DawnCheré Wilkerson — Hearing God's Voice: Enough Said

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I've so enjoyed this conversation that we've been having around hearing God's voice how many of you have enjoyed the last few weeks as we've looked to God's Word what he says how many of you believe today that God is speaking happily that was all my heart and you know maybe today you walked in and you feel skeptical about that and I believe that God's gonna encourage you through his word and he's gonna reveal to you that he's not just speaking but he wants to speak to you and he is speaking to you and today we continue to talk about the subject hearing God's voice I want to welcome all of our vous friends and family who are watching by podcasts or YouTube come on aren't you thankful you're a part of a big family we love you guys we're glad that you're joining with us but if you have your Bibles why don't you turn with me sup to Psalms chapter one write a very first chapter verse one is where we're gonna begin and as you're turning there I want to remind you that last next week is actually the last Sunday of us having this conversation and rich is gonna be closing this collection as he talks about how we could hear the voice of God through painful seasons in our life that God is speaking in the midst of our pain I don't think you should miss it and I think that you should take the time to invite a friend or family member that it can make all the difference in their life it's gonna be a great week but Psalms chapter one verse one reads this it says blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of scoffers but his delight or her delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night I want to take the next few minutes to talk to you on this thought enough said enough said will you bow your heads with me to pray lord thank you so much for your spirit thank you for your word lord I just pray that as we look to your word god 'no not our word but your word that your truth would speak to our hearts open up ears to listen open up hearts to believe we want to leave here changed by the power of your spirit and it's in the name of Jesus we pray and everybody said oh come on everybody said and then well this time of year I always start thinking about New Year's resolutions how many of you kind of start thinking about it and that are you not there yet listen I want to share a secret with you when it comes to New Year's resolutions this is this is my idea okay take it or leave it but when it comes to New Year's resolutions I think the greatest key with them is to begin in November because there's not so much pressure in January you know to mean like you can start in November you can get two months under your belt and then you can feel like you're killing it by the time January rolls around and I think it's so funny the goals that we make in our life the last thing I'm thinking about right now is the gym friends I am carving it up I am eating whatever I want right now is the countdown of three weeks four days it's continuing to march down to me meaning this miracle but what I will tell you is that every single year I'm making New Year's resolution about the gym and gym memberships are funny right because there's like Anytime Fitness and to me Anytime Fitness you're already defeated once you start because it might as well be called no time Fitness like because if you don't have a specific time like we talked a couple weeks ago if you don't have a specific and how many of you know statistics show it's proven that you're probably never gonna make it there after the first few times that you visit but the funny thing about your fitness and whatever new year's resolutions that you make is it doesn't matter whether you go to the gym or not it's a fact that your health has major implications on your life that's a fact you can take it or leave it but your health is important it's important and it should be valued I think the same could be said when it comes to the Word of God that whether you open up his Word or not that this word right here has major implications in fact it has everything that you seek when it comes to the destiny that God has for your life come on if you believe that today will you put your hands together it's your choice when are you gonna actually open up this book and I think today I just want to cut straight to the chase what is the attitude that God would will for us to have towards his word and is our attitude towards his word is our perspective towards his word today pleasing to our Father in heaven how do we value it how do we view it how do we use this gift that God has given us you know Psalms chapter 1 paints this beautiful picture that we just read of a life that is led by the Word of God it says that you're blessed if you stand and you sit and you walk it paints a picture of a man or a woman who's meditating on the Word of God day and night and therefore it actually dictates where that man or woman is led they don't find themselves in dangerous situations they don't find themselves in the company of cynics they don't find themselves on the the road of laziness and complacency that that because they choose to meditate on God's Word day night that it actually dictates where their feet go and how their mouth speaks and what they do with their time this isn't just something that we read this actually creates the road for our life come on picks your hands together if you believe it but there's power in this book the Word of God positions you to be blessed but when we say the word what do we actually mean by the word because there's a lot to dig into when you say the word number one the word refers to Jesus Christ to himself in the beginning was the word the Word was with God but it says that Jesus is the Word made flesh when we say the word we know that that means Jesus but when we say the word it also means the spoken words of God that throughout history that our Father in Heaven has spoken his words and his words have