asking me directions or like your yeah and come to ask that where did you buy it I have to go and buy one wow that's crazy so I am a good marketing for the shop next to me you have to go and ask for some commission brother uh he can take 700 no no no no no no no please thank you thank you thank you so what's like you you we are very glad glad grateful yeah okay very nice 700 yeah 700 okay okay no no no no no no no no no no no he's giving me no no 700 please please thank you T thank you so much we got our money back but in Afghanistan they have they don't have any new money printed yet since Talib have we have is it coming soon because most of the money it has come but not a lot in the Bazar then people ah yeah only rich people have access yeah yeah no no no everyone can have access but uh because it was eat like uh three or four days ago then people before itat bought it from vacine Market to give it Ed or present or gift for children because the children likes the new one so most of the money you put your hands on are like this kind of with the duct tape and they're kind of ripped off but they still hold the value we can buy stuff and we can do shopping as we like so which is good all right thank you so much I don't have any sticks or something on me right no no you don't yeah okay I don't walk around like a shopping cart it's it looks so beautiful yeah I mean doesn't have anything hanging on it no the price no no no no no no it doesn't tou like something like this no no no no perfect thank you thank you guys bye-bye are other model yeah perfect thank you oh you're right now I have a pocket to put money amazing I was uh instructing you a a solution yes perfect thank you so much welcome shall we do a little bit exploration here for sure for sure and then uh is this and then maybe in the evening uhuh we can go order another option color but later in the evening when we are free doing our things I would be actually interested to buy one of this uh how much are these costing these 700 700 it does does this come with the sizes or it's one size uh size no no not one size different size a different size okay 700 700 okay I might be interested to buy one you call this in local language ch ch and English it's bura no English like they use different kinds of words cover V bka bka bka yeah bka is I think most most famous One how was in local chadar okay okay all right thank you thank you thank you all right oh we have so many different shops here too but man I'm in love with my hat I like the colors too let's I go buy one for you really yeah or you choose whatever you want from other shop so we give business to other person because I I will not give you back this one for sure and that's why I'm worried about you're worried about it yeah this is all different colors here bro this is nice look 600 600 more affordable more affable but make sure you like it we can go higher price no problem more expensive oh okay more expensive warrants are inside alikum what is this should be kept very well Nar uh this is a turban turban ah this is turban longi nice I like I like Nar Anar Anar in par in a n pomeg grenade same same this one same colors let me check or we go back to the same shop and get the same color so we are matchy matchy like brothers brother this sure let's go other back shop same shop yeah how much are this 1,800 ah okay we have better price there okay T thank you thank you wow welcome very good so it seems like this street is full of thank you thank you T all the hats and the cloth for ladies for men anything you're looking for it's quite busy area all right we have lots of ladies here guys we have to put the camera down for a bit let's stay tuned there with [Music] us all right back to the same shop but we have a ladies here as well we are back you can you can already scan what you like and then after we buy all this different type of scarves we actually bought one you remember from Mazar Sheriff I think you give it too don't remember we gave it to someone I don't know same color or similar color for him because he's very jealous of me say your hat yeah he say your hat is better oh wow he has more options look at this maybe I give you this and take new one just kidding no no I like mine wow same same color no how much is it uh the same but the quality is not I think good not the same the hey this one this one this is good oh Kat is more expensive yeah no he said that the price is oh this is nice no it's too much colors no too much color colorful not so manly womanish ah this is nice too blackish black good it's nice but it's not mine it's not same shall we check some other yeah sure we can take our time whenever you find good one I buy for you no problem is that good all right all right guys we're going to check out other heads here and then after we go for more Explorations and see what's coming is this something you will fall in love with it's goodish mega mega Kish okay is approved I think it has some similarity with yours yeah how much same price same price okay you want this you sure yeah yeah happy yeah done thank you okay so what was the price 1,300 okay now he did a you did discount for us 1,500 