Day-02 | How to Configure Fortigate Firewall Step by Step | Fortigate Firewall for Beginners

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Hello friends welcome to my YouTube channel technique guide friends in this video we will learn basic configuration of 40 gate farewell so you friends we will see from scratch step by step how to configure for Ticket farewell first we will configure its management interface okay so friends you can see this is my inside Zone Lan Zone the MJ drone and Van and this is also my management interface here okay from this interface I will exchange my photogate firewall here first we will configure is interfaces management interface from CLI then we'll access and configure other interface and we will also configure policy and basic things on this firewall okay 148 firewall so let's start here friends for basic configuration now friends when you install new firewall after first boot up so friends it's booted first time okay so let me show you what we can do you have to provide password then just press enter and you have to provide new password okay you have to provide new password Here enter and then again provide new password okay so you can see we have successfully provide password Here default name is admin okay now we will configure its management interface here so you can see my management interface Port is one so we have to go to config system interface okay so friends in config system interface you can configure it sports like I have to configure edit Port 1 you can configure another Port also from here so I will configure only this port okay so let me see you set IP set IP I have to provide IPR 192 168 1.101 700 mask 255 255.0 okay okay so sorry let me show you so so you can see set mode 8dcp okay so I have to provide here set mode static mode static okay set mode static now we can provide IP address see just so you can see IP is taking now we have to set allowance like we have to allow ping https HTTP so you can provide here set helloness being https SSH only okay now and here now prints we have to provide default route to 40 gate toward this interface to access internet on our participate firewall okay so let's see how to provide default route now type here config config router static sorry config router static now press enter now we have to provide route edit one okay Route One okay new entry for Route 1 set Gateway 192 168 1 .1 okay default gateway now we have to set Port here from which Port set device Port one okay sorry now and now friends no friends to provide DNS okay now friends we have to configure DNS IP like config system DNS press enter Now set primary DNS IP 182 168 1.1 enter set secondary IP foreign system global config system Global set hostname hostname lab underscore fw01 okay okay now and here so you can see our hosting has been changed here okay now friends we have provided IP address here and we have so let me show you configuration so so full configuration so you can see we have Photon we have provided IP address here and we have provided set host name other things now friends let's try to Ping it okay our 192 168 1.101 okay so you can see we are able to Ping our firewall now friends we can access from GUI now friends we can access from gy okay http 192 168 1.101 now provide username and password which we have provided so you can see we are able to exchange here so asking perform the following step to complete the setup for to get later okay we will do later here okay now don't show again click on OK now friends you can see this is a dashboard of our 40 gate firewall so this is a system information live serial number of our firewall firmware version 7.0.6 net port here okay when I P and none here okay no so okay so live firewall one so here is a CPU utilization memory other things so now we will configure its interfaces okay friends so now friends we will configure its interfaces okay so we have to go to Network so friends you have to go to network then here you can see interfaces so you can see we have a port 1 configured with our when interface here we have to provide its description here allies like when okay roll defined when because it's a management interface okay so now administer 2x https fmg axis we can select for SNMP we can select here of Team okay now click on yes now if you want to disable it you can disable from here on enable from here okay now click on OK so now it's working you are currently connected with this interface are you sure want to continue yes now friends you can see this is my connected interface Port 1 2 and 3 okay this is connected interface so in green okay now we will configure port number two here you can double click on it or you can select click on edit okay select it and click on edit now Port 2 allies is my land okay roll is a land if you want to make it dedicated management you can select it okay now where I now I have to provide IP address if you want to provide ipu with DHCP you can select but I have to provide manual IP so IP address is Slash 24. okay you can provide also secondary IP here okay I'm not going to so I convert I can assign here only ping okay comment and put any comment here okay on this interface okay so now click on OK so now we have provided IP address here now select port number three DMZ role is DMZ now we have to provide IP address is IP addresses 176 to 16.1 Dot sorry 10.1 okay slash 24 we can allow ping on this interface now click on OK so now friends we have configured our interfaces here okay so now let's try to Ping from our now friends first of all we will try to Ping from 40 gate firewall to our this IP this IP this IP it should be reachable from 40 gate firewall okay let's try to Ping here this login admin one two three okay now we will try to Ping our line PC electrical ping so you can see we are able to Ping now we'll ping our Gateway 192 168 1.1 so you can see you are looping now will ping here R2 or 20n or 10. being here 176 172 16 10.10 10.10 node C you can see it's pinging 20 okay now it's pinging so friends now it's pinging here now let's create policy now friends we will play with policy here like we will allow this ip2 this host to access internet okay and we will allow this source to access this one okay now press before going to policy let's try to Ping from R1 to Ping when IP address so you can see notable dripping let's try to Ping DMZ also 72 16 10.10 so you can see not available here now friends you can see there is a implicit policies there okay it will deny all the traffic okay so that we are not able to Ping from here now we have to allow ping now if allow pink from inside to outside so we have to create policy here so you can see land to internet okay learn to internet so incoming interface will be our port to so you can see incoming Port 2 and outgoing interface is Port 1 okay van interface Lan and when so Source our source what is source so Source will be let me create Source here address okay Source address will be like LAN create object here 1.1.0 okay we can select subnet or IP range here so I am going to select 78 here allow all the subnet 0 24 okay interface is line okay now click on OK so you can select here you can select here and so you can select multiple object here okay now destination will be destination will be all okay so because to because to access Internet we have to select all here okay no schedule always now we have to Services service all okay you can select all any https traffic icmp traffic okay you can select here now we have to select accept here okay now we have to enable Nat to access internet here okay we can select net here to access Internet enable net okay so now you can write comment here for policy log is allowed now click on OK now friends you can see policy is created here okay probe Source sources Lan and destination all okay allow accept net enabled okay login all okay all now friends we will initiate traffic so so you can see now we are able to Ping here outside interface now let's ping here 8.8.8 internet DNS so you can see I am able to Ping internet here okay so let's try to Ping here our DMZ on IP address 10.10.10 so dmj did not pinging because we have assigned here destination interfaces destination outgoing interface is van so let me create another policy for this to learn to DMZ DMZ okay now our incoming interface is LAN outgoing is DMZ so source will be 10.1.0 and destination will be here we can create so here we will create a object address DMZ 172 16 10 dot zero okay full subnet 172 16 10.0 slash 24 interface will be DMZ now click on OK now we have to select this interface Okay now click on OK our service will be all accept now net is not required okay for inside to DMZ now click on OK so now let's check traffic here so you can see now we are able to Ping inside to outside inserted DMZ let's take another IP so you can see we are able to Ping here so print in this series we will going to perform all the labs like netting ipsec VPN SSL VPN HJ configuration and we will also see how to add for Ticket firewall to 40 manager okay so friends in this video we have how to do basic configuration in 40 gate firewall okay and in next video we will see Advanced configuration like Nat and ipsec VPN h a other things will be there okay so friends thanks for watching this video have a nice day
Channel: TechNet Guide
Views: 29,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, technet guide, fortigate firewall for beginners, fortigate firewalls, fortigate firewall configuration step by step, fortigate configuration, fortigate basic configuration, fortigate firewall configuration, fortigate configuration step by step, fortigate firewall training, fortinet tutorial, fortinet firewall configuration, fortinet firewall tutorial, how to set up fortigate firewall, setup fortigate firewall, fortinet
Id: _Y7hNF86wes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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