created everything that we see around us some chapter 33 verse 6 says by the word of the Lord the heavens were made by the breath of his mouth all their hosts Hebrews 1 verse 3 says he's the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature and he upholds the universe by the word of his power you see God spoke this world into creation but that word that he spoke still sustains everything that we see today how many of you believe today there's power in the Word of God there's power in the spoken word of God and he speaks in a way that we actually understand the spoken word of God is also seen throughout his suit through the prophets that he chose human lips to declare heavenly words but it's not just Jesus not just the spoken word of God but thirdly when we say the word of God we're talking about the writ word of god and today that's what I want to speak to you about the written word of God the Canon the inspired scriptures and when we look at this book you may just think it's a book it's actually a compilation of books not just one it's 66 books in one written by 40 authors over the span of 1500 years and when we say the word this is the written word of God and it holds power for our every day lives we believe that the Scriptures are inspired by God we see this really confirmed when Jesus came to the earth 2,000 years ago he didn't come and dispute the Scriptures he came and affirmed them he actually quotes the scriptures he uses them to teach us and as you read the New Testament 265 times the authors of the New Testament point back to the Old Testament as divinely inspired straight from God message from heaven come on isn't that beautiful so what we read is alive and breathing and active and Jesus affirmed it when he was here that should give you some confidence the New Testament was compiled so quickly because of these letters that were immediately recognized as inspired by the Spirit of God by those who walked alongside Jesus by those who experienced the power of the Holy Spirit these were letters that change the course of history the benefits of the written word over the spoken word or that when it's written you can actually pass it down generation to generation when it's written you can actually examine it and look closely at it when it's written you can actually take it word for word and memorize it and hide it in your heart as your identity is being built through the Holy Spirit the benefit of the written word is that it reaches so many more people but as we talk about the written word of God today I want you to understand something I think in life a lot of us can quickly make conclusions about how often God speaks because we aren't actually opening up this Bible for ourselves you may have walked in with the assumption today that God doesn't speak a lot and that it's really hard to hear his voice but I want to encourage you today our God is a high communication leader as I've studied for this week I've been convicted like never before that our God is a high communication leader that he doesn't waste one opportunity to speak to us he fills us with His Holy Spirit says you're never gonna walk alone I'm gonna fill you with the same power that conquered the grave and he's gonna remind you of all the words of Jesus father God says hey I'm gonna give you my one and only Son he's gonna walk on this earth he's gonna pay the price so that the gospel is made clear and known to you father God says I'm gonna put this book in your hands so that you can open it and you're gonna read it so the Holy Spirit inside of you can illuminate these scriptures and apply them to your life didn't father God says not only am I gonna put a book in your hand I'm gonna put a community around you I'm gonna put you in a family so that you're reminded that you're loved that you're seen that the battles you face the others are facing them in your faith is enough and then he says if that's not enough all of creation will sing my glory all of creation will witness of my majesty in my glory and who you think that God's not speaking you think that he's silent he's a high communication leader he is speaking in every way possible every way possible every single moment the question is are you interested are you interested in hearing him speak to you because he wants to speak to you and he is speaking to you today I want to take the next few minutes to talk to you specifically about the written word of God there are four questions that all of us have to ask when it comes to this written word of God number one it's pen I trust it can you trust the Bible before we get to what it says well I care what it says if you don't trust it can you trust the Word of God Hebrews 6:18 just says so clearly that it's impossible for God to lie the way you have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us sixty-six books forty authors over 1500 years that it was written can I just encourage you that every question you have about the Bible has been thought before I know you're smart I know you're educated but sometimes in our generation we can think that we have new ideas that no one has ever thought before this book has been examined throughout every single generation and your questions are valid but your questions have been asked before and they have been tried and there are countless theologians today that would say while your questions are very valid there are possible reasons and answers for every single one of your questions my question to you is do you care enough to do the research to answer the questions you have about this book or are you good to go off of what your coworker says and your classmate says and your professor says and your parents say about this book or could there be truth waiting for you to discover as you simply decide to seek it out yourself oh come on can you put your hands together I'm grateful that this book has been tested I'm grateful the people have devoted their entire lives to seeking out line by line what this book holds for us your questions are