pleas thank you no no it's okay thank you thank you see you next time I give you I give you my card you can watch yourself later thank you all the bu inshah bye byee thank you thank you so much nice to meet you thank you bye- bye bye bye bye bye all right you know what would be cool to find a shoe cleaner because my shoes are super dirty but we need to find some we need to find some old man that does the best job sure we can do it yeah I think on the other side of the road we'll have more options hi ah we had a we had the money from the Hat guy 50 50s 250s yeah I give him one one for him too good happy yes okay thank you we still have a 100 left from the gentleman who did discounted us the Hat now we are matchy matchy we are like brothers EXA you are happy you were already bro yeah you are happy yeah we're not sure yeah but now we are appearance wise also same same all right I think uh from here it's going to start a little bit more crazy part of the bazaar so I would be very excited to check that as well I think that would be nice it's all the fruit market right on the right side let's go see what we see what we find I like the style of this gentleman I would love to buy something from him M what he's selling here he's selling uh peppers I am too very very nice so what the what the gentleman is selling uh different kinds of peppers Peppers wow are these Peppers to Peppers no these are not Peppers you know you know is it food coloring food coloring food coloring all right uh what's the best pepper he has this one spicy one how much uh we say po but it's little bit small smaller than kilo then per kilo 100 of G 100 of 1 kilo yeah all right can you give us 100 gr okay thank you wow he's going to use the old style uh scale here and some old tools and he's he's old guy and that's why very old guy and very old system as well which is amazing to see he's using the old scale system wow very nice so how much that going to cost us all right there's a 100 for him no no no no no T thank you thank you all the best bye-bye okay yeah we can put it in our our pocket now all right nice you're a pocket man now it man all right we just arrived to the vegetable market and it looks very colorful as there are little stands everywhere you go and then I think we're going to go explore all the vegetables things too we have the 50 I think here we need to get some small money bro T thank you thank you all [Music] right amazing all right seems like we have arrived to the carpet shops it's a little bit busy area here look at this gentleman is cutting the cucumber and serving it to the gentleman with the of salt no very nice how much is one cucumber one is five one is five can we have uh two after the gentleman wow that's so interesting to see this as a snack basically they sell it on the street they peel it off put a little bit salt and then and say sell it to the kids to the people who's working in the area are we doing a traffic no no we are not doing what is this gentleman selling I want to see him are we getting yeah he will make it for us okay after we go see what the what that gentleman is selling there so one is five only one F you do one I do one mhm our driver too okay one for driver there's 100 here driver three yeah thank you three are we eating it just like that can we have some salt is this salt or something else yeah salt salt salt for sure salt don't worry just checking oh so good salum it's so refreshing after biting I can go again to the Salt is it hygienic no problem problem Afghani aani mix mix half half you no no I know Arabi Turkish Turkish English Russian no Turkish no change you take this for driver okay thank you thank you thank you oh my God we are blocking the way I'm so sorry I'm so we are blocking the way I love you too I love you too thank you so much thank you thank you translation thank you so lots of uh lots of Afghani people actually go to Turkey and they live there and sometimes they come back sometimes they get deported back from turkey and they come back to Afghanistan so that's the reason they go they work there they learn the language so sometimes I feel like there's more Turkish speaking here than English speaking in Afghanistan so which is very very interesting fact so the guy was translating for me wow that's a such a super colorful motorbike ah he's oh wow we have a dessert he has aalam alaykum how are you nice nice what is this desert uh special desert Out of Milk uh sugar and uh these things I have one please and it has different shapes actually uh 10 or 20 uh 10 10 thank you what was the name of this f f fne sweet dessert sweet sweet can you ask him uh he makes this or why or who does make this yeah yeah yeah he makes it himself yeah he makes it himself wow all right I'm going to try it out and see how this test like do you want one two you first please you first no no no no you first okay one one you can ask him one more yeah going so one is 10 yeah one is 10 wow that's such a crazy price oh what is this uh this is uh cardamon cardamon it's like cardamon water it makes it better oh yeah good Beau oh nice wow that's amazing all right guys I'm going to quickly tell you how much