important but don't just leave it at the question do the work get the answers can you trust it here you're not the first person to think those questions it's not a question in that year your thinking doesn't line up with others the question is just hey are you gonna take the time this week could you start to do some research could you look up some faithful commentaries could you do some research yourself to get the answers that you seek and as you get the answers that you seek understand yes it takes reason but this book will also always demand your faith because this book is not just about what your physical eyes can see this book speaks to so much more because there is so much more than your physical eyes can see and this book calls you to lean in to what is happening around you that the physical world is unaware of but that your Creator created you to be in tune with and sync with aware with because he has more for your life than anyone else could ever offer come on do you believe it today put your hands together if you believe it it demands your faith it demands your belief it demands you understanding that revelation comes by reading not by looking at it sitting on the side of your bed that illumination comes by you opening up the scriptures and reading them and putting them in your heart that that's when they come live as you read it the word comes alive it's inspired by God this is God's Word and over time you can read the history books so many who are critics of the Word of God critics of the authority critics of it being real as they open up this book everything changed last year the very first trip I took with Wyatt was to Royal Albert Hall in London rich and I were speaking at a conference there this beautiful historical building with churches and denominations literally from across all of Europe and around the world and I was we were looking forward to it because the person who leaves it is someone that we so admire and respect his name is Nicky Gumbel and he is the vicar there right there in the city of Lenin of Holy Trinity Brompton and Nicky Gumbel's story is beautiful because he was so critical of the Word of God and he was an avowed atheist and Nicky says that as he set in his room in Cambridge University at King's College that he opened up the Word of God to try to prove that it was false but as he started to read from the beginning of the New Testament he got halfway through and the inspired scriptures turned this atheist into exists loving Purpose Driven holy spirit filled man of God let me tell you you may never get to hear a preacher preach a sermon but this is the word you need it will change you from the inside out come on do you believe it today it's the Word of God it holds power do you value it or is that any time availability making you become familiar with it this is the most precious thing that you hold that this is God's gift to you do you value it can you trust it Nicky Gumbel went on to write the Alpha course which leads people who don't believe in God through conversations and dinner discussions to discover the love of Jesus and of our 160 countries today because God radically changed his life when he chose to open up this book what could happen today if you went home this afternoon turned your phone off and open up this book what did God speak to you what truth awaits you what revelation I want to ask you today do you trust it but secondly I want to ask you this we have to ask ourselves can I understand it because what good would it be if you trusted it but you couldn't read it and understand it some of us in this room we've already made the assumption that we can't understand the Bible that it's too tough to decipher that it's too tough to understand some people generalize that reading the Bible is too difficult and I will tell you yes there are some difficult parts in this book but for the most part it is very straightforward for the most part this book is fully waiting for you to understand and if you've never tried to read it for yourself you're missing out because this book offers you at no Podcast what no sermon what no small group what nothing else can offer you as you open it up it speaks directly to your soul and it illuminates the things in your heart and it shows the path before you do you understand it some of you're like well I don't know where to start well here's the deal God what should read all this book we should start if you're a new beginner he's starting the Gospels Matthew Mark Luke John start to read the story of Jesus turn to proverbs proverbs has a chapter for every day of the month so you could literally what day is it choose that day and just choose that you're gonna read a proverbs every single day get into the Psalms learn how to worship God the way that David did but as you gain understanding it will give you confidence to continue to dig deep and then you'll continue to stretch your capacity God wants to speak to you you can understand this book here and now the key is not to fixate on what you can't understand the key is to start reading it right now are you with me today start reading it right now there's a God's plan that only one person can open up this word and then deliver it to you absolutely not you look at the Jewish people and for generations they've been expected not just to understand the Word of God but to pass it to their children to actually understand it and comprehend it to the level that they are able to teach it and God's called us to do the same Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 through 7 says you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your might and these words that I command you today shall be on your heart you shall teach them shout out to all the parents to anyone in this room that you're called to be a mentor and to pour your life into others around you I think it would be everyone she'll teach them diligently to your children you shall talk of them when you sit in your house when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise walk sit lie rise this scripture Deuteronomy is my mom's favorite Scripture many people have asked her over the years she has seven kids what her approach to parenting is she always just points to the scripture she's like I'm just called to teach my kids the Word of God as we're on this journey of life as we walk as we sit as rely as we rise I want to be diligent to make the words of God come to life for them and all of us are called to do that but I want you to see a parallel because we opened up with Psalms chapter one it actually beautifully parallels what we just read in Deuteronomy because Psalms chapter one says blessed is the man or woman and it leads this beautiful path of how they walk of how they sit and how the company that they keep blesses God because they meditate on the Word of God day and night to me it's a beautiful outworking of being a led by someone in your life to love and honor the scriptures that Psalms talks about loving and meditating the Word of God and it will direct your path and now Deuteronomy talks about that you're called to teach others how to walk it and sit it and lie and arise talking about the Word of God so let me ask you how often are you talking about the Word of God because maybe you saw overwhelmed by it you don't understand that well you got to talk about it a little bit conversation brings clarity as you actually take the time to talk about it in everyday settings God wants to speak to you in a real way you see with my son he's getting to the age where he's very active we got him in swim lessons I need to get him in school soon he is active active active and I'm thinking about sports I'm thinking about teamwork I'm thinking about education I'm thinking about music I'm gonna tell you I'm most concerned about his biblical literacy are we thinking about these things for the next generation are we taking it seriously about what we're imparting within our homes under our roof what we're focusing on the conversations that we have because if it's going to be the foundation of your life it needs to be the conversation of your life if it's gonna be what you put your feet on it needs to be what comes out of your mouth if it's gonna be what you believe in what you stand with then why aren't we walking with it why don't we talk with it why are we lying with it and rising with it and sitting with it and eating with it come on are you with me today God's called us to make the foundation of our life the conversation of our life its convicted me because if we really believe it then we would walk it out there's so much beauty when you start discussing the scripture there's so much illumination as you start to have conversations with those around you discuss the word learn to understand it more I love what Psalms chapter 119 verse 1 through 31 30 says it says the unfolding of your words gives light it gives understanding to the simple simple isn't just an intelligence issue simple is speaking directly to the ability to discern a spiritual understanding a wisdom that is imparted from God but God's going hey even if you lacked all of that my word is exactly what you need to build that within you you need to CERN MIT for your marriage you need to CERN much for your kids you need you need to CERN what for your job or what to major in and college what to do with your finances right now like I want to illuminate to you I want to show you what to do let me tell you God is not hiding his word from you he's illuminating it God is not manipulating his word he's so straightforwardly trying to get the truth into your soul you just gotta open up this book come on can you picture hands together for a God that seeks for us to understand his word Jesus didn't shy away from scripture in his conversation he would often look at people and say have you not read have you not heard he'd look at them and say do you not know the Scriptures I think if Jesus was here right now he'd look at us and say do you not know the scriptures have you not read my truth it it's enough it's it's what you seek and the beautiful thing about the God that we serve today is that that God is not just the interpreter he's the writer so he writes the word but he interprets the Word of God through us so his written word is here but then as we open it up God also interprets it for us he makes it clear and he makes it known to us exactly what we need for every single situation in our life do you understand it that's not the only questions we have to ask the third question that you and I get to ask is how much do I need it hey hey hey how much do I need it Romans chapter 10 verse 13 says for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved how then will they call on him in whom they have not believed and how are they to believe in him of who they've never heard and how are they to hear without someone preaching and how are they to preach unless they are sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news but they have not all obeyed the gospel for Isaiah says Lord who has believed what he has heard from us so faith comes from hearing and hearing through the Word of God let me tell you how much you need it your life is not exactly where it needs to be your marriage is not exactly where it needs to be your children they're not exactly where they need to be your thought process not exactly where it needs to be your discernment and your wisdom not exactly where it needs to be your discipline not exactly where it needs to be your compassion and empathy not exactly where it needs to be your faithfulness not exactly where it needs to be your integrity not exactly where it needs to be this is not bad news this is just the truth of who we are we are broken people and we need a better way we are desperate for a better path than what the world and the voices outside offer us because they just offer us pretty brokenness wrapped up some more they just put a bow on their brokenness they just put a mask on their brokenness but you need the Word of God because