this costs you will be very surprised what's the price of this it's basically 14 American cents you can have this 10 Afghani amazing ah how many how many he has left here ch ch Manda 14 14 I give him uh 200 he goes home early today 300 and he give this to the kids please you want all right now it's time for us to try this out so this has a kind of jelly jelly texture let's try it out oh this so good this is with sharbat sharbat it's the rose water rose water flower rose the rose water no can you ask him if there's a rose rose water oh no that's the cardamon a cardamon which one is the rose water I think it has a test of rose water no no okay but it tastes like that it's amazing not so sweet actually yeah it has it has a taste of it's free but no spoon you have to wait ah there's a spoon kids you happy happy all right you ate already what is your name d yes D all right I set up my trip so I can eat in peace we eat together very good very good welcome to Afghanistan you can say welcome to Afghanistan thank you super Afghanistan super is house Afghanistan I say it's amazing yeah is this a pistachio on the top there's also a little pistachio on the top so that also adds a little bit more flavor into [Music] it that was amazing I like the fact gentlemen eats himself too here he eats his own product which is nice he's happy he happy he will give this all to the kids yeah these are more expensive ah these are more expensive ah okay and how much more this is all of them 100 okay give it to someone he doesn't have money okay okay nice to meet you all the best but tell them not make any trouble for him [Music] please okay you you control you control okay thank you all right brother we we lost our main purpose we came here for carpets mhm let's go check it out so is this the turkman carpet shops is that correct all of this uh n before we go can you please uh after you finish your cucumber can you explain us all the ethnicities are in Afghanistan and one of them are Turk there are tajiks there are USCS there are Pon right and one of the communities are turkman living in Afghanistan right and this is basically going to be their shops for sure okay yeah now I finish my cucumber I have to speak all you have to clean your mouth too all right perfect yeah perfect uh Afghanistan is beautiful for having its own unique uh variety of ethnicities different ethnicities yeah different ethnicities and uh one of the most honorable and respected ethnicities in Afghanistan or living especially in the north of Afghanistan in the northeast of Afghanistan or turkman people turkman turkman yeah turkman of course turkman that they had come from turkistan to Afghanistan during the Soviet Union uh period yeah and uh because uh they were forced uh to accept the communism uh you know ideology then they were the people that didn't like the communism and they wanted to be free or out of this ideology then they uh immigrated from Afghanistan to Afghanistan to north of to Afghanistan north of Afghanistan to north of Afghanistan exactly because the north of Afghanistan as uh the main uh borders with the Central Asian countries like Tajikistan usbekistan and turkistan for example in Faria the north of Afghanistan we have a border with turkistan also in the mazari Shar in the north of Afghanistan we have border with okay Afghanistan mazari Shar ter border and also here in the northeast of Afghanistan we have a border with Tajikistan and that's why we are so Clues USCS tajiks and turkman and these people all people uh that their main job is carpet weaving and they are very professional exper these things and they are turkman and that's why we are here to check them out exactly all right do you have any favorite shop I see uh big smile all they all favorite I see big smile from gentlemen so I want to see his show first Maybe good so do they speak uh turkman too yes can speak we say like good good can we see his oh thank you uh no shoes no no no shoes no Sho no shoes take off shoes or no shoes yeah we have to take off Sho we take off the shoes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I I wasn't I wasn't sure if it's yes or no like no shoes means like you can go with shoes or no shoes means no means shoes means that no no shoes with shoes all right wow it's such a beautiful and very colorful Shop full of beautiful art and yeah what's the what's the most expensive item he has here is it is it because big that's why no yeah but uh about quality as well quality as well what what's the material of this would you would he mind if he open one of these carpets for us we can see the patterns the one on the top but but tell him we are not buying I just want to see wow wow that's so beautiful so colorful incredible mashah can you tell uh can you ask what's the price of this 30,000 30,000 Afghani all right we have to check out the pricing to see how much that costs that's actually very affordable it's $400 M for carpet I think it's nothing $ $400 $400 but uh he has this is the most expensive one but there are shops that they even have carpets like uh $50,000 $10,000 4,000 I seen I have seen in Iran like uh 50,000 like uh $55,000 carpets which