it is healing and power to your soul it's a lamp to your feet it's a light to your path it shows you a better way how much do you need it I don't need to be reminded of how broken I am but sometimes life gets so busy and loud then I have got the one thing that is available to me is a resource at any given moment of the day how much do you need the Word of God you and I are desperate for a broken way up for a better way you see God's Word it feeds your soul and when it comes to you deciding whether you need it well as you seek to need it but the one thing that you will discover is that God's Way will nourish you God's Way will nourish your soul oh that's good news we can put our hands together I love it it's some of you walk in and you look beautiful on the outside but you're so dehydrated and malnourished I'm at a point in my life where when I'm hungry I gotta eat right then I can have a bad day just based off of me not eating the right food and you know my son Wyatt he's not too far off from where I am he has a little less self-control than me and so when he's hungry I just hear this eat eat and he will say that word again and again until someone brings him some food it's what we know as being hangry some of you got the right bank account got the right relationship got the right job from the outside everybody thinks that you've got it going on but you're hangry you're frustrated with life you're dehydrated you're fidgety your energy has been sapped you feel like you're on an emotional roller coaster can I tell you you're hangry because you're hungry for the Word of God because this will nourish your soul this will fill the void in your life this will fill your spirit so that you can sleep at night so that you can dream again oh come on do you believe there's power in the Word of God his word is waiting to nourish your soul waiting to speak to you waiting to fill you Jesus when he was tempted he replied to the enemy this way in Matthew chapter 4 for he answered it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God people speak of God's Word nourishing them because they found that God's word has strengthened them to walk out their god-given purpose and only God's Word will fill the hunger pains of your soul you need God's Word because it will nourish you but it just won't nourish you but God's Way will direct you Deuteronomy 29:29 says the secret things belong to the Lord our God but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever that we may do all the words of this law so there are things that are revealed to us and our children forever so that we can obey God why are we focusing on what we don't know when there's enough set in this book for every single thing that we need today God has revealed his truth to us when it comes to the will of God there's the general will of God and a specific will of God this book holds both for you there's a general will of God that all of us are called to walk out that the fruits of the spirit are to be developed in our life that we're to be led by the spirit that we're to carry the message of Jesus with us you discover the general will of God but what I've found in my life is when I'm overwhelmed with the decisions that I have when it comes to the specific will of God often if I'll just focus on the general will of God and start to obey and walk it out the specific comes very clearly and let me tell you God's word once to guide and direct you he has revealed himself in this scripture do you need it do you actually believe that you need it I need God's will not my will I need God's design not my design I need his plans not my plan you see if God's Word is our foundation then we'll create the right conversation but then his word creates elevation because he gives us a new way of seeing our life and he shows us his plan not our plan I don't care how grand your plans are for your life God's plans are better I don't care how low your self-esteem is and how you don't believe that you're worthy of doing anything great for God this book can breathe new life into your soul it can reinvigorate you it can create your identity from the inside out do you believe that you need it because lastly today the fourth question that we have to ask when it comes to the Word of God is is it enough and I know that I know that God's Word is enough my question is isn't enough for you is it enough for your relationships this is enough for your future for your broken heart for the questions that you have in your mind I know that his word is enough do you know that it's enough because if you don't believe it's enough you're just gonna treat God's Word kind of like like a side on your plate of life it's kind of like God like here yeah that's some good green beans this is some good macaroni and cheese god that's good yeah I know that I need it but I kind of need it like a side so we start to elevate things to the same level as the Word of God it's just Jesus plus crystals it's just Jesus plus positive self-talk it's just Jesus plus psychics it's just Jesus plus you fill in the blank doesn't just have to be things that are full of darkness it can be good things that you elevate above the Word of God Jesus is a side but really my life is all about my family and my marriage and our plans Jesus His Word helps me so much because my main my main plate is this is this dream I'm building in this business that I've created Jesus is a great side because it speaks life into into my career path and we've got him as a side but friend that that's not where this book sits it's it's his word and his word alone it's got to be enough my question for you today is do you actually believe that it's enough second Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 says this all scriptures breathed out by God profitable for teaching for reproof for correction for training in righteousness that the man of God may be complete equipped for every single good work that this book equips you for every single good work have you ever lost a manual to something that you really needed to fix and you had to search for the manual once you found the manual we were able to target the issue you're able to fix the issue and you felt so accomplished with yourself because you did it some of us in our life were like God's called me this but I don't know how to do it the scripture says that this will equip you for every good work well Tom Cherie it doesn't fit within my callings kind of specific does it fit within every because it says every good work so whatever you're called to this book will equip you whatever it is that God's called you to walk out this book will teach you how to take every single step how to dream it how to plan it how to prepare it how to execute it how to celebrate it and how to do it all over again come on do you believe it today God's called us but he's also equipping us every good work every good work you can be seated almost done I just want to talk to you like family today because that's what we are how kind of God to compile all of his truth in one book then you don't have to go seek it out that you don't have to get on a plane and go to some special place to get one more page of this book but he's actually been so thoughtful to you and I to compile 66 books of his inspired Word so that you can have it all within your hand so that you don't have to go down the street to the library so you don't have to go speak to a specific person so you don't have to wish that you could have talked to him or known that how kind of God do you believe that it is enough do you believe that it's enough because it's here for you it's your choice to value it I've walked through so many struggles in my life and I found that God's Word has established things in my life that no one else's voice ever could the scriptures that I'd read a million times and that I've heard other people talk about would actually open up my Bible for myself it's like they left off the page and they implanted themselves so deep in my sphere and I had to take out my journal I had to write it down I had to say what it meant to me and I didn't just remember it for one season it was hidden in my heart for the rest of the journey I carry these scriptures there living their breathing and they're waiting to speak to you whether it was moving to a city where I didn't know anybody or trying to find my identity or my purpose walking through infertility learning to be married going through struggles jumping off the cliff of planting a church and not knowing what every step was gonna be it's been his word that it sustained me it's been his word and as I look back the only regret I have is that I wouldn't have dug in more but I have the future and I have now and I'm more aware than ever before that this is enough they don't need any supplement then I don't need any other resources yes it's great get your education have your Minter's that's all beautiful but you gotta know that this is the thing you need above everything else will you open it up and find what is waiting for you Psalms 119 verse 165 says great peace have those who love your law nothing can make them stumble some of you keep stumbling you keep falling and you're down on yourself and you're like I just don't have the discipline I just don't have the emotional control I'm on a rail I'm on a rollercoaster of life you know it great peace have they that love God's law nothing can make them stumble another translation says nothing can offend them isn't that beautiful that is word is a protection for you that his word secures you that is word sustains you this word changes you from the inside out it's enough for every single thing that you face as we close I just want to encourage you today you already hold the answer my great-grandmother lived in the south and she was in extreme poverty she spoke Frank she had 13 kids she was illiterate and the only thing she owned was the property underneath her home and one day businessman came and they said we want to buy your home ma'am grandma actually what about your home ma'am we're gonna give you this money now my grandmother was desperate for the money she needed that little check that they were gonna pay her for her home in her land but what she didn't understand is that there was a resource of oil beneath her feet that was more than she could have ever dreamed everything that she needed for her 13 kids and for every generation to come was under her feet she just didn't know it it already belonged to her and so her temporary need outweighed her knowledge of the future and so they gave her a check and she was able to meet the needs of her family for a short period of time not knowing that she had sacrificed a generational supply for a temporary supply she already had enough some of you today you sit in your chair you feel like you don't have enough but God's going enough said you don't need a new word enough said I'm speaking so clearly there's 66 books of truth and promise for you enough said open it up eat from it fill your belly from it fill your heart from it don't sacrifice don't sell the destiny of God for a temporary need in your life when he's going this word will sustain you for generations not where does a lamp to your feet a light to your path enough said I will hide your word in my heart that I might not sin against God enough said my heart is firm my soul is secure enough said come on if you believe it today put your hands together for the God that we serve let's give them praise you're surrounded by the promises of God declare it today
Channel: VOUS Church
Views: 23,105
Rating: 4.9380803 out of 5
Keywords: vous, vous church, rich wilkerson jr, sermon, miami, faith, church, rejection, evangelism, people, love, 2019, dawnchere, DC, dawnchere wilkerson, vous girl, brick by brick, sunday, rich, hearing God's voice, God, Voice, God's voice, enough said
Id: goUi6WfzAYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 8sec (2708 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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