so for this pattern and the good quality $400 is is like you cannot beat it I think it's perfect price I'm not a carpet I'm not a carpet expert but I think this is perfect price all right amazing thank you so much please tell him thank you for opening and showing it for us [Music] no no thank you thank you so much it been a pleasure there are lots of tman in Chara District of char where is Theus yeah it's near near near here relatives are a lot there okay okay maybe somay we go there inshah inshah thank you so much thank you so much for opening good thank you thank you all right we go check out other shops all right are you working here or you just or just sticking around yeah what he's selling he's a battery seller a battery seller ah interesting okay good job good job nice to meet you brother thank you T thank you all right it will take a while to put our to one of my friends uh carpet shop carpet shop he's here yeah all right or we check out some other here exactly one of my friends carpet shop here ah it's here all right thank you thank you thank you bye-bye guys bye-bye oh you were the bu buying cucumber nice oh wow this it looks so colorful Hai M isak that's the name at son's carpet storeum how are you brother can we see your shop he does he doesn't look so excited no he's good yes he's the brother of my friend but he doesn't know me nice his brother knows me all right wow that's this shop is much bigger actually and looks more colorful as well wow I love this it looks so beautiful this is hanging from the this is hanging from the wall no oh this is uh fors oh the C it's curtain ah curtain for for the windows ah for Designing the house everywhere you can hang on very nice exactly wow very beautiful there's so many different options and it's super organized you can see all different patterns and whatever you want they can actually open it for you I will ask the same question here what's the most expensive uh carpet he has he's not owner guy that not owner his this is his brother and he is a supermarket so he doesn't know he has a different one okay okay okay so he doesn't know he doesn't know okay all right then then we're going to go who the expert we're going to go to the expert himself thank you so much that's why he wasn't he wasn't so happy to see us I was like oh don't bother me are we're going to check out some other shop I would love to see this shop maybe asalam Alum can we see your shop oh I love this it's beautiful yeah uh does he have small carpets like this one can I see can I look yeah we can go go you can speak Turkish with these people okay so they know a little bit Turkish nice nice to meet you oh no no no it's too big I want small small small bro small small I cannot carry this no no no no no no no no no small pip pie pip pie oh wow that looks amazing is this a where this is made of which country is this export made in Kus by by by the people of turkman by the people of turkman okay especially women oh especially women turkman carpet turkman carpet made by lady or men woman woman all wom all wom everything woman all right very nice I love I love this pattern it has a little bit yellowish and I just love it we need to oh he's bringing more stuff more stuff oh incredible uh how much how much is this 1,100 wow that's good price 1,100 wow does he know how how many kilogram is this okay I take it he has more he has more colorful like yellow yellow green blue blue blue blue blue blue what OB big h no big small small small big I have no this no bro it's too big that size that size this size maximum 1 kilo 1 kilo maximum okay this is beautiful red yeah red no blue no no no no no oh this isce this is nice too okay let's put this one here and then this one next to it now I have a hard Choice oh I love this woo this is amazing this rag rag this is Rag and it's also made by tokman yeah yeah yeah yeah G by the ladies made handmade handmade okay so this is a rug this is going to be much lighter for me to carry it actually but this one are more beautiful maybe I take the rug [Laughter] for yeah I understand a little bit yeah is he saying that it's similar to his back no that good beautiful these are the words he was mentioning now I have a really hard choice between rock or two carpets which one I have to take I need help what do you think I really like all all three of them actually all is beautiful yeah and uh this one actually caught my attention can he can he tell what from all this three if he has to choose what he choose he take the rock why why for
Channel: Davud Akhundzada
Views: 71,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Afghanistan Vlog, Afghanistan Food, Afghanistan Under Taliban, Afghanistan Now, Afghanistan Safety, Afghanistan Currently, Afghanistan Travel, Afghanistan Tourist, Afghanistan Foreigner, afghanistan travel 2024, afghanistan travel vlog 2024, afghanistan in 2024, now kabul, kunduz afghanistan, taliban afghanistan, taliban control afghanistan, travel vlog in afghanistan
Id: 5Xd_flV3duM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 9sec (3129 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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